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Wordless books—picture books that rely entirely on illustrations to tell a story—are an excellent resource for educators of young children. This article provides a research-based rationale for using wordless books, offers a developmental sequence for introducing children to stories told through pictures, suggests a general strategy and wide array of early literacy activities based on books without texts, and recommends ways of communicating with parents/families about the value of wordless books. Outstanding wordless books and examples of children's responses to this growing genre of children's literature are also included.  相似文献   

In his twenty-year tenure as a picture book artist, Jon Agee has produced a number of books that greatly vary in appearance. However, while his artistic style changes from book to book, some things remain the same. Readers who pick up any Agee book can expect that it will contain interesting artwork, well worth a close inspection. They can also safely bet that it will be inventive, experimental, and funny. An examination of Agee's picture books Ellsworth, Ludlow Laughs, The Incredible Painting of Felix Clousseau, Dmitri the Astronaut, and Milo's Hat Trick illuminates Agee's evolution as an artist while demonstrating his metafictive experimentation with artistic conventions, his play with concepts of reality and impossibility, and his abundant talent for simplicity, funniness, and beauty.  相似文献   

图画书已经成为儿童文学中不可或缺的重要且基础的一类,是儿童早期阅读中非常重要的资源。师范生在大量阅读图画书的前提下,应该逐步进入图画书的创编。在进行图画书创编时可以从续编或仿编开始,逐渐进入创造性创编。从传统故事、成长经验、阅读体验中提取故事因子,注意文字的简洁、童趣和节奏感,用图画的造型、色彩、布局和图画的细节展现故事,重视讲述故事时的图文结合点,做到真正意义上的创造性创编。  相似文献   

图画书不是插图书,不是认字书,也不是语言教科书。图画书运用"图"和"文"两种媒介,为幼儿创造了独特的阅读世界。从生命教育的角度看,阅读图画书就是幼儿与图画书、与同伴、与老师展开对话,共同建构多元化意义,从而引领幼儿享受图画书所创造的感性世界、故事世界、幻想世界的乐趣的过程。让图画书走进幼儿的日常生活,需要以合作共享为轴心建立生态阅读圈,以经验整合为轴心建立阅读系统。如此,逐步使阅读成为幼儿的生活方式,图画书才能真正以润物细无声的方式惠泽幼儿的生命。  相似文献   

图画书是一种集语言艺术和绘画艺术于一体的特殊儿童文学样式。它不同于带插图的儿童文学书,也不同于中国的传统儿童读物——小人书。它拥有独特的艺术特征。亲子阅读图画书,对于孩子的阅读与成长有着十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

《College Teaching》2013,61(3):259-262
Abstract. The purpose of this article is to explore the use of children's picture book literature as a tool to teach undergraduate students. The research takes place in the context of an undergraduate educational psychology course that focuses on theories of learning and development. Students' written comments and scaled responses indicate that they view these books as effective tools for enhancing their learning.  相似文献   

绘本以其独特的性质与特点日益成为幼儿获得新知的载体.本研究采用行动研究范式,探索利用情绪主题绘本促进幼儿情绪能力发展的教学模式,发现采用绘本阅读与互动讨论、绘画、表演、阅读分享与情绪日记等不同教学形式相结合的感悟体验式教学能够充分发挥情绪主题绘本的情绪教育价值,促进幼儿情绪健康和谐发展.  相似文献   

作为一种新的文学艺术形式的绘本具有特殊的性质和特征。大部分绘本将儿童预设为主要读者,反映和表现儿童生活与心理,成人绘本内容形式的儿童化,令绘本普遍具有鲜明的儿童性;绘本作为图文合一的艺术整体,以简明之文和形象之图协同讲解故事,在具象与抽象、表象与意象的矛盾统一中呈现丰富性和多义性;具有思想艺术独创性的绘本,同时为读者预留了广阔的阅读理解空间,让绘本的阅读具有开放互动的特质。  相似文献   

空白在图画书中是一种重要的艺术手段,它一般包含文字空白、图画空白和内容空白三个层面的内容。尤其是后两种空白形式,是图画书的生命要素。这些空白所形成的缝隙与缺口,不仅具有深厚的审美意蕴,还为读者与作者进行对话提供了可能,让读者积极地、自主地投入到创作当中,从而为作品赋予新的生命力。  相似文献   

图画书通过文字和图画共同传达故事信息,有别于其它形式的语言或视觉艺术,它独特的表达系统比较契合儿童的心理特点。如今,越来越多的家长和教师开始重视培养孩子阅读图画书,但由于受传统惯性教育思维和阅读习惯的影响,在指导孩子阅读图画书的过程中还存在着一些误区。  相似文献   

0—6岁婴幼儿的早期阅读活动中,绘本阅读占有重要的比重。本文通过分析绘本中插图语言的意义,突出了识图能力在婴幼儿语言发展中的重要作用,并为学前教育教师在为不同年龄阶段婴幼儿选取恰当绘本时提供一定的指导。  相似文献   

Quilts, with their bright colors, puzzle-like patterns and comforting touch, naturally appeal to children. Quilts may cover beds, blanket naps, or serve some other function in childrens homes, and the family context of quilts makes them appropriate for exploring diversity with young children in the classroom. A rich and extensive collection of quilt-centered picture books is available that explores cultural, intergenerational and social awareness themes through engaging text and captivating illustrations. Quilts and quilt-themed picture books are useful additions to an early childhood environment that explores, celebrates and integrates diversity in the daily life of the young child.  相似文献   

