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特色资源建设与专业服务整合研究——以音乐图书馆为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
音乐图书馆作为专业服务的特定指向,依馆藏特色形成了服务特色。资源共享主要有馆际互借、音乐书谱联合编目和特色资源分建共享等形式。专业服务整合的三个特征:技术性、自主选择性和民俗性。围绕专业服务而开展的馆藏结构调整、民俗资源整合和数据库建设,是特色资源建设的发展趋势。  相似文献   

山西省高校馆际互借与文献传递服务共享体系建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
馆际互借与文献传递是图书馆之间或图书馆与其他文献情报机构之间建立的协作关系,由于其在高校图书馆业务中不断增强的重要性,已有建立服务共享体系的必要。本文重点讨论了建立山西省高校馆际互借文献传递服务共享体系的必要性,以及其在网络和资源上的可行性,服务运行模式(统一的协调机构、先进技术的应用、统一的管理服务平台)以及服务趋势的发展和服务质量的提升,意在呼吁建立馆际互借文献传递服务共享体系的势在必行及其积极意义。  相似文献   


The article presents a case study of Empire Express, a resource sharing network among the libraries of the State University of New York (SUNY) University Centers at Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, and Stony Brook, along with Syracuse University. The network involves an expedited interlibrary loan service, in which requests and documents are transmitted via Ariel and books are delivered by UPS, The service was formed in 1993, based upon an analysis of interlibrary loan patterns which revealed considerable potential for equitable resource sharing among the SUNY University Center Libraries. Syracuse University, as a peer institution with complimentary collections, later joined the network, which is formed on the “miniature cooperative” resource sharing model. With data now available about Empire Express, it is possible to assess the service and gain insight about the “miniature cooperative” model as a strategy for equitable resource sharing.  相似文献   

图书馆用户对资源需求无限性和对资源获取便捷性的永恒追求,已成为促进图书馆"转化"和"生长"的两大驱动力。传统单馆的图书馆管理系统,或是数字图书馆联盟的管理系统,已无法满足用户的需求。图书馆区域共用平台通过整体规划以及联盟成员馆之间的分工协调,使图书馆之间完全打破限制和阻碍,共享集信息查询、合作编目、协调采购、联合存储、馆际互借、资源发现等为一体的全业务流程,形成覆盖面广、利用方便的生态信息资源管理系统。本文以香港地区八所高校组成的区域性图书馆联盟JULAC为例,阐述区域图书馆共用平台的建设概况和意义。区域共用平台能够加深资源的共建共享,便于联盟成员在同一平台上进行馆藏开发和深度合作,促进馆藏建设由微观向宏观方向发展,使得资源配置更趋优化合理、馆际合作更加全面深入,在资源共享、管理共享、服务共享的基础上,也更大地促进了图书馆共享理念的创新发展。JULAC共用平台的建设模式、共享方式以及业务、人员整合经验等都可为我国其他地区的图书馆共用平台建设提供借鉴。参考文献19。  相似文献   

This article revisits the author’s 2001 article on resource sharing’s anticipated increased demand as a service and its larger role in collection management. The article presents arguments that interlibrary loan’s role is still evolving and stresses the need for increased cooperation and shared collection development among academic libraries.  相似文献   

Library cooperation is not a new concept in the history and practice of librarianship. This paper reviews the concept of library cooperation in the United Kingdom, United States of America, Nigeria and Ghana, with specific reference to areas of cooperation among university libraries in Ghana.The major areas of cooperation such as inter-library loan service, photocopying of documents and exchanges of materials are discussed. Problems of cooperation such as the poor communication network in Ghana and inadequate materials are also highlighted.Recommendations are made for the improvement of the level of cooperation in the university libraries. These include the need to establish a National Library in Ghana; the removal of all psychological and socio-economic barriers to cooperation; and the improvement of the communication system among libraries in Ghana.  相似文献   

介绍了昌北高校图书馆联盟及其开展馆际互借服务情况,分析了昌北高校图书馆联盟开展纸质文献馆际互借服务过程中存在的问题,提出了改进馆际互借服务的建议和措施。  相似文献   

Library cooperation is not a new concept in the history and practice of librarianship. This paper reviews the concept of library cooperation in the United Kingdom, United States of America, Nigeria and Ghana, with specific reference to areas of cooperation among university libraries in Ghana.

The major areas of cooperation such as inter-library loan service, photocopying of documents and exchanges of materials are discussed. Problems of cooperation such as the poor communication network in Ghana and inadequate materials are also highlighted.

