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Mihyeon Kim 《Roeper Review》2013,35(4):252-262
The intent of this study was to present information about high-achieving students' career decision making associated with thinking styles. We gathered data from two International Baccalaureate (IB) programs and a Governor's School Program with a sample of 209 high-school students. The findings of this study demonstrated that the effect of program on the different thinking styles was statistically significant. The findings showed that external thinking style was a good predictor for choosing social science areas as future careers. However, students with higher external thinking styles chose computer and math areas 73% less often than students with lower external thinking styles. In addition, the findings demonstrated that high-school students attending a program with an academic focus on liberal arts tended to be more people oriented and outgoing and valued sharing ideas with others as opposed to students in a program with an academic focus on science and technology. Finally, students attending a program with an academic focus on liberal arts tended to be more systematic and set priorities more often than students in a program with an academic focus on science and technology.  相似文献   

Limited information on the actual and preferred career counseling and career testing activities of school counselors exists. An analysis of a statewide school counselors' survey revealed career counseling and testing preferences, priorities and predictors. Results revealed counselors preferred trait/factor approaches to career counseling, including Holland's RIASEC theory, Person-Environment-Correspondence theory and Cognitive Information Processing theory, respectively. With respect to career counseling and career testing priorities, means comparisons indicated that elementary, middle, and high school counselors' actual time performing career counseling duties is minimal; however, they desire to spend significantly more time on career counseling and testing. Multiple regressions revealed important predictor variables for actual and ideal time spent on career counseling and career testing. Limitations and recommendations for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

幼儿园价值观领导的意蕴、过程与实现方式   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
幼儿园文化管理的核心是幼儿园价值观领导.幼儿园价值观领导指园长运用共享价值观念激励、团结和教育幼儿园教师,促进幼儿园每一位教师与利益相关者的价值认同与整个幼儿园的价值团结,帮助其树立正确的价值信念,从而实现幼儿园办园目的的过程.幼儿园价值观领导具有导向力、凝聚力、感染力、约束力、推动力.价值观领导过程分为幼儿园价值观的注入与认同、幼儿园共享价值观的形成与强化、幼儿园共享价值观的实践三个阶段.实现幼儿园价值观领导的方式包括制度渗透与思想宣传、奖励和惩罚以及教育培训等.  相似文献   

这是一项教育人类学的个案研究。讲述了西双版纳一所乡镇中学里一个原本学习成绩不错的傣族和尚生"为什么最终没有成为好学生"的教育故事,分析与主流文化存在着巨大差异的少数民族地区里,多重文化背景下少数民族学生的教育选择与当地社会文化之间存在着何种关系。  相似文献   

Alan Floyd  Carol Fuller 《Compare》2016,46(2):251-271
While the role of leadership in improving schools is attracting more worldwide attention, there is a need for more research investigating leaders’ experiences in different national contexts. Using focus-group and semi-structured interview data, this paper explores the background, identities and experiences of a small group of Jamaican school leaders who were involved in a leadership development programme. By drawing on the concepts of culture, socialisation and identity, the paper examines how the participants’ journeys of becoming and being school leaders are influenced by national-level societal and cultural issues, experienced at a local level. The findings suggest that in becoming school leaders, the participants perceived that they had a strong sense of agency in attempting to change the social structures within the institutions they lead and in the surrounding local communities, which in turn, they hope, will have a lasting effect on the nation as a whole.  相似文献   

维新活动开始,洋务大员张之洞与维新领袖康、梁一度关系密切。张之洞结交康、梁有“为我所用”的想法,也有政治投机之意。康、梁虽然希望借助张之洞的影响设学会、办报纸,宣传维新变法思想并扩大维新派的影响,却不愿意牺牲独立的思想主张。结果,张之洞拉拢不成转而压制和破坏维新活动,并最终走向维新派的对立面,而梁启超对张之洞的克制态度也在变法失败后得以宣泄。梁启超与张之洞关系之演变,揭示了彼此在政治和文化方面进行选择的内在意义。  相似文献   

