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计算机专业课的教学中很重要的内容是指导学生上机练习,如何提高技校生上机练习的效率是技校计算机专业课教师要研究的课题。本文从实践教学出发,谈谈教学过程中的做法和体会。  相似文献   

充分利用集体备课这一有效方式,对教材内容进行充分研究,确定讲授内容和方式,研究每节课突出重点、突破难点的方法。例如,“磁盘管理”一节“格式化”操作过程,书本上图文并茂,学生一看就懂,教师不作解释而安排为实验课直接上机练习;有些知识尽管书上没有详细介绍,却经常使用的,则给学生做适当补充。如“汉字输入”一节,智能ABC输入方法介绍比较笼统,由  相似文献   

目前,磁盘操作系统DOS仍是计算机普遍应用的系统操作软件,其中COPY命令是DOS中的一个功能很强、利用率较高的内部命令,本人在实际的教学实践中,经过总结、整理并上机操作,把COPY命令的功能与具体应用加以归纳、分类如下:1用于文件的复制(拷贝)COPY命令是生成文件拷贝的主要工具。命令格式:COPY[〈盘符利〉[路径]〈文件名1〉[〈盘符:〉[路径]〈文件名2〉命令功能:把指定盘上指定目录下的~个或多个文件复制成新的磁盘文件。应用举例:(2)相同磁盘相同路径中复制文件时,目标文件名与源文件名不能相同。2文件的连接命令…  相似文献   

学校机房作为学生上机实践练习的公共环境,面对不同的使用者,必须保持计算机系统的单一性,限制学生的一些无关操作,保持计算机系统的正常运行。笔者在教学实践过程中,不断调整完善计算机的管理设置,逐步建立起一个适应学生实践上机操作练习的良好教学环境。  相似文献   

现有上机练习系统一般采用C/S或者B/S架构,学生通过客户端从服务器下载试题,完成后将答题数据原样传回服务端,由任课教师进行批改。练习过程中,辅导教师对有疑问的学生进行辅导。由于学生人数较多,辅导教师较少,经常出现辅导不到位,课后教师需要花较长时间分析学生答题情况,对教学内容查漏补缺。针对学生上机练习系统的不足,采用Java动态编译技术,设计出一套集练习、辅导、数据分析、考勤于一体的上机练习系统,大大提高了学生的练习效率,减轻了教师的工作量。  相似文献   

学校机房作为学生上机实践练习的公共环境,面对不同的使用者,必须保持计算机系统的单一性,限制学生的一些无关操作,保持计算机系统的正常运行。笔者在教学实践过程中,不断调整完善计算机的管理设置,逐步建立起一个适应学生实践上机操作练习的良好教学环境。  相似文献   

信息技术教学中的好助手——屏幕录像专家V5.0的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在信息技术课的教学过程中,对于应用软件的教学,教师常采用的方式是先用教学软件向学生进行操作演示,然后让学生上机练习操作,最后教师巡回辅导。这种方法常会碰到学生上机练习时忘了教师刚才讲的步骤,教师为了辅导学生而忙得团团转的情形。如何来解决这个问题呢?我们可将教师的操作演示过程及解说录制成动画,以便学生上机练习时参考。“屏幕录像专家”是一款专业的屏幕录像制作工具,利用它我们可以轻松地在教师的操作演示过程中将屏幕上的各种变化记录下来,  相似文献   

在中小学的计算机教学中 ,很多学校采用局域网 (LAN)建立起了计算机教学网络教室 ,开展学生的上机实践活动。搞好网络硬件和软件的管理 ,是计算机管理人员和教学人员的主要任务之一。由于学生上机时不同年级的上机内容不同 ,同一年级不同时期上机练习内容也不同 ,以及同一年级学生的操作水平不一致等多种情况 ,如何有效地管理好并利用好网络成了计算机室管理工作的一个重要问题。我们在计算机教学和管理工作中 ,进行了多种尝试和探索 ,取得了一定的效果 ,在此提出本人的几点拙见。a .避免工作站进行频繁热启动。学生在上机操作时 ,通常…  相似文献   

