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中国传统书画装裱艺术之中有一种式样被称之为"宣和裱",是北宋徽宗赵佶内府收藏书画的一种装裱形制,因徽宗宣和年号(1119—1125年)而得名。此种式样以形制规范、用料考究、工艺精美而著称于世,至今仍广泛流传且影响深远。  相似文献   

汉族美术对藏族佛画艺术的影响,贯穿于汉藏政治交往和文化交流之中。千百年来,藏族佛画艺术在不断丰富自身文化内涵的同时,积极吸纳着异族文化艺术的养分,创造出灿烂辉煌的艺术文明。本文通过汉藏交往的历史回顾与描述,着重分析了藏族佛画在色彩、装裱形制以及画面背景的形象造型等方面,对汉族美术的吸收和借鉴。  相似文献   

明代是装裱业的大发展时代。此时期装裱技艺承前启后,呈现出地域性强的特点,各地相较,吴门装裱尤为出色。而吴门诸多裱工中,汤姓可以说是一个装裱的名门望族,除装裱技艺精湛外,其书画鉴定、交友等事颇多却历来却不被重视,因此,对其进行汇总考证,对明代的书画收藏研究是有帮助的。  相似文献   

认知语言学主张通过语言分析来研究人类思维过程及认知策略。在认知语言学家看来,语言是认知的表征,英语语法研究中存在着两个基本概念:有界与无界,有界与无界这对概念是在认知领域内进行的。普通名词分为有界名词和无界名词两类,英语中的数范畴是区别有界名词与无界名词的一种语法手段。有界名词有单数和复数,无界名词为不可数名词,限定词在约制名词的数量和范围时就会产生不同的情况,掌握有界与无界概念,会增强对语言的理解能力。  相似文献   

在现代汉语中存在着一种特殊的量词与名词的搭配关系,如:一肚子委屈,一腔热忱,一线希望,一片光明等。其中的"委屈"、"热忱"、"希望"、"光明"与典型的名词存在着很大的不同,并且"肚子"、"腔"、"线"、"片"等量词也与一般意义上的量词有区别。它们之间的搭配关系是怎样的,这是一个特殊且值得探究的问题。通过不同方面的研究,得出其与一般名词和量词搭配的共同点和特殊性。  相似文献   

侯杰 《绥化学院学报》2007,27(2):137-138
动词名词化指的是通过用名词来替代动词来表达动词要表达的意义。由于英语和汉语在意念和形态上的诸多差异,因此在动词名词化现象中这两种语言也存在着明显的不同。  相似文献   

"墓葬"源于古人"入土为安"的观念,主要是出于对逝者与灵魂的敬畏。冀中地区在唐代属于河北道,具有重要的军事地位,且人口较为稠密,发掘的墓葬十分丰富。墓葬形制是一个古墓最直观的反映,且具有等级之分,不同身份的人去世后,会选择不同等级的墓葬形制,因而墓葬形制与墓主人的身份地位有着密切的关系。随着时代的变迁,从初唐到晚唐,墓葬形制多样化,呈现出的时代特征具有一定的地域特色,对研究冀中地区的墓葬文化有着重要的启迪意义。  相似文献   

川南彝族唢呐音乐文化存在着区域性差异,表现在艺术特征、乐器形制规格、传承发展等方面,这是由于作为迁徙而来的民族后裔,在迁徙过程中与不同的地理人文环境、民族环境产生的融合变化而形成。  相似文献   

彝语与缅语中都存在着比较丰富的量词,彝缅语量词与数词结合构成的数量词短语在修饰名词时,总体上遵循“名词+数词+量词”的组合原则,且量词居于末尾具有强制性。针对不同的数词,彝缅语数量名结构的组合关系又具有各自的特点。彝语中数词“一”经常被省略,缅语中由于数词表达的声调屈折变化,引起量词位置的前移。此外,在数量词短语与名词中心语、指示代词、形容词短语等之间的相互次序关系上,彝缅语中的数量词短语总是居于名词中心语之后,且距离名词中心语位置最远,其他修饰成分随语言不同分布存在不均衡性。  相似文献   

书画装裱在中国已有一千五百多年的历史,并创造了至今不衰的“宋宣和装”品式。书画装裱自唐代传入日本。本文主要从中日两国在装裱品式、装饰材料运用上的特点,分析中日两国在书画装裱方面的传承关系和存在的差异。  相似文献   

目前可以见到的训诂学著作近二十种,其中就训诂体式、训诂体例、训诂条例、训诂方法、训诂方式等常见术语,各家理解不同,表述各异,论述可谓多种多样。只看其中一家似无大碍,互相比较之下就有些混乱了。将常见的十六种训诂学著作的相关内容进行了详细梳理,主要将其中关于训诂体式、条例、方法、方式等之论述加以比较,试着联系相同,比较差异以找出于训诂方法方面较为一致的训诂学论述术语。这种对比分析于训诂学这一学科的进一步发展当有益处。  相似文献   

