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Batuhan Aydagül 《Prospects》2008,38(3):401-407
Turkey is still far from realizing any of the six EFA goals. Since the Dakar Conference there have been many policy initiatives aiming at improving the quality of Turkish education. The impact and effectiveness of those policy initiatives are yet to be evaluated. The deficit of high quality analytical and empirical research constitutes a major weakness. So does the level of attention on monitoring and evaluation from policymakers. The recent introduction of strategic planning and performance-based budgeting could promote more emphasis on evaluation and monitoring in the coming years. In addition, a transparent, overarching education policy could foster policy dialogue among stakeholders. Overall, this article draws attention to the following critical factors for the EFA success in Turkey: political and economic support for education reform; the need to adopt strategy-oriented sector policies; increased capacity and emphasis on evaluation and accountability of educational policy-making; the need for a new national impetus to improve quality in education.
Batuhan AydagülEmail:

Ensuring Gender Equity in Education for All: Is Cambodia on Track?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Velasco  Esther 《Prospects》2004,34(1):37-51

The paper explores the effects of rapid increases in gender parity in primary schooling in Bangladesh and Malawi on gender inequities in schools and communities. Based on an analysis of comparative case studies of marginalized communities, we argue that educational initiatives focused on achieving gender parity provide limited evidence that girls’ educational experiences modeled significantly different gender norms than in communities, or that by being educated, girls experienced a transformation of the inequitable gender relations they faced in society. The data illustrate persistent gender discrimination related to educational attainment and learning, and gender-based violence in schools. These patterns of gendered discrimination and violence largely mirrored those that girls and boys experienced in their homes and communities, raising important questions about the transformational capacity of current gender parity and schooling models.  相似文献   

初任教师是教师职业生涯发展中一个特殊的群体。不论是在专业化成长的过程中还是在实践经验的积累上,教师任教初期都会遇到很多阻力,这也给初任教师带来众多挑战。提升初任教师教学能力是解决这些问题的突破口。探寻影响初任教师教学能力的影响因素,为他们提供帮助应成为当前教师教育领域关注的重要课题之一。  相似文献   

本文从柬埔寨华校融入柬埔寨国家教育体系的可能性、必要性及相关改革措施等方面,全面分析了柬埔寨华文教育的发展趋势。  相似文献   

腾冲和顺《阳温暾小引》体系完整,传播儒家道德思想,关注民众理想教育,重视家庭情感教育,突出人生礼仪教育,较早地提出禁毒反赌教育思想,尤为重要的是特别关注大众生存技能的培养,"义利并重",较早提出了生存和职业教育思想。同时,教育方法灵活多样,常用摆事实讲道理、树榜样立标杆、理论与实际相结合等方式进行,语言口语化方言化,便于大众接受。  相似文献   

Teaching farms have recently gained popularity, but they are often expensive venues per student credit hour. It is therefore important they are used effectively. This research explored why faculty members use teaching farms, their goals and objectives with regard to the farm, and how they integrate teaching farms into curriculum. Twenty interviews were completed with faculty representing 15 institutions. A combined inductive and deductive approach was used to analyze data. The result was a typology of the roles of teaching farms in achieving educational goals and objectives. Four types of roles emerged: enhancement, competency, exploration, and foundation. Three of the four types reflect one of three models of higher education prevalent in the US. Our research suggests a better understanding of educational theory and pedagogy, combined with a firm appreciation of the different models of higher education could significantly enhance the quality of the learning experience provided on teaching farms.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss issues in conceptualising the education of poor and marginalised adults in Latin America. Our starting point is the World Education Forum 'Dakar Framework for Action' affirmation that education is the key to sustainable development, peace and stability. We argue that a reconceptualisation of the education of adults, informed by an understandingof adults' everyday and work practices, may help us understand the ways in which education can contribute to these goals. Such an analysis requires both a socio-cognitive and a political dimension in order to take account of the cognitive abilities and agency as citizens of those whom Frantz Fanon memorably called 'the wretched of the earth'.  相似文献   

