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I love music     
小辣椒特别喜欢音乐,想学一种乐器。来到商店,乐器可真多,看得眼花缭乱。你能帮小辣椒选一种合适的乐器吗?  相似文献   

Face the music     
英语中的很多词语是不能望文生义的,如“face the music”这个短语。如果你认为是“面对、应付音乐”的话,就大错特错了。这个短语已有百年以上的历史了,是美国男女老少都非常熟悉的短语。最早使用这个表现法的是  相似文献   

The music within     
~~The music within@Lester E.Garrett~~  相似文献   

When someone says,“Well,i guess i‘ll have to go face the music”it does not mean he is planning to go to a concert .it is something far less pleasant,like being called in by your boss to explain why you did this and did that,and why you did not do to this or that sour music indeed,but it has to be faced.  相似文献   

殷淼淼 《音乐世界》2012,(23):125-127
流畅的线条,精致的纹理,搭载HTC特有的魅力拍摄及悦动音效功能,HTC One SC 特邀当红模特张奕、王梓亦分享。  相似文献   

热爱音乐,喜欢MP3的轻巧可爱。2001年10月23日,当苹果的CEO拿出那个白色的小盒子时,没有人能预感到iPod能风靡整个世界,当时市面上的各种MP3播放器已经琳琅满目了。直到今天,我们看见满大街的帅哥美女披挂着耳机线招摇过市,为了各种美丽配件不惜大花血本,才知道MP3的音乐时代终于来了!  相似文献   

If m usic m akes you sm arter and exercise helps you to think, surelyexercising to m usic can turn you into a genius(天才)?A group of A m eri-can researchers believe thatthis is indeed true.A team of scientists from O hio State U niversity (俄亥俄州立大学)conducted experim ents on 33volunteers (志愿者) w ho w ere recoveringfrom heart disease follow ing surgery(外科手术).A boy adds som e healthy sounds to the environm ent.They found thatpeople who exercised while listening to Italian com pose…  相似文献   

同学们,你们好!让我们一起进入第七单元的学习。在本单元,我们将学习使用“would you mind doing…“来向别人提出建议及要求;谈论自己所抱怨的事,对别人的抱怨表示道歉;了解各个国家的礼仪、社会行为标准的相同点或不同之处。在上学期第十一单元中,我们学习了如何有礼貌地请求别人作某事及向别人提出建议。为这一单元的学习打下了基础,我想同学们一定会学好这一单元的,一定要有信心哦!OK,首先我们来关注一下本单元的语法知识。  相似文献   

There is a lack of empirical studies that examine the influence of neoliberal ideas in preschool music and teaching. Neoliberal ideas have primarily been studied in a broader educational perspective and related to preschool policy reforms. The aim of this paper is to study preschool teachers’ rhetoric concerning music contents and music activities related to neoliberal ideas. Data consist of group conversations with preschool teachers and of video observations of daily music activities, at one preschool in Sweden. Discursive psychology has been used as a micro-sociological methodological approach. The findings show that music in this preschool is characterized by popular music, and varied consequences for knowledge content and early childhood learning are highlighted and analyzed. Also, it is argued that neoliberal ideas, in varied ways, determine the establishment of music content. For many reasons, rhetoric concerning the choice of musical content is of great importance to the field of preschool education. For example, it is essential to music education research and to preschool teachers’ everyday work, as it can improve teaching and learning qualities and become a knowledge contribution in society at large.  相似文献   

一天下午我打开收音机,偶然听到一位节目主持人正在介绍西方流行歌曲,其中有一首歌名为“face the music”,他随口就把它译为“面对音乐”。我当时想其他听众一定会纳闷,真不知怎样才能“面对音乐”。其实,“face the music”作为一个英语成语已有一百多年的历史了。关于这一成语的来源,有两种说法。一种说法是:这个成语最初是一个戏  相似文献   

