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In this paper, we describe the classroom‐based assessment practices employed in the Province of British Columbia (BC). These practices are examined by interviewing pairs of teachers at the Grade 3 and 4 levels and parallel pairs of teachers from the Grade 6 and 7 levels in approximately two schools in each of ten school districts. The interviews were summarized and then the resultant data examined to look for consistencies of viewpoint among teachers across districts and for commonalties and variations in answer patterns across teachers within districts. Finally, a few recommendations are offered that might be useful in thinking further about the principles and practice of classroom‐based assessment.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the universitycolleges of the Canadian province of BritishColumbia, connecting the behaviors of managersand faculty to government policy andlegislation and determining that the responsesof managers and faculty can be construed inpart as responses to economic globalization. As such, this investigation observes thatglobal forces of change framed and affected theevolution of five community colleges in BritishColumbia to university colleges. As well,this study addresses cultural change withinBritish Columbia's university colleges,particularly to note if the baccalaureatedegree status of these institutions has broughtabout an alteration to the organizationalparadigm.  相似文献   

Guidance and counselling are now making a good beginning in Africa. This paper attempts to trace the historical foundations of Yoruba and Igala counselling in Africa and examines what makes for success in traditional therapy—the words, phrases and aphorisms used, the climate set and the personality of the professional. Furthermore, since recent studies show that the training and methods of indigenous practitioners are sound and that their philosophy and practice have much in common with Western approaches, the paper also attempts to introduce their skills for fusion with Western mental health.Paper presented at the International Round Table for the Advancement of Counselling, Thessaloniki (Greece), April 1980.  相似文献   

国际化战略是英属哥伦比亚大学迅速成为世界顶尖大学的有效路径。笔者就该校国际化战略为切入点,对其国际化的战略目标与策略、实施现状、国际化特点等展开论述,指出我国大学应该国际化统筹大学发展的战略思路,拓展多元化的国际化合作机会,谋求实施团队的合作和新人培养。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the consequences of the 1980–1983 economic recession in Canada for the political climate in British Columbia and for the University of British Columbia. After prolonged recession, the Social Credit Party gained power on a platform that government be significantly downsized. The University of British Columbia, after years of accommodating budgetary shortfalls, was asked for a further ten percent reduction between 1984–1986. The University's response to these cuts is placed in an appropriate provincial and national context, and the implications of marked reductions in public support for higher education are discussed.  相似文献   

杨彦捷 《幼儿教育》2012,(Z6):92-96
加拿大政府重视早期教育。安大略省和不列颠哥伦比亚省近年颁布的早期学习框架均强调儿童是天生的学习者,儿童的发展既有连续性又有差异性,还会受到环境和成人的影响。在教育原则上,两省的早期学习框架均强调教师与家庭和社区的合作,重视教师的回应与反馈,重视游戏的作用,尊重儿童的多元文化背景。两省的早期学习框架均对社会性、情感、语言、认知和身体运动等提出了明确的发展目标。  相似文献   

One vehicle,many pathways: comparing the means and ends of schooling   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

教育实践是师范生培养中的重要环节.本文首先分析了我国目前教师教育实践教学中存在的主要问题,介绍了加拿大教师教育的概况,然后从教师教育实践教学内容等方面介绍并分析了加拿大尤其是英属哥伦比亚大学的教师教育实践教学相关经验与特征.最后,本文对我国教师教育实践教学提出如下启示:一是要注重教育理论与实践经验的整合;二是要突出教育实习内容和形式的不断拓展;三是从加拿大教师教育标准与规范的实施情况来看,要实现专业标准与实践教学的一体化;最后是要构建科学合理的教育实践评价体系.  相似文献   

加拿大政府与印第安土著民族关系探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加拿大政府与印第安土著民族之间的关系尚未理顺。加拿大政府与印第安土著民族关系的恶化 ,是由欧洲殖民者对印第安土著人推行的压迫、同化等政策造成的。加拿大政府对印第安人实施的政策有 3个演变过程 :1.绥靖 (与武力交替使用 ) ;2 .统治 ;3.同化。加拿大政府与印第安人在能源与其他自然资源开发 ,印第安人的高犯罪率、高自杀率、高失业率 ,印第安人的自治问题等方面存在着程度不同的矛盾。解决加政府与印第安土著民族的核心问题是恢复印第安等土著民族所固有的自治权等  相似文献   

