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Semi-open heat pipes were studied experimentally in this work. A new kind of semi-open heat pipe with fluid swirl backflow was developed on the basis of the traditional semi-open heat pipe. Heat transfer characteristics during operation and start-up of closed heat pipe traditional semi-open heat pipe and swirl flow semi-open heat pipe were investigated. The swirl orifice's backflow effect on enhancing the working limitation was obtained. Heat exchangers or waste heat boilers made of swirl flow semi-open heat pipes and semi-open heat pipes have been successfully used in high or variable gas temperature engineering applications.  相似文献   

介绍了换热器传热性能试验台系统的硬件构成、运行原理、软件控制和测量系统.试验台系统由导热油、压缩空气、乙二醇溶液和水4种不同热流体与冷风和冷却水2种冷流体为循环工质的子系统构成,不仅能进行上述热流体对冷风或冷却水的一对一试验,还可以进行并联或串联的2种或3种热流体对冷风的复合型换热器的传热性能测试.控制和测量系统以LabVIEW软件为平台,包括试验数据采集和处理系统以及自动运行与控制系统,借助完善的软件控制与先进测量仪器的相结合,使系统具有结构紧凑,测量精度高,测试范围广,程序界面友好等特点,对于换热器总体传热系数K的不确定度小于5%,为新型换热器的设计和开发提供了可靠的测试平台.  相似文献   

An experimental system was set up to measure the temperature, pressure, heat transfer rate and mass flow rate in a semi-open two-phase thermosyphon. The behaviors of a semi-open two-phase thermosyphon during startup, shutdown and lack of water were studied to get complete understanding of its thermal characteristics. The variation of wall temperature, heat-exchange condition and pressure fluctuations of semi-open two-phase thermosyphons showed that the startup of SOTPT needs about 60-70 min; the startup speed of SOTPT is determined by the startup speed of the condensation section; the average pressure in the heat pipe is equal to the environmental pressure usually; the shutdown of SOTPT needs about 30~50 min; a semi-open two-phase thermosyphon has good response to lack of water accident.  相似文献   

An experimental system was set up to measure the temperature, pressure, heat transfer rate and mass flow rate in a semi-open two-phase thermosyphon. The behaviors of a semi-open two-phase thermosyphon during startup, shutdown and lack of water were studied to get complete understanding of its thermal characteristics. The variation of wall temperature, heat-exchange condition and pressure fluctuations of semi-open two-phase thermosyphons showed that the startup of SOTPT needs about 60~70 min; the startup speed of SOTPT is determined by the startup speed of the condensation section; the average pressure in the heat pipe is equal to the environmental pressure usually; the shutdown of SOTPT needs about 30~50 min; a semi-open two-phase thermosyphon has good response to lack of water accident.  相似文献   

This study addresses heat transfer performance of various configurations of coiled non-circular tubes, e.g., in-plane spiral ducts, helical spiral ducts, and conical spiral ducts. The laminar flow of a Newtonian fluid in helical coils made of square cross section tubes is simulated using the computational fluid dynamic approach. The effects of tube Reynolds number, fluid Prandtl number, coil diameter, etc., are quantified and discussed. Both constant wall temperature and constant heat flux conditions are simulated. The effect of in-plane coil versus a cylindrical design of constant coil, as well as a conical coil design is discussed. Results are compared with those for a straight square tube of the same length as that used to form the coils. Advantages and limitations of using coiled tubes are discussed in light of the numerical results.  相似文献   

该文采用较先进的测试手段,对空调器所采用的波形换热器进行了试验研究.在大量试验结果的基础上,得出了该换热器的当量换热系数,风阻力损失与片距、风速的关系式.  相似文献   

The refrigerant mixture of ethanol aqueous was applied to the parallel type pulsating heat pipe (PHP). The operation characteristics of the PHP were analyzed by means of experiment and nonlinear chaotic theory. Moreover, the relationship between the running state and attractor was described. The results indicate that starting power, stable running power and dry burning transition power are about 64.08 W, 148.68 W and 234.0 W respectively. The cycle and amplitude of PHP initially decrease and then increase with the increasing power. However, the data are welldistributed in a certain range. The running state is in agreement with the attractors, and the changing process for attractors is as follows: the attractors first disperse in the whole phase space, then present mass status, and finally show band distribution.  相似文献   

  最优传热效果的板翅换热器入口位置合理的翅片排列方式。方法:1.构建7种不同入口翅片排列(入口段:导流段:换热段分别为5:8:11,5:8:6,5:8:21,5:4:11,5:16:11,9:8:11和3:8:11),研究不同翅片排列下换热器入口位置流场以及温度场变化。2.分析板翅换热器入口位置6种不同网格划分结果(网格数分别为11962,39344,2120,207998,90738和54496)对计算误差的影响,验证网格收敛性。结论:通过分析板翅换热器入口位置不同翅片排列方式下换热器入口位置流场与温度场变化可以看出,相比入口段与换热段,导流段翅片排列对换热器温度场影响较大。强化导流段翅片排列可以使换热器获得更好的传热效果。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Cross flow and heat transfer were widely found in oil production and chemical facilities.A detailed study of the hydrodynamic characteristics and heat transfer of cross flow is necessary for optimal design of the system and the development of new measuring techniques.Studies on the heat transfer in sin-gle-phase liquid cross flow were carried out in the past decades.Air or water was often chosen as the working fluid,in these studies commonly focused on fluids flowing across r…  相似文献   

信息和多媒体技术日益成为必须的现代工程教学手段,本文分析了信息和多媒体技术与传热学实验教学整合的意义,总结了应用的方式,包括模拟演示、数字实验、资源共享等。优化实践教学环节,既要发挥教师主导作用,又要突出学生主体地位,模拟实验、数字化实验与传统实验应该相辅相成,相得益彰。  相似文献   