社会公正与大学角色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Social justice is not only a vital ethical principle of the human society but also the all-important value of the entire social system. As a public sphere, the university undertakes the purpose to achieve public interest. It plays a significant role in reflecting, defending, and fostering social justice. Nurturing people with social justice awareness is a key mission of the university; it communicates and advocates the ideas of social justice, which helps to foster social justice consciousness of the public; and, for its own part, it must strive to embody and defend procedural justice. __________ Translated from Gaodeng Jiaoyu Yanjiu 高等教育研究 (Journal of Higher Education), 2007, 28(1): 13–19, revised by Zha Qiang, Faculty of Education, York University  相似文献   

柬埔寨高等教育创立于20世纪40年代末,发展于60年代,而毁于70年代内战。直到80年代才得以恢复,近10年来长足的发展。由于推行高等教育自治政策,柬埔寨高教发展迅速,但教育传统与战争又留下的内伤,为柬埔寨这一后发展型高等教育提出了重大的历史挑战。  相似文献   

颜之推的终身教育思想以家庭教育为基础,集中体现在《颜氏家训》一书中。首先他认为实施终身教育是必要的,他把婴幼儿期、青少年期、成年以后直到老年都列入家庭教育的范畴;并以“孝仁礼悌”为核心,教以子孙“修身”、“为学”、“处世”、“养生”之道,从而拓展了其终身教育思想的价值内涵,包括个人、家庭和社会三重价值。  相似文献   

颜之推的终身教育思想以家庭教育为基础,集中体现在<颜氏家训>一书中.首先他认为 实施终身教育是必要的,他把婴幼儿期、青少年期、成年以后直到老年都列入家庭教育的范畴;并以"孝仁礼悌"为核心,教以子孙"修身"、"为学"、"处世"、"养生"之道,从而拓展了其终身教育思想的价值内涵,包括个人、家庭和社会三重价值.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, the achievement of universal primary education, under the somewhat misleading rubric of ‘Education for All’ (EFA), has steadily built momentum in international forums as a focus for discussion and action. The present study looks critically at the evolution of consensus about EFA within the international community. The first section of this contribution provides an overview of ‘education for development’ in the form in which it has been inherited from the 20th century. The second describes what has changed in the context, rhetoric and practice of such ‘education for development’. The final section reflects on two questions: ‘Why has EFA now moved beyond international rhetoric to action?’; and ‘What can our experience with EFA tell us about the prospects for multilateralism and global governance in the 21st century?’
Zusammenfassung BILDUNG FüR ALLE UND DER NEUE VERTRAG ZUR ENTWICKLUNG – über die letzten zehn Jahre hat die Errungenschaft allgemeiner Prim?rbildung unter der ein wenig irreführenden überschrift ,Bildung für alle’ (Education for All/EFA) in internationalen Foren als ein Zentrum für Diskussionen und Aktionen stetig mehr Beachtung gefunden. Die vorliegende Untersuchung wirft einen kritischen Blick auf die Entwicklung von Einigkeit in Bezug auf EFA innerhalb der internationalen Gemeinschaft. Der erste Abschnitt dieses Beitrages bietet einen überblick über ,Bildung für Entwicklung’ in der Form, in der das Konzept aus dem 20. Jahrhundert ererbt ist. Der zweite Abschnitt beschreibt, was sich im Kontext der Rhetorik und der Praxis einer solchen ,Bildung für Entwicklung’ ver?ndert hat. Der letzte Abschnitt stellt Reflexionen über zwei Fragen an: Warum ist EFA nun über internationale Rhetorik hinaus zur Umsetzung fortgeschritten, und was kann uns unsere Erfahrung mit EFA über die Aussichten für multilaterale Verh?ltnisse und globale Lenkung im 21. Jahrhundert sagen?

