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任务性质、结果反馈时机与运动技能的学习   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用键盘敲击任务探讨任务性质、结果反馈时机对运动技能学习的影响.将100名右优势手大学生随机分为开放性和封闭性任务组(男女各25名),两组分别在5种KR条件下,练习开放或封闭任务3天,每天练习108次.第3天练习结束后休息10min,进行不提供KR的保持测试10次.24 h后,进行无KR保持测试10次.结果显示:(1)在封闭性运动技能学习中延迟KR更有利,而即刻KR促进开放性运动技能的学习;(2)提供KR的适宜时机受任务性质影响.与开放性技能相比,操作封闭性技能时,提供KR的适宜时机应延迟.  相似文献   

采用键盘敲击任务的方法,探讨练习间插入活动对运动技能学习的影响.结果 显示:在练习间插入对自身操作错误的评估活动最利于运动技能的学习,插入对另一个相似任务操作错误的评估活动最不利于运动技能的学习.  相似文献   

错误结果反馈对追踪任务学习迁移的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用电脑追踪任务探讨错误结果反馈(KR)对运动技能学习迁移的影响.抽取在校大学生,随机分为正确KR组、错误KR组、混合KR组(组间性别均衡设计).在第1-3 d,3组受试者练习时分别获得正确的KR、错误的KR,或者获得25次正确KR后,再获得25次错误KR.正确的KR是每次追踪误差的毫秒数,错误的KR则是正确KR数值+10 mm.在第4 d,3组受试者分剐在无KR的条件下,用原任务进行保持测试10次,之后再操作两个迁移任务各10次.显示:KR在一致性时机任务和电脑追踪任务中的作用机理类似,当可以获得KR时,学习者将它作为觉察和纠正操作错误的信息源:错误KR会带来迁移测试绩效的偏差.提示:学习者形成自身觉察错误能力是运动技能学习的关键,实践工作者应根据运动情境的特点,合理地提供结果反馈,以促进运动技能的学习.  相似文献   

金亚虹 《体育科学》2005,25(1):91-95
通过不同情境中KR时间点适宜值的变化,探讨不同情境因素对自身觉察错误能力形成的影响,以期深入探测运动技能学习中自身觉察错误能力的形成机制。结果显示:只有根据操作情境的任务、个体和环境特征,在适宜的时机提供KR才能促进运动技能学习;KR时间点适宜值不是固定的点,受到诸如任务难度、任务性质、个体技能熟练程度、年龄和视觉反馈等多种情境因素的影响,不断发生变化和波动,并且在不同情境中KR时间点适宜值的变化,可以间接反映该情境中个体自身觉察错误能力形成和发展状况;运动技能学习中,个体自身觉察错误能力的形成受到任务复杂程度、任务性质、个体技能熟练程度、年龄、视觉反馈等情境因素影响。  相似文献   

延迟结果反馈对复杂追踪任务运动技能学习的影响   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
金亚虹  章建成  任杰  孙耀华 《体育科学》2002,22(3):128-130,134
采用两维轨迹追踪任务探讨KR延迟对复杂追踪任务技能学习的影响,以及KR延迟间隔长度的合理值。50名右利手的在校大学生(男30名,女20名)随机分为5组,分别在即刻反馈、2s反馈、4s反馈、7s反馈、9s反馈条件下,练习7天。第7天练习后,休息10min进行无KR保持测试。第8天进行无KR的保持测试和迁移测试。研究显示:延迟KR不利于两维复杂追踪任务技能的学习。  相似文献   

年龄对结果反馈时间点适宜值的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用二维轨迹追踪任务探讨年龄对结果反馈(KR)时间点适宜值的影响。抽取150名右利手的18~22岁、35~39岁、60~64岁各50人,分为3组(每组男女各25名)。三组受试者分别在5种KR反馈条件下,练习两维轨迹追踪任务3天,每天练习30次。第3天练习结束后休息10min,3组受试者进行无KR保持测试。一天后,再进行无KR的保持测试。结果显示:(1)年龄影响延迟KR在运动技能学习中的作用;(2)年龄与KR时间点适宜值存在相互作用,随着个体年龄的增长,年龄与KR时间点适宜值之间呈现U型关系,即延迟4s提供KR利于中年组个体自身觉察错误能力的形成,而即刻提供KR利于青年组和老年组个体自身觉察错误能力的形成。以上结果还提示,自身觉察错误能力形成发展的趋势与个体生长发育的规律相吻合。  相似文献   

反馈学习对运动技能形成的意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过深度知觉实验两种条件下(在告知测验结果和不告知测验结果的情况下)的不同实验结果,论述深度知觉在运动技能形成中的意义和作用。  相似文献   

国内运动技能学习中反馈研究的文献分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对全国期刊全文数据库 (CJD)中的运动技能学习反馈研究进行了文献分析 ,发现反馈研究的文献数量变化不大 ,主要为原理介绍与经验总结 ,并针对一些运动专项进行了研究。一些“反馈”研究提出和应用了一些新的理论模式 ,采用了一些新的仪器和技术 ,运用了生物反馈的原理和方法。存在的主要问题是理论深度不够 ,实验与技术研究缺乏。  相似文献   

