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隐喻作为语言中的一种现象,吸引了语言学界、心理学、哲学、人类学等学科的注意。本文在阐述隐喻概念和特征的同时,认为隐喻是一种认知和行为方式,具有经验型、无意识性和心理现实性的特征,从隐喻与隐喻思维的关系角度出发,论证了语言与思维的关系及其哲学的隐喻性。  相似文献   

明宏 《文教资料》2009,(31):34-36
传统理论认为隐喻是一种润饰辞藻、令描述锦上添花的手段。随着研究向语言哲学的转向,语言哲学家从语用学或人的语言实践角度和认知角度出发展开了对隐喻新的诠释。隐喻研究的认知转向标志着隐喻研究新纪元的开始。认知隐喻认为隐喻是人们对新领域的概念和抽象范畴进行概念化的强有力的认知工具,是人们赖以生存的认知方式。  相似文献   

科技术语作为专名的一类,一直处于语言哲学研究的焦点。从科技术语的本质、概念意义的形成、命名以及语义泛化等方面回答了语言哲学与之相关的两个问题:科技术语具有意义,言语主体的语言能力或语言知识在概念意义形成过程中具有重要作用;科技术语新概念的命名及语义的泛化多是利用隐喻而来的。隐喻作为概念的构成方式反映了人类认知能力的不断提高。  相似文献   

认知语言学的哲学基础是体验哲学,是"心寓于身"(embodiment)的认知观,因此认知语言学是以人类的身体经验为出发点来研究范畴、概念、心智、认知和语言。"眼睛"作为人体的重要器官词语,在其概念的历史演变过程中被赋予了丰富的隐喻意义,研究结果表明:英语和汉语两种语言共享"眼睛"的大部分隐喻投射,分别被映射到具体事物、抽象概念和心理状态三个领域;从体验哲学的视角可以阐释英语和汉语中"眼睛"概念隐喻存在共性的深层原因。  相似文献   

隐喻作为一种语言现象普遍渗透于语言的各个层面,隐喻语言的建构与解读依赖于语言基本单位——构式。从隐喻的认知本体研究出发,结合相关学者对概念隐喻、语义框架和构式互动关系的研究,围绕概念域的组成成分、源域和目标域的标签方式以及基于构式的隐喻映射方式三个方面,进一步厘清构式视角下的隐喻的认知机制,即源域和目标域的选择依赖于构式义主导下的自主—依存关系,依存项激活源域,自主项激活目标域,从而形成从源域中框架向目标域中框架投射的完整隐喻映射过程。该结论不仅拓宽了隐喻研究的广度,而且以较新的视角—构式探究隐喻认知机制,为隐喻研究注入了新的活力。  相似文献   

维特根斯坦的后期语言哲学观体现为著名的"语言游戏说",它不仅在哲学领域推动了语言的转向,在语言学领域同样产生了巨大的影响。韩礼德"语法隐喻理论"所体现的哲学思想与"语言游戏说"有着极大的渊源关系。通过比较二者的哲学思想,找出它们共同的哲学基础,以期丰富"语法隐喻理论"的哲学蕴涵,从理论源头上为"语法隐喻"的产生提供理据,显示"语法隐喻理论"内在的逻辑性、系统性和哲理性,促进它的完善和发展。  相似文献   

概念隐喻是以一个认知域的经验来说明或理解另一个认知域的经验,用源域的某些特点来映射目标域,从而使目标域的理解变得简单。《红楼梦》语言描写中的一大特色就是使用隐喻。文章从概念隐喻的三个维度:结构隐喻、方位隐喻和本体隐喻来分析和阐释《红楼梦》中的概念隐喻,以期发现这些概念隐喻的具体类型,解释它们发生的内在过程。  相似文献   

本文从认知语言学的视角,系统考察和对比了汉英语言中"耳"的概念隐喻。研究发现,相同的身体结构与感知器官使汉英两种语言共享"耳"概念的大部分隐喻投射;地理位置及认知的参照点等方面的不同使两种语言有各自独特的隐喻投射;汉英语"耳(ear)"共投射到三个域:智力知识域、社会关系域和情感态度域。  相似文献   