努力提高上机课的效率李敏玲一、做好课前预习,明确上机目标每次上机课前要求学生做好课前预习并提出上机的基本要求,明确上机目标,以保证课堂教学程序顺利进行。这一点在每一个新内容时显得特别重要。如有一次因没讲请要求便带学生上机练习指法,结果造成有的学生随意...  相似文献   

我对儿子夸口,说自己的判断能力天下无双,不想却在他面前出丑。我要与儿子去朋友家玩,说好给人家带去一个电子文本文件。此前,一次拷贝了一个文件,一张三寸磁盘刚拷贝好却怎么也不能打开了!打一次是“磁盘错误”,再打一次还是“请插入磁盘!”今天,为了以防万一,不能在儿子面前出丑!我连续拷贝了三张磁盘。第一张坏了有第二张,两张全坏还有第三张!可是我做梦都没有想到,待到在友人电脑上面打开第一张磁盘文件的时候,顺利成功!儿子不动声色地看我。我明白他什么意思,那眼神是在说:“怎么样?多此一举吧?”肯定那另外两张盘会有问题,于是我又插…  相似文献   

孔子设计和实践了一套高超的考试方式,来考查学生的思想境界和学习状况。孔子的主要做法是,运用口试的方法,通过言语的交流,来考问学生。孔子的问题简明扼要,意蕴深长,学生的回答也参差不齐,在每次口试以后他都要及时点评高下。孔子重考,也重试,他经常观察学生的言行举止,考查他们的实际能力,甚至试用学生,让他们参与重大国事。孔子就这样通过察其言、观其行、试其事,给他的门徒作出综合考评。孔子的这种考试方法,对中国传统考试的建构产生了重大的影响,而且直到今天仍然有其生命力。  相似文献   

学生学习的自我监控是在学习活动的全过程中,将自己正在进行的学习活动作为意识的对象,不断地对其进行积极的计划、监察、检查、评价、反馈、控制和调节过程,具有其特殊的特征。培养学生学习的自我监控力可从激发学习动机、丰富学习策略、训练学习意志等方面进行。  相似文献   

Novell网是基于Netware的一种优秀网络 ,本文在论述了Novell网无盘站原理的基础上 ,给出了工作站异型网络接口卡的Novell网络无盘站的实现技术。  相似文献   

Despite recent calls for teachers to promote and increase students’ communication and discussion in their classrooms, prospective teachers have limited opportunities to explore issues of classroom talk during their teacher preparation programs. In this study, prospective teachers attending a mathematics methods course were encouraged to attend to and investigate their developing teacherly talk through a letter writing exchange with school students. This paper reports on their tendency to respond to the correct answers with praise and to supply the answers when students reached an incorrect result. It explores the ways in which they began to interrogate and problematize such practices and to consider alternative forms of teacher responses to students’ right and wrong answers. Features of the course's field-related experience and the teacher educators’ interventions that promoted and supported the preservice teachers’ investigations are also discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to study the possible influence that exercising a representative role at school may have on secondary school students’ willingness to participate politically in society. In order to do this, an analysis was carried out of the answers given by 300 students between 13 and 18 years old, from a school with marked democratic practices, when asked about their experience of democracy at school and their intention to participate politically. The results show that students’ willingness to participate in society by means of conventional actions, such as voting, does not depend directly on whether they have exercised a representative role at school. However, non-conventional actions, such as attending demonstrations or supporting boycotts, does have a meaningful relation with the exercise of representative roles in the school. As a conclusion, we highlight that participating in the representation of the school influences the democratic formation of students and their willingness to participate politically in society, although this influence is more closely related to non-conventional actions, such as strikes, boycotts and demonstrations.  相似文献   

