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本文对模拟电子技术课程中有关“反馈”的判别方法,诸如正、负反馈,电压、电流反馈以及串联、并联反馈等做了详细的分析比较.  相似文献   

A key challenge for feedback practice involves promoting student uptake through the closing of feedback loops. This paper investigates feedback loops by using the concepts of single and double-loop learning to interrogate student responses to feedback. Single-loop learning tackles an identified problem or task, whereas double-loop learning additionally re-evaluates how the problem or task is approached. Evidence from a five-year longitudinal enquiry into four undergraduate students’ experiences of feedback is used to analyse feedback loops. Students reported a variety of experiences: failing to engage significantly with end-of-semester comments; short-term uptake within modules which had two assignments; and longer-term efforts at improving their learning strategies. A model of long-term student engagement with feedback is proposed, including single-loop feedback processes, double-loop feedback processes and unresolved learning puzzles. Whereas feedback loops are mainly focused on the shorter-term, it is suggested that feedback spirals represent an alternative way of analysing complex, iterative longer-term learning processes. Implications for practice focus on student self-regulation and the development of student feedback literacy.  相似文献   

文章针对留学生对汉语课"教师反馈"的态度做了全面的调查。调查结果发现:(1)学生普遍认为教师的口头反馈和书面反馈很重要;(2)初级汉语学习者更喜欢积极反馈,而中高级学习者更偏爱纠正性反馈;(3)初级学习者更依赖教师的口头纠错,而中高级学习者不太喜欢老师当众口头纠错;(4)学生最喜欢的纠正性反馈形式是"重铸"和"明确纠正";(5)多数学生认为纠错的主体应主要为教师,同伴纠错被排在了最后。通过调查,建议汉语教师在提供教学反馈前,应充分考虑到学生不同的认知水平、情感因素和对反馈形式的偏好。  相似文献   

导师反馈是学生修改学位论文的关键依据,在毕业论文的完成过程中起着至关重要的作用。至今,对导师反馈焦点的研究很少。该研究是英语语言学硕士毕业论文指导教师电子反馈焦点的个案研究。通过对一位导师3年来指导的10名研究生的862条反馈意见的梳理和分析,找出了导师反馈的特点、内容、类型和意义。结果表明,导师反馈意见主要涉及以下几个方面:与论文内容相关的反馈、与体裁相关的反馈、对论文组织结构的反馈以及针对语言准确性的反馈。其中,缺少近5年来的最新文献是与内容相关反馈中最突出的问题;在涉及体裁/组织结构的反馈中,论文缺乏逻辑性的问题非常突出;针对语言方面的反馈占了反馈的89%,说明英语语言表达准确性和适宜性是硕士学位论文中需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

首先介绍了反馈的几种基本概念,然后分析了正负反馈的几种判别方法(同点连接判别法,串联同相、并联反相判别法,口诀判别法),接着讨论了电压、电流反馈的判断,串联并联反馈的判断,并对其进行了分析总结.  相似文献   

大学英语写作应注重反馈环节   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英语写作是英语教学的一个重要环节,也是衡量学生语言水平的重要标准。本文从我国大学英语写作教学的现状出发,指出大学英语写作教学应注重反馈环节。因为不论是教师的书面反馈还是学生对教师反馈的反馈,它们都对提高学生的写作水平大有帮助。并且在实施反馈教学环节当中,一定要注意反馈的及时性,激励性,启发性和针对性。  相似文献   

本文通过对各种形式的负反馈放大电路中反馈类型的分析、比较,总结出一种直观的判断方法。简便实用。  相似文献   

负反馈在电子电路分析中的应用非常广泛,正确判断其类型至关重要,详细分析了负反馈的四种类型及其分析方法.  相似文献   

书面反馈是国外二语写作研究的热点,近年来在国内也兴起了一股研究热潮。本文从该研究的发展阶段、反馈类型及其有效性和教师反馈与同伴反馈之比较三个方面对近十年发表在核心期刊的相关文章展开述评,指出已有研究的不足和未来的研究方向。  相似文献   


Despite an increasing focus on assessment feedback, educators continue to find that simply replicating an effective feedback practice from one context does not guarantee success in the next. There is a growing recognition that the contextual factors surrounding successful practices need to be considered. This article reports on a large-scale mixed methods project and proposes 12 conditions that enable successful feedback in higher education. The conditions were distilled from seven rich case studies through multiple stages of thematic analysis, case comparison and reliability checking. The conditions were also evaluated by surveying senior leaders of Australian universities. These conditions highlight the importance of carefully designing feedback processes, along with the need for addressing capacity and culture for feedback. This helps to explain why there are such variances in effective feedback across contexts, and offers insight into how it may be achieved.  相似文献   

Since the early 2010s the literature has shifted to view feedback as a process that students do where they make sense of information about work they have done, and use it to improve the quality of their subsequent work. In this view, effective feedback needs to demonstrate effects. However, it is unclear if educators and students share this understanding of feedback. This paper reports a qualitative investigation of what educators and students think the purpose of feedback is, and what they think makes feedback effective. We administered a survey on feedback that was completed by 406 staff and 4514 students from two Australian universities. Inductive thematic analysis was conducted on data from a sample of 323 staff with assessment responsibilities and 400 students. Staff and students largely thought the purpose of feedback was improvement. With respect to what makes feedback effective, staff mostly discussed feedback design matters like timing, modalities and connected tasks. In contrast, students mostly wrote that high-quality feedback comments make feedback effective – especially comments that are usable, detailed, considerate of affect and personalised to the student’s own work. This study may assist researchers, educators and academic developers in refocusing their efforts in improving feedback.  相似文献   

