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Research has established that racially isolated schools with high concentrations of low-income students disproportionately struggle to recruit and retain highly effective teachers, limiting disadvantaged students’ exposure to high-quality instruction and driving institutional and community instability. This study estimates the effect of selective retention bonuses (SRB) for highly effective teachers on low-performing, high poverty schools’ ability to elevate student performance by increasing access to effective instruction. The theory of action behind the bonus program is simple: SRBs result in greater numbers of highly effective teachers at participating schools, who subsequently drive larger student gains than the teachers who would otherwise fill their positions. To examine whether students in high poverty schools benefit from retention of highly effective teachers, we use differences in eligibility for schools to offer bonuses and the discrete timing of the program in a matched sample, difference-in-differences framework. Results indicate that schools who offered SRBs saw greater test score gains in subsequent years, especially on state reading exams.  相似文献   

How can a consultant or “change agent” become effective in the public schools? (a) A university instructor placed undergraduate education students in elementary classrooms every morning for a year to conduct behavioral projects. These “innocent change agents” stimulated teachers to ponder their teaching through explaining goals and procedures and collecting data. (b) Graduate students in school psychology served as “mini-consultants.” (c) The teachers were enrolled in a year-long course for college credits and salary increments and assigned behavioral projects in their classrooms. Thirteen teachers successfully changed behaviors in 60 of 70 attempts. Fifteen recommendations are presented.  相似文献   

Can changes in teacher pay encourage more able individuals to enter the teaching profession? So far, studies of the impact of pay on the aptitude distribution of teachers have provided mixed evidence on the extent to which altering teacher salaries represents a feasible solution to the teacher quality problem. One possible reason is that these studies have been unable to separate labor supply effects from labor demand effects. To address this, I model the relationship between current salaries and the academic aptitude of future teachers (those entering teacher education courses). Using a unique dataset of test scores for every individual admitted into an Australian university between 1989 and 2003, I explore how interstate variation in average pay or pay dispersion affects the decision to enter teacher education courses. A 1 percent rise in the salary of a starting teacher boosts the average aptitude of students entering teacher education courses by 0.6 percentile ranks, with the effect being strongest for those at the median. This result is robust to instrumenting for teacher pay using uniform salary schedules for public schools. I also find some evidence that more pay dispersion in the non-teaching sector lowers the aptitude of potential teachers.  相似文献   

本研究以来自全国5省区的100所幼儿园为样本,采用中国学前教育研究会编制的《走向优质——中国幼儿园教育质量评价标准》中的“师资保障”子标准,运用描述性统计分析、多因变量方差分析和多元回归分析等方法,对当前我国幼儿园师资保障质量进行评价。结果显示,我国幼儿园师资保障质量总体上不容乐观,其中,工资待遇质量较差,能力建设和师资配备质量一般,只有教师伦理质量较好。不同性质幼儿园的师资配备和能力建设质量差异显著,城乡幼儿园的工资待遇质量差异显著。师资保障质量中的能力建设、教师伦理和工资待遇质量对课程促进质量具有显著影响,其中能力建设质量的影响最大。为了提升幼儿园师资保障质量,应依法保障教师工资待遇,使公办园教师逐步实现同工同酬;在提高师幼比及在场师幼比,优化教师职称结构;应加强教师培训量化管理,保证培训的针对性和实效性;对教师的激励与评价应契合教师需要,为其专业发展提供方向和动力。  相似文献   

Local school districts differ in their ability to pay for teacher quality, and in the amenities they offer as places to live and work. Market clearing with heterogeneous quality yields geographically varying teacher salary levels that confound scarcity with unobserved differences in quality. The paper discusses identification and estimation of a model of quality-adjusted teacher salaries in local markets with unobserved market-clearing prices. Exogenous variables in the model include community and district characteristics, job characteristics and working conditions, and individual characteristics. We apply the model to estimate the relative cost of providing comparably qualified teachers for urban and rural public schools in the state of Alaska, which has high geographic variation in amenities and local financial resources. The quality-adjusted geographic salary differentials implied by the results suggest much larger compensation differentials for isolated rural schools than most of these school districts can afford under current levels of state support.  相似文献   

针对目前山区学校体育出现的“放羊式”教学,基层政府和学校必须从加强体育教学管理、加强师资队伍建设、加大学校体育投入、改善体育教学条件、改善体育教师待遇等方面入手,才能改变这种消极教学状况,提高体育教学质量和青少年学生的体质与健康水平。  相似文献   

In 2009, a reform in teachers’ pay, linking remuneration to performance, was implemented in China. The intention was to improve the quality of education by making teachers more diligent and creative and removing the inequality in pay between teachers in different schools. A review of this reform reveals that it has resolved the problem of inequality between teachers working in different schools but has created a new inequality: between teachers within the same schools. Also, the performance evaluation, based mostly on quantitative data such as student test scores, has led to teachers formalising their work and adopting an approach of “compliant professionalism”. Teachers’ workloads have increased, and only teachers who perform well on empirical performance indicators are given opportunities for professional development and remuneration. The findings suggest that a focus on teaching and on teachers’ autonomy is needed to achieve the goal of improving the quality of education.  相似文献   