Nowadays, universities tend to promote more learner-centred learning, creating a more interactive and motivational environment for students and teachers. This paper describes an expanded framework to help chemical educators to construct a quiz for solution of chemical exercises in their courses. The novelty of this contribution is that the proposed tool combines a flashcards-based method with knowledge pills. The framework has three levels: definition of problem for a teacher; the quiz; use of the quiz for the student. The tool could provide predefined or automatically generated exercises of chemicals. Students could practise where and whenever they like via the Internet. Theirs answers would be registered automatically by the tool and if the students have doubts about any of the questions, they can see a knowledge pill with a teacher explanation about the solution of the exercise. Moreover, they would be able to check their scores from the tests. Once the flashcards were designed and produced, the opinions of other lecturers and students about them were considered. Both groups considered that the tool could be useful to improve the students’ learning process. For future work, this design will be used with the students and its effectiveness will be analysed.  相似文献   

Educators around the world are discovering that we have much to learn from each other's educational practices. Focusing on innovative forms of assessment in the United Kingdom, the article describes assessment strategies in mathematics, oracy, science, and foreign languages. These strategies include not only problems in which students select a correct answer, but also practical problems in which students supply answers to open-ended tasks.  相似文献   

One of the challenges of implementing a new curriculum is how to bridge the gap between the underlining principles of the curriculum and the cultural and social orientations of the society which includes teachers and students. This article reports on a study that explored how the cultural and social orientations of teachers and students can influence the implementation of a constructivist curriculum in mathematics classrooms. The data for the study came from 250 students and 41 mathematics teachers, using questionnaires, observations, and interviews. The results showed that inasmuch as mathematics teachers and their students acknowledge the importance of student’s active participation and teamwork, these practices have not been fully conceptualised into the Ghanaian mathematics classroom due to some cultural factors. Two main cultural factors were discovered from the analyses of the results. Firstly, the culture of acknowledging only correct answers in class has a negative impact on individual students’ confidence and participation during mathematics lessons. Also, the culture of teamwork is not fully accepted within Ghanaian classrooms as most students find it difficult working in groups and accepting and appreciating each other’s view. It was evident in all lessons that students were ridiculed by their peers when they provide a wrong answer to a question and this affected individual students’ participation in the classroom. Therefore, we suggested that teachers should be pro-active in promoting a classroom environment which is free from fear and intimidation to motivate students to be actively involved in the classroom discourse.  相似文献   

Metaphors are devices that people employ for both poetic purposes and rhetorical elaboration and belong to the realm of extraordinary language. Metaphors are used to connect abstract ideas and information to more concrete experiences, thus making these experiences more familiar and easier to understand. Moreover, metaphors are more than symbolic intellectual processes; they influence the conceptual understanding of our experiences and help define our everyday realities. For education, there is an important and relevant practical connection between the metaphors that teachers employ and their beliefs about teaching and classroom practices. This stems from the notion that metaphors guide one’s mental framework. In order to gain a deeper understanding of the metaphors influencing teachers in gifted education, this study specifically asked teachers to describe both their metaphors concerning gifted students as well as those influencing their teaching. In this study, nine different themes were identified. This research demonstrates a clear connection between reported metaphors and how gifted students receive their education from teachers. Participants’ answers demonstrate a strong connection between their metaphors and their classroom practices. However, strict adherence to one’s root metaphor increases the chance for dogmatism in the classroom and can lead to potentially incoherent classroom differentiation and a potential disconnect between classroom practices and the actual pedagogical needs of the gifted learner.  相似文献   

关于加强学生的数学反思学习和提高数学反思能力的研究迄今已有很多,仔细分析这些研究,其提出的众多措施并非完善,还是有许多要注意的事项,如数学反思学习应当抓住重点找准时机进行,进行的时候应注重全面总结和概括,教师应该在这个过程中发挥积极的作用,教会学生反思学习技能,及时检查学生的反思活动,根据学生的具体情况提出具体的反思要求,等等。只有将这些措施和先前的研究结合起来,中学教学中的反思性数学学习活动才能开展好,达到切实提高学生的数学反思能力的目的。  相似文献   

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