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The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards has begun work in the U.S.A. to create a nationwide program to recognize and certify good teachers and to improve the status of the profession. Its most pressing goal is the development of standards and assessment procedures for the 1993 implementation of a voluntary program of “advanced professional certification” for elementary and secondary school teachers. This article examines the specific discourse of the National Board in the areas of professionalization, standards, assessment, and certification. It also explores the possible general effects and meanings of the Board's effort and some of the responses that can be made to them by educators. In spite of any intensions to the contrary, it is argued that the Board's program will ultimately institute more controls on teachers, further distance “professional” from laypersons, and inhibit collaborative efforts among school people in their local contexts.  相似文献   

教育部出台的师范专业认证实施办法引起高校的普遍关注,然而师范专业认证在具体实施方法、标准、程序中还存在许多问题。我国工程教育专业认证经过数十年发展,已形成具有中国特色专业认证体系,实现专业人才培养质量的国际实质等效性。文章通过比较分析师范专业与工程教育专业在认证主体、政策、程序、指标与标准方面的异同点,结合师范专业认证的不足,从认证主体机构性质、三级认证体系完善、认证工作基础强化、认证标准多方覆盖等方面,为我国师范专业认证体系发展完善提出建议。  相似文献   

介绍了R.W.Floyd的证明程序部分正确性的归纳断言法和证明程序终止性的良序集法,以及Hoare公理系统。  相似文献   

澳大利亚的教师资格制度以教师资格鉴定和教师注册制度为基本类型,形成了比较成熟合理的教师资格认证体系。维多利亚州教师注册过程注册步骤合理详细,认证内容注重实践研究、依托相关法律运行,有助于促进教师专业化发展。对维多利亚州教师资格注册制度的研究,为我国教师资格认证制度的完善提供相关资料。  相似文献   

Based on contemporary psychological approaches to attribution and emotions, this paper reports on three groups of pre‐ and inservice teachers and their preferences for different grading criteria for pupils based on the amount of effort and ability displayed in physical education. Consistent with our hypothesis derived from social psychological theories of social emotion, we found a clear preference for working with pupils who show effort. Two primary education student samples preferred students to achieve success in PE through effort rather than ability, whereas a sample of secondary PE teachers had a slight preference for high effort and high ability. This confirms other attributional research where ‘effort is virtuous’. As far as grading procedures were concerned, all three groups preferred to use pupil progress and effort the most. Scores on physical fitness tests and the performance of pupils relative to others were the least preferred options. Effort‐based grading procedures were correlated with a preference for pupils who showed high effort. All groups showed a preference to work with pupils who try hard and to grade them on this, as well as personal progress. There was little desire to assess pupils normatively.  相似文献   

学分银行制度建立的前提条件是设立权威的学分评估认证机构,我国宜立法规定依托国家开放大学(中央电大)成立“国家学分银行学分认证中心”,由国家开放大学在全国授权若干地方电大建立地区性的学分认证机构,明确各自的职责和权限。同时,制定标准化的课程框架、学分评估认证和转换规则及程序等也是“学分银行”得以运行的必备条件。  相似文献   

姚远  赵善庆 《成人教育》2021,41(2):69-78
自学术界最早于1990年提出职业教育“双师”教师这一概念,国务院首次于1994年提出职业教育教师“双职称”以来,由于各方对“双师”教师资格认证标准理解不同,所以形成了称谓众多的“双师”教师说法和做法。只有弄清“双师”教师学术概念与政策概念及其标准演进路径,并针对“双师”教师资格认证标准中存在的理论逻辑不清、认证程序不一、操作标准各异、一次简单认证、兼职标准过低等问题,通过加强“双师”理论研究,促进内涵与形式相融合;强化“双师”制度设计,促进保障机制完善;各方参与同向发力,促进培养路径创新等途径,才能不断扩大“双师”教师队伍数量和提高“双师”教师队伍质量。  相似文献   

