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青少年正处在迅猛的发展变化时期,其情绪反应非常强烈,而他们又不太善于控制自己的情绪,这就难免在不良情绪的支配下产生违法犯罪的行为,使其犯罪动机带有强烈的情绪色彩.导致青少年犯罪的不良情绪动机主要有:易怒、冲动、怨恨、嫉妒、冷漠等.有效控制和预防青少年的违法犯罪行为,需要让其掌握调控消极情绪的知识、方法和技巧,提高心理健康水平,要对其加强情感教育,增强其自制力和挫折容忍力.  相似文献   

人们快节奏的生活规律,往往造成心理压力过大,导致很多不良情绪。目前,在青少年中最普遍的就是焦虑情绪,应引起充分的重视。  相似文献   

近年来,抑郁已成为21世纪影响青少年身心健康的主要危险因素。青少年正处于生长发育的重要阶段,生理和心理发育不平衡的特点使其在遭受压力和不良情绪后易出现心理健康问题,引发抑郁情绪。我国青少年抑郁的发生率逐年上升且呈现出年龄逐渐下降的趋势,给他们的学习和生活造成了严重影响。青少年抑郁的发生受家庭环境、亲子关系、学校环境、个体自身性格特点等因素的影响,应从营造良好的家庭氛围、学校加强监管等方面加强预防。  相似文献   

刘瑛 《考试周刊》2011,(4):150-151
本文在查阅文献资料基础上通过实地调查、对比分析等方法对地震灾区青少年心理健康状况进行了为期一年的跟踪调查研究,发现,特大地震对青少年心理健康造成了严重伤害,多数青少年表现出恐惧、焦虑等不良心理状况,而开展有针对性的体育活动可以明显减轻不良情绪,对于灾后青少年的身体机能和心理的恢复调整都会有很大帮助。在一年的跟踪调查中还发现,经常参加体育活动的学生心理恢复状况明显好于不喜欢运动的学生,不同的运动项目会对青少年心理产生不同的效果。  相似文献   

【教材内容分析】本框首先通过人生的旅途免不了会出现一些不良情绪着手,分析人们需要主动调节情绪。又通过对青少年学生的情绪发展特点的分析,说明初中生的情绪变化大,而且还不稳定,很容易冲动,会造成不良的后果,所以初中学生更加需要调节情绪。而学会克服不良情绪,保持乐观、开朗的心境,达到喜怒有常、喜怒有度是进行情绪品质修养所要达到的目标。调节情绪的具体方法有多种多样,本框主要从转移注意力、合理发泄情绪和主动控制情绪三方面介绍了一些具体方法。这三种方法也可以理解为是根据不良情绪的轻重程度不同而采取的不同方法…  相似文献   

陈蓉 《广西教育》2013,(46):1-1
日前,《人民日报》载文报道了这样一则消息:南京市六合区试点把情商课纳入常规教学,成为国内情商教学的探路者。近年来,一些青少年因不良情绪引发严重后果的事件,让人们越来越深刻地意识到,对青少年情商的培养应从小抓起,南京市六合区试点情商教育进课堂,让人们的目光再一次聚焦到情商教育这一话题.  相似文献   

愤怒是指一个人遭到挫折失败时产生的一种紧张情绪。这种情绪有程度的不同,从轻微不满、生气、恼怒到大怒、暴怒。愤怒属于人皆有之的正常情感,特别是对儿童和青少年来说,情绪易冲动是这一时期孩子的特点,即使是最温顺的孩子有时也会发脾气。然而,容易愤怒是一种不良情绪习惯,孩子经常发脾气,不利于形成良好稳定的情绪习惯与和谐的人际关系。因此,让孩子们学会合理地控制不良情绪,就显得非常重要了。对此,我在对儿子的教育中颇有体会。  相似文献   

高海明 《教育》2014,(10):33-34
近年来,学生叛逆心强、走极端等种种问题越来越尖锐地呈现在大众而前。一些青少年因不良情绪导致严重后果的事件,使越来越多的人相信,对情商的培养应从娃娃抓起。其实,情商教育一直都是社会关注的热点问题,许多教育者认为,当代国人、特别是年轻人,情商缺乏已经成为一种普遍现象,所以,如何提高情商也成了社会各界所思考的重要问题。  相似文献   

青少年抗挫折心理能力对青少年身心健康发展发挥至关重要的作用,寻找有效途径提高青少年学生的抗挫折能力成为亟待解决的问题。认知层面:引导学生科学地认识挫折,认识自己,培养正确的旧因方式。情绪层面:使青少年获得控制和调节情绪的方法,学会用转移、宣泄、补偿、升华等方法,消除受挫折后的不良情绪。意志层面:树立远大理想,激发道德情感;树立光辉榜样,提高锻炼意志的自觉性;积极参加社会实践,锻炼意志品质;应用角色扮演,获取应用意志品质战胜挫折的技巧。帮助青少年勇敢面对挫折,成为生活的强者。  相似文献   

自我防御机制作为自身调节和协调不良情绪的重要方面,对于自我乃至超我的形成有着重要意义。然而不成熟的自我防御机制不仅不能够解决自我认知矛盾等问题,反而会对青少年的成长产生不良影响,甚至会演变为严重的心理问题。如何在中学思想品德课中帮助青少年形成成熟的自我防御机制,这是本文所要讨论的问题。  相似文献   

青少年犯罪率居高不下的一个重要原因是社会环境的不良影响,其中的主要影响因素有:价值观变迁、不良传媒、社会不良风气、就业困难与压力、封建糟粕文化残余等。必须针对这些因素加强对青少年的社会教育与管理。  相似文献   

