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ABSTRACT: A research experience was made available to an undergraduate Food Science and Human Nutrition (FSHN) student through collaboration with a Masters-level Nutrition graduate student. Both students were under the supervision of a graduate FSHN faculty member. Positive, self-identified aspects for the students included learning how to work collaboratively as a team member, gaining a better understanding of the process of field-based research, and successfully completing both projects. While caveats are noted, we suggest that this process is an untapped opportunity to offer a research experience to undergraduates. It could be applicable in departments/ units that maintain both an undergraduate and graduate program or across departments where disciplines are similar.  相似文献   

The rapid growth of analytics is bringing more attention to quantitative core curriculum requirements in undergraduate business programs. Statistical knowledge and skills are unequivocally recognized as essential cornerstone of business analytics. Furthermore, educational research has shown that academic performance in statistics classes is related to the attitudes that students bring to the course. This article assesses the reliability and validity of the Survey of Attitudes toward Statistics (SATS) in measuring noncognitive dimensions of attitudes among undergraduate business students. Sample data from U.S. and Chinese introductory business statistics classes were collected and analyzed to learn more about this aspect of student engagement across business schools located in countries with substantially different levels of success in international mathematics achievement testing, as well as differing cultural and educational practices. Results show that the six‐factor model structure of the SATS provides a good fit in both populations, with students entering business statistics holding only slightly positive attitudes toward the subject. Significant distinctions between four of the six attitude components were identified. Implications of measuring and improving these attitudes are discussed. Business statistics instructors are encouraged to use the survey as a standardized instrument to measure effects of interventions and make evidence‐based pedagogical decisions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of exposure to information about white-collar crime among college students on changes, if any, in their opinion toward it. The research design employed a one-group pretest–posttest design. Undergraduate students enrolled in a college course on white-collar crime answered a survey that measured their level of knowledge about crimes of the powerful and general sentiments toward them both on the first and last day of the semester. With the notable exception of environmental racism, subjects’ knowledge about white-collar crime—which was already high at time 1—did not statistically increase during the course of the semester. Similarly, attitudes toward white-collar crime remained both negative and stable. Correlational analyses between knowledge gains and changes in sentiments revealed that better-informed subjects were generally more likely to consider white-collar crime a serious issue and to recommend tougher sanctions against its perpetrators.  相似文献   

从“免费加助学金”大学生资助政策的确立、扩大,到逐步向“收费加贷学金”资助政策的转变过程中,英国政府通过立法、财政手段,实现了其政府责任,使英国的大学生资助政策经历了从无偿资助到有偿资助的转变。这种历程也显示了当今世界大学生资助政策的发展趋势。  相似文献   

高校是培养人才的重要基地,必须把培养中国特色社会主义事业的建设者和接班人作为根本任务。办好高校,特别是办好地方高校,首先要解决好培养什么人、如何培养人这个根本问题。在解决好这个根本问题过程中,思想政治教育工作应首当其冲,如何深入了解和把握地方高校大学生思想政治教育的特点,是提高思想政治教育工作针对性和实效性的关键。  相似文献   

Changing education philosophies and technological advancement have altered the way educational content can be delivered to students. One format growing in popularity is virtual institutions which allow students to complete their secondary education completely online. While the format has been in existence for two decades, little information has been presented regarding how the shift from a traditional brick and mortar environment to a virtual one impacts the physical activity of the students. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of school type on physical activity participation. One hundred fifteen high school age students attending brick and mortar and virtual institutions completed a survey regarding their physical activity participation. Results indicate students who attend virtual institutions are more likely to be physically active than their brick and mortar counterparts.  相似文献   

对昆明地区大学生的体育锻炼态度进行问卷调查,结合对教师和部分学生进行访谈,并且参考部分专家对体育锻炼态度的研究理论,探讨大学生的锻炼态度在不同性别、学科、生源上的差异,以及分析引起差异的原因,旨在为社会、学校、家庭提供大学生的体育锻炼态度的研究成果,提高对大学生的体育锻炼态度的认识水平。  相似文献   

多元培养教育理念是基于多元智能理论和以学生成人成才为根本、以学生全面发展为目标,以多样化需求为导向的教育主旨而提出的一种人才培养思想,由自主学习环境、模块化课程体系、多元成长路径和柔性运行管理服务体系构成,是适应学生自主学习、多样化发展需要的人才培养新模式。  相似文献   

金融危机对大学生的冲击及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
正在全球蔓延的金融危机已经对大学生造成了冲击,给他们的学习、生活、思想和就业等都带来了巨大的压力。高等学校要在深入分析金融危机对大学生负面影响的基础上,加强思想政治工作,积极采取有效措施,帮助大学生应对就业困难、经济困境和心理压力,促进大学生健康成长成才。  相似文献   

金融范畴发展与金融学本科教学   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
现代经济中.全融已突破传统的货币信用概念.在引导和聚集生产要素中居于主导地位,与些相适应,全融学教学也应作相应的改革。在考察中外全融学研究领域的区别的基础上,剖析了我国全融学本科教学存在的问题,并提出相应的改进建议。包括强化微观全融类课程建设、注重全融学课程与其它相关学科的融合及革新教学方法与教学手段等。  相似文献   

