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小学自然仪器包括计量仪器、通用仪器、专用仪器以及各类模型和标本等,是开展小学自然教学活动的基础和保障。由于小学自然是一门综合性的学科,用于自然教学的仪器涉及物理、化学、生物、地理等多门学科,种类多,涉及面广,因此,做好自然仪器的管理工作非常  相似文献   

沅陵县是湘西的一个贫困山区。目前中心小学的自然教学仪器设备,未达到标准的只有6所,占全县中心小学总数的11%。村小则只有部分学校自筹款买了一些仪器。 解决村小学和教学点的仪器、设备的办法:小学中、低年级自然教材中所涉及的仪器并不多。自然教学研究会、教研组认真地钻研了教材。制定了“小学自然课所需  相似文献   

浅谈小学自然教学中的实验设计五峰县电教仪器站(443400)李玉小学自然是以实验为基础的学科。精心设计实验,让学生通过亲自参加实验获得知识是搞好小学自然教学的关键。教学实践证明,实验设计的好坏直接关系到教学的成功与失败。现就如何搞好自然教学中的实验设...  相似文献   

蔚县教育局教育技术装备站于1998年12月20日~26日举办了全县小学自然教师培训班,全县各乡镇的中心小学,县直小学,蔚州镇各完小的29名专职自然教师参加了培训,培训班上对小学实验室管理、帐目管理、自然仪器的保养、维修、怎样自制教具和小学自然演示实验...  相似文献   

为了适应素质教育的需要,进一步提高小学自然教师的实验教学水平,强化小学自然教师的素质训练,迁西县文教局仪器站在1995  相似文献   

小学自然实验操作考核的实践与思考湖北省宣恩县实验小学宣恩县电教仪器装备站(445500)张中秀张汉林《九年义务教育自然大纲》强调“指导”与“获得”,这是自然教学目的改革后教学方法上的重大变革,是小学科学启蒙教育的关键。课堂实验不从解释结论、证明结论出...  相似文献   

紧扣自然新教材扩展实验大课堂○邹庆云(奉新县冯川一小)近年来,随着义务教育普及程度的不断提高,城乡小学都陆续装备了实验仪器,小学自然实验教学条件得到了较大的改善。但是,这些标准和条件基本上是出自八十年代的教学大纲,与新编九年义务教育教材、教学大纲规定...  相似文献   

自然实验分类与教学管见潜江市高石碑小学杜礼华(433126)实验是借助某种仪器或设备,在人为控制条件下研究自然事物的方法。在自然教学中,实验是必不可少的教学手段。小学自然课中的许多实验当然还称不上是真正的科学实验,但正如游戏对幼儿具有巨大的教育作用一...  相似文献   

在小学自然教材中,涉及物理学的内容占四分之一还多,内容包括力学、热学、声学、光学、电磁学等。物理是一种以实验为主的学科,为帮助自然教师搞好实验教学,现将《自然》中,有关物理的实验分期作一简介。 小学自然教学中涉及物理学的实验很多,用到的物理仪器也很多。但这些物理实验大都是作定性研究,定量研究的很少。所以有些仪器可以用代用品,有些实验仪器和化学仪器通用(这些在化学实验中已介绍过)。现先介绍常用的仪器,再介绍有关的实验。  相似文献   

在实际工作中,笔者发现在《小学自然教学仪器配备目录》中,有以下两个问题值得商榷。1.《小学自然教学仪器配备目录》(以下称《目录》)中,有些仪器编号与其解释不符。按武汉工业大学出版社出版,王兴乃、罗栋国等编著的《小学自然实验大全》的解释,《目录》中每种仪器的  相似文献   

This essay explores how nineteenth-century nature study principles inform a twenty-first century New Nature Study movement, and gives examples of a trend toward nature writing in recent picture books. The pedagogical principles of nineteenth-century nature study, ascendant at the turn of the twentieth century and implicit in interwar children’s literature, yielded to a model founded on Cold War competition rather than environmental stewardship. In mid-century narratives for children, technological progress prevailed. In the 1990s, the ideals of the first nature study movement reemerged in a call for meaningful conservation to sustain future generations. Like the original nature study, the New Nature Study arises from anxieties about industrial development, habitat loss and extinction, and hazards to childhood itself. The New Nature Study treats children as agents for change and citizens being denied their full human rights when their land, soil, water, and lives are bought and sold.  相似文献   