Compression and expansion of a working gas due to the pressure oscillation of an oscillating flow can lead to a temperature variation of the working gas, which will affect the heat transfer in the oscillating flow. This study focuses on the impact of the compression-expansion effect, indicated by the pressure ratio, on the heat transfer in a finned heat exchanger under practical operating conditions of the ambient-temperature heat exchangers in Stirling-type pulse tube refrigerators. The experimental results summarized as the Nusselt number are presented for analysis. An increase in the pressure ratio can result in a marked rise in the Nusselt number, which indicates that the compression-expansion effect should be considered in characterizing the heat transfer of the oscillating flow, especially in the cases with a higher Valensi number and a lower maximum Reynolds number.  相似文献   

A micro-sized tube heat exchanger(MTHE) was fabricated, and its performance in heat transfer and pressure drop was experimentally studied. The single-phase forced convection heat transfer correlation on the sides of the MTHE tubes was proposed and compared with previous experimental data in the Reynolds number range of 500—1 800. The average deviation of the correlation in calculating the Nusselt number was about 6.59%. The entrance effect in the thermal entrance region was discussed. In the same range of Reynolds number, the pressure drop and friction coefficient were found to be considerably higher than those predicted by the conventional correlations. The product of friction factor and Reynolds number was also a constant, but much higher than the conventional.  相似文献   

实验教学作为传热学这门课程的重要组成部分,对于加深学生对热量传递过程物理机制的认识,了解其工程应用情况,掌握基本的传热测试方法,提高学生的创新能力和对知识的综合应用能力,起着极其重要的作用。我们从对实验教学内容进行优化整合、实验课件的开发、网络实验教材的建设以及自主研发综合性实验台,到学生自发进行创新性实验,建立起了多层次的创新性实验教学体系。  相似文献   

热管技术解决CPU散热的新方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析当前主动型CPU散热器存在的问题,提出利用热管技术解决CPU散热问题的新方案。  相似文献   

Heat transfer between gas-solid multiphase flow and tubes occurs in many industry processes, such as circulating fluidized bed process, pneumatic conveying process, chemical process, drying process, etc. This paper focuses on the influence of the presence of particles on the heat transfer between a tube and gas-solid suspension. The presence of particles causes positive enhancement of heat transfer in the case of high solid loading ratio, but heat transfer reduction has been found for in the case of very low solid loading ratio (M s of less than 0.05 kg/kg). A useful correlation incorporating solid loading ratio, particle size and flow Reynolds number was derived from experimental data. In addition, thek-∈ two-equation model and the Fluctuation-Spectrum-Random-Trajectory Model (FSRT Model) are used to simulate the flow field and heat transfer of the gasphase and the solid-phase, respectively. Through coupling of the two phases the model can predict the local and total heat transfer characteristics of tube in gas-solid cross flow. For the total heat transfer enhancement due to particles loading the model predictions agreed well with experimental data. Project supported by National Natural Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars (No. 50025618)  相似文献   

波形折流杆换热器的开发和工业化实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The conventional heat exchanger with segmental baffles is prone to bring forth fluid-induced vibration of heat transfer tubes and increase the pressure drop of shell-side greatly at higher fluid flow velocity. In order to avoid the above defects, the ROD-baffle heat exchanger has been developed. However, its collocation of heat transfer tubes is conventionally in square, which leads to fewer heat transfer area per unit volume. Based on the ROD-baffle heat exchanger, a new type curve-ROD baffle has been developed, and an industrial investigation of the curve-ROD baffle heat exchanger with normal triangular collocation has been carried into execution. In this paper, two equations using the Reynolds number were acquired to predict the heat transfer coefficients of the shell-side and tubeside. The experimental results show that the shell-side heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of the curve-ROD baffle heat exchanger are superior to those of the segmental baffle one.  相似文献   

在分析传热学教学现状的基础上,结合实践经验,提出将CFD技术引入传热学教学中,列举了网格划分、外掠管束和换热器等几个实践教学案例。将CFD技术引入实践教学环节,能进一步提高教学质量和效果,能为学生专业课的学习奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on obtaining an asymptotic solution for coupled heat and mass transfer problem during the solidification of high water content materials. It is found that a complicated function involved in governing equations can be approached by Taylor polynomials unlimitedly, which leads to the simplification of governing equations. The unknown functions involved in governing equations can then be approximated by Chebyshev polynomials. The coefficients of Chebyshev polynomials are determined and an asymptotic solution is obtained. With the asymptotic solution, the dehydration and freezing fronts of materials are evaluated easily, and are consistent with numerical results obtained by using an explicit finite difference method.  相似文献   

基于波纹板表面与液膜之间的表面张力作用能减薄液膜厚度而强化传热的机理,建立了竖直波纹板表面的凝结过程的数学模型.计算了波纹板对应于当量平板的凝结传热增强系数.分析了波纹的主要几何参数如波纹节距、波纹板高度、波纹角、波纹倾斜角、波纹圆角半径等对强化传热的影响效应以指导波纹结构的优化.提出了一种能兼顾强化传热效果和适当的流动截面积的双尺度波纹,其凝结传热系数可比当量平板增强1~2倍.  相似文献   

通过对各种新型给水管材之间水力工况的比较和分析,推得各种管径的新型给水管材与相应公称直径的镀锌钢管单位长度水头损失的比值K,由于管材间水力工况的不同,在工程设计、旅工中更换管材时,不能简单地用相同或相近管径的管材互相替代,而应重新对系统进行水力计算。  相似文献   

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