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Newton's third law is not something which students easily accept. This is largely due to the widespread notion that the force exerted by a moving body is directly related to the speed or to the mass of the body (or to both) and not to the nature of any interaction in which that body might be involved. The aim of the paper is to identify some of the issues upon which debate took place over the phenomenon of impact in the early 18th Century. This is achieved by studying a number of the popular textbooks and commentaries on mechanics which were published at that time. Some implications for teaching Newtonian mechanics are outlined. Specializations: physics education, concept development, history and philosophy of science in science teaching.  相似文献   

在非惯性参考系中,讨论了牛顿第三定律是否成立的问题,提出了牛顿第三定律与参考系无关的结论  相似文献   

1教材分析牛顿的三个定律是经典力学的基础,也是整个力学的核心内容。牛顿第一、二定律的研究对象是单个的受力物体,只能解决一个物体的受力与运动之间的关系。而自然界中的物体都是相互联系、相互影响、相互作用的。反映物体间相互作用规律的“牛顿第三定律”,是把一个物体受到的力与其它物体受到的力联系起来的桥梁,它独立地反映了力学规律的另一侧面。因此它是对牛顿第一、二定律最有效的补充,学好这部分知识是学生能正确对物体进行受力分析的基础。2教学目标2.1知识目标(1)了解物体之间的作用总是相互的。(2)掌握牛顿第三定律的内容及其…  相似文献   

Gauld  C. 《Science & Education》1998,7(1):49-67
The similarity between the ideas of young people today and those of early scientists suggests that a study of historical change might be a fruitful source of information for improving the teaching of scientific concepts. This paper examines the use of Newton's third law in helping to understand impact phenomena in the 17th and 18th centuries with a view to gaining ideas to help in teaching Newton's third law. Implications relate to the elaboration of pupils' ideas along the lines of the early scientific understanding, the use of bifilar pendulums in demonstrating impact phenomena, the need for care in differentiating distinct concepts from one another and labelling them appropriately, and the value of a detailed examination of the stages of collisions as they take place.  相似文献   

Gauld  C. 《Science & Education》1998,7(2):159-172
It has been claimed that conceptual change in students is more likely to occur if the alternative to present conceptions is a plausible one for the students. Many studies have shown that students today do not believe Newton's law of action and reaction and in this paper ways in which its plausibility might be enhanced are explored. In it the various justifications of the law by means of which Newton and those who came after him attempted to make it more plausible for their contemporaries are discussed.  相似文献   

牛顿运动定律的历史追问与现实教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对牛顿运动定律确立过程的历史追问,探索科学定律的确立过程与现实教学的关系。  相似文献   

教材中研究牛顿第二定律的演示实验,会有难以避免的系统误差,如果实验者不注意实验条件的把握,往往使得实验数据与预期的结果差异太大。笔者改进了实验设计,显著地减少了系统误差,实验精度大大提高,获得了比较理想的实验结果。  相似文献   

教材中研究牛顿第二定律的演示实验,会有难以避免的系统误差,如果实验者不注意实验条件的把握,往往使得实验数据与预期的结果差异太大.笔者改进了实验设计,显著地减少了系统误差,实验精度大大提高,获得了比较理想的实验结果.  相似文献   

通过对牛顿引力平方反比定律发现历程的分析和研究,凸显出科学三阶段认识规律、分析与综合的方法在科学发现中的重要性以及重大科学发现需要众多科学家长期共同努力的规律,以期对我们今天的科学研究、教学研究有所启示.  相似文献   

可分离变量的一阶微分方程是一类特殊的一阶微分方程,它在实际中有着广泛的用途。通过两个案例的阐述讨论了牛顿冷却定律在可分离变量微分方程中的应用,让学生感受所学数学知识的实用价值。  相似文献   

行星在太阳的作用下沿椭圆轨道运动,且行星对太阳的角动量保持不变。因此,行星总在一个平面内运动,它的轨道是一个平面椭圆轨道。行星运动周期T的平方与其椭圆轨道半长轴a的立方之比为常量,即T^2=ka^3。  相似文献   

牛顿发现万有引力定律有一个复杂、长期的演变过程.而不是那种广为流传的牛顿看到“苹果落地”就发现了万有引力定律.把牛顿的创作过程呈现给学生,让他们体验到科学发展过程的艰辛,从而形成正确的科学态度和科学精神.  相似文献   

近年来研究性教学模式在各学科教学中已经越来越受到关注,在历史教学中更是如此。而如何进行历史研究性教学就成了人们不断探讨和研究的课题,本文从树立新的历史教学观,采用适合历史研究性教学的新方法及设计研究性教案与学案三个方面进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to analyse the development of adult literacy education in Turkey in a historical and political context. The development of adult literacy education is studied in three different historical periods. To spread literacy and create novel institutions, although these institutions were closed later, played a critical role in the formation of modern Turkey. During the whole history of modern Turkey, five great mass literacy campaigns were organised. After this period of construction, later in the period of rapid social change adult literacy education was institutionalised as non‐formal education within Ministry of National Education and literacy education was defined as a public service. Literacy education still continues to be a public service during the neo liberal transformation period. Today illiteracy is still an important problem. Because of the regional, class and gender inequalities in education, illiteracy turned into being a chronic and structural problem. Therefore the solution of the problem necessitates positive action politics and more support.  相似文献   

2011年8月12日,最高人民法院颁布了《最高人民法院关于适用〈中华人民共和国婚姻法〉若干问题的解释(三)》,简称《婚姻法司法解释三》,引发了社会各界的广泛关注。其中夫妻婚前、婚后财产的归属问题,更是触及到了社会公众的敏感神经,备受社会各界的热议。现对《婚姻法》的历史沿革进行了简要阐述,着重对《婚姻法司法解释三》的热点、亮点问题进行解析。  相似文献   

如何能让学生在一个真实有效的情境中熟练地用英语进行交流,使学生对英语学习产生兴趣、自主主动地学习成为我们要研究的问题。本文笔者对抛锚式教学法进行了解析,并探讨了在英语情境教学中抛锚式教学法的应用。  相似文献   

在高中物理教学中,猜想与假设是在证据不足的情况下,学生尝试依据有限的线索、条件和知识经验,充分发挥直觉、想象等思维,运用科学的方法,对发现的问题提出创造性的解释或推测.通过猜想与假设训练.可以使学生获得科学的探究方法,进而在教学中全面有效地开展探究学习活动,转变学生的学习方式,培养学生的科学探宄能力.  相似文献   

本文对牛顿万有引力定律提出了一种非繁曼几何的相对论修正公式,进而用它推算出了行星近日点进动、引力红移、光线偏折和雷达回波延迟等引力效应,结果与广义相对论和实际观测相符。最后:给出了与修正引力相对应的弯曲时空的度规:表明这一度规没有史瓦西奇性。  相似文献   

语境长期以来是语用学及其他语言使用研究领域的重要概念。回顾在不同领域关于语言与语境之间的关系所做出的研究,可以发现动态地理解语境对于话语的理解起至关重要的作用。而在日常的英语教学中,有意识的引导学生对语境进行了解,可以有助于他们对于无论是文本语言还是话语语言都能更好地理解。  相似文献   

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