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希伯莱大学是以色列第一所大学,建成于1925年,希伯莱大学的主校园坐落在耶路撒冷的斯科普斯山之巅,俯瞰着金色的圣城。学校整体是一组多边形几何状白色建筑群,依山的走势而建,浩浩荡荡,绵延十余里,学校所有的外墙一律镶嵌着乳白色的耶路撒冷石,典雅,庄重,又充满现代化气息,与圣城的自然风貌融为一体。  相似文献   

F-16“战隼”轻型战斗机是一种单座单发超音速轻型战斗机,主要用于争夺制空权。首架F-16于1974年2月首次试飞,1978年底开始交付部队使用,现已成为美国空军主力机种,其优良的性价比使F-16成为世界最受欢迎的军售产品。光是外国用户订购总数就逾千架,因而有“国际战斗机”之誉。F-16的造价约为2千万美元。  相似文献   

he eyes are equallyexpectant,al-though the facesare different.Silent,shy and incredibly politecollege freshman in Xi’an,China:raucous,rambunctiousand never quiet high school se-niors in Ostuni,Italy;andrespectful,mature adults in a so-cial service center in Siedelce.  相似文献   

<正>F-22"猛禽"作为第四代美军喷气式战斗机,有许多"独门秘技"。隐身特性是F-22的第一"秘技"。它采用双垂尾双发单座布局,两个垂尾向外倾斜27度,两侧进气口装在边条翼下方,整个机身采用翼身融合设计,尾喷口采用了抑制红外辐射  相似文献   


The tension between mandated curricula and students’ interests is evident throughout the history of science education. Societal expectations for student learning often lead to standards and curricula that leave little room for students to explore their own individual interests. Occasionally, however, an event can capture the interest of so many students that teachers feel compelled to respond. The Ebola outbreak of 2014 was such an event. This article discusses findings from a study of teacher decision-making; specifically, it explores how high school science teachers in the U.S. decided whether and how they should address Ebola during the 2014–2015 school year, when the Ebola outbreak in West Africa was at its peak. Approximately 2500 teachers of science responded to an online questionnaire that addressed their Ebola-specific instruction. In comparing the decisions of those who taught about Ebola and those who did not, the study found that teachers weighed various factors, in particular student interest but also curriculum standards, time, and availability of resources for teaching about Ebola. The article concludes with implications for future urgent health-related issues.  相似文献   

2006年7月,美国有史以来最昂贵的战斗机F-35正式亮相,取名"闪电Ⅱ",以纪念以前的两款著名战斗机,它有"世界战斗机"之称。  相似文献   

我真想我的大学——以色列希伯莱大学,梦中几回萦绕,总是围着它,剪不断、理还乱的思念之情竟如此无止无休.希伯莱大学是以色列最大、最美、历史最悠久、最负盛名的大学.它的主校园雄踞在耶路撒冷东北的斯  相似文献   

This article investigates the professional memories of English teachers who began their careers between 1965 and 1975. The teachers began their careers in circumstances that offered opportunities to work in collectivist ways. Their memories reveal a strong collective identity, a powerful sense of agency and a critical engagement with the aims of English teaching. It is argued that by exploring these memories, and by re-imagining English as a ‘relational’ or ‘heteroglossial’ activity, current practitioners might find inspiration to work collectively and collaboratively to challenge dominant conceptions of the subject.  相似文献   

Amid growing debates around international assessment tools in educational policy, few have critically examined how students themselves are cast in policy tool production processes and discourse. Drawing on Stuart Hall's concept of representation, we show how higher education (HE) ‘students’ are constructed, fixed and normalized by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's (OECD) Assessment of Higher Education Learning Outcomes (AHELO) initiative. Based on an analysis of AHELO texts, we argue that the OECD, during the early stages of test production, fixes and circulates the meaning of ‘students’ as represented objects. We identify and analyze two distinct representational practices at work in AHELO texts: classifying and organizing, and marking. We posit that by fixing images of the student as an object of learning and as a consumer–investor subject, the OECD creates ‘usable’ representations of ‘students’ to claim jurisdiction over teaching and learning in HE and to justify intervention through standardized testing.  相似文献   

The impact of participation in adult literacy programmes on learners’ identities is examined through an interrogation of their past and current experiences and the assessment of the effect of particular pedagogies. The findings show how learners’ positive experiences in their programmes had caused them to re-evaluate their previous understandings and enabled the construction of new identities as people that are able to learn. These changes had come about through the challenging of negative discourses, the creation of new figured worlds and imagined futures, and the use of a learning curriculum where learners’ experiences were utilized as positive resources.  相似文献   