运动技能学习中追加反馈的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
追加反馈是指在运动中或运动后提供给一个个体或一类个体的外部知觉反馈的任何形式。追加反馈是运动 技能学习过程中实施控制的媒介,它包括结果反馈和表现反馈。研究不同类型的追加反馈及其作用,可以使运动技能 学习过程达到最优化。  相似文献   

反馈在教学中扮演着重要角色,随着人工智能技术在教育领域的发展,形成性和个性化的教学反馈得到了新的机会与可能。目前,在体育教学领域,人工智能设备的反馈被认为具有潜力,能够改善运动技能的学习效果。利用传感器、摄像头数据分析算法和虚拟现实等技术,人工智能设备可以实时监测和分析人在运动中的动作、姿势和表现,并提供实时反馈和个性化指导,以优化运动技能学习效果。本研究在国内外学者对于智能技术在教学反馈中运用的相关研究基础上,深入探索人工智能设备的反馈对运动技能学习效果,揭示人工智能设备反馈的作用机制,为体育教学和运动训练提供科学依据和实践指导,为相关领域的研究提供理论基础,推动体育教学与人工智能技术的融合,进一步推进智能体育教学的发展。  相似文献   


Although research has examined the influence of various sources of task information for skill acquisition during observational learning, the results have been ambiguous. The purpose of this study was to examine sources of information in relation to the type of task. One hundred and twenty participants were randomly assigned to one of two sets of six treatment strategies: (1) all model demonstrations; (2) model demonstrations with physical practice with knowledge of performance; (3) model demonstrations with physical practice without knowledge of performance; (4) physical practice without knowledge of performance; (5) physical practice with knowledge of performance; or (6) verbal instructions only. One set learned a simple version of the task while the other set learned a more complex version. Cognitive representation and performance accuracy (spatial and temporal) were assessed. Results indicate that task type does influence the source of information to facilitate skill acquisition. The simple task benefited from model demonstrations, physical practice with knowledge of performance, or a combination of model demonstrations and practice both with and without knowledge of performance, while the complex version benefited more from a combination of model demonstrations and knowledge of performance practice. The results of this study provide an insight into the ambiguity that exists within the observational learning and motor learning literature regarding the effectiveness of information sources for motor skill acquisition.  相似文献   

生成学习理论与运动技能教学初论   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
简要介绍了生成学习的理论背景及生成学习模式的本质要素,论述了生成学习理论对运动技能教学的几点启示。  相似文献   


In the present study, we examine specifically how the sensory conditions available during physical practice of a task might influence the subsequent use of motor imagery. First, as a pre-test, participants had to physically reproduce knee joint positions with or without vision. Second, they practised motor imagery (15 and 150 trials) with visual, kinaesthetic or visuo-kinaesthetic imagery. A control group with no imagery was included. Post-tests were then performed 10 min and 24 h after each imagery session in a sensory condition similar to that used in the pre-test. Results showed that efficient motor imagery instructions have to take account of the sensory information available during physical experience of the task: kinaesthetic or visuo-kinaesthetic imagery in a no-vision condition, and visual imagery or, to a lesser extent, visuo-kinaesthetic imagery in a vision condition. Discussion focuses on the role of sensory motor memory on motor prediction to simulate a specific movement, and on the similarities between physical and mental practice in the development of sensory-specific movement representation.  相似文献   


Previous research has demonstrated that providing learners with self-control over some aspect of practice enhances motor learning (for a review see Wulf, 2007). One explanation for the self-control effect is that learners engage in deeper information processing when they are allowed to make choices during practice. Recent research has supported this line of thinking by showing that the self-control effect was eliminated for learners who engaged in a cognitive load task during the interval following completion of discrete task trials (Carter & Ste-Marie, 2017). The current study tested the effects of imposing a cognitive load task during the completion of continuous task trials. Participants (N = 48) were divided into self-control (SC), self-control with load (SCL), and two corresponding yoked (YK, YKL) groups. Participants learned a continuous tracing task and then performed 24-hour retention and transfer tests. Retention and transfer test movement times were significantly faster for SC compared to YK participants within the No Load condition but did not differ between these participants within the Load condition. Errors were similar among all groups in retention and transfer. These results provide support for the importance of information processing in regards to the self-controlled learning benefit.  相似文献   

任务难度和学习目标对学习动机的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李富菊 《体育学刊》2001,8(5):46-47
通过对体育课堂中学生投入意愿数据的统计分析,在探讨体育课堂中不同的学习目标对学习动机的影响以及在不同的学习目标情境中,任务难度对学生学习动机的影响,验证了培养学生对体育本身内在而持久的学习动机的重要性.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to determine the usefulness of the components of a knowledge of results (KR) statement for organizing response correction. Forty-eight subjects learned to move a handle to a criterion location on a linear positioning apparatus. Error direction and distance components of the KR statement were manipulated across four independent groups. Two 4 × 15 Analyses of Variances were calculated on absolute error (AE) and constant error (CE) scores. The groups main effect, trials main effect, and the interaction groups × trials effect were significant for both analyses. Groups receiving directional information were more accurate in error correction than was the distance only group. Manipulation of distance information also influenced error correction on the initial trials. The results were interpreted as an indication that the learner's initial error corrections are based on directional information and that the distance of the error information which initially lacks meaning interferes with initial response accuracy.  相似文献   

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