Through interviews and observing day‐to‐day classroom practice, this study explores the beliefs of 10 music teachers in elementary schools in Vancouver and Hong Kong. The results demonstrate that the music teachers of the two localities hold similar cognitive beliefs about the essential elements of music education. However, they hold different beliefs about the value or impact of music education on the psychological or character development of students. Music teachers of Vancouver are found to be more student‐centred than their counterparts in Hong Kong, and this is reflected in both the curriculum and activities selected for classroom teaching. Though both groups of teachers place similar emphasis on western music, in Canada more classroom activities are based around the student’s personal enjoyment and expression. In Hong Kong, meanwhile, music education is viewed as a means of nurturing the student’s temperamental development. While students in Vancouver are allowed to express their personal musical preferences in classroom activities, in Hong Kong students are required to perform according to prescribed standard indicators of success. This is probably linked—albeit invisibly—to Chinese Confucian culture.  相似文献   

静静的/坐在风里雨中/一圈一圈的/像铁环的圆/像篮球的圆/拴在腰上/见证校园的沧桑/男孩用脚踢踢你/女孩用手轻抚你/一圈又一圈的年轮/守候在教室的两旁  相似文献   

同步点拨 【学习目标导航】 1.学会运用重点句型:Wouldyoumind+v—ing…? 2.学会委婉向对方提出请求和建议。 3.掌握本单元的重点词汇。  相似文献   

Mozart's work is quite unique on account of its quantitative and qualitative fullness within a short life. The explanatory patterns offered for this phenomenon range from a concentrated process of musical socialization, which comprised an exclusive preoccupation with music, to the specific fact of his travelling activity at that time (approx. 10 years of Mozart's life); to his good fortune in receiving, as a natural accompaniment in life, a musical education which was focused exclusively on high standards and enabled Mozart to become acquainted with almost the whole of the central European intelligentsia; to a consciously economic way of working which helped him to translate his experience of life into a work of art. These circumstances, which are ideal from the point of view of production, determined as they were by exceptional talent and by the environment, seemed to be so improbable to succeeding generations that the history of the reception of Mozart displays not only a reaction from a non‐academic perspective, but also designed a variety of diverging explanations for the (literally) unbelievable circumstances. This is probably why, ever since the start the nineteenth century, writings about Mozart have been not only contradictory, but have in part also provided no answers whatsoever to those questions which played such a major role in the biography. Consequently, the anomaly is valid not only for the process of production but also for that of reception.  相似文献   

同学们,你们好!让我们一起进入第七单元的学习。在本单元,我们将学习使用"would you mind doing…"来向别人提出建议及要求;谈论自己所抱怨的事,对别人的抱怨表示道歉;了解各个国家的礼仪、社会行为标准的相同点或不同之处。在上学期第十一单元中,我们学习了如何有礼貌地请求别人作某事及向别人提出建议。为这一单元的学习打下了基础,我想同学们一定会学好这一单元的,一定要有信心哦!OK,首先我们来关注一下本单元的语法知识。  相似文献   

Cool new clothes     
LiuJingisaJunior2studentatBeijing’sYuhongSchool.Shedoesn’tliketowearthesameoldschoolunifrom(校服)—atracksuit(运动服)—everyday.Shewantsanew,colourfulone.Soon,Liucanbehappyaboutherclothes.ManyBeijingschoolsarebeginningtowearuniforms(制服).By2008,mostschoolsinBeijingwillhavenewuniforms.Theywon’tbeveryexpensiveforstudents.OnSaturday,therewasaschooluniformshowinBeijing.Studentstriedon60newkindsofclothes.Thereweremanydifferentnewstyles(样式)attheshow.Theylookmuchbetterthanthosebefore,and…  相似文献   

My new friends     
Baby:呜呜,小朋友都不理我!Panpan:你要交朋友,首先得学会: 介绍你自己; 与朋友分享你的故事书和玩具: 和朋友一起游戏: 安慰你的朋友。  相似文献   

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