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近20年来,英语教学研究的重心已从教学法转向了学习者及其在学习中的作用,"以学生为中心"围绕学习者进行教学"已成为当今国内外外语教学界的一个时髦话题,学习风格———作为构成学习者个体特征的主要因素之一,已越来越受到众多学者及外语教师的关注。通过实施对中学生学习风格的系统性研究,有利于教师根据学生的学习风格有效地进行教学。对于学习者而言,了解自身的学习风格,并通过拓展自己的风格类型,则有利于他们去主动适应不同教师的教学风格,从而达到最佳的学习效果。  相似文献   

从农科类专业教师提高科研能力、改进教学方法等入手,探讨教、研、学对培养农科类专业大学生科研创新能力的重要作用。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to conduct a three-way comparison of face-to-face, online, and blended teaching modalities in an undergraduate Child Development course to determine if there were differences in student academic outcomes and course satisfaction across modalities. Student academic outcomes were measured by three examinations, one research paper assignment, and the overall course total grade. Course satisfaction was measured by administering the Student Opinion Questionnaire (SOQ) across the three teaching modalities and the Constructivist On-Line Learning Environment Survey (COLLES) to online and blended modalities. Results indicated that students performed equally well on all three examinations, research paper, and the overall course total grade across three teaching modalities, allaying traditional reservations about online and blended teaching efficacy. The SOQ and COLLES analysis found students from the three modalities were equally satisfied with their learning experiences. A Two-Factor Model identifying Face-to-Face Interaction and Learn on Demand (Flexibility) as factors determining student academic outcomes was proposed. Implications, limitations, and future research direction were discussed.  相似文献   

This subject was at first one of the topics selected for my assignment "Gender and Education." After the teacher told us in class about some of the gender problems that exist in teaching materials, a light seemingly lit up before our eyes: How was it that there were such problems in the language teaching materials that had commanded so much "respect"? We had never noticed or suspected such problems. At the time, the teacher did not say what direct effects these problems had on children, but examined teaching materials from the perspective of feminism supported by many theoretical backgrounds. Since I have always loved children, I like to listen to their voices, am highly interested in their ways of thinking, and am often curious about such things. On top of that, the qualitative (zhi xing) research methods I had once learned gave me confidence that I could convincingly present these interesting things; they were not absurd, and perhaps people could find value in them. Hence, I had a strong desire to know how children saw their language teaching materials. How far from or how close are the children to their textbooks? What do they see in them? Have the gender issues in the teaching materials come to the attention of children? How do these affect elementary school students? We wished to bring attention to the ways teaching materials affected children's gender concepts.  相似文献   

This article presents findings from a qualitative study focused on the conditions that support high research productivity in women. Interviewees were all active researchers and many were national or international leaders in their respective fields. While personal factors such as motivation, focus, and good scholarly habits were identified as influencing their research success, interviewees also placed significant emphasis on aspects of their workplace culture and practice (teaching and research connections, degrees of flexibility, work–family interface) that they felt were equally important in determining their options and opportunities for conducting research. This suggests that universities concerned with enhancing the research performance of staff need to recognize—and respond to—how workplace dynamics and culture shape individual research participation.  相似文献   

课程论是解决“教什么”的问题,教学论是解决“怎么教”的问题,两者内涵与研究的范畴不同,又有着天然的内在联系。研究前者必然延伸到后者,分析后者必然追溯到前者。有关课程与教学领域的研究伴随人类知识体系的发展演进,在不同时期呈现不同的特色与侧重点,寻求二者的融容与整合成为当前的普遍认识。中国课程与教学论发展的特殊性与历史因素有关,现阶段课程问题的研究更为迫切。  相似文献   

Handwriting is a skill which must be taught. The aim in teaching handwriting is for each child to develop a personal style which remains legible at speed. This objective requires the systematic teaching of handwriting. Teachers need to ascertain what are the important factors to consider when teaching handwriting and how to assess pupil performance. Chris Bailey reviews research on some of the factors affecting writing – pencil grip, finger pressure, writing implements and writing paper – and the literature relating to the assessment of legibility and speed. The author is headteacher of a primary school in the London Borough of Enfield.  相似文献   

"数学广角"是人教版小学数学课标教材特有的单元,它在教材里占的比例不大,但其有可供挖掘的空间无限,笔者从把握教材内容和教学实践两方面,就如何培养学生创新意识对其进行挖掘.  相似文献   

通过分析一项全国高校英语教师培训中现场进行的"一分钟反思/一句话反映"活动的结果,试图了解广大一线教师职业发展的实际需求,并从教学能力、科研发展、教学自主权和自我发展需要等方面分析影响他们职业发展的因素,进而提出解决这些问题的建议,以期切实有效地促进我国高校外语教师培训和职业发展。  相似文献   

The literature demonstrates that stress in the working life of academics has increased over recent years. However, qualitative research on how academics cope with this is very scarce. Using online interviewing with thematic analysis, this paper examines how 31 academics in a post-92 predominantly teaching-focused UK university cope with the stressors of work. An innovation was to ask about both positive and negative experiences at work unlike most stress research which focuses only on negatives. Six themes emerged from the data; administrative loads, coping with stress at work, task preferences, the academic role, and positive and negative feelings around research/scholarship and thoughts around leaving academia. Increases in student numbers, being able to spend less time with students, heavy workloads, increasing administration, poor management, funding cuts and government initiatives threatening the future of education, obtaining research funding, and increasing insecurity of academic posts were all stressors. Positives identified included satisfaction gained from teaching students, support from colleagues, relative autonomy at work and the ability to manage their time more effectively were perceived as factors that can moderate some of the negative consequences of work stress. Overall, academics reported being happy at work because of the satisfaction gained from teaching and research.  相似文献   

