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丁云峰 《农村教育》2007,(11):22-23
随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的不断完善,广大农户在家庭承包经营基础上.自愿组织起来自主兴办了各种专业合作组织,这是我国特色农民合作经济组织的新形式,是新时期农民群众的创造和选择。通过发展合作与联合.组织和引导农民进入市场,参与竞争,也是世界各国农业发展的成功经验和普遍做法。近年来的实践证明,农民专业合作组织在引导农民进入市场,发展农业产业化经营,提高农产品竞争力,促进农民增收.建设现代农业等方面发挥了积极作用.具有旺盛的生命力和广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的不断完善,广大农户在家庭承包经营基础上,自愿组织起来自主兴办了各种专业合作组织,这是我国特色农民合作经济组织的新形式,是新时期农民群众的创造和选择。通过发展合作与联合,组织和引导农民进入市场,参与竞争,也是世界各国农业发展的成功经验和普遍做法。近年来的实践证明,农民专业合作组织在引导农民进入市场,发展农业产业化经营,提高农产品竞争力,促进农民增收,建设现代农业等方面发挥了积极作用,具有旺盛的生命力和广阔的发展前景。《中共中央国务院关于进一步加强  相似文献   

褚一江 《考试周刊》2014,(79):195-195
<正>党的十八大报告明确指出,"要加快发展现代农业,着力促进农民增收,坚持和完善农村基本经营制度,发展农民专业合作和股份合作,培育新型经营主体,发展多种形式的规模经营,构建集约化、专业化、组织化、社会化相结合的新型农业经营体系,加快完善城乡发展一体化体制机制"。这是中央着眼于加强农村制度建设与创新,从推进我国农业现代化发展实际出发,对扶持和加快农民专业合作社发展做出的新部署、提出的新要求,对于加快农民专业合作社发展和  相似文献   

四川颐康实业有限公司坚持走农业产业化道路,突破传统合作模式,在同当地农民合作的基础上,积极引入商业银行参与合作,建立起企业、农民、银行三方合作模式。该模式综合了农民养殖优势、公司销售优势和银行信贷优势,促进了三方之间优势互补,实现了农民增收、企业发展和银行受益的“多赢”局面,为探索我国农民增收模式提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

本文主要以农民主体为视角,提出了农业产业化经营的新内涵,构建了我国农业产业化经营的"生态系统",并提出建立土地使用权作价入股制度,以实现农户与农民专业合作组织及龙头企业的有效连接。  相似文献   

农民专业合作经济组织虽然为农村经济发展、农村经济繁荣和农民增收和起到了积极的推动作用,但是农民专业合作经济组织在提升农民专业化程度、促进农村经济发展的进程中面临着法律地位不明确、内部管理机制不健全、组织人员素质过低等问题.政府必须积极构建与引导农民专业合作经济组织的发展,使其长期可持续发展.  相似文献   

随着经济体制改革的深入和农业产业结构的调整,农民专业合作经济组织得到了发展,为广大农民带来了一定的增产增收。但是,由于没有明确的法律地位和政策扶持,阻碍了这类组织的进一步发展与壮大。福建省泰宁县下坊农家度假山庄合作经营是农民专业合作经济组织发展的一个例证。笔者以此为例,深入下坊农家度假山庄,对下坊农家度假山庄的形成过程和合作经营状况进行调查,分析了专业合作经济组织与农民增收之间的关系,并对农民专业合作经济组织的发展问题进行思考。  相似文献   

要促进农民增收,必须着眼于制度创新。主要包括建立国家农业支持保护政策体系、加快农村市场化改革、促进农民的联合与合作、加快城镇化和工业化进程、推进农业产业化经营等方面。  相似文献   

新形势和新阶段下,农业产业集群兴起并且发展成效显著,促进了农业产业化,提高了农业竞争力.其中,农民专业合作组织起到了极大的推动作用,中央一号文件多次提出大力发展农民专业合作组织.山东省寿光市农民专业合作组织建设完善,经营规范,直接推动了蔬菜产业集群迅速发展.本文通过分析寿光蔬菜产业集群中农民专业合作组织的重要作用,提出农民专业合作组织"发展阶段模型."通过分析提出在现阶段下,农民专业合作组织的发展对策及建议,更好的推动农民专业合作组织建设及产业集群发展,促进农村经济发展.  相似文献   

