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科学的薪酬管理制度是高校吸引人才、提高竞争力的源泉;教师职业生涯管理是高校可持续性发展的保证。文章从薪酬管理与职业生涯管理相结合的角度出发,在分析高校应建立以教师职业生涯管理为导向的薪酬管理的原因基础上,提出了适合教师职业生涯特点的薪酬管理方法,即构建能力型薪酬文化,使薪酬等级与职业发展阶梯相匹配,建立延期薪酬制度和宽带薪酬制度。  相似文献   

随着我国高等教育的普及,高校教师的需求日渐增大.然而高校教师的薪酬却呈现出低于许多人心理预期的现象.本文通过对高校教师薪酬的历史回顾,结合现期的国际、国内比较,分析我国高校教师薪酬差距所在,并对这一职业的机会收益作简要概括.  相似文献   

In response to the ever-declining status of the teaching profession, and its adverse effects on the country's educational system, the Federal Ministry of Education in Ethiopia introduced a policy of the teachers’ career ladder in 1994. While reformers believe that the introduction of the policy has improved the condition of the teaching profession, the net gains of the policy remain deceptive and even, in part, reduce some of the benefits teachers used to enjoy in the single salary scheme in the past. Among other things, central to the claims of the policy's advocates stands an improved salary scale for teachers. While this was admittedly true by the time the policy was introduced, the gain in salary raise has gradually been lost to the bureaucratic hurdles and watchdog structures erected to screen teachers’ eligibility at each stage of the career ladder. After critically assessing the major aspects of the policy, along with the voices of Ethiopian teachers, the current study argues that the policy of the teachers’ career ladder in Ethiopia is another prototypical case of a failed experiment both in terms of improving the lives of teachers and maintaining their professional rights.  相似文献   

在西方,工人阶级与学术专业本来分属两个不同的社会等级,工会主义与专业主义本是两种不同的价值观念,并且后者总是较前者优越.但1960年之后,随着西方学术专业经济-社会地位的"无产阶级化",工会逐渐成为学术专业维护自身权益的重要斗争工具.通过工会的集体谈判,西方学术专业提升了物质待遇、改善了工作条件,但也损害了其源自传统的神圣化身份特征,并使自己陷入了道德困境.  相似文献   

论大学生的职业决策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张义秋 《怀化学院学报》2006,25(11):151-153
当前大学生的职业选择存在随意性大、被动就业、主要考虑工资待遇等外在因素等等突出问题。针对这些问题,应该使大学生认识到了解自己、认识职业是职业决策的基础。认识自己的重点是认识自己的职业价值观、兴趣和技能,这三个因素是大学生进行职业决策时最需要考虑的个人自我知识。大学生应该掌握一些有效的职业决策方法。要加强大学生的职业决策能力的培养。  相似文献   

May I be excused? Why teachers leave the profession   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Considerable research has been conducted into teacher retention. Less is known of ex-teachers' circumstances: salary, workload, working conditions, “job prestige”. For this study, telephone interviews were used to ask 21 ex-teachers about their journey from teaching, and views on their current working conditions by comparison. This paper focuses on the events surrounding these people's decisions to leave the profession; these ex-teachers are in a privileged position to comment on teaching by comparison with their subsequent work. Few regret their decision to leave the profession. The findings have implications for teacher recruitment, education, provision of working conditions, and for the promotion of teaching.  相似文献   

We investigated the perceived costs and barriers of a teaching career among Latino preservice teachers and how these men conceptualized costs relative to their race-ethnic identity, gender identity, and planned persistence in the profession from an expectancy-value perspective. We used a mixed-method approach that included a content analysis of open-ended survey responses to identify salient costs and barriers and non-metric multidimensional scaling (MDS) of participants’ responses to quantitative scales to capture phenomenological meaning of perceived costs, collective identity constructs, and planned persistence in the profession. Participants identified a range of drawbacks and barriers of a teaching career including concerns about job demands, work conditions, teacher preparation demands, emotional costs, social status, and salary, among other concerns. The MDS map for the whole sample suggested race-ethnic and gender identity were closely associated with status, salary, and morale; maps also provided insight into phenomenological meanings of different types of costs and cost measures. MDS maps for individual students demonstrated substantial diversity in individual meanings that are lost in group-level analyses. Results are discussed with attention to theoretical and practical implications for understanding and supporting men of color entering the teaching profession.  相似文献   

