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1前言 从20世纪60年代初到现在,许多国家考虑到为了适应形势发展对人才的要求,对课程改革进行了极其有益的探索,其中较大的改革是把物理、化学、生物、地学理科内容进行拓宽,相互渗透,改为综合理科.  相似文献   

The findings challenge both practices and prejudices in junior high school science teacher preparation.  相似文献   

在新一轮课程改革的今天,为了切实提高科学课堂效率,为了学生今后的发展,我们科学教师要认真反思合作学习中存在的问题,及时总结经验教训,使之真正成为一种有效的教学方式.  相似文献   

Evolution, not revolution, indicated for teacher education. Within functional limits diversity breeds innovation.  相似文献   

随着科技的发展、时代的进步,基础教育正面临着向全面提高学生综合素质的方向发展.传统课堂教学在很大程度上已制约了学生各方面素质的发展和提高,那种以教师为"主体",学生机械、被动地接受知识,教学模式化、教务化,使学生缺乏学习热情和兴趣的教学,已不适应当今的教育发展.本文针对科学教学在现代课堂教学发展中的必然性,从教与学两个方面着手分析科学教学的优点、具体尝试过程、体会及存在的问题等主题.希望促进科学教学在初中科学课堂教学中发挥更好的作用.  相似文献   

Since 'it is written texts - and the talk around them - that provide the discursive means for the development of the 'higher mental functions' (Wells 1994), the quality of writing and explicit use of texts in teaching warrant close attention. This is not to diminish the importance of 'hands on' investigations, observation and negotiation of understanding through talk. However, the complementary use of effective texts has a significant role. This article demonstrates how functional language analyses differentiate explanation types and specify language features relevant to the effectiveness of texts in apprenticing students to the language forms of scientific English. Key differences between different types of explanations are illustrated, then sample text analyses show how language features index variation in explanation quality. Implications are drawn for the selection and use of texts and the role of knowledge about language in teaching critical comprehension and composition of science explanations.  相似文献   

In a longitudinal study of 1,301 students and the teachers they had for mathematics before and after the transition to junior high school, we assessed whether changes across the transition in students' perceptions of their teachers' supportiveness were related to changes in their valuing of mathematics. Using repeated-measures multivariate analysis of variance, we found that when students moved from elementary teachers they perceived to be low in support to junior high teachers they perceived to be high in support, the intrinsic value of math was enhanced, while students who moved from teachers they perceived to be high in support to teachers they perceived to be low in support experienced a sharp decline in both the intrinsic value and perceived usefulness and importance of math. For students' perceptions of the usefulness and importance of math there was an interaction with achievement level. Math values decreased more sharply during the first year of junior high for low-achieving students who moved from more supportive to less supportive teachers than for high-achieving students who experienced the same change.  相似文献   

Research has shown that lack of motivation on either students or teachers’ part negatively influences language learning. The latter case is a serious problem in this regard, since an unmotivated teacher will extinguish his learners’ enthusiasm and energy for learning. This study employed a mixed-method approach to investigate the demotivating factors for Iranian junior high school teachers. For the quantitative stage of the study, a questionnaire on demotivation was distributed among 105 participant teachers to find out the dominant demotivating factors. In the qualitative stage, and in order to gain a better picture of the salient demotivating factors and the reasons behind them, a set of semi-structured interviews with 10 volunteer teachers were conducted. The results indicated that lack of social recognition and respect, few adequate rewards, lack of supports or understanding regarding English education, and a large number of students in a single English class were the major demotivating factors for Iranian teachers. In the interviews, it was found that the participants perceived the first two items as specific to Iranian educational context. Finally, the implications for policy-makers and material developers and suggestions for future researchers are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper builds on research in science education, secondary education, and sociolinguistics by arguing that high school classrooms can be considered speech communities in which language may be selectively used and imposed on students as a means of fostering academic speech community identification. To demonstrate the ways in which a high school teacher's language use may encourage subject area identification, the results of an interactionist analysis of data from a 2-year ethnographic study of one high school chemistry classroom are presented. Findings indicate that this teacher's uses of language fell into three related categories. These uses of language served to foster identification with the academic speech community of science. As a result of the teacher's talk about science according to these three patterns, students developed or reinforced particular views of science. In addition, talking about science in ways that fostered identity with the discipline promoted the teacher as expert and built classroom solidarity or community. These results are discussed in light of sociolinguistic research on classroom competence and of the assertions of science educators regarding social and ideologic implications of language use in science instruction.  相似文献   

Recent efforts of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) and the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) have encouraged collaborative “research partnerships” between university researchers and classroom science teachers. This research partners study, begun in 1987, examined student outcomes and teacher characteristics in middle/junior high exemplary programs identified by the NSTA's Search for Excellence in Science Education (SESE). A second year of the study has been completed involving SESE program teachers with similar instructional profiles. Using Iowa Test of Basic Skills and National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) items, key teachers in those SESE programs examined their seventh- and eighth-grade student outcomes in three domains: (a) knowledge, (b) attitudes, and (c) applications/connections. Results were compared with national populations. A similar study was conducted during the second year, involving teachers from the first year and additional teachers with instructional practice profiles similar to those in SESE programs. Teachers were surveyed using a questionnaire from the Report of the 1977 National Survey of Science, Mathematics and Social Studies Education Teachers (Weiss, 1978a) and supplemental questions (Bonnstetter, 1985). This study found that in exemplary middle/junior high programs: (a) as a group, students achieve high scores in science knowledge and maintain or develop positive attitudes toward science; and (b) students need opportunities to make connections between what they learn in science and personal responsibility.  相似文献   

对重庆市初中生的科学史学习现状开展了调查。调查表明,初中生对科学史学习持认同态度,但对科学史学习缺少主动意识;科学家的生平轶事是学生最感兴趣的内容;学生认为学习科学史最主要的作用是提高其学习兴趣;升学的压力和教师对科学史教学的重视程度是影响学生学习科学史的主要因素。提出了教师应充分挖掘科学史的"渗透"因素、不断提高自身科学史素养,以及采取多种途径促进学生学习科学史等建议。  相似文献   

Conclusions It should be pointed out that the results of this study showed the students did just as well, and sometimes better, in a gaming situation when compared with traditional revision situations. Therefore games were as good as, and sometimes a better revision aid than, other more traditional means such as video tapes and slides. Hence games could be useful as a means of providing variety and active student involvement in the classroom. Further, the acceptance of games did not appear to be dependent, to any large extent, on personality factors such as need for achievement, need for affiliation, and cognitive level. This seemed to be an indication that games were suitable for use with a broad spectrum of students.  相似文献   

数学模型是运用数学逻辑方法以及数学语言构建的科学或工程模型,其历史可以追溯至人类开始使用数字的时代。在初中数学教学中渗透数学模型思想能够提高学生解决数学问题的能力,渗透数学模型思想的教学要点主要有引导学生理解数学建模的意义、引导学生分析数学建模的重点以及引导学生掌握数学建模的方法。  相似文献   

Learning Environments Research - We examined the predictive relationship between high school students’ gender, ethnicity, science self-efficacy as measured by the Science Self-Efficacy...  相似文献   

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