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中学教师心理健康对教师本人的教育教学、心理水平和学生都有重要影响。优化维护教师心理健康的学校环境,一是优化学校教育环境和心理环境。二是强化学校的管理改革,树立良好的领导作风,采取合理的工作方法;正确合理地实行改革,保障中学教师的职业安全感;端正办学思想,减轻中学教师的工作压力;正确合理地运用奖惩措施,提高中学教师心理满意度。三是健全中学教师心理健康的校内保障系统,制订和实施符合本校实际的中学教师心理辅导计划。学校管理者还要建立起家、校沟通的交流机制。  相似文献   

自主选择菜单式校本培训是适合农村小学教师自主需要的学一种校本培训模式,其实施步骤为:学校制定培训目标菜单,教师个体确定专业发展计划,创设富有实效的培训机制,最后考核验收,最大限度地提高校本培训实效。  相似文献   

The author compares his former position as an assistant professor in a program preparing future teachers of deaf and hard of hearing students with his present position as an administrator of a public school program serving these students. He maintains that in some ways, teacher training programs in deafness and the public school settings hiring these graduates are separate worlds. The emphasis in teacher training programs appears to be on preparing graduates to work with deaf students in self-contained or residential school settings even though most teaching positions are with hard of hearing students mainstreamed in public schools. Other important areas, such as collaboration with general education teachers, litigation, parental relationships, and individualized education programs, seem to be overlooked by teacher training programs. The author employs the mockingbird metaphor from the novel To Kill A Mockingbird (Lee, 1960) to highlight differences between teacher training programs and public school settings, while making recommendations for strengthening connections between the two.  相似文献   

In this study, we present the long-term influence of an after school science practicum associated with an elementary science methods course. The practicum or field experience could be considered a community-based service learning programme as it is situated both within and for the community. Study participants included eight third- and fifth-grade teachers who had participated in elementary science methods courses; four of these teachers participated in the after school teaching practicum while four participants experienced a more traditional observation-based elementary science practicum. All of these teachers were in their second or third year teaching which was 3–4 years after taking the methods course. Investigation methods included questionnaires, field observations and semi-structured, individual interviews. Teachers more regularly utilised reform-based teaching strategies and cited the after school teaching practicum as preparing them to use these strategies in their own classrooms. All teachers exhibited a growth mindset to some degree, but the after school practicum participants did demonstrate a wider use of reformed-based teaching strategies and a higher growth mindset. Elementary teachers perceive risk associated with these key aspects of instruction: (1) managing instruction and classroom management, (2) teaching science through guided inquiry, and (3) overcoming adoptions in other ‘mandated’ curriculum like math and reading.  相似文献   

Although children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are increasingly being placed within mainstream classes, little is known about the challenges that teachers encounter with including them as full participants in the class. This qualitative study draws on a purposive sample of 13 educators who have experience teaching children with ASD within two cities in Ontario, Canada. Through in-depth interviews we asked about teachers’ challenges regarding creating an inclusive environment within their classroom. Teachers reported several challenges, including: understanding and managing behaviour; socio-structural barriers (i.e., school policy, lack of training and resources); and creating an inclusive environment (i.e., lack of understanding from other teachers, students and parents). Teachers recommend that more resources, training and support are needed to enhance the education and inclusion of children with ASD.  相似文献   

Research evidences the benefit of students holding a growth mindset. There is also increasing recognition of the influence of teachers’ beliefs on how students perceive their own abilities. Teacher and student beliefs are linked: despite this, there is sparse research investigating teacher mindsets. This research sought to evaluate training aimed at influencing teachers’ mindsets and effecting practice change. A mixed methods design was employed. Six training sessions were conducted across two phases. Phase one consisted of an initial training session to 37 participants. Phase two consisted of five sessions attended by 17 participants. Results found a statistically significant shift between pre- and post-measures of mindset which was maintained after three months. Evaluation indicated increased participants’ knowledge base and confidence. Key themes identified evidenced the impact of the training on sustained change to teacher mindset and practice. Limitations and implications for practice are considered.  相似文献   

