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Widely regarded as Canada's best writer of short stories,Alice Munro reflects her precise social observation and penetrating psychologically insight into the complex existence.The paper analyzes the narrator in the mini-story "Boys and Girls" and sheds light on the suppression endured by the central female characters in a patriarchal society.  相似文献   

This study examines the association between two measures of teaching effectiveness—a student survey measure and a classroom observation measure—to determine whether their correlation depends on the study design. The sample includes 160 classroom observations of 56 teachers across 15 classes, in which students also rated the teachers with a survey. Dependencies are examined using generalizability theory. Results suggest that the correlation between the survey and observation measures depends on the number of classroom observations, the number of student ratings, and whether the designs are nested or partially nested. The effect is substantial: Predicted correlations range between 0.10–0.80 for the same variables with different study designs. In particular, the number of classroom observations has a notable influence, such that across all investigated scenarios, the correlation doubles when observers visit three lessons instead of one. Correlations also tend to be positively biased when research designs are nested.  相似文献   

王学芳 《海外英语》2012,(17):224-226
Poetry is one of the most important literary forms in English literature.Love is an eternal theme among poems of different periods.Influenced by different social backgrounds,the poets express their strong feelings from different perspectives.By employing the methods of literature review and comparative study,this paper attempts to explore their images,themes and other literary characteristics,which contributes to better understanding about the love theme.  相似文献   

Owing to the development of new technology and information systems, the earth has become into a "global village" and the contacts among people become more frequent and significant. When different people from different races, nationalities, or backgrounds meet together, because of culture diversity, they often behave in different ways that are not understood by the others. Hence the study of intercultural communication is very important. Traditionally the study is based upon cultures that are shared by larger cultural groups, such as Orientation-culture, Western culture, European culture, African culture, Chinese culture, American culture, or even high-context culture and low-context culture. Since this kind of division easily leads to stereotyping and exaggeration of the positive or negative values of a certain cultural group, in recent years, the study has been focused on discourses, which are sub-grouping cultures such as corporate discourse, professional discourse, generational discourse and gender discourse. Discourse systems are smaller than whole cultures and tend to take on somewhat more homogeneous characteristics, if not ideological unity. In this paper, we give definitions of culture and discourse, and mainly focus on how diverse cultural issues influence communicators' perception and behaviors in different social or professional discourses. All our efforts on this study aim at successful communication.  相似文献   

Smith and Nelson (1985), cited in Taylor (2003), distinguish between intelligibility, comprehensibility, and interpretability. For them intelligibility has to do with word or utterance recognition, comprehensibility with word or utterance meaning, and interpretability with illocutionary force.  相似文献   

The present paper is divided into eight sections:introduction,the global diffusion of English,perceptions of the new varieties,the issue of intelligibility,features that cause unintelligibility,need for a broader pragmatics,and pedagogical impli- cations,and conclusion,followed by the references.Not surprisingly,the global spread of English has generated varying perspec- tives on the nature and functions of its acculturated varieties.Broadly speaking,the debate has divided scholars into two camps holding diametrically opposing views on the multiple versions of English.On the one hand,some scholars view variations as symp- toms of linguistic degeneration and deterioration;on the other hand,some scholars legitimize them as inevitable manifestations ne- cessitated by the demands of the new cultural contexts.The normative view of the former camp stems,at least partly,from the problems the new forms of English pose in terms of international intelligibility.It is in this context that the paper examines the traditional,one-sided,native speaker-centred idea of intelligibility and the recent two-sided view of intelligibility that places the onus on both the native speaker and the non-native speaker.The argument of the latter camp is based on the premise that the new varieties require a broader pragmatic framework,because universal pragmatics is inadequate to describe them satisfactorily. Thus,the camp advocates a need for a language specific pragmatics,and a comparative pragmatics,in addition to the traditional universal pragmatics.Logically,the debate on phonological,lexical,grammatical,and discourse structure variations,and their le- gitimacy has prompted English language teaching specialists to have a fresh look at the goals and objectives of teaching English in the countries of the outer and expanding circles,and accordingly prioritize the teaching of national and regional varieties over that of the so-called native varieties.Thus,the paradigms of independence and centrality of the new varieties are replacing the paradigms of their dependence and marginality.  相似文献   

ndustrializationandTransformationofChineseIntelectualsGaoWenping1.OutofPalace,OutofGraceAmbivalenceaboutSelfIdentityThrough...  相似文献   

This paper,by some example,approaches the question from the perspectives of cognition and philosophy through a discussion on some distinctive features in English and Chinese business letters,aiming at offering some suggestions for business trades,avoiding mistakes and embarrassment,benefiting to communication in trading activity.  相似文献   

刘国聪  姜智慧 《海外英语》2013,(19):140-141
Poetry is a precious part of traditional Chinese civilization.In the times of globalization,an increasing number of for eigners become interested in Chinese poetry.Hence,translating Chinese poetry into English and other languages is an arduous task for translators.Cultural image is a special cultural phenomenon in ancient Chinese poetry.Its proper translation will have a direct impact on the transmission of the artistic conception of poem,affecting the target-language readers’appreciation of the po em.In poetry,the images"gold"and"jade"whose cultural connotations have covered many areas such as politics,etiquette,reli gion,belief,custom,esthetical consciousness and so on,are indispensable parts of poetry translation.Therefore,this essay will anal yse the translation of images"gold"and"jade"in poetry under the cross-cultural perspective.  相似文献   

