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Home visitation programs: Critical Issues and Future Directions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As support for intervening early in the lives of vulnerable children has risen in the United States in recent years, so has interest in home-visitation programs. Home visitation is increasingly recognized for its potential to foster early child development and competent parenting, as well as to reduce risk for child abuse and neglect and other poor outcomes for vulnerable families.This paper provides a discussion of several aspects of home-visitation programs that warrant further development and evaluation, including the powerful role of context in determining program outcomes, as well as the impact of other factors, including service dosage, levels of family engagement, and characteristics of home visitors. The importance of more accurately understanding and measuring risk and engaging family members beyond the mother-child dyad is also discussed. Recommendations are made for making improvements in all of these areas, in order to strengthen home-visitation programs and produce better outcomes for the children and families they serve. Aspects of Nurse Family Partnership and Early Head Start, two widely replicated and rigorously evaluated programs, are highlighted to demonstrate how the issues discussed here are likely to affect service delivery and program outcomes. The multiple challenges inherent in replicating and evaluating home-visitation programs that are truly responsive to the needs of a wide array of families with young children are examined. This discussion concludes with a call to expand and improve methods for evaluating these programs, and to view home visitation as a component of a comprehensive system of child and family supports, rather than as a stand-alone model of intervention.  相似文献   

This paper presents eight guidelines that educators should follow in developing and managing undergraduate individualized studies (contract learning-type) programs. The guidelines fall under the headings (1) supplying rationales, (2) focusing on the faculty, (3) assessing faculty performance, (4) assessing student readiness, (5) assessing the costs, (6) students as researchers, (7) how much academic credit, and (8) agents of change. A main theme presented is that the student-centered focus in individualized studies programs needs to be matched by an equal regard for the faculty member.  相似文献   

Product designers are an integral part of bringing technology to life and it is predominantly males as designers who ‘clothe’ technology in the designs which utilise it. Consequently products used by and identified with women are in fact designed by men. One of the guiding precepts of design as it is taught and practised, is that people buy particular artefacts in order to express and/or confirm their identity. It has been argued that the success of gendered designs in the late nineteenth century reflected the social construct of gender difference. I argue that this has remained unchallenged to date and that the gender stereotyping of products further stereotypes technology. The theoretical debates about gender and technology are rarely introduced to product design students because the predominantly male lecturers are reluctant to deal with the issues themselves.  相似文献   

Using a Black Feminist Thought framework, this phenomenological study focused on lived experiences with mentoring relationships among 38 Black women in doctoral programs in multiple disciplines across universities in the United States. Although emerging studies on Black women in academia acknowledge the significance of mentorship and the reality of discrimination at the intersection of race and gender, the literature lacks empirical support pertaining to the formation and outcomes of mentoring relationships, specifically for Black women in doctoral education. Findings from this study suggested four central themes in the mentoring relationships among Black women in doctoral programs: (a) organic evolvement, (b) shared identity/mutual interest, (c) personal transformation and (d) increase in access and opportunity. Implications for future research, policy, practice and education across disciplines are offered.  相似文献   

The concept of the urban university attuned to the needs of the metropolitan area in which it lives and dedicated to serving that population has existed for some time. Yet, many unresolved feeling and issues about affiliation with this type of institution still exist for some university officials and faculty members. To fulfill its mission as an urban university, an institution must be willing to evaluate its existing operational procedures and programs. Special emphasis in the evaluation process needs to focus upon instructional activities, faculty concerns, student services, and public service to the community. Special attention to these areas will produce an urban university with the potential of exerting a tremendous positive impact on both the student and the community it serves.  相似文献   

The traditional hallmarks of quality graduate education may be few but they are powerful. Graduate schools are seen by most academics as fixed entities with no viable alternatives. Accreditation associations, while claiming flexibility, often represent these traditional interests. Ultimately, few institutions, including the traditional, view accreditation with enthusiasm. Is accreditation worth the effort for nontraditional graduate institutions? Despite the weaknesses of the process, nontraditional graduate programs should seek full accreditation. Recognition is likely if, among other suggestions, nontraditional programs don't overpromise and do identify their program design with conceptual clarity.  相似文献   

