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运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、录像研究法对篮球竞赛中运动负荷的特点进行分析,并根据负荷特点、运动形式对运动员的体能训练进行针对性研究。具体结果如下:1.篮球竞赛中运动员主要以快速、短时的爆发式运动为主,"大、中、小"运动强度兼而有之,互相交织,且以中、大负荷强度为主,具有短时、间歇性的特点;2.力量、爆发力、协调性是篮球运动员的首要体能要素;3.阶梯式极限强度法、极端用力法、静力性练习法等可以高效地提高运动员力量素质,短距离启动跑、折返跑等结合力量练习可以快速提高篮球运动员的速度素质,发展篮球运动员的有氧耐力应遵循一般耐力与专项耐力相结合的原则。  相似文献   

“教学做合一”育人模式是内江师范学院在秉承陶行知教育思想、积淀厚重历史底蕴的基础上,围绕怎样培养人的育人思路,不断实践和创新出来的一种人才培养模式。该模式蕴含丰富的内涵,在管理学原理教学中,教师以提高教学质量为核心在做中教,学生以提高学习效果为目的在做中学,取得了较为明显的育人成效。  相似文献   

“三亲”(亲历、亲见、亲闻)史料是指历史事件亲历者、见证者口述或撰写的亲身经历和见闻的史料,它的特点主要有:史料性、三亲性、统战性、文学性、收藏性。“三亲”史料的撰编过程中,选题要体现“影响力、推动力、史料价值潜力”,撰稿要坚持“真实、翔实、平实”,编纂要力求“把篇幅留给史料、把评论让给读者、把精神传给后人”,“三亲”史料具有“存史、资政、团结、育人”的社会功能。  相似文献   

海南作为我国南部边陲,由于地理位置和历史等原因,农村教育相对滞后。文章在查阅大量资料和实地调研基础上,从农村教育观念、农村教育培养目标、农村教育课程和农村教师队伍结构等方面,对海南农村教育存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了相应改进措施。  相似文献   

人才是提效之根、强企之本、发展之源、和谐之水。城西供电分公司积极践行国网公司"四个创新""五个结合"的人才培养理念,以能力建设为核心,以培养高层次人才和创新型人才为重点,通过开展职业生涯规划,制定技能人才培养规划;推行技能导师制度,选拔优秀专家担任技能导师,通过"师带徒"一对一的强化训练,有针对性地滚动开展固强补弱培训;以技能竞赛和技术比武活动检验技能人员培养成效,助推技能人员快速成长。进而打造一支能够肩负历史使命、勇于承担社会责任的"政治强、业务精、纪律严、作风正"的高素质技能人才队伍。为公司发展提供人才支持,实现员工与企业共同发展。  相似文献   

基于中学英语新课程改革和中学英语教师专业发展的实际需求,在培训实践中提出了以"参与性"、"合作性"、"活动性"和"针对性"为主要特色的培训模式。文中将分别讨论该模式的理论依据、时代背景、培训操作及实践价值。  相似文献   

The theory, research, and validated application literatures show that systems concepts have been part of the field for more than 50 years. Relevant practices, including use of a validated systems model, specific process improvement and management technology, and organization performance improvement technology, were first developed during the 1960s and 1970s. ISPI Certification Standards were developed in that historical context and require exemplary work in the field to take a systems view to achieve value‐adding results.  相似文献   

工学博士培养模式是影响工学博士培养质量的重要因素。工学博士培养模式经历了由学术型人才培养为主向多主体参与的应用型人才培养的动态变迁过程。从历史制度主义视角分析,宏观教育管理、经济和科技等体制变革从制度环境层面影响工学博士培养模式变迁;工学博士培养模式变迁中存在两个关键节点,分别形成了学术型和应用型两种人才培养模式。但由于理念先在性、体制锁定和自我强化机制等因素影响使应用型人才培养模式实现受阻。基于此,工学博士培养模式的未来改革应从优化外部体制环境,突破理念桎梏、探索建立工学博士分类培养体系及建立分类学位授予标准体系等方面入手,同时要完善相关配套保障体系。  相似文献   

在教育备受重视的今天,非常尴尬的事实是我们的教育体制难以培养出大师级人才,这引起了社会各界的高度重视。从历史的角度看,民国时期我国曾经涌现一批大师级人才,在他们的成长历程中也有一定的规律。例如,综合能力的培养、外语水平的提高、学术师承等规律和因素对他们的成才有着非常重要作用。因此,借鉴这些有意义的经验可以为当今的人才培养服务。  相似文献   

辅导员职业培训是辅导员专业化和职业化建设的重要途径。辅导员职业培训作为一种人力资源开发活动,应以人为本,坚持专业化、职业化的发展方向,应在转变培训观念,健全培训体系,丰富培训内容与手段,注重培训实效等方面进一步改进。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The use of games in corporate training began in the 1950s. In subsequent years the use of games has increased, while the look and feel of the games being used has evolved. Unfortunately, very little research regarding the effectiveness of games as a training tool has been conducted; and, the research conducted often yields conflicting results. The purpose of this paper is to provide guidelines for the selection, use and evaluation of games in business training. A brief historical overview of the use of games in training, including the perceived benefits and concerns regarding their use, addresses the need for guidelines for selection, use and evaluation of games in training. The guidelines were developed using adult learning theory and transfer of learning theories as a foundation. The potential uses and utility of the guidelines are followed by a concluding section as to how they can be applied to selection, usage and evaluation of games in training.  相似文献   