As Apple iPads are increasingly being adopted in schools for educational purposes, school administrators are seen as the key facilitators in the implementation of this new technology. This survey-based quantitative study investigated the impact of receiving iPad training on school administrators’ attitudes towards iPad use in their professional lives and in the classroom by teachers. The participants consisted of 51 elementary and secondary school administrators in one of the largest public charter school systems in a southwestern state. School administrators reported that iPads were effective tools for administrative tasks and personal organization. Results also suggest that school administrators in this study had positive views regarding the potential of iPads’ current and future use in the classroom by teachers. Furthermore, the training process had a positive effect on the school administrators’ development of iPad skills and knowledge.  相似文献   

Our work is in keeping with the general framework of didactical research in France, where we both studied, and now teach. This paper describes a model training session designed for in-service mathematics teachers, whose purpose is to guide them in their understanding of the relationship between students’ tasks and activities in secondary school (from 11 to 18 years). We first explain the didactical tools that we consider necessary in order to address tasks analysis, and then, as an example of a training session, we provide a list of tasks on similar triangles illustrating the two kinds of analysis in which we engage participants. As a conclusion to this paper, we comment on our choices, and their potential influence on teachers’ practices.  相似文献   

计算机科学与技术专业人才培养实践与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从计算机科学与技术专业人才的专业定位、培养方案及实践环节等几方面进行探讨,使其办学更具特色.  相似文献   

新世纪之初襄樊市小学体育师资队伍的现状,直接关系着当地基础教育、素质教育的开展成效,建立一支高素质的小学体育师资队伍十分必要。本通过科学的调查、统计、分析,提出了襄樊市在未来5-10年小学体育教师的需求量以及师资培训所面临的挑战,并且提出了应对挑战的对策,可作为教育主管部门在制定体育师资培养、培训计划时的决策咨询,以及为办学单位在办学模式、招生规模、规格等方面提供信息指导,以求建立一条用人和育人单位的沟通渠道。  相似文献   

This article describes a year‐long professional development project that brought together a group of high school English teachers around multicultural literature they would be teaching to their students. The teachers all taught together in a culturally and economically diverse high school context in the USA. One objective of the project was to enable the teacher participants to explore their discourse patterns around the literature to discern their own subject positions with regard to one another and to the texts studied. In addition, the teachers together analyzed their own classroom discourse to determine how those subject positions carried over into their teaching, how they essentially taught who they were. Discussions of multicultural literature and teachers’ talk around that literature, accompanied by close interrogation of classroom practice, enabled the teachers to discern what (and who) they privileged in their teaching practice. These realizations led one of the two teachers highlighted to readily change her pedagogy and curriculum to better support the learning and empowerment of all students.  相似文献   

中小学心理健康教育教师应具备维护自身心理健康的能力、实施心理健康教育的能力、统筹资源合作教学的能力、进行心理健康教育研究的能力。对中小学心理健康教育教师的职前培养:在人员选拔上,应通过入学测试、入职考试选择合适的人学习、从事中小学心理健康教育;在专业设置上,知识体系应包括心理学、教育学、社会学、生理学和思想品德五方面,课程设置可以参照美国学校心理学专业的核心课程;在培养方式上,将职前培养与在职培训相结合,增加实习和见习时间,并建立相应的督导制度和自己的实践基地。  相似文献   

中小学教师所体验到的压力比其他职业的人高很多,不仅要负担繁重的教育教学工作,还要面对来自于社会环境、学生及家长、学校和自身家庭等各方面的压力。提高中小学教师心理素质是一项复杂的系统工程,既需要教师自身要有提高心理素质的意识,学习正确调适心理的有效方法,也需要学校管理者的支持和关心,更需要社会关注教师心理,营造良好社会氛围。  相似文献   