湘西保靖宝卷是中国民间文献中尚未充分发掘、整理的一宗讲唱底本遗产,主要由当地“道士先生”使用和收藏,目前仍普遍存在于该地区祭祀及渡亡仪式中,共计100余册,约30万字,主要包括佛教、道教及民间教派经卷等。保靖宝卷除少量刊刻本外,大多为手抄本,运用文献整理法对这些抄本进行整理,发现保靖县宝卷具有类别众多、命名复杂、形制多样、流通封闭等特点。对保靖县宝卷进行整理研究可弥补宝卷研究的诸多不足。  相似文献   

元代传人的回回天文学及其影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
元代回回天文机构的设置、回回天文仪器的制造、回回天文书籍的引进及万年历、回回历的修订,说明回回天文学成就已在中国得到充分运用,其对中国天文学的影响是广泛而深远的。  相似文献   

会计信息失真的原因及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
会计信息失真是困扰会计界多年的问题,假凭证,假账簿、假报表仍比较普遍,已经影响了社会经济秩序的正常运行。本针对当前会计信息失真产生的原因,提出了相应的防范对策。  相似文献   

This article questions whether the mediated experience provided by picture books contributes toward or hinders a realistic and appropriate appreciation of the natural world. Based on an examination of 1,074 books, it argues that picture book makers typically transform and domesticate animals and their habitats in ways that provide readers with highly misleading images and impressions. The article examines a few exceptional books that give an accurate and sensitive account of the animal kingdom and the natural environment, and argues that many more are needed.  相似文献   

新《公司法》赋予了有限责任公司股东享有账簿查阅权,但由于规定过于简单笼统,对股东账簿查阅权受侵害时予以司法救济缺乏具体明确规定,给实务操作带来不便。为使股东账簿查阅权诉讼顺利进行,法律应明确只有有限责任公司的股东(包括新任股东、原任股东)才可成为此类诉讼的适格原告,其诉讼请求应当具体明确指向会计账簿,在特定条件下也可主张对会计凭证的查阅;法院应正确认定股东查阅账簿目的是否正当并合理分配举证责任,创设一个有别于普通诉讼程序的新的诉讼程序以解决此诉讼的便捷问题,从而全面保护股东权利。  相似文献   

This article is an account of the history of learning theory as the author has come to know and interpret it by dealing with this subject for almost half a century during which he has also himself gradually developed the broad understanding of human learning which is presented in his wellknown books on “How We Learn” and a lot of other books and writings.  相似文献   

歌本是歌曲音乐传播最重要的工具。清代歌本通过内外传播能够大量保存至今,为今人更真实、更准确地了解清及清以前的音乐作品提供了重要的文献资料。  相似文献   

Cedric Cullingford is the Head of the Department of Primary Education at the University of Brighton. Recent books includeChildren and Society, The Inner World of the School, andThe Nature of Learning. Having read and then taught literature at the universities of Oxford, Cambridge, and Toronto, he then developed an interest in the way children respond to literature and the media. Out of this research (as in the bookChildren and Television) grew his involvement in primary education.  相似文献   

This paper consists of two parts. The first part reviews how the arguments supporting literacy education have changed over the last five decades. Although there has been a shift in emphasis from economic to socio-cultural and personal dimensions, literacy is still considered mainly as an instrument for economic growth and poverty alleviation. The second part presents a case study of three different establishments which provide reading materials in urban Senegal. The analysis indicates that people are more likely to practise reading when they have access to materials which genuinely interest them. These materials are not necessarily about development or livelihood—themes often judged as ‘appropriate’ for socio-economic growth by policy makers and practitioners. People read stories and history books for their own pleasure – rather than out of a sense of duty – to transcend the mundane routine of their daily lives. This ‘reading for pleasure’ aspect needs to be taken more account of in literacy education.  相似文献   

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