促进农民持续增收事关农民生活水平提高和农村经济社会的发展大局。要促进农民持续增收,就必须发展现代农业,培育壮大农民专业合作组织,发展低碳高效生态设施农业和农产品加工业,实现低碳农业产业化,提高农民的农业收入;就必须促进转移就业,增加农民的工资性收入;就必须保障和改善民生,提高农民的转移性收入;就必须完善城乡平等的要素交换关系,提高农民的财产性收入。  相似文献   

广东惠东县四季鲜荔枝专业合作社的成功经验对推动农民专业合作社的健康、快速发展提供了如下启示:建立有效的利益分享机制是合作社成功的关键;完善民主管理体制是合作社成功的保障;公司成为合作社的成员是合作社不断发展壮大的支撑力量;拓宽农民合作的领域是合作社发展壮大的基础;优秀带头人是农民专业合作产生和发展的重要条件;加强思想文化建设是增强农民专业合作社凝聚力的有效途径;政府的积极引导、扶持是合作社成功的前提.  相似文献   

办学体制改革是高等教育体制改革的关键。从高等教育由谁办、为谁办和怎么办三个问题思考,高等教育办学体制改革在一定意义上就是高等教育办学主体结构的调整、高等教育利益关系的协调和高等教育办学机制的改善。文章认为"区分高校的‘立’与‘办’""重视第三部门作为高等教育办学主体的作用""建立灵活有效的高等教育利益调节机制""建立多种办学机制的合作伙伴关系"等不失为高等教育办学体制改革的策略。  相似文献   

‘Professional Ethics’ has been offered as a compulsory course to undergraduate engineering students in a premier engineering institution of India. It was noticed that students’ perceptions and attitudes were frivolous and ornamental towards this course. Course instructors and institution authorities were motivated to find out the factors contributing to this awkwardness. For this purpose, a questionnaire was prepared and administrated to 336 students registered for the July–November 2014 semester. The study found two factors contributing to students’ indifference towards the Professional Ethics course. First, most of the students did not have self-interest to join the engineering programme, and while pursuing their study, they decided to switch to a different field upon completion of their engineering study. Second, students who desired to be engineers in their future believed that engineering code of ethics is not really referred to in most of the engineering jobs, and therefore Professional Ethics course is only meant for classroom discussions.  相似文献   

在校企合作办学体制机制改革中,构建政府主导的“合作办学理事会”、行业主导的“行业(区域)校企合作工作委员会”和学校主导的“专业合作建设委员会”的“三会“合作办学体制,有利于形成政府统筹、部门合作、市场调控、校企互动的“人才共育、过程共管、成果共享、责任共担”的长效运行机制。有利于实现行业企业深度融入人才培养全过程。  相似文献   

Farm programmes (FPs) of varied categories have been developed and aired over several decades by Bangladesh Betar, the national radio of Bangladesh for the diffusion of farm technologies. The study aimed to produce an in-depth academic evaluation of their effectiveness in educating farmers in Bangladesh. A sample of 465 respondents from the Khulna and Rajshahi divisions in Bangladesh was randomly selected for a questionnaire survey. To analyse the data, relevant documents were collected from the Ministry of Information, the Ministry of Agriculture, and the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock of Bangladesh. Frequency distribution, z-test, and binary logistic regression analysis were used as statistical tools. The farm knowledge levels of the farmers were considered the predictors for evaluating the effectiveness of FPs. The results revealed that 93.33% of the sample did not listen to the FPs, while only very few of the listeners listened regularly. Despite this, at the ‘weak’ and ‘average’ levels of knowledge significant differences were noted between listener and non-listener farmers of FPs. The binary logistic regression analysis (Model 1) identified that the farmers who listened to the FPs were likely to acquire farm knowledge 6.62 times more than the farmers who did not listen to the FPs. The farmers who listened to the FPs were likely to have farm knowledge 2.64 times more than the farmers who did not listen to the FPs but consulted with other sources of farming information (Model 2). Similarly, a listener of FPs with farm training was likely to acquire farm knowledge 5.76 times more than a non-listener with farm training (Model 3). The FPs were found to be very effective and could be used to better complement other mechanisms for educating farmers. Regular access to the FPs ought to be ensured through appropriate stimulants for the diffusion of farm technologies.  相似文献   

