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双音化的名词性效应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张伯江 《中国语文》2012,(4):338-346,384
汉语词类的"名动包含"说和"新动单名双"说对现代汉语的词类面貌有很强的解释力。现代汉语有一大批双音节的动词通过语义的"转指"形成了同形的双音节名词,其中有一些还发生了内部结构的"重新分析"。本文分别描写和讨论了这些现象,认为这都是现代汉语共时系统里"名动包含"和"动单名双"这两个基本事实导致的语法效应,尤其是一些原来为"状中"结构的动词变成"定中"结构的名词,难以用语法关系来解释,双音词名词性的吸引力才是根本解释。最后,附带讨论了古人的"词类意识"问题。  相似文献   

人力资源视野中的高职教育目标和对象   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
职业教育的类型观为阐明高等职业教育的基本问题提供了具有建设性的思想,但类型观面临着多种困难。从人力资源的角度看,高等职业教育的目标应具体定位于培养符合企业(组织)相应职位胜任力模型要求的人才;高等职业教育的对象难以用单一的思维类型为基础来界定,应根据实际情况全面地描述其特点及发展取向,从而为选择适当的教育内容。建构具有针对性的高职教育模式提供有效的基点。  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of goal instructions on students’ reasoning and argumentation in an interactive context (discussing a topic on-line). Goal instructions specify the goal of a discussion. General goals (to persuade or explore) were crossed with specific goals (to generate reasons or counterarguments/rebuttals) in a 3 × 3 randomized design using 224 undergraduates. The design also controlled for need for cognition, which measures dispositions to think. The goal instruction to “generate as many reasons as possible” resulted in deeper, more contingent arguments, closer to Mercer’s (1996) notion of exploratory talk, whereas the persuade goal resulted in arguments that were more adversarial and somewhat better supported. The other goals had less dramatic effects. Need for cognition also predicted total argument claims and depth. These findings have important implications for building richer interactive discussions that promote the integration of ideas.  相似文献   

The effect of context and age on social referencing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The present study investigated social referencing in 2 settings, familiar child-care centers and an unfamiliar university laboratory. 48 children from 6 to 40 months, divided into 3 age groups (6-12, 13-23, and 24-40 months), participated with 1 parent. Looking at parents varied with age and setting. Younger children looked more often when parents expressed positive reactions, whereas middle children looked more at fearful expressions, and the oldest children looked equally at positive and fearful expressions. Children looked at their parents sooner and were more involved with parents in the child-care setting. Behavioral regulation--less play with the fearful-message than the positive-message toy--was observed in both settings. Affect was not influenced by setting and showed regulation only for the oldest children. These results indicate that some effects of social referencing, such as behavior regulation, may be generalizable across some settings, but that parent proximity and looking at parents are sensitive to the context in which referencing occurs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of limited oral and physical teacher intervention on object manipulation by preschool and early elementary children. The population consisting of 70 children, three, four, five, and six years old from two preschools and two kindergarten classes were randomly assigned to control and experimental groups. Children were observed as they manipulated magnets in classroom settings. Experimental students had the objects placed in their hands and were orally invited to explore. Results showed that there were significant differences between the groups in total time spent with the objects, number of activities performed, and cognitive level of operation. No significant differences were found in the number of contacts or in the interactive effects of treatment and testing day. The findings suggest that teacher roles may have an effect on student exploration and quality of interaction with unfamiliar objects.  相似文献   

Two-hundred 10–15 yr old students from a school in the UK for children from a Yemeni background were assessed for cognitive style by means of the Cognitive Styles Analysis. Based on their scores, students were placed on two dimensions: Wholist–Analytic and Verbal– Imagery. Half of the sample read three prose passages with a 20-question recall test after each. The other half received the same passages augmented with additional structuring features, (a) format structure as paragraph headings (Passage 2), and (b) conceptual structure as a summary inserted either after or before the main passage (Passages 1 and 3, respectively). The results suggested that pupils improved most with age on the content that suited their style, female Wholists and male Analytics benefitted most from the addition of structure, and, finally, with age the Verbalizers gained more with a summary added after the main passage and the Imagers with it inserted before. The results are discussed in terms of style effects on developmental trends in strategy development and gender differences in information processing.  相似文献   

在乒乓球教学中,提前准确预判落球点与击球点非常重要,这就是教学的关键。本文通过使用逻辑推理与调查分析的方法,以乒乓球教学作为切入点,刍议在乒乓球教学中应用目标定向与目标设置理论,对乒乓球教学中存在学生练习时赢球心切而忽略基本功练习的情况提出相应的解决方法,以培养加强学生的基本功,从而提高学生的乒乓球水平。  相似文献   

