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Working in a country where the work culture is unknown to you—Oman in the Middle East—you are faced with yourself. What you need is a profound knowledge of the cultural, social and educational surroundings you are working in, which I did not have. Coming from a working‐class background, I was not unfamiliar with adjusting to cultural differences, but here I was the ‘advantaged’. I was the ‘expert’, with western knowledge: highly valued by some, feared by others. Living up to your expert role in unknown territory is a daunting process, as this article highlights.  相似文献   

生活中,有时强烈的思念使我们恨不得一把将所爱的人从梦中带走,实实在在地拥抱他们。做自己想做的梦吧,去自己想去的地方吧。做自己想做的人吧。生命只有一次,机会只有一回。  相似文献   

Great teachers understand the fundamental difference between motivation and inspiration: motivation is self-focused and inspiration is other focused. Exceptional teachers guide students to greatness by inspiring them to discover where their talents and passions intersect. For today's besieged classroom teacher, the desire to motivate students often springs from a place of self-concern: "I want to change your behavior with a reward or incentive so that, if you meet the targets or goals I set for you, this will help me meet my own needs and goals." Students are highly motivated to perform when they first come to school. The question is not "how can students be motivated?" but rather, "how can educators be deterred from diminishing—even destroying—student motivation and morale through their policies and practices?"  相似文献   

to state the theme that"sometimes,things change and they are never the same again,this looks like one of those times.That's life,Life move on,and so should we"Dr Spencer Johnson depict a story about change in a maze where four amusing characters look for"cheese"—cheese being a metaphor for what we want to have in life,whether it is a job,a relationship,money,a big house,freedom,health,recognition spiritual peace,or even an activity like jogging or golf.Each of us has our own idea of what cheese is,and we pursue it because we believe it makes us happy.If we get it,we often become attached to it.And if we lose it,or it’s taken away,it can be traumatic The maze in the story represents where you spend time looking for what you want.It can be the organization you work in,the community you live in,or the relationship you have in your life.  相似文献   

This interesting book, addressed to school teachers and technology leaders, aims to build awareness of what are inappropriate behaviours in technology use and why they are potentially dangerous. Digital citizenship—the application of norms for productive and appropriate technology use—is relevant to all in our technology‐rich society, and should be an integral part of technology education. If this book is likely to be relevant to you, I recommend you borrow a copy. Giuliana Dettori  相似文献   

家是一个让人放松的地方.一个让人放下一切、展示真实自我的地方。因此,无论走到哪里,家都是一个你想回的地方。因此,基本上所有的人都非常渴望拥有一个家。对于大多数美国人来说.家最重要的应该是舒适。  相似文献   

If you were to visit Jiangxi today, you will see encouraging and elating things everywhere you go. Among the green hills and emerald waters, school buildings and student dormitories are rising from the ground in profusion, and many primary schools and secondary schools—especially ones in the countryside—are moving from their old locations in dilapidated monasteries and shrines into brand new buildings and classrooms. That "the nicest and newest places today are the schools" has become an undebatable reality.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to contribute to the discussion on education in Palestinian/Bedouin society in the Negev in Israel and it proposes the narrative of female trainee teachers as the basis of an analysis of the changing status of Bedouin women and their community. The academic discourse on teaching in Bedouin society ignores the potential existence of an alternative discussion outside the dichotomous area of ‘traditional and modern’ and/or ‘Jewish and Bedouin’. Bedouin society in the Negev constitutes a particularly interesting case for a meaningful study of the perception of teaching, chiefly because education has already become a significant practice in the life of a community that seeks integration into Israeli society. The teaching profession gives Bedouin women from the Negev a relatively new opportunity to integrate into education and employment and by so doing they reconstruct a new educational discourse.
Il’il: When we were little, we used to laugh about me—hmm—a teacher. Me with pupils, and I’d teach them, like the teacher who used to teach us, with a little board, and I write for them and they are my pupils, as it were, and I give them tests and all sorts. And I love the profession very, very much because I love the pupils…

Nura: I loved learning but this isn’t the profession that I want to study—to be a teacher … You can help someone in this profession. I see myself going in that direction … First of all, you have to give, to impart something to the children in front of you, who have come to learn. You have to give to these children, to be conscientious. You don’t just come. You haven’t chosen the profession because you wanted to, but you have to cope with it.  相似文献   

I cannot leave this great and good country, without expressing my sense of its pre-eminence of character among the nations of the earth. A more benevolent people I have never known, nor greater warmth and devotedness in their select friendships. Their kindness and accommodation to strangers is unparalleled, and the hospitality of Paris is beyond anything I had conceived to be practicable in a large city. Their eminence, too, in science, the communicative dispositions of their scientific men, the politeness of the general manners, the ease and vivacity of their conversation, give a charm to their society, to be found nowhere else. In a comparison of this, with other countries, we have the proof of primacy, which was given to Themistocles, after the battle of Salamis. Every general voted to himself the first reward of valor, and the second to Themistocles. So, ask the traveled inhabitant of any nation, in what country on earth would you rather live?—Certainly, in my own, where are all my friends, my relatives and the earliest and sweetest affections and recollections of my life.—Which would be your second choice? — France.  相似文献   

