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我国公民道德建设实施纲要已经实施了。然而,无论是公民道德核心、原则,还是公民道德规范,都是比较原则的。如何加强公民道德建设,使之真正施行起来,落到实处?这是当前在公民道德建设中必须解决的问题。根据我国公民道德建设的历史、现状和未来,笔者提出了六个必须:必须切实细化、必须符合良法、必须立足现实、必须经常评价、必须严格奖惩和必须突出重点。  相似文献   

科学发展观对高校思想政治教育工作具有重要的指导作用。高校思想政治教育工作的科学发展必须以人为本、和谐育人,必须与时俱进、开拓创新,必须打造公平、正义、宽容的校园文化,必须关心大学生中弱势群体,必须努力构建学校、家庭、社会教育和谐统一的大德育环境。  相似文献   

"八个坚持"必须坚持人民主体地位。必须坚持解放和发展社会生产力。必须坚持推进改革开放。必须坚持维护社会公平正义。必须坚持走共同富裕道路。必须坚持促进社会和谐。必须坚持和平发展。必须坚持党的领导。"四个监督"加强党内监督、民主监督、法律监督、舆论监督,让人民监督权力,让权力在阳光下运行。  相似文献   

21世纪我党的先进性建设面临西化分化、西方文化、科学技术、综合国力竞争等严峻挑战,党员个人则面对全球化、市场化、信息化三大挑战。为了迎接挑战,我党必须保持党的先进性,必须坚持理论创新,而理论创新必须始终坚持以发展着的马克思主义为指导,牢固树立政治意识和责任意识;必须突出创造性,突出时代精神和求新要求;必须强调实践性;必须解放思想。  相似文献   

教师多元角色定位是素质教育的宗旨及学生全面和谐发展的客观要求。在新课程改革背景下,教师应扮演好"创境、启志、导学、疏情、督行、正品"的多元角色,即教师必须为学生创设有利的学习和发展创境,必须启发学生的志向,必须引导学生的学习策略,必须及时疏导学生的情绪困惑,必须督察学生的行为习惯,必须塑造学生的健全人格。  相似文献   

学校管理创新是改进学校管理、提高学校教育教学质量的重要理念和方法,也是促进教育改革与学校发展的重要策略、途径和手段。当下的学校管理创新必须关注五个基本命题,即必须彰显道德原则,必须改善学校领导,必须凸显学校民主,必须吸纳教师、家长和社区参与学校管理,必须促进学校的发展。  相似文献   

名字的由来北京六必居相传创自明朝中叶,店内的金字大匾,据说是明朝大学士严嵩题写。六必居原是山西赵家三兄弟开的小店铺,俗话说,开门七件事:柴、米、油、盐、酱、醋、茶。此小店铺,因为不卖茶,就起名六必居。六必从工艺上又理解为:用料必须上等,下料必须如实,过程必须清洁,火候必须适当,设备必须优良,泉水必须纯香。  相似文献   

文章阐述了高校辅导员八大核心素养的培养,包括高校辅导员的生理规定性要求必须具备健康素养、高校辅导员的本质规定性要求必须具备政治素养、高校辅导员的伦理规定性要求必须具备德性素养、高校辅导员的能力规定性要求必须具备理论素养、高校辅导员的时代规定性要求必须具备信息素养、高校辅导员的发展规定性要求必须具备科研素养、高校辅导员的认知规定性要求必须具备理性素养、高校辅导员的情感规定性要求必须具备情怀素养。  相似文献   

邱杰  莫坷 《高教论坛》2010,(3):102-104
新中国成立以来,我国高等学校贯彻落实民主集中制,经历了曲折发展、停滞发展、恢复发展、快速发展和创新发展五个阶段。高校实行民主集中制,必须与高校实际情况相结合,必须提升领导的理论水平,必须建立合适的领导体制,必须建立健全监督制度,必须创建团结和谐的环境。  相似文献   

当前我国农村教师队伍建设中存在的问题及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前我国农村教师队伍建设中存在着数量不足、整体素质偏低、结构不合理、队伍不稳定、教师生存压力大、教师教育观念落后等方面的问题.解决这些问题,必须建立与完善新型的教师教育体系,必须优化农村教师队伍的结构,必须改善农村教师的工作和生活条件,必须健全教师继续教育体制,必须转变农村教师的观念.  相似文献   

在大学生心理健康教育课程中教师角色存在着"沿袭高校教师的传统角色"、"混淆了管理者、思想政治教育者与心理健康教育者的角色"、"被误定为学校教育中的边缘教育者"等问题,影响了大学生心理健康教育课程的教学质量。因此,在大学生心理健康教育课程中,教师应充当大学生积极心理品质的培养者和潜能的开发者,充当大学生的真诚倾听者和引导者,充当大学生经验的分享者和心理健康的示范者。  相似文献   

本文从改革课程体系和教学内容,进行工学结合探索;加强实训基地建设,优化工学结合环境;进行制度创新,保证工学结合的有效实施等方面,对室内检测与控制技术专业的“工学结合”人才培养模式进行了分析和探讨。指出开发基于工怍过程的学习领域的课程,加强校企合怍并进行制度创新,是开展“工学结合”的有效途径。  相似文献   