习近平新时代青年培养观与建国初期中共青年培养思想及青年培养工作的历史实践一脉相承,两者有着清晰的历史逻辑关系,后者为前者奠定了理论和历史基础。系统地梳理和总结建国初期我们党领导青年培养工作的历史实践及基本经验,对于我们用历史思维深刻理解习近平关于新时代青年培养的相关论述,进一步做好培育时代新人的工作大有裨益。  相似文献   

In French universities, only one out of two students is successful in his/her first year. The change of the working rhythm and the importance of self-regulated learning (relying on metacognition) can to a large extent explain these dramatic rates. Metacognition, as the process of being aware of one’s own cognition and activity implies awareness and consciousness. Nowadays, its improvement has only been achieved through the training of monitoring for a specific task. Regarding awareness, techniques like meditation and relaxation (attentional practices or APs) lead to its general development. Therefore, we investigated the possible improvement of metacognition thanks to AP. We conducted a longitudinal study with two groups of students: one group took a training programme in autogenic training (an AP), and the second one received no training in awareness or metacognition. We found out that metacognition could be improved thanks to an AP. This approach could therefore be used as a global metacognitive remediation for students.  相似文献   

对口支援少数民族地区建设,缩小东西部地区的发展差距,是我国实现共同富裕的重要历史任务。针对新疆伊犁州职业教育发展的实际,江苏省科学规划、精准施策与协同推进了对口职业教育援疆长效机制的构建,通过强化对口支援的顶层设计、强化示范辐射的院校对口帮扶、强化基础能力建设的帮扶提升、强化教育干部人才的结对帮扶、强化“输血”与“造血”并重的师资队伍培养等重要措施,助推伊犁职业教育的健康快速发展,为职业教育对口援疆提供了典型范例。  相似文献   

The Finnish education system has received much international attention because Finnish pupils have attained leading positions in the PISA studies. There are both historical and societal reasons for this, but the success is also a clear consequence of school reform and projects to develop school teaching. Following a historical overview, this essay will present the concrete reform initiatives at the educational system level (introduction of community schools) and at subject level (work on the curriculum, mathematics and natural science lessons, promotion of reading competencies, synergy effects and teacher training). The article will conclude with considerations for the future of the Finnish education system.  相似文献   

Adults over the age of 65 are the fastest growing segment of computer users. Due to this increased demand, effective training programs are essential. Although previous research findings illustrate the importance of older adults’ goals, abilities, and experience levels in learning to use computers, these factors are often neglected in the development of computer training courses. We apply a systems approach to help bridge this gap between research and practice to address the disparity between what older adults would like to learn and the content of computer training courses. We review the literature on training older adults to use computers and report data from a set of structured interviews to illustrate the criticality of each step in the systems approach. Lastly, we provide the means to evaluate existing computer training programs and suggest modifications for improvement. Our purpose is not to evaluate specific programs, but to educate developers about an approach that has proven successful. Specifically, we provide suggestions for effective computer training for older adults.  相似文献   

针对语文学科独立进行口语交际训练存在的形式单调、缺乏生趣、效果不明显等弊端。认为学科联姻是高中口语交际训练的一种途径。提出了汉英互译、评述历史、时速辩论、模拟导游、数理诗词、实验叙事等训练高中学生口语交际的能力具体方法.从而也使口语交际成为全校教师共同的事业。  相似文献   

何兹全先生的《历史学的突破、创新和普及》一书 ,内容丰富 ,理性与激情相融合 ,在关于马克思主义唯物史观、世界史与中国史、历史学的提高与普及等问题上 ,提出了许多重要的认识 ,值得认真参考  相似文献   

Conclusion The Strategic Impact Model is distinctive in its portrayal of the integration of instructional and non-instructional interventions and its suggestion that all performance interventions undergo an analysis-design-development-production cycle, just as instruction does. It also differs from other similar models in its use of evaluative activities at each stage to assure alignment with strategic needs as well as quality control, and its suggestions for improving the chances of successful implementation by carrying out change management activities at each phase of the development process. He has special interests in distance education, historical and philosophical foundations of instructional technology and instructional development processes. He has special interests in planning and evaluating performance improvement initiatives, including training. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

This article provides a historical overview of industrial–organizational (I‐O) psychology and its relationship to the field of performance improvement (PI). I‐O's history is initially described within the context of the broad science of psychology. Key points of intersection between I‐O and PI are identified, including the behaviorist movement and I‐O psychologist Dr. Thomas F. Gilbert. The article then briefly reviews the typical training for doctoral and master's‐level I‐O students and concludes with observations regarding the field of PI from the viewpoint of an I‐O psychologist.  相似文献   

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