Research on feedback shows the dialogic perspective as one that potentially promotes learning improvement. This article presents the Dialogic Feedback Index (DFI), a measure that contributes to establishing to what extent feedback design is potentially dialogic. Performing the study in an online context enabled us to evaluate the potential of the index to measure the institutional situation in relation to dialogic feedback. The applied case allowed us to identify four teaching and learning contexts whose designs range from low to high dialogic context. We were also able to establish three components which had a great impact in differentiating one context from another. Specifically, it was found that designing teaching and learning contexts with high levels of dialogic potential of feedback involves: (1) providing feedback before the task is completed, (2) incorporating peer feedback into the process and (3) allowing resubmission once the feedback has been received. The DFI is intended as an applied tool for teaching staff and institutions. With it they can determine the level of dialogic potential of feedback and plan how to improve it.  相似文献   

Since the introduction of the National Student Survey (NSS) in 2005, like many other institutions, the university where this study took place has expended substantial effort in improving the quality of feedback to students. However, despite much research, changes in pedagogical approaches and shifts in conceptual understanding related to feedback practice, assessment and feedback still receive the lowest satisfaction ratings in the NSS. Lecturers are discouraged when students fail to take note of their feedback, or sometimes do not collect assignments that have been marked. Understanding why feedback is not always acted upon remains an important area for researchers. This paper reports on an in-depth interview study with 14 final year undergraduates, reflecting on their perceptions of feedback written on marked assignments, by selecting examples of what they considered to be ‘good’ and ‘bad’ work. Findings suggested that emotional reactions play a significant part in determining how students will act on the feedback they receive, and the concept of ‘emotional backwash’ is introduced.  相似文献   

Students’ response to the feedback they receive on written assignments is an important but relatively under‐researched aspect of teaching and learning. This paper presents an analysis of over 3000 written comments made on 106 assignments in three course modules in a Technology faculty, and also the results of telephone interviews with 43 of the students whose commented assignment had been analysed. The interviews explored how usable students found the comments, including their response to specific comments that their tutor had made on the assignment. When the results from the interviews were matched to the types of comment found in the analysis, it became apparent that students find some types of comment considerably more usable. These findings are discussed in the light of the current state of assessment practice, and possible future avenues for research in this area are suggested.  相似文献   

通过对体育专业体育系学生田径运动技术教学课进行长达两年的对比教学实验研究发现:在技术动作初学阶段,即刻反馈的反馈效能优于延迟反馈;在技术动作熟练阶段,适当的延迟反馈其反馈效能优于即刻反馈;在技术动作初学阶段,教师提供即刻反馈,技术动作熟练后,提供适当的延迟反馈,这种反馈时机模式的反馈效能优于单纯的即刻反馈或延迟反馈.  相似文献   

The increase in the use of technology-enhanced learning in higher education has included a growing interest in new approaches to enhance the quality of feedback given to students. Audio feedback is one method that has become more popular, yet evaluating its role in feedback delivery is still an emerging area for research. This paper is based on a small-scale study which examined the perceptions of first and final-year undergraduates who received feedback from tutors in audio form and considers the impact of this method of feedback delivery as a formative process. The paper examines the extent to which students respond to and engage with audio feedback, and how the method might facilitate a better understanding of the role of feedback amongst teachers and students alike. The two cohorts in the study express differences, but also commonalities in what they require from audio feedback. A conceptual framework is developed from the study’s findings, which highlights best practice and guides practitioners in their effective utilisation of this form of feedback.  相似文献   

根据反馈的一般方框图推导出反馈表达式的另一形式,并与通常的表达式加以比较,指出新的表达式量具一般性。  相似文献   

This paper reports on the results of an embedded, multiple case study that investigated the views of both lecturers and students on written staff-student feedback in three postgraduate programmes at one UK university. The study sought to uncover how ‘quality written feedback’ is perceived in the higher education environment under investigation. It found that tutors and students were broadly aligned in the features that they identified as constituting quality, which could be categorised within three dimensions: the affective or interpersonal, the orientational and the transformational. The findings suggest that feedback needs to incorporate each of these dimensions if it is to be perceived as being of good quality.  相似文献   

结合国内外对二语写作反馈的研究,实验证明,教师反馈、同伴反馈和自我反馈对非英语专业大学生写作有较大影响,各种反馈形式各有优缺点,可为教师如何有效采用反馈方式改善大学生写作状况提供参考.  相似文献   


Although the concept of student feedback literacy has drawn increasing attention in higher education, empirical research on this matter is still in its infancy. In the area of peer feedback, little research has investigated the role of teacher follow-up feedback on peer feedback in the development of student feedback literacy. To address the research gap, a multiple-case study of three Chinese master’s students enrolled in an academic writing course was conducted, drawing on the students’ drafts with peer feedback, teacher written feedback on that peer feedback, semi-structured interviews, retrospective verbal reports, observation field notes and class documents. Three students’ epistemological and practical knowledge about, attitudes towards, and self-efficacy beliefs in peer feedback were found to improve at different paces and to different degrees. However, considerable individual variations were observed with two high-achieving, highly motivated participants becoming more feedback-literate than their under-achieving, minimally motivated peer. Teacher feedback on peer feedback was found to have distinct impacts on individual students, depending on learner factors including language ability, beliefs and motivation. These findings suggest that teacher feedback on peer feedback, if consistently provided and compatible with learner factors, can scaffold both cognitive and social-affective aspects of student feedback literacy.  相似文献   

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