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"双性同体"作为一种新批评方式,是女性主义批评的一个重要也颇具争议的概念,美国海明威研究中早已有很多的运用,并取得了重大突破。通过运用双性同体理论,对《太阳照常升起》进行深入分析,探讨男女主人公双性同体意识的呈现,以期证明海明威对男女关系的忧虑与试图解决这一问题的积极尝试,进而为中国海明威研究的进一步发展提供启示。  相似文献   

Many characters play their roles in Hemingway's first and most famous novel-The Sun Also Rises,they step on the stage and leave it one by one like the sunrise and sunset, obtaining nothing and leaving nothing. No matter how different they are, the result is the same for them, that is, nada, the world never changes a little for anyone, the sun is always rising in its own way. The formation and display of sut:h characters is closely related with Hemingway's own writing style , life experience and personality, the period of Lost Generation that both the characters and the author in also accounts for much.  相似文献   

美国当代伟大小说家厄纳斯特·海明威的代表作《太阳照常升起》,表现了他的存在主义人生哲学 :在荒诞的世界里 ,在虚无的环境中 ,人应该在生活下去的过程中积极地发现和创造意义、秩序和美。海明威主张 ,作家要讲真话 ,真实地表现生活 ,告诉人们真理 ,但可借鉴一些现代主义手法 ,更深刻地揭示主题 ,从而形成了自己独特的现实主义和现代主义相结合的艺术风格  相似文献   

姜文导演新作《太阳照常升起》试图向观众传达出一种理念:寻找不可视见的上帝的过程本身,就是人的灵魂自我拯救的过程。这种对悲剧人性的探讨和对基督精神的张扬,在当下的中国电影圈突显出一种卓异独行的新气象。  相似文献   

当代性别研究理论认为,性别身份是一个变化发展的过程。在海明威的小说《太阳照常升起》中,杰克·巴恩斯的男性身份经历了建构、挫折和重构的过程。杰克最终识别了男子气概的伪装,领悟到纯粹的英雄精神,并以此为基础重构男性自我。  相似文献   

战争带给人们的不仅是生命的牺牲和肉体的创伤 ,更是精神上的创痛。本文通过对海明威小说《太阳照常升起》中 3个主要人物杰克、勃莱特、科恩在旅居欧洲时的生活经历和他们无法排遣的心理痛苦和精神苦闷 ,说明笼罩在战争阴影下人民的痛苦和不幸  相似文献   

本文以系统功能语言学的新发展评价系统为理论框架,从态度、级差、介入三大系统入手,分析语料中各个系统子集的出现和缺席,通过标注的手段,经过统计,探询导游讲解语篇评价基调。在得到导游讲解语篇的人际意义的同时也展示评价系统用于语篇分析的可操作。  相似文献   

祝海霞 《鸡西大学学报》2012,12(12):116-117
作为一部同时涉及女性欲望和“文革”题材的电影,《太阳照常升起》将具有“政治暴力”象征性的时间概念和平静祥和的乡村场景这两种并不和谐的因素放置在一起,使影片达到陌生化效果的同时,也暗示了女性与暴力存在复杂的关系.而影片中作为事实暴力行为的实施者的男性大多是被动而为,最终却总是以胜利者或正义者的面目出现,这充分显示了一种男权文化的“自恋”意识.  相似文献   

海明威在他的《太阳照常升起》中,成功地塑造出了“迷惘的一代”的艺术形象。但由于他的冰山创作原则的原因,人们又难以理解那些人物因何苦闷彷徨、无所事事、心灵空虚,象飘零的灵魂一样到处流浪。本文从以下三个方面对此作了探讨:一是第一次世界大战打碎了他们的心灵和身体;二是战后美国社会现实的变化和他们对此的不适应的矛盾;三是海明威本人的经历和体验与此有关。  相似文献   

勃莱特.阿施利是海明威的长篇小说《太阳照样升起》中的女主人公。长期以来,她被评定为“魔女”或者“坏女人”。60年代中后期,许多女学者从女权主义批评的角度出发将勃莱特视为西方20世纪20年代新女性的代表。二种观点相左。本文从勃莱特所处的时代背景着手,通过分析她的生活方式和思想情绪,说明她在《太阳照样升起》中既有颠覆者又有依附者的双重性格,扮演着刀刃上舞者的形象。  相似文献   