《Educational Assessment》2013,18(2):129-153
States are increasingly using test scores as part of the requirements for high school graduation or certification. In these circumstances, a battery of tests or, with writing, analytic traits are considered that usually cover different aspects of the state's content standards. Because pass or fail decisions are made affecting students' futures, the validity of standard-setting procedures and strategies is a major concern. Policymakers and legislators must decide which of these 2 standard-setting strategies to use for making pass or fail decisions for students seeking certification or for meeting a high school graduation requirement. The compensatory strategy focuses on total performance, summing scores across all tests in the battery. The conjunctive strategy requires passing performance for each test in the battery. This article reviews and evaluates compensatory and conjunctive standard-setting strategies. The rationales for each type are presented and discussed. Results from a study comparing the compensatory and conjunctive strategies for a state high school certification writing test provide insight into the problem of choosing either strategy. This article concludes with a set of recommendations for those who must decide which type of standard-setting strategy to use.  相似文献   

Dual-task procedures—finger tapping and associative memory—were used to examine developmental differences in the amount of mental effort required to deploy rehearsal and elaboration. Sixth- and college-grade subjects participated. Subjects performed the strategies aloud in Experiment 1 vs silently in Experiment 2. Recall results showed the superiority of elaboration over rehearsal in associative memory. Mental effort estimates were based on the amount of finger-tapping interference produced by concurrent memory strategy activity. Evidence for a developmental difference in mental effort was found only in the second experiment. A significant age-by-condition interaction indicated a small age-related increase in the effort required to use rehearsal, accompanied by a much larger developmental decline in the elaboration effort.  相似文献   

This module describes some common standard-setting procedures used to derive performance levels for achievement tests in education, licensure, and certification. Upon completing the module, readers will be able to: describe what standard setting is; understand why standard setting is necessary; recognize some of the purposes of standard setting; calculate cut scores using various methods; and identify elements to be considered when evaluating standard-setting procedures. A self-test and annotated bibliography are provided at the end of the module. Teaching aids to accompany the module are available through NCME.  相似文献   

Given the increasing globalization of healthcare services, the need to develop standards for international credentialing has arisen and has become an increasingly topical subject. A case example is presented of an effort under way, the so-called "Millennium Intent", to create an agreement between non-governmental national certification agencies in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States for the mutual recognition of the professional education and the credentials of speech/language pathologists. The insights gained and the principles developed have applicability in other healthcare fields.  相似文献   

《Educational Assessment》2013,18(1):99-110
The purpose of this article is to describe some of the measurement issues encountered in the equating of performance assessments designed for use in making teacher certification decisions. As some teacher certification programs move from sole reliance on multiple-choice items to inclusion of complex performance tasks, difficult measurement issues related to equating may arise. A variety of analytic and judgmental strategies are described in this article that may provide solutions for addressing these equating issues. Analytic strategies are based on examinee data and involve the modification of existing equating procedures, such as linear and equipercentile methods, that have been used successfully in the past with test forms composed of multiple-choice items. Judgmental strategies for equating involve the use of expert judgments to determine the equivalence of scores obtained from alternate forms of an assessment instrument.  相似文献   

Criminal Justice departments across the country are experiening unprecedented growth. This growth has created a demand for qualified tenure‐track faculty. Obviously, it is important to maintain quality standards for the hiring of tenure‐track faculty during periods of growth. In an effort to improve the quality of Criminal Justice education, the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences has adopted standards for certification of baccalaureate and graduate degree programs. One area adressed by the ACJS standards is the area of acceptable faculty credentials for certification. For example, graduate programs that desire the ACJS imprimatur cannot have a faculty with more than 1 in 10 faculty members who hold a Juris Doctor degree. Efforts to eliminate the JD from the CJ faculty ranks are misguided. Instead, CJ departments should focus on the individual candiadate. Graduates from top‐tier institutions with a history of scholarly productivity and who possess ample skills in empirical study should not be excluded from tenure‐track consideration solely because they lack a PhD.
The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.—William Shakespeare, Henry VI (Act IV, Scene II)  相似文献   