本研究运用概念隐喻归纳测验,对不同语言水平的 251 名 1-4 年级英语专业大学生与 24 名美国大学生的概念隐喻归纳能力进行实证研究。研究发现: 1) 不同年级被试概念隐喻归纳的源域范畴基本相同; 2) 中国英语专业大学生与美国大学生概念隐喻归纳的源域范畴基本相同。概念隐喻归纳结果并未因主体的语言水平的不同而出现差异性。由此,我们得出结论: 1) 语言水平可能不是影响被试概念隐喻归纳能力的关键变量; 2) 实证数据并不支持认知主体心智中存在概念隐喻表征体系的观点。  相似文献   

以目标域为LOVE的概念隐喻为研究对象,依据检索工具Sketch Engine词汇素描功能对love在BNC大型语料库中的语法知识列表,识别语言层面的隐喻表达,再借助语义知识库Word Net聚类功能,归纳推导认知层面的LOVE概念隐喻,并梳理各概念隐喻源域的语义关系。研究发现BNC中包含大量以love为目标域的动词性、形容词性和名词性隐喻,以此为基础可推导出21个概念隐喻,这些概念隐喻的源域在语义上存在上下位关系。Sketch Engine和Word Net在本研究中发挥显著作用,是日后隐喻语料库研究的重要工具。  相似文献   

卢卡奇对异化理论的探索经历了早晚两个阶段,早期的异化理论主要体现在《历史和阶级意识》中,晚期的则体现在《社会存在的本体论》中。从异化的由来、概念区分、主体、视野考查以及扬弃五个方面进行分析发现,其晚期的异化理论是对早期的超越,是向马克思的接近。发生这种思想转变的原因是多方面的,文章从写作时代、理论基础、遵循的哲学路线三个方面进行了分析。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes recent work in psychology on the nature of the representation of complex forms of knowledge with the goal of understanding how theories are represented. The analysis suggests that, as a psychological form of representation, theories are mental structures that include theoretical entities (usually nonobservable), relationships among the theoretical entities, and relationships of the theoretical entities to the phenomena of some domain. A theory explains the phenomena in its domain by providing a conceptual framework for the phenomena that leads to a feeling of understanding in the reader/hearer. The explanatory conceptual framework goes beyond the original phenomena, integrates diverse aspects of the world, and shows how the original phenomena follow from the framework. This analysis is used to argue that mental models are the subclass of theories that use causal/mechanical explanatory frameworks. In addition, an argument is made for a new psychologism in the philosophy of science, in which the mental representation of scientific theories must be taken into account.  相似文献   

A bstract .  As even its defenders admit, reflection in education suffers from a lack of conceptual clarity. In this essay, Henk Procee provides a philosophical analysis of the central concepts in this domain. In the current literature, these concepts are usually taken from the pragmatic school of John Dewey and from critical social theory associated with Jürgen Habermas. In contrast, Procee argues that Kant's philosophy incorporates ideas better suited to understanding reflection in education — particularly through his distinction between understanding ("Verstand") and judgment ("Urteilskraft"), a distinction that supports an epistemology that accepts the special nature of reflection as judgment as opposed to formal learning (which, in Kant's analysis, is part of understanding). In addition, Procee discusses some consequences for the aims and methods of reflection in education.  相似文献   

黄尚文 《铜仁学院学报》2010,12(5):114-115,125
在哲学原著的教学中,应当注重概念分析和语句分析,其次应当注重研究式教学,以及史论结合的论述。  相似文献   

Increasingly, the requirements of applicants to academic faculty positions, promotion and tenure procedures, nominations for teaching awards, or other application processes for innovative teaching grants worldwide include a teaching portfolio or dossier or a statement of teaching philosophy. Current literature provides a spectrum of approaches to constructing a teaching philosophy statement. While these resources provide practical utility, this literature generally lacks conceptual models that provide clear operational definitions and comprehensive frameworks for the process of generating or evaluating a teaching philosophy statement. However, this literature does illustrate the complexity of the task. Each teaching philosophy statement reflects not only personal beliefs about teaching and learning, but also disciplinary cultures, institutional structures and cultures, and stakeholder expectations as well. This synergy among self, discipline, and institutional context guided the development of a conceptual model for constructing a teaching philosophy statement. Based on the authors' survey of the literature, a conceptual model was developed, and then refined in a series of three workshops that included input from graduate students, academic faculty, faculty developers, and academic managers (administrators). The resulting conceptual framework includes the six dimensions commonly found in a survey of faculty teaching philosophies: the purpose of teaching and learning; the role of the teacher; the role of the student; the methods used; evaluation and assessment of teaching and learning; and also includes two framing devices - a metaphor or a critical incident and a device for acknowledging the impact that contextual factors have on teacher decision making. This paper describes the development of this conceptual model, and provides an evaluation rubric that can be applied to assess teaching philosophy statements generated using the proposed framework.  相似文献   

