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爱因斯坦说过:兴趣是最好的老师,由此可见,兴趣是培养多种能力的前提,学生对学习产生了兴趣,就会积极主动地去学习,兴趣不仅能促进学习质量的提高,而且能促进学生素质的发展。在物理教学中,生动活泼地学习物理以至从变“要我学”为“我要学”变“苦学”为“乐学”是非常重要的。  相似文献   

樊洪涛 《考试周刊》2014,(20):145-145
<正>初中物理是一门重要学科,但是"物理难学"的印象可能会使不少学生望而却步。从初二物理教学开始,首先要对学生进行正确的引导,让他们顺利跨上初中物理台阶,其次让学生奠定坚实的物理知识基础,然后根据学生的具体情况选择提高。1.明确新课程教学目标,正确使用新课程的教科书。新课程教学目标,要求更多地体现人文教育的因素,更强调科学探究过程和探究乐趣的学习经历,是一种有效的学习方式。在变被动的接受性学习为主动的探究式学习中,为学生  相似文献   

物理教学中,引导学生自主学习,培养学生自主发展,要激发学生的创新精神,变“要我自主”为“我要自主”;要采取有效措施,促进学生自主学习。  相似文献   

史江勇 《考试周刊》2014,(16):142-143
高中生学习物理,首先要营造物理学习氛围,培养学习兴趣。教师要努力营造宽松、愉悦的课堂教学气氛,重视和发掘高中生的闪光点,激发高中生学习物理的兴趣,要挖掘高中生学习物理的潜能,使他们变被动学习为主动学习,提高学习兴趣。  相似文献   

白长胜 《青海教育》2003,(11):38-38
在初中物理教学中,不但要学生学会教学大纲规定的基本知识和技能,更重要的是要逐步教给学生正确的学习方法和良好的学习习惯。  相似文献   

随着义务教育课程改革的日渐深入,为了提高学生学习物理的兴趣.变“要我学”为“我要学、想学、爱学、学好”,从而实现物理新课标的主要要求,本文从两方面进行探讨。  相似文献   

职高一年级学生物理学习困难的原因有学科、学生及教师等多方面。解决问题的对策是教师要面向全体学生分层施教,采用多种形式的教学方法.激发学生学习物理的兴趣,正确指导学习方法.多表扬.少批评,激励学生的学习信心。  相似文献   

物理方法教育是素质教育的重要组成部分,要使学生掌握学习物理的正确方法,就要求教师将方法教育贯穿到物理教学的整个过程,要充分利用物理学史,实验及习题课对学生进行物理方法教育,“授之以渔”使学生终身受益。  相似文献   

学习物理,重在对基本概念、基本规律、基本方法的深刻理解,贵在对物理现象、物理过程、物理情境的深入分析。要提高理解和分析能力,关键要透彻地理解基础知识,形成正确的知识结构,建立起知识间的联系。下面以几道题目为例说明之。  相似文献   

当今大学生在大学物理的学习中普遍存在思维定势,而培养高素质人才必须突破思维定势,促成定势向变势转化。本即就大学生在大学物理学习中存在思维定势的表现以及产生的原因做具体分析,并对教学中如何指导学生突破思维定势的束缚,使思维定势向变势转化进行了探讨。  相似文献   

在原子物理学的教学中,存在两条线索。一条是与教学内容相应的,按照原子物理学理论从简单到复杂而发展的线索。另一条是与原子物理、量子理论的产生、发展以及应用相应的历史线索。前者使得学生认识到原子物理理论的内在逻辑,符合学生认知规律;后者则与一系列的历史事件和伟大的科学家相关。认真地梳理和挖掘这条线索的内容和价值,有助于培养学生正确的科学观,提高科学思辨的能力,是课程教学的升华。在原子物理的教学中,对第二条线索的人文教育价值应该给予足够的重视。  相似文献   

In mathematics education, a vast amount of research has shown that students of different ages have a strong tendency to apply linear or proportional models anywhere, even in situations where they are not applicable. For example, in geometry it is known that many students believe that if the sides of a figure are doubled, the area is doubled too. However, also history of science provides several cases of thinkers who inadequately postulated linear relations to describe situations. This article focuses on secondary school students’ over-reliance on linearity in physics. Now and then, science educators report students’ tendency to assume and impose linear relations in physics, but—as far as we know—no substantial efforts were undertaken to study this phenomenon systematically. We conducted an empirical investigation aimed at identifying the competence of 8th- and 11th-graders—before and after being taught the relevant physical topics—to qualitatively grasp various situations in physics, as well as their tendency to quantify that qualitative insight linearly. The results provide an ambivalent picture of students’ overuse of linearity in physics: Although linear reasoning is sometimes used as a default strategy, even after instruction that addresses the relevant physical contents, this study also indicates that context is taken into account more often than is suggested by research on mathematical problem solving.  相似文献   

尽管实证化取向所获得的巨大成功在相当程度上强化了主流经济学要把经济学变成一种与自然科学一样的"硬科学"的倾向;然而,由于西方经济学与自然科学的研究对象毕竟有着很大的区别,以至于其根本无法像自然科学的研究那样做到真正的"客观和价值中立"。鉴此,为实现对学生价值观的正确引导,教学过程中就应既要充分认识到西方经济学的理论研究与教学间所存在的巨大差距,切实明确课堂教学的价值观目标,同时又要注重对西方经济学产生过程和发展历程以及不同经济学家思想观点的比较分析,避免将西方经济学的教学过程变成单纯的理论与观点灌输。  相似文献   

