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1. 根 据下 面 提供 的 情 景 ,写 一 段 文字 ,词 数不 少 于 30。 You are talking to yourclose friend,Li Ping.She says to you,“Let’s have aphoto taken together.H earing this,you ”are very surprised.Then,LiPing explainsthereason. O nepossibleversion: Recently m yparentshavedecided towork in Shanghai,so Ihave to m ove too.W e have been good friendsfortwo years.And you’ve done m e a lotoffavours.I’mreally very gratefulto you.H ere is a littlepresent.Idohopetohavesom ephotos ta…  相似文献   

Thanks very m uch.W ho can drew a fish?W here are you going?W ho is it?1 2W hat are you doing here?Is it w et today?3 4W hat do youwant,sir?G ood m orning.A .M e, sir. B.You re welcom e. C.Good m orning, Peter.D .Its m e, John. E.Tea, please. F.Shopping.G .W aiting for the bus. H .N o, its dry. ( )●答 案 :1~8 BA FD G H C E7 8对答如流(英文)@刘碧群…  相似文献   

1.—I have to getto the airportat10:00,butits 9:20now. — !I can send you there by car. A .Thats a deal B .H urry up C.D on tworry D .Try your best 2.— —Thanks.I will. A .W ish you a happy journey. B.G ive m y bestwishes to your parents. C.Thank you for your help. D .Y ou gotthe firstprize.C ongratulations! 3.—ShallI take this chair to your room ? — .III do itm yself. A .Y es,please B .G ood idea C.N o,thanks D .N ever m ind 4.—E xcuse m e,could you help m e carry the heavy bo…  相似文献   

1.Could you please r m e ofthe tim e w hen you leave?2.I p to get up late at weekends.3.I hear two g offoreign friends are com ing.4.Speak loudly.I can h hear you clearly.5.They lostthem selves in the quietand g m usic.6.The old m an wants to live a p and happy life.7.M y uncle enjoys e the undersea world.8.M ostyoung people don tlike to do the t work.9.Im afraid you can tt through the jungle,for its dangerous.10.O ur classroom is dirty.Please help m e c it up.11.W e should find a hom e fo…  相似文献   

【集中地】 Ⅰ.Talk about future intentions 1.—What are you going to be when you grow up? —I’m going to be a basketball player. 2.—H ow are you going to do that? —I’m going to practice basketball every day. 3.—W here is Cheng H an going to m ove? —H e’s going to move to New York. Ⅱ.Ask for perm ission 1.—Could I please use your com puter? —Sorry.I’m going to work on it now. 2.—Could I please go to the movies? —Yes,you can. 3.—Could you take out the trash? —Yes,sure. Ⅲ.D…  相似文献   

I.重点词汇检测。A)根据句意和首字母提示,补全单词。1.There are sixt)r m——in an hour.2.You must 1isten to the class.3.This bottle is e One.一4.This box is too h、5.We go to sch00l fteacher c.Please giVe me a full.So I c.dn’t carry it.一Monday to Friday.B)在空格上填上一个适当的词,使句意完整。6.This bike is old,but that one is7.The box isof印ples,so it’sj 8.一Three plus four is e培ht.Am I —No,you are9.One of you isheavv. 9duty.Who is it? 10.Y0u ean go to ask our teacherII.单项选择。1.…  相似文献   

1.You can蒺t be too careful. [误]你不能太细心。[正]你越细心越好。[析]can蒺t …too…表示“无论怎么……也不过分,越……越好”,又如:You can蒺t praise him too highly.你无论怎样称赞他都不过分。2.The box is too light to carry. [误]这箱子太轻而不好搬。[正]这箱子搬起来很轻。[析]汉语中的“太”往往作“非常”解,可用于积极意义,也可用于消极意义;而英语中的too一般只用于消极意义,表“过分”“过犹不及”。汉语中的“太好了”不能译作英语too good。因此,“too…to…”结构表示“太……而不……”时,too所修饰的形…  相似文献   

You don t need to care about those people who have beautiful houseswith large gardens and swim m ing pools or those who have nice cars and alotofm oney and so on.W hy?B ecause those w ho have big houses m ay of-ten feel lonely and those who have cars m ay want to walk on the countryroads attheir free tim e.In fact,happiness is alw ays around you if you put your heart into it.W hen you are in trouble at school,your friends w ill help you;when youstudy hard at your lessons,your parents are alway…  相似文献   

从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1. ——What do you think of the five Friendlies(福娃) for the 2008 Olympic Games? ——I love them. They;re ____. A. generous B. creative C. exotic D. personal 2. ——I tried to ____ you at home several times, but no one answered the phone. ——I was traveling around last three months. A. touch B. reach C. receive D. meet 3. This basket is too heavy for me to carry. Could you please give me a hand? (能代替划线部分的) A. look at me…  相似文献   