Conceptual change is a popular, contemporary conception of meaningful learning. Conceptual change describes changes in conceptual frameworks (mental models or personal theories) that learners construct to comprehend phenomena. Different theories of conceptual change describe the reorganization of conceptual frameworks that results from different forms of activity. We argue that learners' conceptual frameworks (mental models or personal theories) resulting from conceptual change are most acutely affected by model-based reasoning. Model-based reasoning is engaged and fostered by learner construction of qualitative and quantitative models of the content or phenomena they are studying using technology-based modelling tools. Model building is a powerful strategy for engaging, supporting, and assessing conceptual change in learners because these models scaffold and externalize internal, mental models by providing multiple formalisms for representing conceptual understanding and change. We demonstrate the processes and products of building models of domain content, problems, systems, experiences, and thinking processes using different technology-based modelling tools. Each tool provides alternative representational formalisms that enable learners to qualitatively and quantitatively model their conceptual frameworks.  相似文献   

通过对概念转喻的本质、认知原则、认知运作模式及其认知理据等的解读,说明转喻作为一个认知域中的概念映射,是一个概念实体或载体,在同一ICM或认知域内运作,向另一个概念实体或目标提供心理可及的认知过程。其认知的基本原则是邻近性相对突显性和可及性原则。它可以在多种转喻生成关系的同一ICM中运作,其目标义在概念上是突显的。通过分析汉语熟语在概念整合网络中的在线意义构建和幕后认知,认为Fauconnier的心理空间理论和概念整合理论对于转喻性和隐喻性习语表达方式的工作机制和解释提供了一种适当的理据。  相似文献   



Writing a little over a decade ago of developments in educational philosophy, R. F. Dearden remarked on the dearth of alternative approaches to that of conceptual analysis which predominated, at least in Anglophone cultures, at that time. One possible avenue of enquiry which he identified as conspicuously absent in this respect was the development of a distinctively Catholic approach to problems of educational philosophy, observing that a work of the mid‐war years, Maritain's Education at the Crossroads (1943), appeared to be well nigh the only modem effort in this direction. More than a decade on from this, in a climate no longer exclusively dominated by conceptual analysis – indeed, in which there is unprecedented interest in a wealth of different schools, traditions and approaches to philosophy of education – Dearden's remarks about the absence of a distinctively Catholic perspective still apply. In the following essay, therefore, the authors have undertaken, via a critical analysis of Maritain's educational speculations of half a century ago, to try to discern some of the principal issues and considerations which would need to be addressed in the interests of identifying a distinctively Catholic educational philosophy.  相似文献   

科学、哲学、意识形态作为马克思主义内部三重性质的关系:科学是力求价值中立的对客观存在的研究,哲学是对人存在意义的探求,意识形态是具有特定价值倾向性、并维护自我肯定性立场的社会意识形式。科学为哲学和意识形态提供知识基础,意识形态为科学和哲学确定价值前提和价值规范,哲学则不满足于上述两种确定的理论话语,而要在理论与现实的距离和张力中对理论加以反思和批判,开显人类自我创造的新的可能性。马克思主义这三重性质是辩证统一的,但如今它的科学性和意识形态性受到充分重视,而其哲学性相对受重视不足,哲学的反思功能未能充分发挥,故而应当成为我们着力解决的问题。  相似文献   

The philosophy of biology today is one of the most exciting areas of philosophy. It looks critically across the life sciences, teasing out conceptual issues and difficulties bringing to bear the tools of philosophical analysis to achieve clarification and understanding. This essay surveys work in all of the major directions of research: evolutionary theory and the units/levels of selection; evolutionary developmental biology; reductionism; ecology; the species problem; teleology; evolutionary epistemology; evolutionary ethics; and progress. There is a comprehensive bibliography.  相似文献   

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