An ecological-systems view is presented describing academic underachievement in highly verbal, gifted adolescents. The highly verbal are considered to be those children who show a precocious ability to comprehend, analyze, and synthesize written material, as well as an attitudinal predisposition toward less structured, more creative verbal tasks. Underachievement is discussed in terms of global versus analytic processing styles, intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation, verbal versus quantitative interests and abilities, and the concomitant achievement patterns. It is argued that a unique pattern of interests, motives, and cognitive styles results in a differential pattern of achievement for these youth. Underachievement is viewed as a mismatch between the school's curriculum and testing procedures and these children's unique needs and stylistic approaches toward learning. The implications for psychoeducational assessment, pedagogy, and counseling are discussed.  相似文献   

少数民族服饰与自然生态环境之间有着密切关系,自然环境对服饰的原料、颜色、款式及其装饰图案等有很大的影响。环北部湾少数民族服饰的风格与特征,体现了人们对自然生态的顺应和利用。  相似文献   

辽代金银器的特征及造型艺术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
历史文物的发展演变有其自身特有的规律,不能简单等同于历史分期。在研究、比较大量实物的基础上,根据辽代金银器的造型、纹饰题材、装饰手法、制作工艺及艺术风格的演变,重新对其分期作了界定,并在此基础上对辽代金银器的特征、造型艺术等作了新的探讨。辽代金银器的器形、纹饰和工艺,在吸收唐文化、西方文化、宋文化的基础上形成独特的风格,从第一期到第三期有演变发展过程。第一期的器形种类多,纹饰繁缛,工艺精湛;第二期的器形没有第一期的丰富,纹饰也变得简单,有新增工艺;第三期的器形比较单一,纹饰风格变化大,工艺得以完善。  相似文献   

Some recent advances in the understanding of brain function are considered in terms of their potential impact on death education. The notion of right- and left-brain cognitive styles is examined in terms of the pedagogic impact it may have on an individual's capacity to understand and therefore be educated on the subject of death. The idea that the human brain (mind?) relates to death in two diametrically opposed ways is discussed and a holistic death educational format is proposed based on the synthesis of these two oppositional styles.  相似文献   

场独立和场依存是两类不同的认知风格,各自体现了不同的思维方式,场独立有利于培养批判思维。依据两种认知风格的可转变性,在教学中,可通过培养独立思考能力、推行批判思维课程化的具体措施,帮助场依存者自觉求助于场独立认知风格,培养批判思维。  相似文献   

In this article, dissonance in students’ way of learning is explored from a regulation of learning perspective. First, consonant patterns of interrelations among learning elements are sketched. These patterns were identified in studies with university students by means of a diagnostic instrument, the Inventory of Learning Styles (ILS), that assesses four learning components: cognitive processing strategies, metacognitive regulation strategies, mental models of learning, and learning orientations. Consonant patterns of linkages among these components result in four qualitatively different ways of learning or learning styles: undirected, reproduction-directed, meaning-directed and application-directed learning. Next, several studies that used the ILS as a research instrument were examined for indications of dissonant patterns of interrelations among these learning components. The students in these studies ranged from early secondary school to adult university students. Five phenomena of dissonance could be identified: lack of differentiation within learning components, lack of integration between learning components, incompatibility of learning strategies, models and orientations, missing learning style elements, and a lack of distinct application-directed learning. These phenomena are described and documented. Finally, the results are discussed in relation to other recent studies on dissonant study orchestrations and in terms of their practical meaning. A developmental explanation for the occurrence of some manifestations of dissonance is offered.  相似文献   

The relative contribution of gender labels and play styles (masculine or feminine) in playmate selection was evaluated in 60 children between the ages of 4 and 8 years using a novel interview measure. In the interview, when targets' gender labels and targets' play styles were presented as independent dimensions, children showed predicted sex differences in preferences for gender labels and for play styles (including toys, rough-and-tumble play, and activity level). However, when targets' gender labels and targets' play styles were presented as competing dimensions, boys of all ages chose female targets with masculine play styles over male targets with feminine play styles. In contrast, younger girls (4–5-year-olds) chose female targets with masculine play styles, whereas older girls (6–8-year-olds) chose male targets with feminine play styles. This suggests possible sex differences in the contribution of gender labels and of play styles in the development of children's preferences for same-sexed playmates.  相似文献   

教师流动是均衡教师资源的有效途径,可以从一定程度上解决城乡之间师资配置不均衡问题。但教师的流动受到地域、职称、年龄、学历、人数、期限、待遇等因素影响,因此,义务教育要构建科学合理的教师流动方式,要以政府为主导,以制度与经济为保障,并创设良好的学校管理环境。  相似文献   

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