Frequent somatic complaints are not only a problem in themselves but also related to other difficulties. So far, no conclusive findings have been reported about the prevalence of and factors underlying these complaints in children and adolescents who are deaf or hard of hearing (DHH). Such information would be valuable for prevention and intervention. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the prevalence of somatic complaints and their relation with emotional functioning in DHH youngsters, as compared with hearing youngsters. This was established by assessing how somatic complaints, mood states, and sense of coherence were experienced by 186 Dutch participants (mean age = 11;07 years). DHH and hearing groups were compared using multivariate analysis of variance and structural equation modeling. The results showed that somatic complaints were reported equally often for both groups, but that the pathways leading to these complaints were partly different. Only in DHH participants were feelings of fear associated with more somatic complaints. The results suggest that DHH children and adolescents would benefit from support in the regulation of fear and its causes. Other aspects affecting adjustment outcomes of DHH youngsters were education type and communication mode.  相似文献   

当今大学生学习就业压力大,产生不应有的思想矛盾,精神负担过重或情绪处于不愉快状态,导致神经衰弱症。本文就抑郁症的病因、病理生理基础、临床表现、治疗方法等进行阐述。拟在提醒广大大学生正确认识和对待抑郁症,以防为主,及早发现,及早治疗。有此症并不可怕,要以正常的心态积极配合治疗,合理安排作息、适当的体育锻炼,是极易治愈的。  相似文献   

大学生学业不良的心理归因与辅导对策探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着高校在校生规模的不断扩大,因学业达不到要求而留级、退学、不授学位、不能毕业的学生不再是个别现象,大学生中的学业不良问题亟待引起高度重视和深入研究。然而造成大学生学业不良的因素是十分复杂的,其中认知障碍、情绪障碍、意志障碍、自我效能感偏低、错误的成败归因、自控能力欠缺、不良的个性等心理因素是极其重要的内在原因。要从根本上解决学业不良大学生的心理问题,提高其学习效率,必须具体问题具体分析,既要提供个人心理援助,也要发挥团体辅导的优势。  相似文献   

This article is part of a biographical research study, and explores the social path that an adolescent from a marginal background in Malaga (Spain) has travelled throughout his life. The research shows a class differentiation that divides society in two: you, who control the means of production, impose your culture, and define the policy and the school; and we, who live in poor houses and districts, learn in the street and do things that are worthy of punishment – the bad ones. School failure, the result and cause of this division, leads to social failure, provoking ‘guerrillas against the good ones’ (teachers, peers, guards, police, judges, etc.) of youngsters who have learned to devalue themselves as people and as a group: youngsters who have to break away to find a way.  相似文献   

One of the most intriguing results concerning chronopsychological effects at school is the worse school performance in evening‐oriented adolescents. The study intends to correlate affective state with chronotype. Therefore, we carried out a field study in adolescents in a natural setting (in school) and assessed their actual affective state during the very first lesson at school (8:00 a.m.). A total of 97 pupils (60 boys and 37 girls; mean age 13.14 ± SD 1.84; range 10–17 years) from class Grades 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10 participated in this study. We used the Composite Scale of Morningness (CSM) to assess morningness and the Adjective Checklist for Children (EWL40‐KJ) to assess mood. Morningness was positively associated with relaxation, good mood, and activation, and negatively related to bad mood, anger, and deactivation. No significant relationship was found related to excitation, aggression, anxiety, and depressiveness. Concerning the two general dimensions, CSM scores were positively related to positive mood and negatively to negative mood.  相似文献   

According to a recent report, adolescents living in single-parent households are more likely to engage in deviant activity than are youngsters living with both natural parents, or in single-parent, extended households, allegedly because the presence of an additional adult provides greater control of youngsters' behavior. In the present study, fifth, sixth, eighth, and ninth graders from 1 of 3 family structures (both natural parents, mother alone, or 1 natural parent and a stepparent) were compared with respect to their susceptibility to peer pressure to engage in deviant activity. All comparisons controlled for sex, age, socioeconomic status, maternal employment, and patterns of family decision making. Youngsters living with both natural parents were less susceptible to pressure from their friends to engage in deviant behavior than youngsters living in other family structures. More important, youngsters growing up in stepfamilies--in the presence of an additional adult--were equally at risk for involvement in deviant behavior as were their peers growing up in single-parent households.  相似文献   

社会风气是社会大多数人的精神风貌和行为方式 ,它具有群体性、连锁性和二重性的特点。社会风气与精神文明建设有着密切关系 :一定的精神文明水平总是要外化表现为一定的社会风气 ;特定时期的社会风气又会反作用于精神文明 ,影响和制约精神文明水平的提高。在我国 ,随着社会主义市场经济体制的确立 ,出现了一些不良社会风气 ,必须通过加强精神文明建设加以转变。  相似文献   

语言性别歧视在现实中大量存在,它固化性别歧视观念,构建女性思维模式,束缚女性自身发展,也不利于两性关系和社会和谐发展。语言性别歧视并非能随社会的发展而自然消失,我们必须构建非性别歧视文化氛围,修改性别歧视语言。  相似文献   

主要阐述了教师的良好情绪对于声乐教学的重要性,在声乐课堂师生双边交流的过程中,教师良好的情绪状态,使学生保持稳定的情绪及畅通的思维,才能拥有放松的心情,在歌唱中最大限度地体会到快乐。从分析声乐课堂中教师不良情绪的成因入手,对如何保持良好情绪、做一名快乐的声乐教师提出了自己的见解。  相似文献   

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