To increase participation of students of color in science graduate programs, research has focused on illuminating student experiences to inform ways to improve them. In biology, Black students are vastly underrepresented, and while religion has been shown to be a particularly important form of cultural wealth for Black students, Christianity is stigmatized in biology. Very few studies have explored the intersection of race/ethnicity and Christianity for Black students in biology where there is high documented tension between religion and science. Since graduate school is important for socialization and Black students are likely to experience stigmatization of their racial and religious identity, it is important to understand their experiences and how we might be able to improve them. Thus, we interviewed 13 Black Christian students enrolled in biology graduate programs and explored their experiences using the theoretical lens of stigmatized identities. Through thematic content analysis, we revealed that students negotiated experiences of cultural isolation, devaluation of intelligence, and acts of bias like other racially minoritized students in science. However, by examining these experiences at the intersection of race/ethnicity and religion, we shed light on interactions students have had with faculty and peers within the biology community that cultivated perceptions of mistrust, conflict, and stigma. Our study also revealed ways in which students' religious/spiritual capital has positively supported their navigation through biology graduate school. These results contribute to a deeper understanding of why Black Christian graduate students are more likely to leave or not pursue advanced degrees in biology with implications for research and practice that help facilitate their success.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the programs for medical diagnosis of child abuse and neglect in three states and efforts to establish state-wide programs in two states. To describe common themes and issues that emerged related to the establishment and maintenance of these programs. METHODS: Five states were selected as case studies to represent a range of experience and type of function embodied in programs that address medical diagnosis of child abuse and neglect. Individuals knowledgeable about the programs or efforts to establish state-wide programs in their home states described these in detail. Inductive analysis was used to identify themes and issues that emerged across the states studied. FINDINGS: Themes emerged in three general areas: funding, services, and training. Findings related to funding were: 1) State funding was vital for initiation of statewide programs; 2) Alliances with other groups with parallel interests were successfully used to garner support for child abuse programs; 3) Services needed to be adequately reimbursed to be sustained; 4) Political climate often affected funding. With regard to services we found: 1) There was no optimal way to organize services, but rather many ways that worked well; 2) It was critical to address local service needs; 3) Provision of standardized quality services was essential. With regard to training: 1) Professional training was an integral part of all statewide programs; 2) New technologies, including televideo, have been explored and implemented to assist in training in statewide programs. CONCLUSIONS: Each state has taken a unique approach to programs for the medical diagnosis of child abuse and neglect. However, there are commonalities, particularly among the states that have been successful in establishing and maintaining comprehensive services and/or training.  相似文献   

试析印尼华文教育的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
苏哈托专制政权的垮台,标志着一个时代的结束。瓦希德和梅加瓦蒂两届新政府主张多元化社会,调整了华人政策,华教育如枯木逢春,又有了发展机遇。在新的情势下,华教育如何定位?发展过程中的困难和障碍如何解决?华教育的发展前景怎样?值得华教育工作和学共同探讨和研究。  相似文献   

This paper looks at the current higher education crisis in developing countries and discusses how problems are analyzed and decisions made in the context of higher education reform. It focuses in particular on discrepancies between objectives and achievements in an attempt to highlight the importance of risk analysis in strategic planning for higher education development.The paper observes that traditional approaches to higher education planning and decision making have failed to build into their development and reform strategies appropriate mechanisms to evaluate risks and deal with uncertainties. Countries have been following three main strategies to minimize the adverse effects of the higher education crisis: thepassive risk approach, thepositive risk approach, and thediffuse risk approach.Experts have advocated a contingency planning approach to planning for educational projects sponsored by international donor agencies, taking into account the management requirements for a smooth implementation of innovative projects. In the case of higher education reforms, focusing on management variables is important but not sufficient. Animpact assessment approach is needed to reflect the challenging nature of higher education reforms which, by essence, confront established practices and vested interests.
Zusammenfassung In diesem Artikel wird die gegenwärtige Krise der Höheren Bildung in den Entwicklungsländern untersucht und erörtert, wie zur Umgestaltung der Höheren Bildung Probleme analysiert und Entscheidungen getroffen werden können. Schwerpunktmäßig werden die Diskrepanzen zwischen Zielsetzungen und Leistungen herausgearbeitet, um die Bedeutung der Risikoanalyse in der strategischen Planung zur Entwicklung der Höheren Bildung hervorzuheben.Der Autor deutet darauf hin, daß bei den traditionellen Ansätzen zur Planung und zum Treffen von Entscheidungen in der Höheren Bildung versäumt wurde, in den Reform-und Entwicklungsstrategien geeignete Maßnahmen zur Evaluierung von Risiken und zum Auffangen eventueller Unsicherheitsfaktoren vorzusehen. Die Länder verfolgen drei Hauptstrategien, um die negativen Auswirkungen der Krise in der Höheren Bildung so gering wie möglich zu halten: denpassiven Risikoansatz, denpositiven Risikoansatz, und dendiffusen Risikoansatz.Experten befürworten, Pläne für von internationalen Spendeninstitutionen geförderte Bildungsprojekte auszuarbeiten, durch die man auf jeden möglichen Fall vorbereitet wäre. Dabei sollten die Anforderungen an die Verwaltung zur reibungslosen Durchführung innovativer Projekte berücksichtigt werden. In Bezug auf die Reform der Höheren Bildung ist es zwar notwendig, das Hauptgewicht auf verwaltungsbezogene Variablen zu legen, jedoch reicht dies nicht aus. EinAnsatz zur Einschätzung der Auswirkungen wäre der richtige Weg, um die Herausforderung, die die Höhere Bildungsreform für traditionelle Praktiken und einflußreiche Kreise bedeutet, aufzuzeigen.