常德市位于湖南省的西北部,农民专业合作社目前呈发展壮大之势。在分析常德市农民专业合作社发展现状的基础上,指出农民专业合作社存在的问题及其影响因素,从围绕区域性主导优势产业来实施有效的经营策略、完善制度建设实现规范运作、强化政府部门的支持行为等方面提出发展农民专业合作社的具体措施,从而促进常德市农民专业合作社健康的发展。  相似文献   

Ability to update skills constitutes a key element in the process of improving adults' performance. Professional skills are usually updated through engagement in active learning by connecting prior experiences to new ones and also sharing information with others through reflection and hands-on activities. Such learning processes can be achieved through experiential learning. Experiential learning can lead to creation of retrievable knowledge, which can be applied to their daily professional activity. Results of this study indicated that experiential learning needs to be rooted in the culture and values of the social environment in which adults live. Further, individual characteristics may influence the impact of experiential learning on adult professionals' abilities to reach higher levels of performance. A random sample of 126 farmers was selected. Data were collected through a questionnaire and were examined by quantitative as well as qualitative data analysis techniques.  相似文献   

近五年来农民专业合作社研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农民专业合作社是新时期我国农民经济合作组织,对于促进农业发展、农民增收、农村富裕发挥着重要作用。伴随合作社的广泛建立以至快速发展,学界针对所存在的问题从对合作社法的解读、合作社运行、政府在合作社建设发展中的角色定位、合作社的规范化、绩效评估、融资到合作社自身建设发展及"农超对接"诸方面进行了比较深入的研究。文章对2007年以来学界的研究状况进行了比较系统的梳理,冀有助于农民专业合作社研究的进一步深入。  相似文献   

基于1 294位参与江西省"一村一名大学生工程"的新型职业农民的问卷调查数据,运用倾向性得分匹配估计法、中介效应分析法等计量方法,检验技能培训对新型职业农民收入水平的影响以及其可能存在的作用机理。基础结果表明:技能培训能够显著提升新型职业农民的收入水平。组群差异分析发现:技能培训能够提升未有过村干部经历的新型职业农民的收入水平;技能培训能够提升非农户及非农兼业户的收入水平。中介效应检验表明:社会资本能够强化技能培训对新型职业农民收入水平的影响。因此,要做好技能培训的顶层设计,加大技能培训的资金扶持力度以及精准定位技能培训主体与内容。  相似文献   

New Demands and New Opportunities for Professional Continuing Education: A Mission in Flux A Definition of Professional Continuing Education Professional Continuing Education and a Free Market Economy: Demand Motivates Growth A Challenge to Traditional Academe Emerging Trends: An Overview of the Work Professional Continuing Education, Knowledge Management, and the Workplace: A Growing Industry How Does Business Spend for Training? What Kinds of Training Do Businesses Seek for Their Employees? Where Do Businesses Turn for Training Support? Credentialing: The New Standard Summary Professional Continuing Education as a Means of Regulating Professional Practice The Purpose of Continuing Education for Professional Regulation Who Benefits from Continuing Education for Professional Regulation? Advocacy Organizations: A Venue for Industry-Based Practice Standards Playing in the Sandbox Together Skills Certifications as Bridge Builders Emerging Providers of Professional Continuing Education Professional Associations Commercial Vendors Proprietary Schools and Colleges Not-for-Profit Organizations The Increase in Partnerships Delivering Professional Continuing Education Partnerships for Professional Continuing Education in the Health Care Professions Professional Continuing Education for Information Technology Workers Continuing Professional Education for Public School Educators Partnerships and Delivery Modes for Public Safety Workers Partnerships and Delivery Modes for Business and Finance Professions Summary Epilogue: Professional Continuing Education into the Twenty-First Century References Name Index Subject Index About the Author  相似文献   

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