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游学组织:英孚教育游学目的地:英国剑桥大学游学时长:3周从下飞机的那一刻就开始明白,现在的我不只是我,我的名字叫中国。带着满心的好奇,满心的不舍,踏上英国的大地,当一切都改变,我悄悄告诉自己,我要在这里留下难忘的记忆。第一天去EF(英孚教育)分级考试,我在作文的最后写:"I’ll be there for 3 weeks.I’ll have a great time!I believe myself!I believe Cambridge!I believe England!"时间总是在新鲜、尝试与惊喜中度过,留下最曼妙的痕迹。  相似文献   

I. 单项选择( )1. I think I’ll be a reporter ______ 10 years.A. after B. in C. behind( )2. - Do you think there will be more cars? - __________.A. Yes, there will B. Yes, they will C. Yes, there have( )3. I predict there will be less _______ in the future.A. people B. tress C. pollution( )4. What’s happened _______ Tom? He’s late again.A. with B. for C. to( )5. There _________ a meeting tomorrow morning.A. will have B. will be C. be( )6. I hope there will be _____ cars tomorrow.A. …  相似文献   

SCENE THREE:ON THE TELEPHONEJEFF:Will he be all right?...OK.Mom...I’ll come right away...Mom.stay calm... I’ll be there soon...I love you,Mom.JEFF:Hello.Dr.Carrano.please...Oh.He won’t be in until 4:00?...Would you tell him that Jeff Bennett called?He can reach me at 555-9247...Tell him it's important... Thanks.  相似文献   

keep one’s fingers crossed祈求成功(幸运)A:Do you think you’ll pass the exam?B:I don’t know.but I’m keeping all my fingers crossed,甲:你认为你能通过考试吗?乙:我不知道,但是我从心里祈祷成功。  相似文献   

1. I think if I makea pen that has a machinein it. I’ll be able towrite faster. (Lesson 25)我想如果我能做一个里面能装机芯的钢笔,我就能写得快一些。  相似文献   

There is an animal hiding in each sentence below. You can find an animal's name in each sentence. The names may be made up of letters from two or three neighbouring words. Can you find the animals﹖Example:There’s a bee in“I’ll be eleven nextmonth.”Hint:You’ll have to look in threewords to find the names of the animals.在下面的每个句子中你能找到一种动物的名称。这些动物的名称可以由两个或三个相邻的单词的字母组成。你能找到它们吗?例如:“I’ll be eleven next month.”这个句子中就有一个“bee”…  相似文献   

一、表示方位,意为“离开,不在(这里,那里)”,不侧重到什么地方去,多和be连用。例如: I’ll be away for a few minutes. 我要离开几分钟。I haven’t been away fromhome before. 我以前从未离开过家。  相似文献   

Diner:Waiter,there is a fly in my soup!Waiter:All right,I’ll get you a fork!就餐者:服务员,我的汤里有只苍蝇!服务员:好的,我去给你拿把叉子!  相似文献   

Diner:Waiter,there is a fly in my soup!Waiter:All right,I’ll get you a fork!就餐者:服务员,我的汤里有只苍蝇!服务员:好的,我去给你拿把叉子!  相似文献   

易婉 《今日中学生》2013,(10):25-26
6.How’s that?①用于征询意见:"你认为这个怎么样?"—There,the picture’s on the wall.How’s that?—I don’t think you’ve got it quite straight(挂得不太直).②用于提出疑问:"为什么?"—I’m not sure I’ll be able to come and visit you again.—How’s that?  相似文献   

A rabbit is playing near a river,and he hears a small voice:Hello,can you helpme?I’m ill.I need somesunshine.It’s verygood for me.Can youhelp me?No problem.I’ll findthe sun.I like summer best.Summer is good for swimming.哈尔滨市道外区泰山小学四(3)班张乃文31.一只兔子在小河边玩,他听到了轻轻的说话声:“你好,你能帮助我吗?”2.他向下看,是一株小草。“当然可以,我能帮你做点什么呢?”(兔子说)3“.我生病了,我需要一些阳光,那对我有好处。你能帮我吗?”(小草说)4“.没问题,我去帮你找太阳。”(兔子说)5.兔子跑了…  相似文献   

1.Will people use money in100years?人们在一百年以后用钱吗?(1)介词in与将来时连用表时间的经过。in在……之后;过……之后。I’ll call back in ten minutes.十分钟之后我再回电话。Can you finish your work in a day?你能用一天完工吗?In five years Sally will be a doctor.五年以后萨莉将成为医生。(2)in与after的区别:(a)in是以现在为中心表示从今……之后;after是以现在以外为中心,表示从那时以后。例:I’ll come back in a week.我(从今)一个礼拜后将会回来。He came back after a week.他在(从那时)一个礼拜之后回来了。(b)…  相似文献   

