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Engineering nano-materials & their impact on human health or environmental security constitute a newly emerging R&D hot spot and a key problem now urgently waiting for its solution in supporting the su...  相似文献   

Engineering nano-materials & their impact on human health or environmental security constitute a newly emerging R&D hot spot and a key problem now urgently waiting for its solution in supporting the sustainability of China’s nano-science and related technology development. At present, water bodies in Chinese cities have been seriously polluted by metallic nano-particles (MNPs) while related monitoring data are found woefully lacking throughout the country. Based on the above understanding, this article gives a round-up explanation on distributive characteristics of MNPs in the river mouths or water bodies of Chinese cities, their ecological hazards as well as our research in this regard, providing some inspiring ideas and data for control over this scourge. In addition, our exploration probes the discharge traits of MNPs themselves and the mechanism underlying its impact on water pollution.  相似文献   

To adapt the patent system in China to the needs of the developments of the national and international situations, the State Intellectual Property Qffice (SIPQ) has decided to launch the preparatory work on the revision of the Patent Law and its Implementing Regulations for the third time. To this end, the Office has prepared the Guide to the Research Project on the Revision of the Patent Law and its Implementing Regulations for the Third Time.  相似文献   

本文详细描述了中国辽西热河群部分恐爪龙类化石的骨骼与皮肤衍生物形态。本研究:1) 提供了有关辽宁恐爪龙类最详细的骨骼学信息;2)提出了羽毛演化的一个新模型;3)综合地分析了虚骨龙类的系统关系;4)分析身体不同部位的信息对复原系统发育的影响及虚骨龙类各个演化阶段身体不同部位的相对演化程度;5)讨论了虚骨龙类的演化趋向,尤其是和飞行起源相关特征的变化。  相似文献   

涂小青 《科技广场》2013,(8):135-140
本文分析生态经济视角下政府环境监测部门与企业在污染治理过程中的博弈行为。首先分析完全信息静态博弈分析的纳什均衡,然后扩展到群体有限理性下博弈分析,建立了政府监管部门和企业在各自不同的策略选择时的成本和收益函数,运用演化博弈理论研究了博弈模型的稳定性策略。分析结果表明:政府部门应该对企业污染加大监管及惩罚力度;企业应该运用更高的科技水平来降低污染物的产生及污染治理成本;加大政府监管失职处罚,强化政府监管职责;完善环境监管机制,提高政府监管效率,减少监管部门对于企业的监管成本。  相似文献   

生态创新及扩散是治理环境污染、实现生态经济协调发展的关键。本文利用演化博弈方法,构建绿色供应链企业生态创新扩散的博弈模型并进行稳定性分析,借助matlab仿真分析了不同参数对生态创新扩散的影响。研究表明:供应链上处于创新采纳方的企业大都会选择引入生态创新;生产商研发出生态创新更有利于该创新的扩散;专利费和协同效益对生态创新扩散有显著正向作用,而搭便车收益对生态创新扩散有一定负向作用;政府对扩散方的奖惩机制是生态创新扩散的助推器,同时也应对采纳方辅以必要的监管。  相似文献   

 The pollen morphology of 11 species and 1 variety in the genus Lespedeza and its allied genera (Campylotropis, Kummerowia) from NE China was examined under light and scanning electron microscopes.      1.  Lespedeza Michx. (plate 1:1-6; 2:1-6; 3:1-6; 4:1-2)      Pollen grains prolate, rarely subprolate or spheroidal, elliptic or rarely suborbicular in equa- torial view, 3-lobed-rounded in polar view, tricolporate, colpus margins smooth or jagged.  Polar axis 20.7-33.1μm long, equatorial axis 15.4-20.9 μm long.  Exine reticulate or foveolate, lu- mina verrucose or smooth under SEM.      2.  Campylotropis Bge. (plate 4:3-4)      One species in NE China, C. macrocarpa (Bge.) Rehd.  Pollen grains prolate, elliptic in equatorial view, 3-lobed-rounded in polar view, 3-colporate, colpus linear, 25.1μm long, 1.79μm broad, colpus margins jagged, with a series of verrucae equal in size along one side visible under SEM.  Polar axis 19.7μm long, equatorial axis 14.6μm long.  Exine reticulate, lumina nearly rounded, verrucose at periphery under SEM.       3.  Kummerowia Schindl. (plate 4:5-6)       Pollen grains spheroidal, oblate or prolate, elliptic in equatorial view, obtuse-triangular in polar view, tricolporate, colups linear, 25.1μm long, 2.01μm  broad,  colpus margins sinuate. Polar axis 24.7-27.9μm long, equatorial axis 19.7-26.6μm long.  Exine reticulate or subreti- culate, lumina nearly rounded, with verrocae visible under SEM.       According to the pollen morphology of Lespedeza and its allied genera, the division of Lespedeza (s. lat.) into Lespedeza (S. str.), Campylotropis and Kummarowia by Schindler (1912) is reasonable.  The subdivision of Lespedeza (s. str.) into Sect.  Macrolespedeza and Sect. Lespe- deza by many botanists, and the treatment of Lespedeze juncea  (L. f.) Pers. var. inschanica Maxim. as an independent species (i.e. Lespedeza inschanics (Maxim). Schindl.) are also suppor- ted by the pollen morphology shown in the present work.  相似文献   