Visible learning for teachers, written for both new and experienced teachers, discusses data derived from 1000 meta‐analyses of the effectiveness of over 150 different procedures used in teaching. Most of the findings are considered under six main headings: Preparing the classroom; Starting the lesson; The flow of the lesson—learning; The flow of the lesson—feedback; and The end of the lesson. If the content of this book is likely to be relevant to you, I recommend you arrange to borrow a copy. James Hartley  相似文献   

This book looks at how key areas of education are currently being revised all over the world—thus leading the reader to understand the new paradigms of the early 21st century. It is a welcome volume that is a must for those genuinely interested in observing how education evolves internationally. If the content of this book could be relevant to you, I recommend that you arrange to borrow a copy for a while in order to decide. Jesús García Laborda  相似文献   

准备一个笔记本,记下你的开销,这样你就能清楚地知道你的零用钱用在哪儿了。在你花钱购物之前,再仔细考虑一次。认真对待每一笔小花销,每买一回东西,你宝贵的存钱就会减少一点。看到你喜欢的东西时,不要立即购买。再等一两天,这样你能好好考虑一下你是不是真的需要这个东西。你可以把花在小玩具上的钱存起来留到以后购买一个大一点的玩具。如果你确实需要那个新玩具或书包等物品,那么看看能不能在打折的时候以更便宜的价格买到,或者你甚至可以考虑买一个二手货。  相似文献   

R. E. A. FORUM     
The members of the Editorial Staff and Committee invite the readers of Religious Education to participate in the Forum. Let us know what you think about the articles appearing in the journal. If you feel we are over‐emphasising some fields and under‐emphasising others — tell us. If you feel that we are failing to get at some of the things we should be handling, discuss them through this section of the journal. We will welcome your cooperation and participation.  相似文献   

This book is largely about how people connect with each other and with digital technologies, and how this affects their learning. It reviews existing literature on networked learning and describes the role of universities and academics in that approach. Jones's book targets anyone interested in learning technology, and— if you are in that group—I recommend that you borrow a copy for a while. Mohammad Ali Salmani Nodoushan  相似文献   

如果你是个渴望变得卓越出众的人,现在你应该已经发现周围总有些人嫉妒甚至憎恨你的成就了吧。 无论你为了今天的自己付出过多少努力,为了自己的目标做出过多大的牺牲,那些“恨”你的人总会找出各种理由来批评指责你。  相似文献   

Have you ever heard comments such as “In this program we focus on learning —not playing” or “Is this a day care program where children learn or play?” At a time when the importance of early life experiences has gained public attention, there is the temptation to overlook or at least misunderstand the value and importance of play.  相似文献   

The members of the Editorial Staff and Committee invite the readers of Religious Education to participate in the Forum. Let us know what you think about the articles appearing in the journal. If you feel we are over‐emphasizing some fields and under‐emphasizing others — tell us. If you feel that we are failing to get at some of the things we should be handling, discuss them through this section of the journal. We will welcome your cooperation and participation.  相似文献   

This book contains twenty chapters on academic and professional publishing. Some of the content areas are concerned with academic writing—such as those on plagiarism and peer review. Others discuss the effects of new technology on publishing texts and journals, while yet others focus more specifically on publishing practices, business models, sales and finances. If any of those aspects of this book is likely to be relevant to you, I advise that you will probably find only parts of it of interest or use. James Hartley  相似文献   

Conclusion As you conduct your research, you will undoubtedly suffer from the perennial condition of all graduate students—constant, paralyzing guilt. When you are not working on your research, you are agonizing because you should be. Unfortunately, guilt also keeps you from doing many other things, like cleaning house or simply relaxing. The good news is that guilt usually disappears within a year after you take that final walk across the stage and shake the dean’s hand. The cure is painful, but worth it. We have presented some ideas that worked for us, in hopes that they will work for you. Perhaps these ideas will cause you to consider a factor that you may not have considered before. Perhaps some small suggestion will provide you with a solution to a nagging problem, or simply remind you that some of your frustrations are a natural part of the dissertation or thesis process. For additional information on this topic seeHow to Complete and Survive a Doctoral Dissertaion, by David Stemberg. The chapters on “The Unfolding Dissertation: Diplomatic Relations with your Committee” and “Down in the Dissertation Dumps: How to Get Out” may be especially useful.  相似文献   

Knowing about the axiomatic aspects of mathematics, Wittgenstein asked the more fundamental question: ‘But then what does the peculiar inexorability of mathematics consist in?’. He answers the question partially by saying: ‘Then do you want to say that “being true” means: being usable (or useful)? — No, not that; but that it can't be said of the series of natural numbers — any more than of our language —that it is true, but: that it is usable, and, above all, it is used’. Here it will be demonstrated that there is another aspect ‘to be said of the series of natural numbers’, besides the mere fact that they are used or usable, namely a biological one, as has been suggested, though not explicated, by Piaget.  相似文献   

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