There has been a substantial amount of research on why teachers leave the profession but little on why they stay. The paper will follow Day et al.'s work (2007) in examining the factors that determine which teachers will maintain resilience and stay in the profession, focusing particularly on those who worked as special educational needs co‐ordinators (SENCOs), analysing the careers of 19 teachers who had been in the profession for more than 15 years. Data were gathered by focus groups and life history interviews taking a qualitative, narrative enquiry approach. This research found that some situated factors in schools were found to contribute positively and/or negatively to teachers' efficacy, commitment and perceived effectiveness. Personal influences were also significant and included having children, salary requirements and flexible working patterns. An important factor, and unique to this research, was a commitment to working with children with SEN, and all respondents wanted to continue doing this in some capacity in the future. The paper concludes with the implications for policy and practice and considers possible strategies for maintaining teachers' resilience across their careers.  相似文献   

司法考试制度在当前的法制环境下所起的作用有限,在促成法律职业共同体的建立和中国法律职业阶层的兴起方面目前难有建树。相当多通过司法考试的人难以从事法律职业,法律职业者内部也难以形成共同体。要使司法考试制度真正发挥作用,尚须进行人事、财政等多方面的配套改革。  相似文献   

As New Zealand has become increasingly pluralistic, the teaching profession has become progressively less reflective of the wider population. This paper reviews the literature on impediments to teaching for minority students, and reports on a case study exploring factors that deter Asian New Zealanders from pursuing teaching as a career. The findings indicate that although the salary of an occupation is an important consideration, many other factors interact to deter Asian New Zealanders from teaching. Many of the reported barriers align with those identified for North American studies. The paper offers suggestions for short-term measures to attract Asian New Zealanders into teacher education programmes, and highlights the need for further research to inform a longer term resolution of the ethnic disparity in New Zealand's education sector.  相似文献   

This study employed a partially-mixed concurrent equal-status design to investigate factors motivating Chinese teachers to enter the teaching profession and sources of teacher job satisfaction in China as opposed to those described in the international literature. The data were collected in Jilin Province of China from 510 teachers who participated in a survey. The quantitative results indicated that Chinese teachers were motivated by both intrinsic (e.g. liking to be a teacher) and extrinsic factors (e.g. salary) to enter the teaching profession. Furthermore, MANOVA showed that teachers who were more intrinsically motivated to enter the teaching profession reported a higher level of job satisfaction. Qualitative data revealed that some job-satisfaction factors were universal across countries and some were specific to China. This study offered some implications for educational policy makers and practitioners worldwide and in China.  相似文献   

基于36所美国世界一流大学18年间的校际面板数据,研究发现科研产出数量、影响力和综合表现分数分别呈“先降后升”“先平后降”与“持续下降”趋势,校均总工资绝对规模逐年增长,占校均总支出50%左右,师均工资呈增长趋势,校均工资结构多元且稳定。工资规模、结构与科研产出关系的OLS、随机效应和固定效应模型结果表明:在工资规模上,增加大学总工资支出、提高全职教师师均工资均可显著提升大学科研产出数量、影响力和综合表现,但总工资规模对科研产出数量的正向影响更明显,而师均工资则对科研产出影响力的正向影响更突出;在工资结构上,增加工资结构中的研究工资、支持类与服务类工资规模亦可显著提升科研产出数量、影响力和综合表现,其中,研究工资对科研产出数量和综合表现的正向影响更为突出,而支持类和服务类工资对科研产出影响力的正向影响更为显著;教学工资的增加能够提升科研产出数量与影响力,但全职教师工资规模的增加却仅有助于提升科研产出数量,对科研产出影响力和综合表现有明显抑制作用。基于研究发现,我国政府和世界一流大学建设高校需要继续优化大学经费支出结构,大幅提高教师的总工资和研究工资规模;变革工资制度,提升教师工资水平等...  相似文献   

In 1984 the Ministry of Education in Ghana introduced a career ladder policy for teachers. While reformers believe that this has improved the condition of the teaching profession, the net gains of the policy remain deceptive. There has even been a reduction in some of the benefits that teachers used to enjoy in the single salary scheme in the past. After critically assessing the major aspects of the policy, along with the voices of Ghanaian teachers, this study argues that the career ladder policy for teachers in Ghana is another prototypical case of a failed experiment in terms of both improving the lives of teachers and maintaining their professional rights.  相似文献   