作为乡村革命的仿像,《暴风骤雨》的文本深层隐含着相互作用的多种意识形态因素,使文本在社会重构、“新人”的重塑、社会心理重组等层面呈现出复杂的话语形态。在革命话语统一叙事的和谐表象下,文本呈现出多处叙述裂隙与深层悖论,赋予《暴风骤雨》复杂的意识形态内涵与丰富的历史和美学意义。  相似文献   

In an attempt to understand how a narrowed version of accountability in the form of high-stakes assessment deepens inequity rather than improves educational equity, we examine three education documents in Jamaica using critical discourse analysis. Our two research questions were: How did each government document position the Grade Four Literacy Test? What did that positioning signify in terms of accountability and equity? Our analyses reveal that the discourse of equity becomes silenced or overpowered in the presence of powerful discourses of accountability. It is to this extent, we contend, that a narrower version of accountability in the form of high-stakes testing serves to compound and complicate inequities in education. We offer the view that a more comprehensive framework for accountability in which teachers are supported and literacy projects are comprehensive and sustained moves closer to achieving, over the long run, the equity that is needed in literacy at the primary level in Jamaica.  相似文献   

传统批评中,人们大都将海明威的早期小说《太阳照样升起》中的女主人公勃瑞特的性格特征概之以女巫或妓女。如果从一个新视角对其重新审视,就会发现勃瑞特以关爱的圣母美德昭示着人们,将其性格定位以女神更为合适,更有利于读者深层次认识该小说的主题意义。  相似文献   

模糊限制语在交际过程中具有不可或缺的地位。拟就模糊限制语的定义、分类以及在政治语篇中的语用功能做出分析,得出结论:政治语篇中,模糊限制语具有保全面子,增强说服力,赢取认同与支持,避免承担责任,进行自我保护等人际功能。  相似文献   

刘悦 《怀化学院学报》2011,30(7):103-104
从学术用途英语(EAP)语篇体裁的实际应用的重要性等出发,梳理目前EAP研究的现状,发现目前EAP的理论研究忽视了语篇体裁分析的功能性,而教学研究的功能兼容性差的特点;构造由学术体裁的语篇结构模式、学术语篇体裁结构的功能分析、学术语篇体裁的文体特征分析、学术语篇体裁的应用构成的EAP语篇体裁分析框架;从师资培养、处理好...  相似文献   

Recent education policy places a heavy emphasis on parents in relation to students' success at school. This paper explores how parents and teachers account for school success. Using membership categorisation analysis, it interrogates data collected in different interview situations across sites over a period of 20 years. The analysis shows how parents and teachers use talk as moral work to conversationally constitute particular agreed versions of the category ‘parent’. This category is interactively assembled through the use of category-bound attributes that construct deficit discourses of parents that explain student achievement. The analysis demonstrates that parents are complicit with teachers in producing versions of being a good parent wherein they are held responsible for their children's school success and that minimises the responsibility of the school. These findings raise questions both about who is responsible for schooling and about current contradictory policy emphases on parent and teacher responsibility for school success.  相似文献   

This article provides a comparative analysis of the discourses of widening participation used in the prospectus documents and websites of six English higher education institutions (HEIs). Taking 2007 and 2011 as snapshots, the article considers the nature of the messages being communicated to prospective students by the different HEIs in the context of the changing policy landscape. Critical discourse analysis is used to interpret the ways in which the case-study HEIs discursively positioned themselves and their prospective students – and the potential implications of this for widening participation practice. In 2007, the findings suggested sharp demarcations between the discourses chosen by the elite pre-1992 and the more accessible post-1992 institutions. By 2011, however, statements of commitment to widening participation were less overt in the post-1992 institutions, whilst there was some evidence of a shift towards a more inclusive tone by the elite universities.  相似文献   

作为一种思维方式和认知手段,隐喻在思维和语言表达中发挥着重要的作用。经济语言高度隐喻化的特征使隐喻成为经济语篇极为重要的语言组成部分。本文从隐喻理论的角度对两则经济语篇进行分析,探讨隐喻在经济语篇中的构建功能。结果表明隐喻是一种有效的语篇策略。隐喻的系统性和连贯性赋予了经济语篇在概念层面和语义层面的连贯性。  相似文献   

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