(满分:120分)Ⅰ.听力。(20分)A)听力辨图:根据你所听到的内容,选择相对应的图片。(共5小题,每小题1分)1.____2.____3.____4.____5.____B)情景反应:根据你所听到的句子,选择最佳答案。(共5小题,每小题1分)6.A.Only once a month.B.In time.C.For one year.7.A.It’s nothing serious.B.Yes,a little better.Thanks.C.I’ve got a headache.8.A.Was there much traffic?B.I’ll be on time next time.C.That’s OK.You’re just in time.9.A.Why did you go to bed late?B.You should be careful.C.I don’t want to listen to an…  相似文献   

(满分:120分)Ⅰ.听力。(20分)A)听力辨图:根据你所听到的内容,选择相对应的图片。(共5小题,每小题1分)1.____2.____3.____4.____5.____B)情景反应:根据你所听到的句子,选择最佳答案。(共5小题,每小题1分)6.A.Only once a month.B.In time.C.For one year.7.A.It’s nothing serious.B.Yes,a little better.Thanks.C.I’ve got a headache.8.A.Was there much traffic?B.I’ll be on time next time.C.That’s OK.You’re just in time.9.A.Why did you go to bed late?B.You should be careful.C.I don’t want to listen to an…  相似文献   

1.Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched.不要在你的鸡孵化出来之前数它们(不要打没谱的如意算盘)。eg:Tom:If I can make 5000 dollars a month,I’ll buy a new house.如果我每月能赚5000美元,我就买一座新房子。Lucy:Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched.不要打没谱的如意算盘。  相似文献   

风继续吹坚持到底他一定很爱你’i l…川t!ll Tll无所谓天黑黄昏完美生活从开始到现在撕夜张国荣阿杜阿杜玛莉雅杨坤呵杜周传雄许巍『“il阿杜 风继续吹 坚持到底 天黑凯瑞 C㈤r…l J】…f。lf_ 无所谓 天黑 I I;l】】:.I(’ 时光滢步 冬季恋歌 天黑勇气看我’:至天天看到忻痴』出绝对爱就爱了I n r ,?宙;鲁》的,出方i。当爱已成往事离另I安静茹攀依"&云『^f李圣烹陈琳我的野虿女友引j形姿『_、m张营蒡珂杖勇气秀≯一:多于尊豌圯1绝万爱秒爱了我的野銮芟友声完或≥虼比1芦曼警蓦茅电影名蔗精芝于羊忙,二¨卜…l___=二㈩Ⅵ二j 4 5 n 7 K …  相似文献   

Do as I tell you.照我的话做。Don’t question what I say.别质疑我的话。Do what you are told.叫你怎么做,你就怎么做。Do as I say,and you’ll be just fine.照我的话做就没错。Just do it.做就是了。You’d better take me seriously.你最好把我的话当真。Don’t ever disobey me.别想  相似文献   

一、后接动词原形后接动词原形,表示“宁愿做某事”。如:I’d rather be told the truth than be lied to.我宁愿听真话,不愿被欺骗。I’ve already seen that film,so I’d rather see another one.我已经看过那部电影了,所以还是看部别的吧。I’ll go if you’re going.If no  相似文献   

1."Don’t you believe me?""______,I’ll believe_____________you say."A.No;whateverB.Yes;no matter whatC.No;no matter whatD.Yes;whatever【易错解读】D在回答否定疑问句时,要特别注意yes,no的正确理解。"Don’t you believe me?"的意思是"你难道不相信我?"其答句"Yes,I do"的实际意思便是"不,我相信你",这与I’ll believe whatever you say的意思完全吻合。???  相似文献   

inin→在(某范围或某空间)内。例如:The telephone is in my study.电话在我书房里。Which hotel shall we stay in?我们住哪个旅馆?Don’t stand in the rain.别站在雨里。What were you doing in the South?你在南方干什么?He was standing in a queue.他在排队(买东西)。Let’s go up in the lift.咱们坐电梯上去吧!in→在(一段时间)内。例如:Rome was not built in a day.罗马不是一天建成的。(谚)Do you work in the day time or at night?你是白天工作还是夜间工作?I return to China in the middle of Octo-ber.我十月中旬回到中国。注意:介词in有时也可表示“……之后”。例如:I’ll come round in a day or two.我一两天就回来。We’ll be back in no time.我们一会儿就回来。in→进入;放入,意思接近into...  相似文献   

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