W hat channel separates France from E ngland? It is the EnglishC hannel.W hatchannelconnects the N orth Sea to the A tlantic O cean?A gain itis the E nglish C hannel. The deepest part of a river,harbour, or other w aterw ay is alsocalled “channel”.N orm ally,a ship follow s the channelinto a port. Y ou certainly know how m any television channels there are inH ong K ong.A nd your T V set can certainly pick up all the channels.B ut you m ust not spend too m uch tim e w atching TV . …  相似文献   

第Ⅰ卷(三部分,共115分)第一部分:听力(略)第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳答案。21.—M aggie had a wonderful tim e at theparty.—,and so did I.A.So she had B.So had sheC.So she did D.So did she22.Allen had to call a taxi because thebox was to carry all the wayhom e.A.m uch too heavyB.too m uch heavyC.heavy too m uchD.too heavy m uch23.I’d like to arrive20m inutes earlyI can have tim e for a cup …  相似文献   

Could you help【IIe carry the cock 8nd he“?Fox st01e a cockSheep helped himSo;sheep i s fox’and a hen,oarrv them.s confederateFox alwavs s Le。^watch 0u L f n V hbor()r0 helPi ngh F-1’s s0 we shnlJ J dUl d t11i r/k 0VerI~emember my 1 0sSOIl,1)l cnsc.FvorVOnp should Lhi nk OVOI hcror LactiOn.鬻鬻黼 S㈨=三一S m t羊的教训@陆桂林…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.选择填空。1.Would you mind____down your radio?A.turn B.turning C.to turn D.turning it2.It!s too noisy.Could you____?A.turn down it B.turn it down C.turn it on D.turn on it3.This shirt is too small for me.Please show me____.A.other B.the other C.another D.others4.———Do you____stop eating ice cream?———No,I don!t have to,but I____eat less of it.A.must,must B.have to,mustC.must,have to D.have to,have to5.———Thank you very much for your help.———____.A.You!re right B.Thank y…  相似文献   

根据上句写出下句,使两句意思相同或相近。每空填一词。1.—Thank you very m uch.—Thats O K.—.—Y ou re.2.The w om an is m y m others sister.She is w earing a red sweater.The w om an is m y.3.C an I help you?can I you?4.W hat do you wantto have for supper?W hat you for supper?5.C an you help m e?Can you?6.Tom and I are classm ates.Tom is one of.7.H is father is w orking now.H is m other is working,too.H is are now.8.Its tim e for breakfast.Its tim e breakfast.9.M y bike is broken.There is…  相似文献   

1.Can I…?/Could I…?我能……吗?【考点回顾】①-Can I help you? -__.(2005年甘肃平凉中考题) A.Thanks a lot B.Not at all C.Yes,please D.You are welcome②-Could I have a look at the photo of your family,Sam?  相似文献   

O ne day, a poor farm er took a bag of w heat to tow n. H e didn’tknow w hatto do w hen the bag felloffhis horse. The bag w as too heavyfor him to lift.H e hoped thatsom eone w ould com e and help him . B efore long a m an cam e over.Butthe farm er’s heartsank w hen hesaw the m an,w ho w as the great m an in tow n.The farm er w as afraid toask for help. A s soon as he cam e up to the farm er, the great m an got off hishorse and said,“Y ou need m y help,don’tyou? L etm e help you. ”…  相似文献   

正1.The man continued talking for about an hour or so.about和or so都可以表示"大约"、"左右",语义重复,只能保留一个。2.The true facts are not known.facts的词义包含有true的意思。故true为多余。3.The stone is too heavy for him to carry it.句中主语the stone同时作不定式to carry的逻辑宾语,故不应再用it。4.Would you be enough kind to give me a little hot water?  相似文献   

A Clever IdeaO ne day the poor old m an lost hisw ay and1.telephoned the police station of help.A policem an2.asked the phone,“This is the policestation.W hat’s3.your trouble?”“I had lost m y w ayand can’t find4.m y house.Could you to help m ehom e?”“Stay where5.you do and we’ll send a car to takeyou hom e.”W hen6.the car reached at the old m an’shouse,his wife opened7.the door,cam e out,thanked the po-licem an.A fter the8.policem an drove away,his wife askedhim how he9.lost his w…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词汇A)根据英文解释和例句,完成下列单词的拼写。(首字母已给出)1.f(som ething to eat)Allthe is on the table.2.c(notopen)Ithink the superm arketis atthis tim e ofthe day.3.w(seven days)Sunday is the firstday ofthe .4.m(a lotof)Is there rice in the room?5.w(have...on the body)M any teachers w glasses.6.y(notold)The girlis too .She can蒺tgo to school.7.t(the day aftertoday)M rW hite can蒺tcom e here .8.a(nothere)LiM ing is notatschooltoday.H e is .9.c(ofcourse)-—Could you help m e?—.10.w(not…  相似文献   

教学过程 Step 1. Warm-up 1. Free talk T: Hello,everyone. I' m very glad to have a class here. So I'd like to make friends with you. Hi, what's your name? Nice to meet you! What's her name? Good, you help me. You are helpful.  相似文献   

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