基于图画书特质的幼儿园图画书阅读教学策略   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
图画书是一种把语言与图画两种艺术表现手段很好融合在一起进行故事叙述的艺术形式.教师如果不能很好地把握图画书的这一特质,就会很容易在有关图画书的阅读教学中把文字与图画分割开来,或者把图画书当作传统看图讲述的对象,或者把图画书当作开展综合活动的引子,而忽略图画书自身独特而丰富的价值.为激发幼儿阅读图画书的兴趣,促进其自主阅读能力的发展,深化其阅读体验,教师在利用图画书开展阅读教学时,应善于利用其经过艺术处理的"图像文字",进行声音和空间的再现,使幼儿产生身临其境的阅读感受;应善于抓住其中隐形的关键人物,再造有关人物形象;应能灵活运用多种翻页技巧,把握文本节奏;应关注画面细节,深度挖掘故事内涵.  相似文献   

张华 《成才之路》2020,(1):122-123
在美术教学中,教师可以积极引入绘本展开教学,用更加丰富的内容激发学生的兴趣,让学生乐于配合教师完成美术学习任务,从而促使学生不断提升自身艺术素养和审美能力。文章从四个方面阐述合理运用绘本展开美术教学:激发学生学习兴趣,鼓励学生自主创作,培养学生良好习惯,详细解读表现手法。  相似文献   

中西图画书之间存在差异的原因是多方面的,这可以从中西文化差异及儿童观两方面进行区分。中国文化中占主导地位的是儒家文化,儒家文化以忠孝安邦,主张以礼乐治国,还宣扬道德教化;西方文化是一种既重视理性又重视感性的文化。这种中西不同的文化特色直接影响了图画书的创作,从而导致了中西图画书之间存在着明显的差异。另外,中西不同的文化背景产生了不同的儿童观,儿童观的差异也是导致中西图画书差异的原因。通过对中西图画书差异的原因分析,需要考虑对中国图画书未来的发展进行规划。  相似文献   

This article questions whether the mediated experience provided by picture books contributes toward or hinders a realistic and appropriate appreciation of the natural world. Based on an examination of 1,074 books, it argues that picture book makers typically transform and domesticate animals and their habitats in ways that provide readers with highly misleading images and impressions. The article examines a few exceptional books that give an accurate and sensitive account of the animal kingdom and the natural environment, and argues that many more are needed.  相似文献   

权海荣 《天津教育》2021,(5):185-186
绘本作为一种独特的幼儿文学形式,所体现出的主题明确、情节有趣、生动形象等特征。本文简要分析了绘本基本概念,然后从开启幼儿心智、启迪幼儿情感、发展幼儿能力、培养良好品格等方面入手,对绘本在启迪幼儿心灵成长中的应用进行了细致分析。  相似文献   

Today’s emphasis on using children’s literature as a tool to teach reading and writing sub-skills distracts teachers’ attention from looking to children’s books for their historical role in helping children navigate the intellectual, social, and emotional terrains of childhood. This article argues, first, that early childhood educators must remain fluent in the use of literature that supports young children’s psychosocial development. Second, teachers must establish criteria for choice. By way of example, it examines two popular books for young children, Sendak’s (1963) Where the Wild Things Are [New York: HarperCollins Publishers] and Shannon’s (1998) No, David! [New York: Blue Sky Press] Three theoretical perspectives guide the analysis. The first combines Dewey’s (1938/97) [Experience and education. New York:Touchstone] impetus for learning and Vygotsky’s (1978) [Mind in society. Cambridge: Harvard University Press] theory that learning precedes development through scaffolded social interaction. The second is Erikson’s (1950, 1985) [Childhood and society. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.] theory of psychosocial development in light of the 4–6-year-old’s drive towards self-regulation, control, and independence. The third is Rosenblatt’s (1978) [The reader, the text, the poem. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English] transactional nature of reading.  相似文献   

幼儿绘本阅读教学的艺术同构策略   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
绘本一般借助于文字和图画共同讲述一个完整的故事,内容贴近幼儿生活,兼具文学性与艺术性,蕴涵着丰富的教育价值.利用绘本进行教学时,教师应努力利用其中的多元艺术表现形式,实现文学、音乐与美术形式的共通,以此深化和提升幼儿的绘本阅读经验与体验.具体而言,教师可以采取多样化情景创设、多元化表达表现、生活化行为迁移、多途径角色体验等策略进行艺术同构,激发幼儿阅读兴趣,促进幼儿与绘本的心灵对话和交流,提高绘本教学的效果.  相似文献   

Picture books, when used thoughtfully and artfully, can teach theories to graduate students in literacy and foreign language education. In this article, the authors described how a pair of picture books is used to teach Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development and Krashen's Input Hypothesis in the fields of literacy education and applied linguistics. The authors first introduced the theoretical foundation and rationale of using picture books as paired texts to teach educational theories. Then, from a macroperspective, they described the procedures of designing a class activity with paired picture books. Next, they provided language teachers and educators with a specific sample in which materials, objective, and specific instructional steps are clearly listed. In the end, the authors explained how the article contributes to the field from three perspectives: first, it offers a helpful strategy to language educators who make instruction of theories to graduate students easier; second, it provides insights to language and content area teachers on teaching across the curriculum by using picture books; third, it suggests how teachers can pair other learning mediators with picture books to improve student learning.  相似文献   

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