The investigation reported here provides a basis for considering the role of corrective and transformative critiques in producing knowledge through testing teaching for reframing teacher education in response to, and as an expression of, the globalisation of English. This knowledge-producing approach to critique begins with a literature review of prior testing models of content and language integrated learning through English medium instruction (EMI) programmes. Delphi procedures were employed with a panel of 30 experts from three focus groups, namely teachers, testing experts, and teacher evaluation administrators. A comparison of relative importance of the indicators generated through this study via the analytic hierarchy process yielded practical implications for reframing the internationalisation of education using EMI. The analysis of interviews with teachers was used to critically rework or otherwise correct the testing model. Through adopting the practice of critique as a knowledge-producing venture, this study offers a model of EMI testing that can contribute to improvements in the organisation of professional learning and change, as well as certification procedures.  相似文献   

教师专业发展的动力源探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师的专业发展需要内力和外力的推动,其中主要包括教师社会地住、教师资格认证及教师专业自主发展。自20世纪80年代以来,我国在上述各方面做出了一些努力,取得了一些成绩,但总体仍存在一些不足,因此需要政府和社会共同努力,完善相关的法律和制度,组织对教师的有效培训,加强行动研究,以达成教师专业发展的顺利实现。  相似文献   

This research evaluated two methods for structuring a performance domain for a certification test in emergency nursing. The first method utilized task frequency ratings obtained from a national sample of 659 emergency nurses who completed a job analysis survey consisting of 125 tasks. The second method was based on judgments of task similarity among the same 125 tasks; the similarity judgments were provided by a panel of 21 subject-matter experts. The two types of data, task frequency ratings and task similarity judgments, were subjected to cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling in order to derive a framework for organizing the 125 tasks into some limited number of performance categories. The similarity judgments produced fewer clusters and fewer dimensions and were more adequately modeled by both multivariate procedures. The results based on the similarity judgments were also easier to interpret within a conceptually meaningful framework. The results question the traditional approach of applying multivariate procedures to task frequency ratings for purposes of clustering tasks and structuring performance domains.  相似文献   

In 2005 the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences approved ACJS Certification Standards for Academic Programs. This was the culmination of two decades of efforts on the part of criminal justice educators to establish minimum standards for the discipline. These standards were developed to improve the quality of criminal justice education at the associate’s, bachelor’s and master’s degree levels. Section C, which establishes faculty qualifications for teaching at the various program levels, has been criticized by educators holding JDs as an effort by PhDs to push them out of the profession. The President of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences responds to specific concerns of JDs and then discusses the general impacts of the ACJS certification standards on criminal justice education.  相似文献   

当前高校资助育人工作中还存在认识不到位、贫困认定标准缺失、欠缺相应的激励教育等问题,高校应从加大对受助者的监管力度、规范审核认定程序、提高学生综合素质等方面着手,提高资助育人工作的实效性。  相似文献   

China is the largest solar water heater producer and market in the world. Despite the fast growth and an installed capacity that accounts for the majority of the global gross, China's per capita solar hot water capacity is still very low, implying a huge margin of market potential; and the recognition of the industry in the global market is handicapped by the scattered scale of production and inconsistent product quality. To ensure continued growth of China's solar water heating (SWH) industry, Chinese Government has established a series of national SWH standards, three national testing centers, and a certification program to lay the foundation for the development of the Golden Sun product labeling system. China General Certification Center (CGC) developed the Golden Sun product certification and labeling system on a pass/fail basis evaluating with established criteria. The system was designed to help manufacturers acclimate to explicit consistent requirements and to identify and fix the deficiencies in the design and execution of the program itself. Timely revision and integration of the national standards are recommended to accommodate the test procedures and requirements to new technologies and the evolving SWH ,market. Strict implementation of the Golden Sun certification and labeling system are suggested to avail improving the quality control and forging internationally reputable brands of Chinese solar water heating products.  相似文献   

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