Recommendations are made for the improvement of the level of cooperation in the university libraries. These include the need to establish a National Library in Ghana; the removal of all psychological and socio-economic barriers to cooperation; and the improvement of the communication system among libraries in Ghana.  相似文献   

附盘是图书馆重要的馆藏资源.图书馆开展附盘外借、局域网内在线使用、校园网上共享、附盘出租、附盘刻录、附盘馆际互借等服务活动都受到著作权的制约.为此,在附盘的开发利用中,图书馆要积极采取措施保护著作权,化解法律风险.  相似文献   

分析对比我国高校图书馆区域馆际互借的现状,对异构环境下区域馆际互借改革进行研究。针对以自动化管理取代手工管理的改革目标,制定运作模式和馆际互借流程,提出系统解决方案,包括系统结构、功能设计、技术难点与技术创新,认为异构环境下书目信息库的建立是系统实现的关键,并简述区域馆际互借系统在陕西高校图书馆的实践。  相似文献   

In spite of the widespread trend of e-book adoption by U.S. academic libraries, interlibrary loan (ILL) of e-books is significantly lagging behind because of license agreement restrictions, unstandardized platforms, library policies, and technological barriers. More recently, the long-cherished tradition of ILL has been further challenged, because an increasing number of academic libraries are adopting user-based e-book purchasing models that have the potential to bypass ILL. This paper compares the findings of two longitudinal surveys on e-book ILL practices in U.S. academic libraries, based on random sampling. The results from inferential statistical analyses reveal that, while inter-library lending of entire e-books is seldom practiced and shows no growth, e-book chapter ILL is becoming more prevalent in U.S. academic libraries. Librarians have grown more knowledgeable about licensing and technological issues, but their perceptions of these barriers are mixed. The study also shows that larger institutions are more likely to perform e-book ILL services, and their librarians tend to be more positive about the future of e-book ILL.  相似文献   

高校馆际互借服务新模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
馆际互借是优化图书馆资源配置的重要方法之一。目前,湖南大学、中南大学、湖南师范大学三校馆际互借进入实质性阶段。馆对馆方式成为最基本的服务模式;图书流动车以其迅速、方便、灵活、快捷、主动上门的特点成为三高校馆际互借服务新模式。文章针对三校馆际互借现状,提出了尚需加强相关工作的建议。  相似文献   

高校多校区图书馆通借通还服务模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭文霞 《晋图学刊》2007,(3):22-24,34
本文在介绍高校多校区图书馆通借通还现状的基础上,对通借通还应当具备的条件及服务模式进行了分析和研究,对图书馆特别是高校多校区图书馆实现资源共享有着积极的参考意义.  相似文献   

"南京城东高校图书馆文献资源共享联合体"馆际互借服务的开展促进了南京城东地区高校之间的资源共享和协作。新推出的馆际互借服务模式——基于服务本地化的通借通还模式,有其自身的特点和运行模式;在当前开展的馆际互借系列服务活动的基础上,应进一步完善规章制度,扩大服务和合作范围,加强宣传与培训,使馆际互借工作在区域文献资源共享方面更好地发挥作用。  相似文献   

随着智慧图书馆建设日趋完善,高校图书馆的各项业务面临着转型。作为传统业务之一,馆际互借与文献传递服务面临着读者所发申请量逐年减少,所申请文献的获取难度加大,读者日益个性化需求难以满足的挑战。文章从图书馆多业务协同的角度出发,提出将馆际互借与文献传递同学科服务、借阅服务、荐购等相融合,并对相关系统平台提出改进建议,增加读者与馆员即时交互的功能,从而更高效地满足读者的文献需求。  相似文献   

Indian Agricultural Libraries are exploring new ways and collaborations to fullfil the information need of their patrons through resource sharing and delivering documents using online platform accessible 24X7. The article discusses Inter Lendig and Document Delivery Services (DDR) facilitated through a collaborative consortium Journal Gateway called CeRA under Indian National Agricultural Research System. CeRA the (Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture) provides a platform for online acess to e-journals and inter lending. DDR Services has been established to share resources subscribed by individual libraries as well as consortium journals using the web portal. The article also discusses of the use of DDR services by patrons of the first Indian Agricultural University in the country. Reports that the student community were most active in using the platform for inter library loan and document request in comparison to the faculty researchers who were less dependent on document from other libraries.  相似文献   

Interlibrary loan activity of Metropolitan Detroit's biomedical network is under continual scrutiny. Published results include a review of interlibrary loan literature, six months analyses of document flow and retrieval, and of clientele, and cost of lending and borrowing operations to both resource and hospital libraries.  相似文献   

对我国电子书阅读器借阅现状的调研数据来自对国内五家大型图书馆的网站调研及对北大图书馆用户的半结构化访谈。结果显示,我国开展此项业务的图书馆不多,阅读器设备少且型号不统一,缺乏针对性的借阅规则和服务规范,配套的内容资源建设不完善;用户对服务的总体评价较高,对阅读器本身不满意。图书馆今后可组成阅读器采购联盟,发挥各图书馆协会作用制定服务标准,注重内容资源建设。  相似文献   

基于SAAS理念构建馆际互借与文献传递服务平台   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
针对传统的集中式、分布式馆际互借系统的局限性,探讨了基于SAAS理念构建分布式服务模式下的馆际互借和文献传递软件平台的相关问题。  相似文献   

张馨 《图书情报工作》2009,53(19):88-91
针对高校图书馆文献资源共享产生与发展的四大因素,指出文献资源共享是高校图书馆发展的必由之路,而文献资源共享的基本方式是馆际互借与文献传递,故高校图书馆应更加重视制定并实施文献资源购买与文献资源共享的平衡原则,有效地创新高校图书馆的传统服务思维和工作模式,与时俱进地构建科学的图书馆文献资源建设体系。  相似文献   

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