It is well established that quizzing fosters learning. However, some gaps in the literature relating to the fit of quizzing to learner characteristics and learner perceptions during quizzing still need to be addressed. The present study focuses on two of these aspects: achievement motives and perceptions of cognitive load. First, quizzing entails that learners' performance is judged against some standard of excellence. This might make it appealing and effective for learners with high hope of success and low fear of failure in particular. Second, it is an open question whether providing quiz questions that are adapted to learners’ perceived level of cognitive load during quizzing would be beneficial. To address these questions, we randomly assigned learners to either non-adaptive quizzing, adaptive quizzing, or note-taking. We found that quizzing benefits concerning learning outcomes were moderated by hope of success. Furthermore, the adaptation via cognitive load ratings substantially increased the quizzing effect.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relations between early adolescents’ academic motivational orientations and an aspect of quality of friendship: intimacy. Two-hundred and three Jewish-Israeli seventh grade students responded to surveys asking them about their academic achievement goals and about characteristics of their friendships. Variable-centered regression analyses suggested that mastery goals were positively associated with mutual sharing of difficulties, trust, and adaptive social problem-solving between friends, whereas performance-approach goals were negatively associated with intimacy friendship. Moreover, both performance-approach and performance-avoidance goals were associated with mistrust, inconsideration, and tension between friends. A person-centered analysis, employing cluster analysis, suggested that profiles with a higher level of mastery goals relative to both types of performance goals were associated with less mistrust among friends in comparison with profiles with a higher level of performance goals relative to mastery goals. The findings point to the connection between academic motivation and social relationships in school.  相似文献   

Quickly after its introduction in the early 1980′s, achievement goal theory blossomed into one of the most popular frameworks in motivation research. Over three plus decades, the theory evolved in a number of ways. Some of these developments brought about much-needed conceptual and methodological clarity; but, they also involved a shift away from questions of complexity and contextualism that marked the earlier research on achievement goals. In this paper, we consider the original focus of achievement goal theory, several ways in which the theory has changed, and what we have learned from intervention research and examinations of achievement goals among diverse populations. The paper concludes with suggestions for future directions in achievement goal research to increase focus on complexity, educational contexts, and issues of ethnic, cultural, and gender diversity.  相似文献   

To determine the relationship between relative age and achievement in middle school, standardized math and reading scores for a sample of middle-class, suburban middle school students (N = 933) were examined. Analysis of variance revealed a significant difference among relative age groups in only one area, sixth-grade reading, F(2, 146) = 3.1, p < .05. There was no main effect for gender and no interaction between age and gender in sixth, seventh, or eighth grade. When the birth month of students who had repeated one or more grades was examined, it was revealed that a large percentage of these students would have been the youngest in the class when beginning school. Results suggest that a relationship between relative age and achievement may exist in the lower grades but diminishes or disappears by seventh or eighth grade because of the retention of a larger proportion of the youngest children.  相似文献   

本文结合经典力学、量子论以及相对论相关知识,对光电效应和康普顿效应相关知识进行探讨,并对光电效应和康普顿效应的统一性和差异差异性进行了认真的分析。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of goal relations on self-regulation in the pursuit of multiple goals, focusing on self-regulated performance, the self-regulatory process, and task enjoyment. The effect of multiple goal relations on self-regulation was explored in a set of three studies. Goal relations were divided into two categories: facilitating goal relations and conflicting goal relations. A facilitating goal relation is a relationship in which the pursuit of a focal goal enhances the attainment of an additional goal, whereas a conflicting goal relation is a relationship in which the pursuit of a focal goal generates conflicts with additional goal pursuits. Specifically, Study 1 tested the general hypothesis that conflicting goals decrease self-regulatory performance, task enjoyment, and the adaptive self-regulatory process, whereas facilitating goals increase them during the performance of the focal goal task. Studies 2A and 2B tested how the extent of facilitating or conflicting relations between goals affects self-regulatory performance, the self-regulatory process, and task enjoyment during the pursuit of the focal goal. The findings of the three studies were consistent with the authors?? hypothesis that facilitating goal relations increase self-regulatory performance and the self-regulatory process, whereas conflicting goal relations decrease them. The author also discuss the implications for self-regulation, intrinsic motivation, and classroom organization.  相似文献   