This article maps the historical background of First Nations women focusing on the residential school system, subsequent intergenerational trauma, and the effects of the Indian Act. Colonization has impacted the health and current roles and responsibilities of First Nations women. First Nations women's health needs to be viewed in a holistic framework that considers multiple levels of oppression, poverty, colonization, and life as a minority in a dominant culture. Social constructionism provides a new lens from which to question and re-conceptualize ways of working with First Nations women. Suggestions for the non-aboriginal counsellor in facilitating the healing process for First Nations women are offered.  相似文献   



The overrepresentation of Aboriginal children in child welfare systems in the U.S., Canada, and Australia is well documented, but limited attention has been paid to investigation-stage disproportionality. This paper examines the overrepresentation of First Nations (the largest of three federally recognized Aboriginal groups in Canada) children, focusing on three questions: (1) What is the level/nature of First Nations overrepresentation at the investigation stage? (2) What is known about the source of referrals in child welfare investigations involving First Nations children? (3) What risk factors and child functioning concerns are identified for investigated First Nations children and families?


The First Nations Component of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (FNCIS-2008) was designed to address limitations in existing Aboriginal child welfare data: it sampled one quarter of the Aboriginally governed child welfare agencies that conduct investigations in Canada, gathered data on over 3,000 investigations involving First Nations children, and incorporated weights designed for analysis of First Nations data. Bivariate analyses are used to compare investigations involving First Nations and non-Aboriginal children.


The rate of investigations for First Nations children living in the areas served by sampled agencies was 4.2 times that for non-Aboriginal children; investigation-stage overrepresentation was compounded by each short term case disposition examined. A higher proportion of First Nations than non-Aboriginal investigations involved non-professional referrals, a pattern consistent with disparities in access to alternative services. Workers expressed concerns about multiple caregiver risk factor concerns for more than ½ of investigated First Nations families and, with the exception of “health issues”, identified every caregiver/household risk factor examined in a greater percentage of First Nations than non-Aboriginal households.


It would be extremely difficult to reduce First Nations overrepresentation at later decision points without addressing overrepresentation at the investigation-stage. Despite the serious needs of investigated First Nations families, alternatives to traditional child protection responses may be appropriate in many cases. If First Nations overrepresentation is to be reduced, child welfare agencies must be equipped to provide supports needed to help families address factors such as poverty, substance abuse, domestic violence, and lack of social supports.  相似文献   

为了更好地理解中国三维课程目标和学科核心素养之间的关系,以加拿大BC省11和12年级的"计算机数学"为个案,解析了学生核心素养和学科核心素养如何体现在具体的学科课程中.BC省新课程框架合理处理了学生核心素养和学科核心素养的关系,落实了"培养有教养的公民"的教育目标.这可以为中国基础教育学科核心素养课程的开发与落实提供帮助,加强学科核心素养与学生核心素养培养的融合.  相似文献   

The utility of teaching reading using rime-based readingstrategies with prereaders was examined. Two experiments are presentedthat studied the effects of a rime-based reading program with FirstNations prereaders; one experiment with Shuswap kindergartners andthe other with Heiltsuk Grade 1 children. Rhyming, phoneme identity,letter-sound knowledge, phonological working memory, First Nationslanguage speaking ability, and reading were measured. In the Shuswapgroup, the reading program increased the abilities that werespecifically taught, rhyming, initial phoneme identity, letter-sounds,and word reading by rime-analogy, compared to the control group.Children also developed abilities that were not specifically taught,final phoneme identity and reading by letter recoding, and could use therime-analogy strategy to read words with unfamiliar rime endings.Phonological working memory remained unchanged. The Heiltsuk childrengained in reading compared to a Grade 1 comparison group. Pretestletter-sound knowledge and rhyming were related to later reading butphoneme identity and First Nations language ability were not. Progressin phonological awareness and word reading can be enhanced in prereadersby adding experience with rime-based strategies to the readingprogram.  相似文献   

加拿大联邦政府没有国家级的教育管理机构,各省设独立的教育部,根据各自的化和经济特征,制定相应的教育法规和教学大纲。本就不列颠哥伦比亚省(简称BC省)的中小学历史教学做一简要的介绍说明。  相似文献   

课程学习是研究生教育阶段学生培养的重要环节。以加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学教育学院一门研究生研讨式课程作为对象,综合运用案例研究、教学观察等方法,深入剖析研讨式课程的理论基础、教学设计和实践策略。研究发现,基于对话教学观和建构主义知识观所设计的研讨式课程,有利于打破以往研究生教学中教师唱独角戏、学习者主体缺失和沉默的课堂等魔咒,形成既有教学计划又有对话自由的课堂。在具体的教学实践中,综合运用积极学习教学法,还能更好地促进学生的投入与探究性学习。这对我国研究生课程建设的政策变革和课堂教学的实践探索有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

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