章通过对系统科学方法和素质教育的介绍,以及对系统科学方法与素质教育关系的阐述,旨在增进对素质教育的全面认识,搞好素质教育工作。  相似文献   

“终身教育”和“学习型社会”的发展趋势必须强化高校图书馆员的教育者身份,高校图书馆员也是教育者,教育者身份要求高校图书馆馆员承担新读者的入馆教育、加强对大学生的信息素质教育、馆员自身教师形象的塑造几个方面,发挥好教育者角色的作用,有利于把高校图书馆的教育潜能挖掘出来,真正地服务于高等院校。  相似文献   

Despite complex reasons for disengagement and exclusion from conventional schooling, all children have a right to education that is of a high quality. Disenfranchised young people require alternatives for re-engaging in education. This necessitates a rethinking of what it means to be an educator in alternative education settings and how to relate to young people who have experienced exclusion and failure in conventional school settings. Relational ways of being an educator are vital to support the creation of lifelong learners, not merely school completers. Flexible learning programmes offer a model of re-engagement in which relational ways of being an educator are prioritised. This article explores key aspects of trauma-informed practice and relational pedagogy in a network of flexi schools in Australia. Relational pedagogy can redress the impact of trauma and social exclusion experienced by young people. In flexi schools educator identities are challenged and changed by a willingness to explore and understand the impact of trauma on young people's development and capacity to learn. A commitment to trauma-informed practice and relational pedagogy requires educator identities to be co-constructed and negotiated in relationship with young people and colleagues. These shifts in educators' sense of identity in the flexi schools context are explored.  相似文献   

孔子是我国古代伟大的思想家、教育家,也是儒学教育的奠基人.孔子的教育思想及其实践体系中包含了许多朴素的素质教育思想成分,对当今实施素质教育具有一定的启示作用.  相似文献   

本文通过马克思主义的全面发展的原理,论述人的全面发展与大学生素质教育的关系。作为当代青年大学生要想得到全面而充分的发展,就必须加强对大学生的素质教育工作,提高大学生的思想政治素质、道德修养素质、科学文化知识素质、专业技能素质和身心健康素质等。只有不断地提高其自身综合能力和素质,大学生才有可能获得全面而充分的发展。  相似文献   

To what extent and in what ways should a teacher educator contribute to a type of teaching development that has long functioned successfully without much involvement of teacher educators? This self-study concerns my learning about my role as teacher educator in a learning study, a Hong Kong adaptation of a teacher-driven Japanese educational and cultural practice, Jugyou Kenkyu, credited with high quality learning outcomes for both teachers and students. My first learning study case forms the retrospective backdrop to the self-study. By describing and evaluating my personal experience of interactions such as recorded meetings and teachers' reflections, I attempt to discern a function for myself within the group. The self-study helped uncover some misguided assumptions and responses in coping with the new context and also provided some preliminary understandings of possible teacher educator responsibilities in this type of initiative.  相似文献   

This study investigated the quantity of audible and intelligible (‘near and clear’) educator talk directly experienced by under-two-year-old infants attending early childhood education and care (ECEC) programmes and examined whether the quantity of educator talk was related to characteristics of quality in their ECEC room. Participants were 57 infants attending separate infant rooms in and around the Sydney metropolitan area, Australia. Each infant was observed for 3?h, wearing a small, custom-designed digital language processor (DLP) which digitally recorded and generated measures of ‘near and clear’ adult talk, unclear talk and infant vocalisations. Structural quality indicators include educator qualification, group size and educator-infant ratios, and Interaction Quality was assessed using the ITERS-R Interaction and Listening and Talking subscales. Infants’ experience with ‘near and clear’ talk was predicted by Interaction Quality, the presence of a degree-qualified teacher and group size. ‘Near and clear’ talk was also significantly and positively related to the quantity of infant vocalisation and, negatively, to their level of exposure to unclear talk. Findings are discussed in terms of conceptualisations of quality in infant ECEC rooms, as well as the potentials and limitations of the ‘near and clear’ talk measure for use in future studies of language development in this context.  相似文献   

The present study marks the first empirical exploration designed to investigate factors related specifically to child care educators’ levels of affection and anger. Based on the presumption that their affectionate and angry behaviors would have major implications for the development of the children for whom they care, the aim of the present investigation is to provide the groundwork for identifying what factors are associated with educator warmth and anger in child care settings.Several categories of variables were used to predict affectionate and angry caregiver behavior. These included educator characteristics, such as training and experience, personal resources such as well-being, self-esteem and social support, the work environment as measured by regulatable characteristics, wages and global quality, and the caregiver’s perceptions and opinions about her work. A multi-method, multi-respondent approach was employed, including researcher observations, educator self-report questionnaires, and objective data collected from directors and from Québec’s official licensing agency.The findings from this study suggest that different sets of variables are related to affection and anger. The work environment had a greater relation with caregivers’ affectionate behavior, whereas more internal, negative perceptions were linked to the expression of anger in the classroom. Though educator training did not predict anger or affection, training did in fact become very important to the quality of the interactions the educators had with the children when other risk factors were present.  相似文献   

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