Perceptual and categorical similarity were varied independently in a concept-matching task administered to 26-month-old children (N = 25). 44 test sets were assembled. Each set included a 3-dimensional standard and an array of 4 pictures, one of which was a member of the same basic or superordinate category as the standard. On each trial, placing the standard on the matching picture resulted in activation of 1 of 12 mechanical displays. The test sets varied in the perceptual and categorical resemblance of the standard to the match and to the nonmatches, as determined by adults' ratings. Perceptual similarity proved to be the primary determinant of difficulty level. When perceptual resemblance of the standard and the match were equated, superordinate and basic matches were equally difficult. When perceptual resemblance was minimal, most children were unable to recognize matches at either the basic or superordinate level.  相似文献   

Examining motivational variables may prove to be particularly fruitful towards our understanding of classroom processes, student behaviors and school outcomes. The present study examined the role of personal and contextual goals (goals and goal structures) towards explaining social relationships (peer, teacher–student and home–school). 1493 fifth and sixth grade primary school students (10 to 12 years of age) from different areas of Greece formed a representative sample. Questionnaires were administered assessing students' goal orientations, goal structures and classroom relationships. The data were analyzed using latent variable modeling. Mastery goal structures had significant effects on positive school relationships such as student relations, teacher–student relations, peer inclusion, and peer conflict (the latter two reversely coded). Performance goal structures exerted negative or null effects on the same processes, demonstrating their negative propensities. In addition, the effects of mastery goal structures were partially mediated by the effects of personal mastery goals with regard to teacher–student relations with the former exerting both direct and indirect effects. On the contrary, the negative effects of performance goal structures were not buffered by the presence of high levels of personal performance goals. The findings have significant implications for educational practice in terms of the importance of classroom contexts as predictors of classroom relatedness specifically where mastery goals are concerned.  相似文献   

Work avoidance goals have been relatively neglected in the literature with most research focusing on mastery and performance goals. The central aim of this study was to examine the structure, antecedents, and consequences of the work avoidance goal construct. Four studies were conducted. Study 1 investigated the construct validity of work avoidance, while Study 2 focused on its antecedents. Using a longitudinal panel design, Study 3 examined the impact of work avoidance—alongside mastery and performance goals—on engagement and achievement, while Study 4 explored its relationship to broader well-being outcomes. Results showed that work avoidance was distinct from mastery and performance goals. Entity theory of intelligence positively predicted work avoidance goal pursuit, while teacher and peer support buffered against it. Pursuing work avoidance goals was found to be associated with less engagement, lower grades, and greater negative affect. The impact of work avoidance on achievement and well-being outcomes seem to be more salient compared to the oft-examined mastery and performance goals. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous research indicates that preschool children have persistent difficulty interpreting big: 4-5-year-olds typically interpret big to mean tall, and 3-year-olds fail to use any consistent interpretation. We propose that children's interpretation may vary depending on 2 contextual factors: type of object and orientation of object. 40 children (ages 3 and 5) each saw 35 pairs of items and, for each pair, were asked to point to "the big one." Type of object was varied by showing each child 3 kinds of objects: "people," "brownies," and rectangles. Orientation of object was varied by presenting objects either standing perpendicular to the tabletop (vertical condition) or lying flat on the tabletop (horizontal condition). Older children relied on height more consistently than younger children, all subjects relied on area more often in the horizontal condition than in the vertical condition, and 3-year-olds relied on height more when judging the bigness of people than of rectangles matched for size. Taken together, these results demonstrate that contextual factors clearly influence children's responses. These results demonstrate the interplay of cognitive and semantic factors in the process of semantic development.  相似文献   

Two studies are reported that examine the effects of the sex of the speaker and the sex of the listener on recall from a medical audiotape on multiple sclerosis. Previous research in other contexts has suggested that males might be more effective speakers than females, that males might be more effective listeners than females, and that there might be an interaction between the sex of the speaker and the sex of the listener so that male listeners might recall more from male speakers and female listeners might recall more from female ones.
Despite considerable differences between the two reported studies, the results from both were very similar. Both produced no evidence to support any of the above suggestions.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between socially prescribed perfectionism, goal adjustment, and academic burnout. A total of 279 undergraduate students completed an online survey. Structural equation modeling was conducted to examine the mediating effect of goal adjustment on the relationship between socially prescribed perfectionism and academic burnout. The results showed that socially prescribed perfectionism was unrelated to goal disengagement; however, goal reengagement mediated the positive relationship between socially prescribed perfectionism and academic burnout. In other words, higher levels of socially prescribed perfectionism predicted lower levels of goal reengagement; conversely, lower levels of goal reengagement predicted higher levels of academic burnout. The implications of these findings and the limitations of the present study are discussed.  相似文献   

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