Resumen EDUCACIóN PARA TODOS Y EL NUEVO PACTO PARA EL DESARROLLO – A lo largo de la última década, el objetivo de lograr una educación primaria universal bajo el título un poco equívoco de “Educación para Todos” (EPT) ha impulsado permanentemente los foros internacionales como foco de debates y de acción. El presente estudio echa una mirada crítica a la evolución de un consenso en cuanto a la EPT dentro de la comunidad internacional. La primera parte de esta contribución provee una visión sinóptica de la ‘educación para el desarrollo’ en la forma en la que este objetivo se ha heredado del siglo XX. La segunda, describe qué es lo que ha cambiado en el contexto, la retórica y la práctica de esa ‘educación para el desarrollo’. La parte final reflexiona sobre dos interrogantes: ?Por qué la EPT no ha pasado de la retórica internacional a la acción?; y ?Qué nos puede decir nuestra experiencia con la EPT sobre las perspectivas de multilateralidad y gobernabilidad global en el siglo XXI?

Résumé L’éDUCATION POUR TOUS ET LE NOUVEL ACCORD DE DéVELOPPEMENT – Durant la dernière décennie, la réalisation d’une éducation primaire universelle, sous la rubrique quelque peu trompeuse de l’? éducation pour Tous ? (EPT) a continuellement donné une impulsion aux forums internationaux en étant au centre de la discussion et de l’action. La présente étude jette un regard critique sur l’évolution du consensus à propos de l’EPT au sein de la communauté internationale. La première section de cette contribution offre une vue d’ensemble de ? l’éducation pour le développement ? selon la forme qui nous a été léguée par le XXe siècle. La seconde décrit ce qui a changé dans le contexte, la rhétorique et la pratique d’une telle ‘éducation pour le développement’. La dernière section est une réflexion sur deux questions : ‘Pourquoi l’EPT a-t-elle maintenant dépassé la rhétorique internationale pour favoriser l’action’ ; et ’Que peut nous apprendre notre expérience de l’EPT à propos des perspectives du multilatéralisme et du gouvernement global au XXIe siècle ?’

The author: Karen Mundy is Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair in Global Governance and Educational Change at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto, where she also directs the Comparative, International and Development Education Programme. Her research focuses on educational change in sub-Saharan Africa, the evolution of international governmental and non-governmental organizations in education, and the politics of foreign aid to education. Contact address: Canada Research Chair in Global Governance and Comparative Education, OISE-University of Toronto, 252 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. M5S 1V6, E-mail: kmundy@oise.utoronto.ca.  相似文献   

With the conclusion of 1994, Cambodia will have ended its first year of rehabilitation under a freely elected government. Since the 1993 elections, Cambodia has moved cautiously towards a modern era and there has been considerable international effort to ensure that all sectors of the economy achieve the improvements required to achieve political and economic stability towards 2000. The education sector has been a major focus. Cambodia is ready to move into the next stage of development of the education sector-reconstruction. With the non-governmental organisations (NGOs) having provided support in this sector for over 10 years, the restoration of bilateral and multilateral aid will see a growing involvement of foreign governments and donor organisations in the restoration of the sector. This activity will need to be coordinated. Cambodia had a rapidly expanding education system before Pol Pot's Year Zero. Largely based on French colonial models and structures that system served a society very much in transition - a transition from colonial dependency to a possible so-called 'new tiger'. The current period will see a different 'system' emerge; one that is neither French nor Western nor indeed 'modern'. The transition of the education system will be predicated on an overhaul of the existing bureaucracy, training regimes and school curricula before modernisation processes are installed. This paper provides a historical backdrop for the current situation. It also examines current policy priority areas in education in Cambodia and the level of international assistance.  相似文献   

本文从生涯发展指导出发,尝试将教师有意义的闲暇生活作为个体发展"促进因子",重新审视教师工作域中的专业发展。在平衡好教师工作和生活的基础上,推动教师由"学校人"到"整体人"的转型,探究以闲暇教育推动教师个性化发展,以期为促进学校发展研究提供一种新路向。  相似文献   

柬埔寨教育经费主要来源于政府教育支出、家庭教育支出、社会团体和宗教人士捐助、政治家的捐赠、学校自筹资金以及国际援助等。目前,柬埔寨财政性教育经费的总量呈现持续增长的态势,以政府教育投入为主的多渠道集资格局逐步形成,家庭在教育方面的开支逐年增加。但是,柬埔寨教育经费的投入仍然不足,政府需大力发展本国经济才能从根本上保障教育经费的充足。  相似文献   

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