The paper makes an analysis of the C-E tourism translation of Wudang Mountains from the perspective of the principle of"read,translate and write"and puts forward suggestions.  相似文献   

唐东旭 《海外英语》2020,(7):204-207
Different literary criticism theories have paved the way to analyse and evaluate the literature works from various per?spectives. In the last century, especially during the 1940s to the 1960s, the New Criticism almost dominated the literature analysis field. However, in the 1970s and early 1980s, a kind of literary criticism theory which maintained that the personal biases could largely affect the interpretation of the literature work and all history could be subjective seized the literature critic's eyeballs. And the appearance of New Historicism marked a vital transition of literature criticism theories. By analyzing the historicity of texts and the textuality of history, New Historicism does not set a clear distinction between history and literature.New Historicism mainly connects the texts and history and puts an end to the texts isolation. By figuring out the origin of New Historicism, trying to analyse the historicity and textuality thoroughly in this literature criticism theory, and exploring the disputes over this theory, the origins, concepts,historicity and textualityof New Historicism will be clarified.  相似文献   

李隽轶 《海外英语》2012,(3):194-195
Social conventions sometimes are regarded as valuable treasure in some culture. But it can also lead to human tragedy. The Arti cle here tried to look into the social and religious conventions behind the human tragedy in Richard Jefferies’ short story "the Acorn Gath erer" and how those conventions and people’s belief affect the relationship between the grandmother and her grandson in the short story. The article discussed the underlying causes to the tragedy from three aspects, the outside pressure, the inner factors and the problem of the society. It attempted to explain how the social pressure influenced the attitude and action of the grandmother, how her inner belief com pelled herself to maltreat the boy and how the social convention and religious belief made the society seemingly pitiless and indifferent. It is also indicated that social and religious conventions still have a lasting effect on how people think and act in today’s world.  相似文献   

Introduction The topic of this paper is language teaching methodology—and the matter of its appropriateness. A number of writers in our field have criticized language teaching methods during the last decade. Some have noted that the search for the best method is ill-advised (see, for example, Bartolome, 1994). They say that there can be no one best method. Others have  相似文献   

Translation is a linguistic activity, trying to change speech or written article from one language into another one. It not only includes the content but also the form. The reproduction of the original content refers to the surface meaning and the extended meaning, while the form also refers to pronunciation, vocabulary and sentence instruction as well.All that should be taken into consideration during translation in order to convey the major idea of original work fully and correctly.  相似文献   

孙静 《海外英语》2014,(20):162-163,167
This paper explores the relationship between the original and its translation by interpreting Benjamin’s three metaphors from his The Translator’s Task. The exploration starts with the metaphor of“the tangent of a circle”,where it is interpreted that although the translated version should be faithful to its original in terms of meaning,yet it is a deviation due to different internal and external factors. Then,in the metaphor of“afterlife”,the discussion demonstrates that the translated version proceeds from the original,but the original depends on it for its survival and afterlife in different eras. Later,based on the metaphor of“fragments of a vessel”,the author states that the original and its translation are equal and complementary,just like the fragments of a vessel,responsible for the development and renewal of each other through translation. Finally,it is concluded that a better understanding of their relationship can offer us a new perspective in translation studies and practice.  相似文献   

This thesis is aimed at studying,from the point of "Skopos theory",the translation of "Clauses Composed of Verb Phrases" in Chinese political and economic texts.  相似文献   

Translation is a linguistic activity, trying to change speech or written article from one language into another one. It not only includes the content but also the form. The reproduction of the original content refers to the surface meaning and the extended meaning, while the form also refers to pronunciation, vocabulary and sentence instruction as well.All that should be taken into consideration during translation in order to convey the major idea of original work fully and correctly.  相似文献   

The current age is characterised by many as secular, and a source of such a characterisation can be found in the Nietzschean claim that thoughts about there being some ultimate reality have to be jettisoned, and human existence and the world need to be embraced as they are. That claim is renewed by some secular thinkers who insist that education has to be reconceived in ways congenial to the new age. It is argued that central to their logic is the dichotomy between the religious and the secular or the otherworldly and the earthly, and that this dichotomy is simplistic as well as problematic. As an alternative to the ‘two worlds’ view, the ‘two aspects’ view is suggested, with an interpretation of reality that the noumenon––the non‐human––has to be taken in the negative sense. Against secularising the domain of education, it is indicated that there still remains a place for education to occupy between the two poles of religiousness and secularity.  相似文献   

During the years at the end of the nineteenth century and beginning of the twentieth century when Saussure was working out his ideas in Europe, synchronic linguistics was emerging independently, and in a very different style, in America, under the leadership of the anthropologist Franz Boas. Boas set a direction for American linguistics. The school founded by Boas was called structural linguistics. Beside Boas, the other two major representatives of this school during this period were: Sapir and Bloomfield.  相似文献   

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