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从政女性提升领导能力的途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今世界,女性在政坛上发挥着举足轻重的作用,一些女性在国家乃至国际政治事务中担当着重要角色。如何发挥女性在政治事务中的独特优势,提升女性的领导能力,培养优秀的女性领导,是一个值得分析、探讨的问题。  相似文献   

在过去的五十多年中,对领导力的研究远远超过任何一个与组织相关的论题.魅力型领导理论从20世纪80年代起,日益受到研究者的重视.这是因为随着全球经济的发展,市场竞争日趋激烈,各类组织,尤其是企业组织迫切需要魅力型领导者的改革和创新精神,以应对环境的挑战.  相似文献   

领导魅力在领导艺术中有着举足轻重的作用。基于此,从人格、情绪、认知和能力四个视角对领导魅力的含义作了阐释。同时运用"五因素模型"理论对领导魅力的人格特征进行了简要的分析,即:在外向性上健谈、精力充沛、果断、安静;在和悦性上有同情心、善良、亲切;在公正性上维护规章制度、负责任;在情绪维度上稳定、冷静;在创造维度上有创造性、聪明、开放。  相似文献   

如何拓展领导魅力,使别人知道你有多可亲,并且被你所吸引呢?和任何一种商业技巧一样,你可以学习和培养领导魅力。下面一些策略,可以帮助你打造神奇的领导魅力: 保持标志性仪态 在你走进某个房间的那一刻,屋里的人就开始审视你。他们观察你走路的姿势、你的神态,他们注意你的穿着,这也许看起来有些可笑且毫无意义,其实不是。在你开口说话之前,你所表露出来的整体气质意义深远。 据个人形象专家介绍,别人对你的  相似文献   

魅力型领导的权力主要来自该领导者的个人魅力,个人魅力主要指其人格魅力,其人格魅力从负责、道德操守和奉献精神三个方面体现出来。魅力型领导必备的五大人格特质是:智力、监督力、自信、主动(积极)、果决。  相似文献   

魅力型领导的权力主要来自该领导者的个人魅力,个人魅力主要指其人格魅力,其人格魅力从负责、道德操守和奉献精神三个方面体现出来。魅力型领导必备的五大人格特质是:智力、监督力、自信、主动(积极)、果决。  相似文献   

魅力领导是领导者利用自身因素吸引与感染下属的一种领导方式和行为,是个人魅力与职务角色的有机结合.它通过领导者的工作魅力、学识魅力、个性魅力、人格魅力、仪态魅力等得到综合体现.是现代领导的一种新风尚。领导者是单位、部门或企业的领航人.他的状态反映了该单位、部门或企业的面貌,如果其具有领导者特有的精神魅力.必然会给人以亲切和有能力的印象.其优秀的品行也容易被人们所认知,这样众人很容易支持他的工作。那么.如何在工作岗位中快速提高自己的领导魅力呢?笔者认为以下三方面既是基础又是核心。  相似文献   

领导魅力指领导者在实现领导目标、开展领导活动的过程中,在领导者个人魅力与领导行为的结合中,所产生的对被领导者的吸引力、凝聚力、感召力,使被领导者心理愉悦并在行动上自愿支持。中西方关于领导魅力的理论分别从领导魅力的概念内涵、领导魅力的演化、魅力型领导者个性特质和行为特征、魅力型领导者的追随者、领导情景特征及领导魅力的作用等方面进行了全面的解读。  相似文献   

领导魅力作为一种非权力性影响力的体现,是提高领导效率的条件,是构成领导影响力的坚实基础。增加领导魅力,可以更好地实现领导的职能,团结力量,建设社会主义和谐社会。  相似文献   

领导者的人格境界,是领导者完成工作任务的潜在力量。具有人格魅力的领导者能够更顺利地完成领导行为。领导者的人格魅力主要由四个方面构成:奉献精神、谦虚自律、待人公道、充满爱心。  相似文献   

论女性心理与柔性化领导方式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今社会,柔性化领导方式成为适应现代领导实践要求的领导方式,而女性领导在这方面具有独特的优势。女性领导比男性领导具有较强的亲和力、较强的协调能力、较高的忍耐力和责任感,善于进行共情式领导,刚柔相济,能够以柔克刚。女性领导要有效地实施柔性化领导,就要以人为本,建立有效的激励机制;重视调控组织成员的情绪情感;加强人际沟通与协调,团结合作;提高非权力因素的影响力。  相似文献   

Although women are now graduating in greater percentages then men at all degree levels—associate through doctorate—the senior-level leadership on most postsecondary campuses in the United States continues to be predominantly White and male. Numerous internal, institutional, and systemic barriers have been identified that hinder women from aspiring to leadership and advancing into senior-level roles. However, new streams of research in the leadership literature are addressing the motivations, encouragers, and discouragers that influence women’s leadership aspirations and experiences, including a growing body of scholarship focused on the process of leadership identity development rather than simply leadership development. This article presents the relevant literature and discusses the findings of interviews with 30 emerging and current women leaders in the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities; the interview questions focused on the extent to which various kinds of developmental relationships (specifically mentoring, coaching, and sponsorship) have been experienced by the participants. Three primary themes emerged from the data analysis of developmental relationships vis-à-vis the participants’ leadership journeys: (a) the value of having a network of influential relationships was key in the leadership journey; (b) the perceived benefits of distinct developmental relationships, either present or desired; and (c) the contribution of developmental relationships in navigating women leaders’ professional challenges. Although many of the 30 participants reported having benefited from mentoring of various types in the past, only a few reported having been coached or sponsored. Notably, such developmental relationships were not only desired but also viewed as potentially critical to professional advancement. Recognizing that the influence of developmental relationships (particularly coaching and sponsorship) in later career stages merits greater research attention, this article proposes a slightly modified version of a Women’s Leadership Development Model in which developmental relationships are recognized as a motivator for women to aspire to or step into leadership, with coaching and sponsorship playing a larger role in the later stages of women’s career development.  相似文献   

高校推进干部人事制度改革,重在中层干部"能上能下".本文分析了目前在高校干部工作中存在的中层干部"能上难下"的原因,提出了对策措施.  相似文献   

美国制订《学校领导标准》 促进领导专业发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采取有效措施促进学校领导的专业发展,以便提高学校效能和教与学的质量,这日益为世界许多国家政府、学术团体、公众和学校所重视。本文将探讨美国在这方面所作出的努力。传统上美国采用分权教育体  相似文献   

Leadership is a skill that can be learned through professional development, mentoring, and leadership development programs. In Ontario, the Teacher Learning and Leadership Program (TLLP) helps educators develop their leadership skills through a Ministry of Education–funded project that addresses student learning needs in their classrooms. This article examines how the TLLP built the foundation for a teacher to lead beyond his classroom and continues to develop leadership skills in others across the province.  相似文献   

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