Grading practices can send a powerful message to students about course expectations. A study by Henderson et al. (American Journal of Physics 72:164–169, 2004) in physics education has identified a misalignment between what college instructors say they value and their actual scoring of quantitative student solutions. This work identified three values that guide grading decisions: (1) a desire to see students’ reasoning, (2) a readiness to deduct points from solutions with obvious errors and a reluctance to deduct points from solutions that might be correct, and (3) a tendency to assume correct reasoning when solutions are ambiguous. These authors propose that when values are in conflict, the conflict is resolved by placing the burden of proof on either the instructor or the student. Here, we extend the results of the physics study to earth science (n?=?7) and chemistry (n?=?10) instructors in a think-aloud interview study. Our results suggest that both the previously identified three values and the misalignment between values and grading practices exist among science faculty more generally. Furthermore, we identified a fourth value not previously recognized. Although all of the faculty across both studies stated that they valued seeing student reasoning, the combined effect suggests that only 49% of faculty across the three disciplines graded work in such a way that would actually encourage students to show their reasoning, and 34% of instructors could be viewed as penalizing students for showing their work. This research may contribute toward a better alignment between values and practice in faculty development.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to understand the nature of pre-instructional knowledge transferred by students into problem situations and the change process on students’ knowledge system during classroom discussions. This study was framed by two interrelated theoretical frameworks on knowledge structures, phenomenological primitives and coordination classes. The data were collected through problem solving sessions on turning effect of forces (torques or moment) from ten participants who were seeking a degree to become physics teachers. The analysis of data showed that, in this particular context, students’ pre-instructional ideas can be characterized according to phenomenological primitives. The theoretical constructs of the coordination classes generated meaningful results to understand students’ particular difficulties in transferring the moment concept across different contexts and the change process on students’ knowledge system. The major stimulator of the change process emerged as the students’ becoming aware of the epistemological nature of their knowledge structures and searching the causal mechanisms behind physical phenomena.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have shown that students often hold conceptions that conflict with accepted scientific ideas, both prior to and after instruction. The failure of instruction to affect students' conceptions can be interpreted as a failure to facilitate conceptual change. In this paper, an instructional strategy will be described that facilitates conceptual change in the special case where conceptual difficulties appear to arise because students confuse related physics concepts. The strategy involves two parts. Firstly, students observe an experiment or demonstration that conflicts with what they expect to see. Secondly, the instructor identifies students' intuitions that are correct but that they have associated with an incorrect physics term, and substitutes the correct physics term. Students can thus develop more scientifically acceptable understandings of physics concepts without having to give up their intuitive ideas. The use of this strategy will be illustrated in two domains of physics. Specializations: physics education, conceptual development, instructional design, improvement of tertiary science education.  相似文献   

在农村中学的物理教学中,为克服教学条件、教学环境相对滞后带采的困难,教师应在教学方法上狠下功夫;利用学校现有条件,创设情景、设置悬念,引发好奇心;教会学生正确的学法;加强开放性教学,培养学生的创新能力:在教学中应千方百计激发学生学习兴趣:帮助学生搞小设计、小制作,使学生认识到学习物理非常有用,亦可巩固物理知识。  相似文献   

Problem-solving behavior of six novice subjects attempting to solve an electrostatics problem in second-semester calculus-based college physics was observed and recorded. Five of the subjects were characterized as “A” or “B” students and one subject as a “D” student in introductory college physics. Although the A or B subjects were able to arrive at a “correct” solution to the problem, they exhibited major misconceptions about the problem situation as well as minimal qualitative understanding of the problem situation. The A or B subjects were successful in identifying, either from memory or written notes, equations relevant to electrostatics, whereas the D subject was not. The implication of this study is that current instruction in introductory calculus-based college physics and the students' previous science learnings place a premium on acquisition of correct quantitative solutions at the expense of qualitative understanding of physics problem situations.  相似文献   

本文从高中物理教学过程中关于高初中物理之间新旧知识结构的衔接,教学方法和学习方法上的更新,考试内容深浅度的掌握等方面对高初中物理教学衔接问题作了初步探讨,从而说明正确进行高初中物理教学的衔接工作,是高中学生能否尽快适应高中物理内容的学习和能否学好高中物理的关键。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the characteristics of 15-year-old girls who express an intention to study physics post-16. This paper unpacks issues around within-girl group differences and similarities between boys and girls in survey responses about physics. The analysis is based on the year 10 (age 15 years) responses of 5,034 students from 137 UK schools as learners of physics during the academic year 2008–2009. A comparison between boys and girls indicates the pervasiveness of gender issues, with boys more likely to respond positively towards physics-specific constructs than girls. The analysis also indicates that girls and boys who expressed intentions to participate in physics post-16 gave similar responses towards their physics teachers and physics lessons and had comparable physics extrinsic motivation. Girls (regardless of their intention to participate in physics) were less likely than boys to be encouraged to study physics post-16 by teachers, family and friends. Despite this, there were a subset of girls still intending to study physics post-16. The crucial differences between the girls who intended to study physics post-16 and those who did not is that girls who intend to study physics post-16 had higher physics extrinsic motivation, more positive perceptions of physics teachers and lessons, greater competitiveness and a tendency to be less extrovert. This strongly suggests that higher extrinsic motivation in physics could be the crucial underlying key that encourages a subset of girls (as well as boys) in wanting to pursue physics post-16.  相似文献   

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