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A young Rooster(公鸡)was summoned(被叫到)to his Father’s bedside (床边)."Son,my time has come to an end,"said the aged bird."Now it is your turn to crow up the morning sun each day." The young Rooster watched sadly his Father’s life slipped away (逝去). Early the next morning,the young Rooster flew up to the roof of the barn(棚子). He stood there,facing the east. "I have never done this before,"said the Rooster. "  相似文献   

热点事件来自广东的15岁少年张家城因个视频短片在国内外社交平台上爆红,连篮球明星易建联等名人也在关注他。这个少年为何会有如此大的魅力呢?让我们去文章中一探究竟吧。一段中国独臂男孩与对手进行一对一篮球对抗赛的视频在中国各大社交平台上走红。视频中,14岁的张家城运用精湛的篮球技巧,交叉步过人、背后运球,引来观众的阵阵欢呼。张家城成了国内外篮球爱好者心中的网红英雄。张家城出生于2006年12月,5岁时,他在一家油厂事故中失去了右臂,他的右手卡在了搅拌机里。尽管家人寻求了数个医生的帮助和意见,他的手臂还是没能保住。  相似文献   

《黄鸡白酒》为我们呈现出后现代社会中那些受欲求驱使而被扭曲、异化的灵魂,小说中的主人公春婆婆是异化世界里唯一能保持纯真之心,活在自己想象界中的逆行精灵。对于春婆婆的形象,迟子建倾注了自己心灵的过往、感悟和憧憬,或者可以说,春婆婆就是迟子建为自己构建在未来的一种影像。  相似文献   

文章在简要回顾《西游记》著作权公案的形成和发展之后,从误解产生的根源上辨疑:云台山中的长春庵和吴庵园林遗迹的检索;吴承恩、邱处机之间的文脉关联及其同名著述的根本差异;吴承恩的家世、行迹和云台山风物存留以及《西游记》中的相关描述;作者的生活背景、思想胸襟、向往好恶等方面.试图求证公案的终结.  相似文献   


期待可能性理论是规范责任论的核心概念,起源于德国,后流传到日本得到发展。我国刑法中没有期待可能性理论,但其越来越受到我国刑法界的关注。我国应引入期待可能性理论,在我国现行犯罪构成体系中对其正确定位,尽快地恢复“亲亲相隐”原则在我国刑法中的应有地位。  相似文献   

本文试图从解释国人不愿“打官司”入手,揭示“理”和“法”的冲突,指出这种冲突造成了人们的“厌讼”心理,也造成了社会普遍存在的对法院不信任的想法。希望这种分析对当代中国主流社会推动的“法治”的形成有一些启示  相似文献   

Setting up a children's court to which pupils can bring-complaints against their peers can be one way of reducing bullying in school, suggests Robert Laslett, lecturer in education, Department of Special Education, Birmingham University  相似文献   

Reader-Response Criticism is one of the schools of western literary criticism.The scholars of the school hold the view that literature is a performative art and each reading is a performance,analogous to playing/singing a musical work,enacting a drama,etc.Literature exists only when it is read.They maintain that reading is a transction between the reader and the text,meaning is as dependent upon the reader as it is dependent upon the text.So there is no universal and absolute interpretation of a poem;rather,there can be several probable interpretations.According to their view-point,a literary text possesses no fixed and final meaning and value.Literary meaning and value are “transactional”,“dialogic”,created by the interaction of the reader and the text.In this paper,the writer,with his interpretation of the poem The Road Not Taken by famous American poet Robert Frost,tries to demonstrate that Reader-Response Criticism,in a sense,is reasonable in proving that the reality of the text lies between the reader and the text and in the transaction,it is the readers who bring their world of experience to activate the text.  相似文献   

客家鸡歌以鸡啼起兴,蕴藏丰厚的文化意蕴,承载着客家人独特的价值取向和审美理念。鸡歌创作之比兴思维与客家人丧葬祭礼中的鸡俗存在着紧密关联。客家鸡俗信的滥殇,是鸡驱邪纳吉寓意为“通过”、沟通人神之媒介与鸟信仰现实化的结果。  相似文献   

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