延吉地区古新世埃达克岩石中出现了大量的捕获锆石,阴极发光图像显示这些锆石主要来源于围岩中酸性侵入岩,其U-Pb年龄变化在87~387Ma之间,εHf(t)变化在-2.1~14.7之间,TDM(Hf)为272~895 Ma.原位离子探针微量元素分析显示,大部分锆石具有相对含石榴子石变质岩高Y、低Hf,在REE配分模式为LREE亏损、HREE富集、正Ce异常和负Eu异常,说明这些锆石的生长环境为与斜长石共存而缺乏石榴子石的体系;另外两颗锆石的Eu负异常不明显,说明它们结晶于缺少共生斜长石的体系.随着锆石结晶时间的变新,其εHf(t)逐渐降低和TDM(Hf)增加,说明年青地壳组分对延吉地区的显生宙中酸性侵入岩熔融源区的贡献减少,中生代以来,尤其是区域岩浆活动峰期时间(早白垩世)地壳增生较弱;此外,锆石的U-Pb年龄与Y、Th和U显示出正相关关系,而与Eu/Eu*和Ce/YbCN表现出负相关关系,反映区域中酸性岩浆熔融源区或岩浆分异过程中斜长石的贡献减小,而熔融源区残留石榴子石的贡献有增加趋势.  相似文献   

本文从理论和实证方面对公司投资者和管理者之间的互动关系进行描述,分析投资者非理性和管理者非理性范式下的资本配置行为,为公司的投资决策、融资决策争股利政策等提供直观的和较现实的解释,并为解决我国更加复杂的现实问题提供切实可行的方法和建议.  相似文献   

黄勇 《情报杂志》2012,31(5):66-70
学术共享空间是国外高校图书馆最近兴起的一个研究与实践领域。选取Scholarly Commons、Academic Commons、Research Commons和Faculty Commons四种表述形式并具有学术机构库、学术社区或整合型学术服务环境等表现形态的学术共享空间进行文献调研与网络调研,介绍国外的研究与实践进展,在此基础上归纳我国高校图书馆构建学术共享空间的重要启示。  相似文献   

China English is an English variety used by native-Chinese people for communication under specific language environment. This study attempts to outline the objective existence of China English and the implications of its linguistic features for English teaching.  相似文献   

中国经济发展与生态足迹的关系研究   总被引:37,自引:8,他引:37  
本文计算了中国1961年~2001年的生态足迹、生态承载力和生态足迹赤字,分析了这些指标的构成及其变迁;对1990年~2000年间第一、二、三产业的生态足迹及其生态占用强度(生态效率)进行了计算和分析.结果发现:我国从1970年代初开始,生态系统就处于超负荷状态,生态赤字增长迅速,人均赤字年增长率达到9%以上;能源和耕地在生态足迹中占主要份额;第一产业生态足迹在总足迹中的比重最高(63.7%~68.5%)、生态占用强度也最高(达20hm2~23hm2/万元GDP)且生态效率有下降趋势,是影响我国经济之生态效率的主要矛盾所在;第三产业生态足迹在总足迹中的比重很低(4.5%~5.4%),其生态占用强度比其它产业低得多(1hm2/万元GDP),但该产业的生态足迹增长速度较高且生态效率提高较慢;第二产业生态足迹占总足迹的26.1%~31.7%,生态效率在3个产业中增长最快.2000年~2020年,要在实现GDP翻两番的同时实现生态足迹零增长,需要生态效率也翻两番,年增长率达到7.18%,而1990年~2000年间生态效率的实际年增长率为5.45%.  相似文献   

跨国公司在华专利战略的运用及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
专利竞争已成为当今国际间竞争的战略制高点,跨国公司利用专利战略打压竞争对手,尤其是后进国家的企业,更成为其经常运用的有力的竞争手段。本文以135家跨国公司20年间在华专利申请数据为出发点,并结合对其中43家跨国公司的访谈调研,从专利申请和专利运用这两个角度来考察跨国公司在华专利战略,揭示跨国公司专利战略产生的深远影响,同时探讨其对我国政府决策的意义及对我国企业的参考价值。  相似文献   

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