Challenging student behaviors are a prominent factor in the development of teacher stress and burnout. When classroom-based teachers of preschool children with disabilities were surveyed to identify their training needs in one North Carolina county, the most frequent request was how to address behavior challenges of preschool children with disabilities. This study examined how instructional support to teachers of preschool children with disabilities and challenging behaviors affected three teachers’ classroom practices. The teachers received training and mentoring in classroom behavior management strategies and engaged in an online community of learners discussion group. Interviews and interactions from an online learning community were used to disclose whether the participants had implemented effective intervention strategies in their classrooms following the training. Teachers felt more competent in managing challenging behaviors after the online interaction with their colleagues. Teachers’ online interactions were a highly effective way to impact teacher efficacy. Therefore, special education preschool programs should consider providing more opportunities for the teachers to build their own learning communities to interact and support one another.  相似文献   

This study, by Fuk‐chuen Ho of the Hong Kong Institute of Education and Michael Arthur‐Kelly of the University of Newcastle, aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a professional development programme for in‐service teachers in Hong Kong special schools. The goal of the programme was to deliver a field‐based mode of training for teachers in special schools. A school cluster system was set up, with the goal of providing participants with a platform through which it is possible to conduct an interactive exchange of ideas, resources, services and expertise, mutually addressing the issues pertaining to children with special needs. Twelve school clusters were organised. Participants in this study included four educators from teacher training institutions, 31 expert teachers from supporting schools, and 101 trainees from participating schools. The most significant response came from trainees, because the participating schools had the opportunity to apply the learned skills in their own classrooms.  相似文献   

本文主要采用访谈的方式围绕上海市十所辅读学校自闭症儿童的就学现状展开调查。调查从自闭症学生人数、学校师资(质量)、编班情况、教师态度、教学情况以及教学效果六个方面来探析上海市辅读学校自闭症儿童就学的现状。调查结果显示,辅读学校中自闭症儿童的人数在逐年提高,师资质量在不断提高,教师对自闭症儿童的关注程度以及教育情况在不断发展,对自闭症儿童的教学效果也取得了进步。但是自闭症儿童的就学还存在着一些欠缺的地方,师资配备还不是很完善,个别化教育计划的制订还没有做得很好。  相似文献   

试论小学教育专业的培养模式再造   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
自1998年以来,全国培养本专科学历小学教师的事业在蓬勃发展.当前不少举办小学教育专业的高校都存在着因培养模式陈旧而制约人才培养质量的问题,因此,必须推动小教专业培养模式再造,以培养方案制定模式、授课模式、学习模式、教师专业化培训模式的再造为突破口,通过培养模式创新营造专业特色,大力推进小教专业建设。  相似文献   

化学学科"教师教育一体化"的模式中的化学专业有关课程设置,要体现出对教师职前培养和职后培训的全程规划。用"无机化学中的一些热力学问题"这一为高年级师范生开设的课程为例,讨论师范生在职前培养中的大学——中学化学教学的衔接问题的意义。并要注意其与职后培训的相互衔接。  相似文献   

This study identifies competencies specific and beneficial to online high school teachers that are modifying their own courses. Existing instructional design standards, available to guide online teachers, are not only too numerous, they are also inconsistent. Moreover, a lack of clarity exists about which specific standards benefit this emerging professional group in the process of developing and revising their courses. The Delphi design enabled participants in related fields and separated by physical distance to make and refine judgments without stress and with anonymity, to achieve consensus on specific competencies. Based on this consensus, online high school educators now have a clearly defined set of instructional design competencies that will support modifying learning objects within their classes.  相似文献   

孔子是儒家教育的典范,其教育思想影响巨大,尤其是以“仁”为本的教育目标,启发诱导、因材施教等灵活多样的教学方法,民主自由的教学风格,身教重于言传的教学态度等,更为后人所称道。师范生作为未来的中小学教师,应吸收其教育思想的精华,并与实际相结合,树立以德为先的育人观、以人为本的教学观、言出必践的立身观,成为新时代复合型的教师。  相似文献   

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