Résumé Le présent article examine la crise que connaît actuellement l'enseignement supérieur dans les pays en développement et étudie la manière dont les problèmes sont analysés et les décisions prises en ce qui concerne la réforme de l'enseignement supérieur. L'accent est mis en particulier sur les différences entre les objectifs fixés et les résultats obtenus afin de mettre en lumière l'importance de l'analyse des risques dans la planification stratégique pour le développement de l'enseignement supérieur.On fait observer dans cet article que les approaches traditionnelles de la planification et de la prise de décision en matière d'enseignement supérieur n'ont pas réussi à intégrer dans leurs stratégies de réforme et de développement des mécanismes appropriés pour évaluer les risques et prendre en compte les incertitudes. Les pays suivent trois stratégies majeures pour minimiser les effets nuisibles de la crise de l'enseignement supérieur:l'approche passive, l'approche positive et l'approche diffuse des risques. Les experts plaident en faveur d'une approche de la prise en compte des événements imprévus dans la planification des projets d'éducation financés par les agences donatrices internationales, en tenant compte des exigences de gestion pour une mise en oeuvre souple des projets novateurs. En ce qui concerne les réformes de l'enseignement supérieur, l'accent mis sur les aspects administratifs est important mais insuffisant. Uneapproche de l'évaluation de l'impact paraît nécessaire pour refléter l'aspect déf: des réformes de l'enseignement supérieur qui, par essence, se heurtent aux pratiques établies et aux intérêts acquis.

The present article is the second in a 2-part series. Part 1 explained the needs of students in gifted education programs (GEPs), the concept of interest-area mentorship, and how mentors help meet gifted elementary-school students' needs in light of National Association for Gifted Children standards. Part 2 explains that the goals and standards GEPs must address not only cover academics but also intellectual and affective categories. Once college instructors understand these goals and standards, they can initiate collaboration with GEP teachers and provide mentors to GEP classrooms. Deaf studies' diverse topics lend themselves to teaching, research, and discussion-perfect qualifications for GEP curricula. Examples show the "fit" between gifted education and a unit on Deaf studies. By delineating the roles of the GEP teacher, the mentor, and the college instructor, the authors provide an understanding that can enable implementation of broadly beneficial mentorship programs.  相似文献   

语料库方法与隐喻理论相结合近年来已发展成为隐喻研究领域中的主流趋势。该方法为隐喻研究提供了实证性理据的支撑,拓宽了隐喻研究的范围,在一定程度上克服了早期隐喻研究在方法论层面的诸多缺陷与不足。然而这一研究范式在语料收集与识别等方面依然受到学界的质疑与挑战,具体表现在语料的检索方法、语料的代表性与平衡性及语料的间接性方面的问题。文章对这些问题进行了系统梳理与分析,并对未来的语料库隐喻研究提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of two programs developed by the Frostig Center Research Department to improve the reading and spelling of students with learning disabilities (LD): a computer Speech Recognition-based Program (SRBP) and a computer and text-based Automaticity Program (AP). Twenty-eight LD students with reading and spelling difficulties (aged 8 to 18) received each program for 17 weeks and were compared with 16 students in a contrast group who did not receive either program. After adjusting for age and IQ, both the SRBP and AP groups showed significant differences over the contrast group in improving word recognition and reading comprehension. Neither program showed significant differences over contrasts in spelling. The SRBP also improved the performance of the target group when compared with the contrast group on phonological elision and nonword reading efficiency tasks. The AP showed significant differences in all process and reading efficiency measures.  相似文献   

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