Induction experiences of beginning teachers in schools that were classified as more effective or less effective on the basis of student achievement are compared. Classroom observations, interviews, and a “Beginning Teacher Questionnaire” were used to obtain information from teachers in the two groups. Three areas of socialization were examined: assistance, monitoring, and team‐building. Results indicate that historically more effective schools were more supportive of their beginning teachers. In addition, outcome data regarding teacher performance provides evidence of more effective teaching among teachers in more supportive schools, even though initial teacher effectiveness, levels of experience, and educational attainment were not different for the two groups.  相似文献   

宋囡  程靖 《四川教育学院学报》2012,28(4):108-110,124
义务教育阶段学校实施绩效工资分配制度,能够深化中小学事业单位人事制度改革,建立科学合理的激励机制,促进教师的自身发展及学生的全面进步,也推进了素质教育的继续发展。但是现如今县级中小学教师绩效工资体系并不健全,对县级中小学教师绩效评价的研究相当薄弱,缺乏公正科学的绩效评估方法。因此,如何更好地完善对县级教师绩效工资的考核成为目前研究的重点。  相似文献   

由于教学过程中的公平易被人忽视,所以中小学长期存在的精英主义教学倾向难以引起教师及社会的应有关注。中小学精英主义的教学倾向主要表现为"因材施教"的曲解、"勤能补拙"的隐喻及"圈子文化"的排斥。克服中小学精英主义的教学倾向需要教师、社会及家长通力合作,以多元视角看待学生智力,促进学生群体间平等对话,给予"非精英"更多关照,从而保证每位学生都得到更好的发展。  相似文献   

Providing for equality of educational opportunity at racially isolated schools continues to be an important area of concern for educational policy makers. Quality teachers to staff instruction programs at these schools is essential to promoting equal opportunity for minority groups. Unfortunately, these schools continue to suffer chronic teacher shortages. Recently, California implemented a teacher certification examination (CBEST) designed specifically to improve the quality of teachers entering the profession. An unintended consequence of the certification movement was the exacerbation of the teacher shortage problem at racially isolated schools. The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics of teachers who passed and failed the CBEST. The study finds that failure rates are highest among minority teachers that are presently employed. The study also finds that the mathematics knowledge subscale scores best discriminate those passing from those failing the CBEST. An analytical approach for determining optimal cutoff scores on the CBEST which balances the need for certification with the problem of teacher shortage is proposed.  相似文献   

In March, 1991, the Hong Kong Government launched a scheme entitled the School Management Initiative. As suggested by the sub-title, “Setting the Framework for Quality in Hong Kong Schools,” the concern was for quality education. In September, 1991, 21 aided secondary schools took part in a pilot scheme. The schools were asked to set up a framework for accountability. This chapter reports how the teachers in the pilot schools responded to these changes. It was found that teachers who were involved in school administration were more favorably disposed to the changes. The remaining half of the teachers who were not involved in school administration were less enthusiastic. Both groups of teachers complained about the heavy increase of work load and reported that the accountability framework failed to make any impact on the quality of teaching.  相似文献   

School desegregation plans and program efforts in bilingual education, special education, compensatory education, and others designed to promote equal educational opportunity for minorities are threatened with a teaching staff best described as being “burned out,” highly stressed, of low morale, having high absenteeism, and subject to physical abuse. This study examines the extremely low level of teacher morale at inner-city schools and finds major “ethical” stressors such as racial tension among faculty, falsifying of school records, and sexual harassment by school officials emerging as factors contributing to teacher exit and absenteeism. With the use of multivariate discriminant analysis procedures and a sample of 400 high school teachers at nine high schools (three black, three white, and three Hispanic in terms of predominant ethnicity), a set of stressors were derived which uniquely characterize teachers at predominantly black, white, and Hispanic high schools. An economic framework is also presented for understanding the nature of the teacher morale, exit, and absenteeism phenomena in urban schools.  相似文献   

Lack of knowledge of effective educational interventions for gifted children is a pressing problem in Belgian schools. Most preschool and primary school teachers enter the profession without any training in the best practices for gifted children. This results in many misconceptions about giftedness and gifted education and a diversity of well-intentioned but ineffective interventions in the classroom. In response to the request for help from many schools, the Belgian expertise center “Exentra” designed a professional training program for in-service teachers with the aim to increase teachers’ understanding of the characteristics and needs of gifted pupils, and help teachers develop the necessary confidence and skills to effectively teach the gifted in regular, mixed-ability classes. This study shows that the Exentra training is effective in changing teachers’ beliefs about gifted education and enhancing teachers’ knowledge, abilities, and self-esteem to effectively modify the curriculum for the more capable pupils in the classroom.  相似文献   