In 1984 the Ministry of Education in Ghana introduced a career ladder policy for teachers. While reformers believe that this has improved the condition of the teaching profession, the net gains of the policy remain deceptive. There has even been a reduction in some of the benefits that teachers used to enjoy in the single salary scheme in the past. After critically assessing the major aspects of the policy, along with the voices of Ghanaian teachers, this study argues that the career ladder policy for teachers in Ghana is another prototypical case of a failed experiment in terms of both improving the lives of teachers and maintaining their professional rights.  相似文献   

This article examined the specific differences in the salary reward structures of eight clusters of academic disciplines included in Biglan's three-dimensional model of the academic profession. The sample consisted of 1.320 faculty at a large research university who responded to the Faculty Activity Analysis questionnaire requesting information on the amount of time they devoted each week to eleven categories of professional responsibility. These measures were used to predict faculty salaries in the eight discipline clusters. The results demonstrated wide variation in the reward structures of these discipline clusters.  相似文献   

It is generally recognised that academic pay in the UK is no longer in line with market conditions. Although recent Government decisions have recognised the problem of uncompetitive salaries for a small number of internationally leading academics, there is no sign that the situation of the profession as a whole is likely to be tackled at Government level. The paper analyses the history of pay bargaining in the university sector since the Second World War, and argues that although national pay scales and national negotiating mechanisms may have worked to the benefit of the profession until the 1960s, during the last 20 years or more they have neither persuaded governments to reward the profession adequately, nor assisted the higher education system to manage salaries effectively with the limited resources available. The paper highlights the ambiguous role of the Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals (CVCP), and more recently of the Universities and Colleges Employers' Association (UCEA), as both the employer of academic staff and their representative in salary negotiations with government; and identifies a basic failure on the part of universities and their representatives to come to terms with the consequences brought about by expansion and differentiation of the system and economic change. The paper argues that there is a need for much greater flexibility and the ending of the national bargaining machinery in order to take proper account of both institutional and disciplinary differences, and to uncouple academic and non-academic salaries.  相似文献   

There have been numerous lawsuits within higher education brought by females over pay inequity and many articles have been written on the topic. Although not as prevalent, there have been some recent instances where male faculty have claimed—with some degree of success—that the process used by their institutions to make salary adjustments for females was unfair and led to reverse pay discrimination. In this paper, we examine some of the legal issues and statistical approaches surrounding claims of reverse sex discrimination in pay in the field of higher education. We begin by reviewing the way in which legal cases examine sex discrimination in pay in academe and the different approaches that institutions can take to remove pay disparities for women. We show that across-the-board salary adjustments for women are less likely than individualized salary adjustments to raise concerns about the salary determination process and possibly reverse discrimination, and lead to lower costs to the institution. These differences arise regardless of the salary model specification used by an institution when making salary adjustments. Finally, we use a model developed by the plaintiffs in a salary equity study at one institution to demonstrate the effects of using different adjustment methods on the total cost to the institution when making salary equity adjustments for both genders.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the seminar series for the Institute of Higher Education, University of Georgia. We would like to thank participants at this seminar and Andrew Luna for comments on previous drafts of this paper.  相似文献   

福建省高校岗位绩效工资制度改革的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会经济发展和社会进步,推进和完善高校教职工工资制度改革已成必然趋势,工资制度的改革关键在于岗位绩效工资的落实.科学的岗位绩效工资能有效提高高校教职工工作积极性、主动性和创造性.文章从高校总体情况入手,分析岗位绩效工资的内涵与理论意义,并对当前岗位绩效工资制度改革实施过程中存在的问题提出几点建议.  相似文献   

为总结湖南高职学院薪酬改革的经验,课题组对湖南高职学院进行了薪酬现状的调研,发现各高职学院薪酬的结构差异和水平差异等比较悬殊,教职工的薪酬满意度低。为此,湖南高职院薪酬改革要从薪酬体制着手,努力建立公平稳定合理的薪酬制度。  相似文献   

对10790名在广州市工作的大学毕业生的起薪情况调查的结果显示,在毕业生的学历、学校、性别、专业、学用结合性、家庭住址、学习成绩、综合素质等因素中,学历对毕业生的起薪影响最大,其后依次是学校、综合素质和学习成绩,而性别、学用结合性、专业和家庭住址对起薪影响很小。研究表明,当就业竞争增加时,学校、综合素质和性别对起薪的影响作用增大。  相似文献   

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