Imperatives and challenges in integrating teaching and research   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper explores why it is important for universities to integrate research and teaching at the present time and considers how it can be achieved. Political, institutional and disciplinary factors affect the relationship, whether the aim is to integrate teaching with research or to integrate research with teaching. So the article explores factors that facilitate and factors that discourage integration. By way of providing an example of implementation, imperatives and challenges in developing this relationship at a large research‐intensive Australian university are outlined. Finally, the paper draws some general implications from this discussion to suggest where moves by disciplinary communities to integrate research and teaching might be heading.  相似文献   

核心素养背景下,数学课堂教学研究重点的一方面是探索“如何教”,另一方面是思考学生“如何学”。文章从营造积极学习氛围、设置趣味学习活动、应用现代信息技术、巧妙利用数学小课题四方面,探讨核心素养背景下的数学课堂教学策略,以改变学生的数学学习方式,提高学生的解题能力。  相似文献   

蔺云 《数学教育学报》2012,(1):88-91,97
弗赖登塔尔的教学理念,可概括为3个词:"现实、数学化、再创造".基于弗氏教学理念下的高等数学教学模式,是以这三个词为主轴主线,以突出数学学科"创造、创新"的本性为核心,依托教学内容,挖掘创新因素,在教学反思的基础上构思并创新教法.以"微积分基本定理"的教学为范例,论述贯彻该模式的策略、操作及要义,演示如何将现成的数学转化成做出来的数学,教学生学习合情推理与猜想,学习如何数学化。  相似文献   

教学要素是教学论问题研究的逻辑起点,也是教学论研究的基本课题之一。从现有研究现状来看,关于教学"要素论"的认识主要有"三要素论"、"四要素论"、"五要素论"、"六要素论"、"七要素论"、"教学层次论"、"教学结构论"、"教学要素系统论"等,这些研究在一定程度上丰富和发展了具有中国特色的教学理论体系。  相似文献   

语文教学新的课程标准根据社会和人的发展需要,提出了新的语文知识技能要求,是语文知识内容和要求的变革,而且是确立“以学生发展为本”的课程理念的根本转变。从讨论如何丰富语文课程中知识的形态、分辨语文课程中知识的类型、研究各种不同类型知识的教学规律入手,寻找一个提高语文教学质量和效率的突破口。  相似文献   

提出了探究式学习的核心是"问题",探究的过程包含如何探索问题和如何研究问题两个方面。介绍了在概率统计的教学实践中,通过把多种教法和学法渗透于探究的过程中,达到提高教学效果的目的。  相似文献   

提高《电路分析》课程教学质量的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章根据《电路分析》课程教学实践的探索,总结该课程新时期如何从偏重传授知识的传统模式.转向理论与实践相结合的教学模式。  相似文献   

"因材施教"始于孔子,发展于王守仁、陶行知.进入现代,"教"被赋予了新的涵义."材"不仅被理解为学生,而且被理解为教材.文章从教学过程的三个基本因素出发探讨如何将"因材施教"原则贯彻到教育实践中,调和三因素之间的矛盾,促进教学的发展.学生方面从认知水平、生理、智能、气质、个性的角度谈如何"因材施教".教材方面从知识分类的角度来谈,主要针对陈述性知识、程序性知识、策略性知识、辨别性知识的特点,制定相应的教学策略.  相似文献   

“互联网+”推动教研发展,引发教研形态转型。文章在梳理网络技术支持教研形态演化发展的基础上,提出“互联网+教研”是信息化教研发展的高端形态,其内涵表现为:以多维空间的开放互通,优化教研生态环境;以智能技术的创新应用,拓展教研活动场域;以教师学习方式变革,促进教研形式创新;以促进教师高水平专业成长为核心,推动教师质量和教育质量的内涵式发展。同时,从教研主体、环境、内容、过程及评价五个方面分析了“互联网+教研”的关键特征。最后,文章提出以下研究发展趋势:以研究范式转型来构建“互联网+教研”理论体系;重视人工智能技术与教研应用的创新融合;开展大数据驱动的“互联网+教研”服务的综合效能评估。  相似文献   

This paper addresses one approach to reconciling theory, research, and practice,namely, a multitiered teaching experiment involving a models and modelling approach to learning. The four-tiered teaching experiment explored in this paper involves participants at different levels of development who work interdependently towards the common goal of finding meaning in, and learning from, their respective experiences. The research examined here is concerned with the design and implementation of experiences that maximise learning at each level. These experiences involve the construction and application of models, which are used to describe, make sense of, explain, or predict the behaviour of some complex system. Two classroom studies are presented to illustrate how a theory of models and modelling can guide the development and implementation of a multitiered teaching experiment. A focus on the teachers' construction of models of teaching and learning is presented to illustrate how theory and research can assist the practice of classroom teachers.  相似文献   

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