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提出高校在线心理咨询平台的系统设计方案,为我国高校网络心理咨询向规范化和标准化方向发展提供一定价值的参考。  相似文献   

Counseling self-efficacy and counseling skills were examined over time in a graduate prepracticum class. Efficacy increased with training, but its relationship to performance of skills was weak.  相似文献   

Counseling response preferences of graduate students completing internship requirements were assessed using Patterson's Rehabilitation Counseling Response Exercise during the first and final weeks of their internships at a comprehensive, multidisciplinary vocational rehabilitation center. It was hypothesized that at the end of the internship the students would show a significant increase in preference for active counseling responses and a correspondingly significant decrease in preferences for passive techniques. Five counseling responses were evaluated and change did occur as hypothesized.  相似文献   

The present study explored the use of counseling among counselor trainees and the characteristics of consumers and nonconsumers. Approximately 61% of those surveyed (n = 85) reported that they had received counseling, with the majority being mental health counseling trainees. Nonconsumers (n = 54) indicated that they coped with problems in other ways but would consider counseling if they experienced trauma.  相似文献   

Graduate students experience mental health distress. The authors investigated the benefits of required counseling services at a training clinic for students enrolled in counseling courses. Results indicated that after receiving services, students (N = 55) reported decreases in overall problems, depressive symptoms, and anxiety symptoms. Implications for counselor educators are discussed.  相似文献   

The work world is now full of uncertainty and change as a result of forces such as globalization, downsizing, advancing technology, and increased diversity in the work force. Further, people cannot count on maintaining a job with one company, or even one career, throughout their work lives. In order to meet clients' needs, career counselors must utilize approaches that are compatible with these realities. We review a set of approaches for career counseling that should be effective for clients now and into the future. Specifically, we argue for a holistic approach to career counseling, use of the Personal Career Theory as a client-centered approach to counseling sessions, incorporating creative interventions that draw upon chance events and flexible decision-making, and an emphasis on building interpersonal skills and relationships. We conclude with a summary of recommendations for career counseling practice.  相似文献   

The focus of constructivist counseling is on how people experience the world and make sense of that experience. Counseling strategies under the umbrella of constructivist approaches such as narrative, solutions-focused, and other postmodern approaches share the premise that clients create their own reality. This article describes how college students' problems can be conceptualized and the counseling approach crafted from a constructivist perspective that activates client resources to create more useful personal constructs and develop new solutions to client concerns. Two case studies of traditional-aged clients are presented to illustrate practical applications of constructivist counseling.  相似文献   


Course evaluations are used by many institutions in promotion, tenure, and merit decisions. This article discusses the influences on those evaluations and how faculty can combat those biases to ensure accurate portrayal of their teaching effectiveness. Alternative evaluation methods are reviewed, including portfolios, peer feedback sessions, and informal student surveying.  相似文献   

心理咨询是由咨询师帮助来访者挖掘自身潜能,解决心理问题的过程。在心理咨询中,咨询师、来访者和二者之间的关系这三个要素对心理咨询是否能取得效果有极其重要的影响作用。本文将对心理咨询中咨询师、来访者和咨访关系进行一些探讨。  相似文献   

Investigators compared counseling outcomes among nonpaid graduate-level trainees and professional staff at a college counseling center. Counseling outcomes for 331 college student participants were measured using the Outcome Questionnaire 45.2 (OQ45.2), employing a pretest–posttest design. The two groups of service providers did not differ significantly (p = .179; α > .05). A unique aspect of this study was the statistical control for the clients’ readiness to change. The implications for practice in college counseling centers suggest the use of graduate-level trainees as effective counseling providers and a method to cope with high demand for services.  相似文献   

Just as they have significance in shaping the helping relationship, engagement and termination can play a powerful role in the classroom. This paper describes the importance of attending to beginnings and endings both in practice and in teaching, discusses the use of activity based techniques, and specifically focuses on the use of experiential activities to enhance the engagement and termination processes in social work courses. The criteria for selecting, implementing and evaluating activities are reviewed and seven exercises are described in detail, offering instructors the opportunity to examine creative approaches for their own adaptation and use.  相似文献   

A constructivist approach to assessment in career counseling presents an opportunity for counselors to gain insight into clients' stories, amplify clients' self-awareness, and develop with clients a future orientation through action steps. The author presents four strategies for constructivist assessment using The Storied Approach (Brott, 2001) as the framework for the counseling process. The four constructivist assessment strategies include the life line, card sorts, life roles circles, and the goal map.  相似文献   

The evolution of a general model of counseling from Rogers through Carkhuff to Egan has resulted in a loss of emphasis on perceptual change and an increasing interest in social influence and action interventions. Greenberg and Kahn present an expanded model of counseling, which includes a stimulation phase. The addition of a stimulation phase in counseling is suggested to provide a place for active counseling methods that effect client perceptual change. This stimulation phase actively involves the counselor and client in full exploration, which culminates in discovery. Two processes are differentiated: discovery and dynamic self-understanding. Active stimulation leads to new awareness that can be enhanced by social influence to achieve new understanding.  相似文献   

自心理咨询从西方引进中国,就一直没有摆脱西方固有价值观。心理咨询的科学化、中立化仍然是中国心理咨询界追寻的目标。但是,文化心理学的兴起却强烈地冲击了心理咨询的这种价值取向。文化心理学认为不存在放之四海而皆准的真理,自然也不可能有普世的价值观,文化是社会中人建构的结果,而心理咨询更是基于本土文化上的一种心理调试技巧。因此,心理咨询推广和开展的原则不应当是价值中立,心理咨询的历史文化建构和本土化才是提高心理咨询有效性的必然之路。  相似文献   

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