An Internet‐based survey about dating violence and self‐injury was completed by 1,777 undergraduates. A regression analysis tested if recent dating violence victimization and perpetration experiences predicted whether participants self‐injured in the past 90 days, after controlling for demographic variables and attitudes toward self‐injury and dating violence. Although the regression model explained only 6% of the variance in self‐injury, the relationship may indicate a co‐occurrence of dating violence and self‐injury.  相似文献   

“多读多写”是中学语文教学过程中的适用概念,但它的内涵应予以确定,并应该发展成能给教学实践提供法律依据和理论支持的体系。每周一小时的课外阅读时间可以作为教学任务布置给学生,每周两小时以上的阅读量仍只宜作为倡导。语文教改的重心可能不在于教学技巧的翻新、教学时间的调整和考试方式的变更,而在于对班级语文学习的环境进行营造。  相似文献   

Of the growing number of training programs in mainstreaming competencies reported, only a few have used naturalistic observations to evaluate the impact of these interventions. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a preparation program in mainstreaming for regular teachers on attitudes, management styles and mainstreamed pupil behaviour. Thirty prospective teachers, including 15 trained in special education (the experimental group) and 15 controls were each observed interacting with a mainstreamed and matched comparison pupil. Findings revealed that (a) training was effective in modifying attitudes toward mainstreaming by experimental teachers; (b) mainstreamed pupils in control teacher classrooms displayed significantly less appropriate classroom behaviours than their comparison peers; and (c) experimental and control teachers did not differ significantly in the management techniques employed. Both groups, however, reacted differently toward mainstreamed pupils than toward their matched classmates. Implications for preparation programs for regular educators are discussed.  相似文献   

大学生就业问题是个紧迫又复杂的问题,受到各种因素的影响。财政分配手段是政府调节社会经济发展的重要手段,它对社会的供给与需求都产生着重要影响,会影响到劳动力市场。因此,从财政分配结构改革的角度研究大学生就业问题,对于促进大学生就业水平的提高具有重要意义。文章研究了我国社会经济结构对劳动力的吸拉状况,通过分析国外一些国家利用财政手段促进就业水平提高的措施,针对我国社会现状提出我国财政分配结构的改革建议。  相似文献   

英语专业本科教育主要是向中小学输送合格的英语教师,而在新形势下中小学新课程改革的根本途径是通过转变教师的教学模式、教育理念来转变学生的学习方式。为了培养满足中小学新课标要求的毕业生,大学英语教学要重视基础教育课程教学改革发展的趋势和要求,发挥中学英语课堂存在的问题对大学教学改革的反馈作用,从课程设置、教学设计等方面进行自身的改革和完善。  相似文献   

The Computer Attitude Scale was completed by 298 female undergraduate students in Israel, together with an index of the gender stereotyping of computer use. The data demonstrate that female undergraduate students in Israel are much more likely to regard men as better at using computers than women than was found to be the case in a comparable study in the UK. Nevertheless there is little evidence from these data to support the suggestion that the gender stereotyping of computer use as masculine is itself detrimental to female students' attitudes toward computer use.  相似文献   

Scholars and practitioners have reported the positive outcomes of a flipped, or inverted, approach to instruction (Baker, 2000; Lage, Platt, & Treglia, 2000; Bergmann, 2011; Wright, 2011; Pearson, 2012; Butt, 2012; Bates, 2012). While many of the reports are anecdotal, the sheer number of instructors that have reported successful implementation of the strategy provides some evidence of its powerful use as an instructional method. This study provides a detailed case in which one approach of the Flipped Classroom Model of Instruction was applied in two classes at California State University Northridge. Student reports suggest that the approach provided an engaging learning experience, was effective in helping students learn the content, and increased self-efficacy in their ability to learn independently. Additionally, challenges and potential solutions to those challenges are discussed.  相似文献   

研究高职学生的学习态度、动机,以及对学习效果的影响,从而提出了高职英语教学改革重要性。针对目前高职学生学习态度研究的不足,设计问卷进行调查,并用社会科学统计分析软件SPSSl3.0对问卷结果进行分析,研究发现绝大多数高职学生英语学习的态度积极。在此基础上分析了积极、消极的学习态度的基本情况,并通过访谈了解到消极态度产生的原因,提出转变学生消极的学习态度,从而促进高职英语教学的观点。  相似文献   

国际金融危机不仅影响了我国的经济发展,也影响着人们的社会生活、思维方式和价值观念。大学生作为社会各个群体中思想变化最敏感的一个特殊群体,其价值观随着国际金融危机影响的深化而随之发生明显的变化,表现出多种特点。教育者必须正确地认识和把握国际金融危机和国内经济形势对大学生价值观的影响和特点,改进大学生价值观教育中存在的不足,有针对性地制定在当前经济形势下引导大学生培养正确价值观的教育策略。  相似文献   

更新高校学生工作理念的基础性问题是大学生身份的确认。当前及今后一个时期,在大学校园里大学生至少应拥有“产品”、“消费者”和“公民”这三种身份,高校学生工作者则应该以每一种身份确认为基础,重新调整工作理念。  相似文献   

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