This study seeks to contribute to the research on mentored induction by investigating the practices mentors employ in their work with new teachers in two high-need, high-poverty urban elementary schools. Informed by Schwille’s (2008) temporal framework of “educative” mentoring practices occurring “inside” and “outside” the action of teaching, this study investigated the range of practices mentors employed, new teachers’ perceptions of the practices, and if the practices contributed to new teachers’ professional learning. Participants included six new teachers and two induction mentors. Results indicate that “inside” and “outside” mentoring practices are complementary and should be conceived as assisted performance and judiciously selected to promote productive changes in new teachers’ practice. Recommendations for mentoring programs are provided.  相似文献   

The importance of teacher quality for determining student outcomes is now well established. At the same time, the translation of what is known about teacher quality into effective policy is far from being institutionalized. The simplest summary of research into teacher quality is that some teachers are dramatically more effective than others but that common measures of quality are largely uncorrelated with true quality. Thus, for example, we continue to face problems of insufficient numbers of high-quality teachers, or shortages of math and science teachers, and of “out of field” teachers. Many argue that we should tightened up on entry requirements along with increasing overall pay, but these policies are unlikely to deal with the current problems. Instead, we are likely to be much better off by loosening up entry requirements, by paying more attention to retention decisions, and by rewarding the people we want—those who are effective and who meet current areas of need.  相似文献   

以微观史学方法论为指导,以福建省13名不同历史时期的农村幼儿园教师为研究对象,对我国1950年以来农村幼儿园教师文化生活的追踪与梳理可以发现,个案教师的职前教育生活经历了从比较正规的简易师范到“一直劳动”的初级幼师、初中再到“文艺生活丰富多彩”的职高幼师、中大专幼师的变化,当前公办教师多为科班出身,民办教师多是跨行从业者。就教学生活来说,个案教师从来没有间断过“小学化”的分科教学,不过其活动组织在朝着更具整合性的方向发展,教学形式也更具童趣,尤其是公办教师的教学生活日渐多元化,“领域”“主题”“区域”三类活动并重。个案教师的职后培训最初主要是速成式的园本培训或社队培训,而后有了中等教师教育机构组织的“转正”“三科”“民师班”等培训,进入21世纪,国家各级教研机构与高等师范院校分工合作,提供了更为正规和系统化的职后培训,不过公办教师与民办教师的参训级别差异也越来越大。个案教师的休闲文化生活经历了从集体加班备课、参加文艺宣传活动到个人“看书读报”再到“自娱自乐”的晚会以及以网络为载体的个性化文化娱乐的变化,同时公办教师与民办教师的休闲活动也有了很大差异。就教师主观标准与感受来说,老教师始终以工作为重,年轻教师追求有品质的生活,民办教师的主观满意度高于公办教师。农村幼儿园教师的文化生活变迁是国家相关政策、地方文化、教师个人交际圈与个体特质等因素多维互动的结果。今后应关注农村幼儿园教师作为“整体人”的文化生活需要,缩小农村公办教师与民办教师的文化生活差距,选拔和培养具有合适心理特质的农村幼儿园教师。  相似文献   

实施绩效工资是学校工资结构和分配方式的重要改革。受现行的评价机制和高考制度的影响,高中学校内部人员间、学科间的结构性矛盾比义务教育阶段学校要多而复杂,奖励性绩效工资考核中出现的问题也较多。在对江苏省部分重点高中教师绩效工资实施现状调查结果进行分析思考的基础上,提出高中学校要立足整体效益观、全面发展观、价值文化观来实施教师奖励性绩效考核。  相似文献   

从教师和学生的视角对甘肃省初中数学新课程实施情况进行调查,发现师生对数学新课程的改革有较高的认同感,但教师对《课程标准(2011年版)》的熟悉程度较差;教师的教学行为和学生的学习活动发生了积极变化;数学新课程的评价依据与方式有积极变化,但“唯分数论”现象依然存在;数学新课程教学目标中“四基”和“四能”的达成情况较差。针对调查结果,提出如下建议:(1)发挥专家学者的引领作用,加强对数学教师的新课程培训工作。(2)进一步修订与完善教科书,为学生“提出问题”提供更多素材。(3)把“隐性知识”纳入教学范畴,全面提高学生的数学素养。(4)落实“综合与实践”的教学,培养学生的创新精神和实践能力。(5)进一步推进评价机制改革,实现过程性评价与终结性评价的融合。  相似文献   

Most public school districts in the United States use a salary schedule to determine compensation for teachers within the district. However, some school districts have implemented incentive pay schemes that allow flexibility at the school or even individual teacher level. These compensation schemes in some ways may more closely approximate a competitive labor market. This study examines the factors that influence a district's decision to offer incentive pay using districts from the 1999 to 2000 Schools and Staffing Survey. The results suggest that school districts that face barriers to recruitment or retention and districts that face competition from non-sectarian private schools are more likely to offer incentive pay.  相似文献   

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