尹娜 《林区教学》2010,(10):40-42
副词格助词‘’和‘’是中国学习者学习的难点之所在。由于二者拥有多个语义义项,同时在这些义项中,二者又具有相似用法的义项,学习者因为分辨不清二者的区分点之所在,同时又容易受母语的影响,从而在学习过程中错误百出。着眼于‘’和‘’具有相似语义功能的义项,一一阐明其所对应的汉语表现形式,从而使学生充分利用母语的有利影响,排除不利干扰,能够更准确地掌握并区分二者的差异之所在。  相似文献   

综观1987年“全国”“上海”“广东”三组高考作文试题和香港中学会考作文试题,不难看出它们有不少共同点。这些共同点标志者作文考试命题取得了令人瞩目的进展。  相似文献   

“的”是定语的语法标志。“地”是状语的语法标志。定语修饰或限制名词的。状语是修饰或限制动词和形容词的;“地”语助词用作副词之语尾,如“杨柳宫前忽地春”。意志所在亦曰地,如云:“见地”。“的”语助词,同底。凡有三义在语中者,即“之”字。在语末者若有所指如“红的”、“白的”、“热  相似文献   

全展同志认为《论语·为政》“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆”句中两“而”字不表示转折,而表示假设,译作“如果”(见《语文教学与研究》今年三期)。我们不同意这个意见,理由有二。 (一)“而”字表示假设这个用法古人的确早有论断。王引之《经传释词》卷七:“而犹如也,”又:“而犹若也。”近人杨树达《词诠》卷十亦谓:“而,假设连词,用同如。”这个结论是根据异文、互文资料总结出来的。如:  相似文献   

This paper presents aspects of a small scale study that considered student teachers’ language and discourse around race and ethnicity at a university in the northwest of England. The first part of the paper critiques current education-related policy, context and practice to situate the research and then draws upon aspects of critical race theory and whiteness theory as frames of reference. In the research, 250 student-teachers completed questionnaires that invited responses to statements about race and ethnicity and this was followed by two semi-structured group interviews. A discourse analysis approach was taken to analyse the language used in the questionnaire responses and, in particular, the group interviews. Recurrent discursive configurations were characterised by language that signified othering, correct knowledge, personalisation and discomfort. Hesitations and silences during group discussions perhaps intimated thinking time and also maybe a reluctance to talk about aspects of race and ethnicity, and what was not said remains significant. It is suggested that a reconstruction of a teacher/educator subjectivity that fosters self-reflection on values and racial positioning, is needed in teacher education, alongside critical examination of the silences and discomfort surrounding race and ethnicity.  相似文献   

The editors of a recent special edition of Qualitative Studies in Education map a new field of post-qualitative research and raise fundamental questions about core concepts such as ‘method’ and ‘data.’ They ask whether qualitative inquiry as we know it is any longer possible if we understand language, the human and the material as completely imbricated. In taking up the relation between language and representation as core to what is proposed as the ‘new new,’ the paper examines these questions in relation to data generated in a project called ‘Love Your Lagoons’ conducted with 10 schools and 300 children in Sydney’s water catchment. In particular, the paper focuses on data from one secondary school that offered ‘Regeneration’ as a sport option in which the students walked to their local Redbank Creek every week and spent time there. By closely attending to the circumstances of the collection of data and analyzing it through approaches offered within the ‘new new,’ insights into the relationship between language, materiality, and the human are offered. Summary comments are made about the politico/ethical project of the post-human I and the relevance of data and method to such post-qualitative inquiry.  相似文献   

This research embedded in the National Study of Writing Instruction examines higher- and lower-achieving adolescents’ stances toward content-area writing through a qualitative discourse analysis of interviews with 40 students in California, Kentucky, New York, and Texas secondary schools. The study asked: (1) How do students’ stances toward writing compare in general and across disciplines? (2) How do stances compare among middle and high school students and among students with different achievement histories? Results suggest that adolescents generally hold positive attitudes toward writing that allows for the expression of subjective stances, which they report is more commonly assigned in English language arts classrooms. Implications for the adoption of new US standards for disciplinary writing are discussed.  相似文献   

迄今为止,有不少学者研究过‘なぃで'与‘なくて'的异同。本文将通过对比‘なぃで'、‘なくて'各自的用法来进行研究。本文首先对两者的使用方法分别做以说明,然后从三个方面通过举例,来分析‘なぃで'和‘なくて'的区别和共同点。  相似文献   

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