马赛克文化强调个人或派别的相互独立,利于教师独立智慧的发展,但属于一种封闭性成长环境.合作文化使得教师彼此交流,促进思想碰撞,利于团体的智慧发展,但易有盲从现象.流动的马赛克文化可使两者优势融合,提升教师处理课程问题能力,也是课程领导转型与教师文化建设所需要的.  相似文献   

运用解放思想这一法宝分析领导工作形势,启发我们把握新形势下领导工作大趋势:人本化趋势;自主化趋势;环境化趋势;满足化趋势。新形势下领导工作高要求集中体现在学习型领导、统筹型领导、总结型领导、预见型领导、应变型领导等方面。解放思想是新形势下领导工作的新法宝。要认识解放思想是引导事业发展的强大力量;要懂得解放思想是推进领导工作的法宝;要把解放思想贯串于领导工作的全过程。  相似文献   

本文运用博弈论方法,比较分析了梯度志愿、平行志愿与实时动态志愿之间的优劣,然后基于经济学理论为我国高考志愿填报机制提出了一种改革方向。基本结论如下:(1)不完全信息的梯度志愿应该在高考志愿填报和录取机制中逐步淘汰。(2)平行志愿推进了公平与效率,但还存在继续改进的空间。(3)实时动态志愿能够兼顾公平与效率,更重要的是,当赋予高校一定的招生自主权时,它也是一种较为理想的填报模式。因此,实时动态志愿可能将成为我国志愿填报改革的方向和目标。  相似文献   

中国大学生职业成熟度量表的信度与效度   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
本研究调查了375名北京大学的本科生,尝试修订韩国版的学生职业成熟度量表(Career Maturity Inventory),探讨它针对中国大学生群体的适应性。结果表明:(1)修订后的中国版大学生职业成熟度量表具有一定的文化特点,它由34个项目构成,这些项目组成六个不同的因素——职业目标、职业自信、职业价值、职业自主、亲友依赖、职业参照;(2)该量表的一致性系数、分半信度、重测信度比较高,具有良好的信度;(3)该量表具有较好的效度,如职业成熟度得分与大学生的自尊、幸福感、内控分呈显著的正相关;职业成熟度与专业满意度、未来打算的确定性、职业选择的信心等呈显著的正相关;职业成熟度越高的大学生上网时间越少,而且即使上网也主要用于辅助学业或便利生活。  相似文献   

Sema Akboga 《Compare》2016,46(5):789-810
Drawing on world culture and local culture explanations of educational change, this article aims to understand the dynamics of educational reform in Turkey in 1997 that expanded compulsory primary education from five to eight years. To do so, speeches given by opponents and proponents of the reform in the Turkish parliament were analysed. Imam-Hatip schools, vocational secondary schools for educating religious functionaries, were central to the debate. In support of world culture explanations, both sides of the debate made references to Western educational models and universal values such as democracy and human rights to frame and legitimise their arguments. However, all these arguments were embedded in local cultural and political issues. This article therefore proposes that both world culture and local culture should be considered when analysing national policy changes since local actors can easily appropriate global developments to support their local cultural and political interests.  相似文献   

Bass' (1985) model of transformational leadership was largely confirmed in this study of school-level leaders in Singapore. However, instead of three factors of transformational leadership only two were obtained. Charismatic Leadership failed to emerge. It was replaced by an Inspirational Leadership factor that also included Bass' Intellectual Stimulation factor. The two transactional leadership factors of Contingent Reward and “passive” Management-by-Exception were obtained, but not the more recent addition, the “active” Management-by-Exception factor. Contrary to expectation, no gender difference was obtained with regard to the four factors.  相似文献   

随着高校就业指导课的不断推进,高校就业指导教师匮乏成为就业指导课进一步深入开展的瓶颈。文章从高校就业指导课的基本任务入手,分析高校就业指导教师应具备的六种素质,并提出了解决就业指导课师资问题的几点看法。  相似文献   

随着高校就业指导课的不断推进,高校就业指导教师匮乏成为就业指导课进一步深入开展的瓶颈。文章从高校就业指导课的基本任务入手,分析高校就业指导教师应具备的六种素质,并提出了解决就业指导课师资问题的几点看法。  相似文献   

