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首都科技条件平台建设是整合并推动首都科技资源向社会和企业开放共享的重要建设项目之一。北京大学是首批入围首都科技条件平台建设的研发实验服务基地之一。优质科技资源的整合是研发实验服务基地建设的工作基础和核心任务。该文全面阐述了北京大学设备设施、实验室、人才队伍等优质科技资源的特点和资源整合的途径与效果。  相似文献   

近年来我国高校课程体系改革的一个显著特点是加强通识课程,压缩专业课程,目标是从过去的专才培养适度转向通识加专业,增强学生的就业适应能力和文化素养。任何新生事物都需要在实践中不断完善,针对通识课程设置上存在的比较普遍的问题,参考美国一所百年地方性高校经验,提出应从管理上完善通识课程的设置与选修规定,确保每位学生的知识结构有合理的广度和深度。  相似文献   

在知识经济时代的背景下,各所高校越来越重视对人力资源的管理,因此,本文对基于业务流程的高校人力资源管理的创新进行深入的研究。  相似文献   

The present article reports a validation program at a large midwestern university using the CLEP General Examinations for Social Sciences and History, Humanities, and Natural Sciences. It outlines the various meetings and discussions that took place among the representatives of the various colleges in discussing the implications of the validation studies. It details the decision-making process followed in determining the cutoff scores and the amount of credit to be granted in satisfying the four general educational requirements at the University. It also documents some of the problems encountered in arriving at a final set of cutoff scores.  相似文献   

章程是大学进行内部治理的规范保证,是现代大学制度的浓缩和灵魂。在制订章程审核工作中发现,大学管理体制、学术委员会、学系等关键问题仍需要进一步探索。本文介绍美国伊利诺伊大学章程的结构和特点:行政权力和学术权力相对均衡的大学管理结构;具有章程立法性质的评议会特点,立法体系的制定机构、程序及修订所具有的权威性、稳定性和连续性,对我国大学章程建设具有可资借鉴的意义。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the evaluation of Web‐based tools to support Personal Development Planning (PDP) in order to illustrate issues associated with the introduction and assessment of the effectiveness of online resources. The aims of the evaluation were based on concerns about the very complex situation that offering online resources including PDP poses for part‐time off‐campus students. In this paper the authors utilize a modified RUFDATA framework (Saunders, 2000 Saunders, M. 2000. Beginning an evaluation with RUFDATA: theorising a practical approach to evaluation planning. Evaluation, 1: 721.  [Google Scholar]) and consider the benefits a range of methods, including surveys and observational studies, can offer evaluations of electronic resources. They found that students used and valued some aspects of the provision but that even with best efforts of instructional designers, and user testing at the draft stage, students do not always behave as intended. This evaluation highlighted the need for a range of strategies for evaluating online resources and that regardless of student attitude there are real worries about eLearning imposing extra workload burdens on ‘time poor’ adults.  相似文献   

本文介绍了伊利诺伊大学芝加哥校区的整合式课程“临床医学基要”(Essentials of Clinical Medicine, ECM)的历史、课程目标、内容和教学安排、学生课业评价、课程管理与改进、课程的效果和主要特点等。该课程将医学人文社会知识技能与临床问诊、查体和临床决策紧密联系起来,运用讲座、小组学习、工作坊、医院见习与实习多种教学方法,注重学生从“做中学”,注重自我教育与反思,注重团队合作与教学相长,教学效果良好。  相似文献   

Two forms of the College Entrance Examination Board's (CEEB) English Composition Test were compared with four rhetoric final examinations in the basic English composition course at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign during fall semester 1965. This comparison was made to determine if the CEEB test could be used to predict course grade as well as the departmental final examination. In addition, an analysis of the examinations was conducted to determine the stability of the tests. The results indicated that the CEEB test was much more stable and yielded better item statistics, which seemed to characterize a norm-referenced measuring instrument. The departmental examinations, on the other hand, were more highly related to course grade and seemed to more nearly characterize a criterion-referenced measuring instrument.  相似文献   