影响学校改进、提升与发展的领导文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学校领导是学校战略的部署者,也是学校文化的引领者.目前我国薄弱学校领导与管理存在两个极端表现:一是校长的颁导太少、管理太多,二是学校管理粗放、无序、随意.研究表明,领导文化是影响学校改进、提升与发展的学校文化之一.构建领导文化应体现以下四大特点:专业引领的基本范式,多元分权的民主思维,精细管理的实践模式,追究问责的评价机制.  相似文献   

导师与研究生之间客观存在着一种领导关系,权力是这种领导关系形成的根本条件。导师领导权力的来源主要有科层管理制度、教育教学要求、科学研究需要以及导师个人威信等四个方面。导师领导权力的不当使用是导致导师与研究生关系出现问题的重要原因,它在不同程度上使教育教学受阻、科研绩效降低、师生关系恶化。为保证导师正当行使其权力,促进师生之间的和睦相处,导师领导权力必须得到合理限定,即导师管理权力的使用不应破坏研究生教育制度,教学权力的使用不应背离培养目标,科研权力的使用不应阻碍知识发展,威信权力的使用不应损害非正式关系。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on educational leadership in the context of social transition to post-apartheid democracy in South Africa. Transitional leaders manifest behaviours, attitudes, values and strategies that are deeply related to the contexts within which they work. Social norms and political climate may not be supportive of educational leaders wishing to rise to the challenge of unplanned transition; however this paper focuses on leaders who take up this challenge. Narratives of three educational leaders, two white and one black, provide an understanding of the complexities and challenges involved in bringing about change that goes against the grain of social, community, or institutional expectations. Five common strands that bind the narratives of the three leaders are revealed. These commonalities are: a sense of moral purpose, a sense of human frailty, a sense of racial inclusion, a sense of political complexity, and a sense of personal growth. In conclusion, seven propositions that may form the building blocks for new ways of thinking about leadership in post conflict societies are presented.  相似文献   

The fields of gender and educational leadership have been enriched recently by analyses of national case studies from non-western contexts. By contextualising women’s career development, these studies highlight the importance of including experiences other than those generated from Anglo-American-Australian contexts, thus broadening our knowledge base for more nuanced theorisation in the field. This paper contributes a close examination of the career histories of eight female primary school principals in Hong Kong. Our analyses identify a range of facilitators, including the expansion of promotion opportunities, strong values placed on education and training, professional encouragement and support and help in relieving family responsibilities. Valuable these factors may be, but we argue that they are incidental, informal, familial and individual, and incur the costs of burn-out and guilt. The discussion not only underlines the significance of case study and cultural and contextual specificities, it also provides a nuanced understanding of Chinese patriarchy.  相似文献   

To better understand factors underlying educational and career choices, this study used both survey data from an online networking tool and data collected in college classrooms to gauge differences between Asians (primarily Korean) and white students in the United States. More Asians (41%) than whites (9%) prioritized prestige over happiness, while more white students (67%) than Asian‐American students (28%) deemed happiness as paramount in selecting a college. When assessing their parents, more Asian Americans thought their mothers (51%) and fathers (34%) emphasized prestige in choosing a college than white mothers (9%) and fathers (17%). In addition, Asian parents were assessed as much more prone to stress the importance of financial independence in career selection while white parents were perceived as prioritizing career enjoyment. Certain parenting techniques were much more common among Asians, such as reminding children of parental sacrifices made for the next generation, teaching them that academic performance is a matter of family honor and prodding academic success by comparing their accomplishments with those of children of family and friends. These findings may reflect a conscious strategy to overcome racial discrimination if education is seen as the primary path to upward social mobility. Awareness of the social and emotional cost of the staunch emphasis on the duty to succeed is important for those involved in educating and providing career counseling for college students with an Asian family background. Acknowledgement of pressure to honor parental expectations of narrowly defined acceptable academic and career achievement should be a part of counseling sessions that might otherwise focus exclusively on individual aspirations without due recognition of an interdependent, collectivistic orientation where upholding family expectations is integral to perceived success.  相似文献   

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