分析了滁州学院应用型高校工商管理专业人才培养定位及人力资源管理课程实践教学现状,提出人力资源管理课程实践教学改革思路:既要构建实践教学的制度体系、教学系统及教学考评体系,又要不断探索案例教学、情景模拟、践行辅导、实验课、社会实践等课内外实践教学模式.  相似文献   


This pilot study identified and provided initial exploration into the notion that the presence of children can increase or amplify the emotional significance of encounters with white-tailed deer. Qualitative data demonstrated that Northern Illinois natural area decision makers found deer encounters to be more memorable when simultaneously sharing space with children. The theoretical frame was informed by Experiential Learning Theory and the Theory of Emotional Memory. Implications for environmental education practice and research are discussed.  相似文献   

协同创新是一种新的大学办学理念,指大学基于集成、合作、融合与共享的价值准则。谋求创新.以更好地适应时代需要,提高功能活动效率、水平与质量的思想观念。它既是大学办学内生的需要,又是社会发展对大学所提出的新要求;既是大学创新由割裂走向融合、由分散走向集成的客观要求,又是大学自身突破传统创新的必然结果。大学是协同创新的主体,集成是其灵魂,提高办学水平是其根本目的,合作共赢是其保障。建设适应协同创新理念的制度是现代大学制度建设的应有之义。  相似文献   

Background: Blending collaborative learning and project-based learning (PBL) based on Wolff (2003) design categories, students interacted in a learning environment where they developed their technology integration practices as well as their technological and collaborative skills.

Purpose: The study aims to understand how seventh grade students perceive a collaborative web-based science project in light of Wolff’s design categories. The goal of the project is to develop their technological and collaborative skills, to educate them about technology integration practices, and to provide an optimum collaborative, PBL experience.

Sample: Seventh grade students aged 12–14 (n = 15) were selected from a rural K–12 school in Turkey through purposeful sampling.

Design and methods: The current study applied proactive action research since it focused on utilizing a new way to enhance students’ technological and collaborative skills and to demonstrate technology integration into science coursework. Data were collected qualitatively through interviews, observation forms, forum archives, and website evaluation rubrics.

Results: The results found virtual spaces such as online tutorials, forums, and collaborative and communicative tools to be beneficial for collaborative PBL. The study supported Wolff’s design features for a collaborative PBL environment, applying features appropriate for a rural K–12 school setting and creating a digitally-enriched environment. As the forum could not be used as effectively as expected because of school limitations, more flexible spaces independent of time and space were needed.

Conclusions: This study’s interdisciplinary, collaborative PBL was efficient in enhancing students’ advanced technological and collaborative skills, as well as exposing them to practices for integrating technology into science. The study applied design features for a collaborative PBL environment with certain revisions.  相似文献   

介绍了美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学科研实验室的安全管理方法,其中包括EHS主导的实验室运行方式、基于身份认证的准入制度和具体的安全管理措施。针对目前国内科研实验室存在的常见问题,结合国外大学的实验室管理经验,为高校实验室的管理和发展提出一些建议,对实验人员方便、安全、高效地进行科研工作,管理者有效的进行管理起到促进作用。  相似文献   

Quality management improvement has become a recent focus of attention in medical education. The program for the donation of bodies and body parts (Body Donation Program) at the University of Padova has recently been subjected to a global quality management standard, the ISO 9001:2008 certification. The aim of the present work is to show how the above standard is useful in enhancing the efficiency of body donation procedures and the quality and output of medical education. The program is managed by means of the following interlinked procedures: the collection of body donations, death certificates, data, and body parts from living donors; the transportation and identification of cadavers; the management of bodies, body parts, equipment, instruments, purchasing of necessary materials, and setting up anatomical training sessions; the management of preventive and corrective actions; the management of documents and registration; the management of internal and external quality audits; and the review of outcomes and improvement planning. Monitoring indicators are identified in the numbers of donors and of donated body parts per year, education sessions, and satisfaction of learners and donors, as evaluated by questionnaires. The process management approach, the integrated involvement of medical, technical, and administrative staff in defining procedures, and the application of monitoring indicators allow quality improvement in all aspects of the Body Donation Program. Anat Sci Educ. © 2012 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

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