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Tourette syndrome is a neurological condition involving involuntary movements and sounds (tics) and is thought to affect as many as 1% of school‐aged children. Some young people with Tourette syndrome experience educational difficulties and social difficulties. Current clinical guidelines suggest educators can play an important role in maximising learning potential and reducing the negative impact of this condition on students' social adjustment. Secondary school staff (N = 63) with responsibilities for special educational needs or disabilities completed a survey about support strategies for students with Tourette syndrome. Participants were first asked to suggest potentially helpful strategies and then rated how easily 17 recommended strategies could be implemented in school. The survey participants suggested a range of support strategies that were categorised as (1) promoting knowledge and understanding in school, (2) helping the student to cope with his/her tics, (3) supporting the student's learning and (4) providing social and emotional support. All the recommended support strategies were rated as being easy to implement (or already in place) by the majority of respondents (e.g., increasing staff awareness and regular communication with home). The strategies that were identified as being least easy to implement were those requiring extra staff input (support from teaching assistants and individual/small group working). Additional challenges to providing support were also identified by the participants (e.g., getting input from outside agencies).  相似文献   

远程开放教育毕业生追踪调查为评价电大人才培养模式改革提供了大量的数据.必须对这些数据进行认真的、科学的整理和分析,通过统计检验,才能取得可靠的结论.本文根据这次调查和数据统计分析过程中发现的一些问题和制定的对策,提出问卷调查数据整理与检验的若干方法,这对今后的相关调查有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

A questionnaire was generated from the results of a series of interviews at The City School one of the 27 state secondary schools in Sheffield. In October 2002, it was sent out to 499 Heads of Department at the remaining 26 state secondary schools. Responses were received from 188 teachers, ranging in age from 24 to 60 years old. The purpose of the questionnaire was to gain information about teachers’ views of the Internet and its usefulness as an educational tool. Nearly 85% of teachers acquired their Internet skills informally (self‐taught, learned from friends/colleagues, etc), rather than on a taught course. Despite this, most of the respondents were confident of their ability to use the Internet, with the most confident users being young teachers of technical subjects. However, there was a widespread perception (particularly amongst women teachers) that students are more competent users of the Internet than are teachers. Older teachers were more likely to feel under pressure to use the Internet than their younger colleagues. Only about a third of teachers agreed with the statement “I often use the Internet with classes.” Responses varied significantly according to school and subject. There was strong support, however, for the suggestion that the Internet is a valuable source of learning and teaching materials.  相似文献   

The study of the transfer of pupils from primary to secondary schools in England and Wales has been a continuing pre-occupation of administrators, teachers, and researchers during the past three decades. Much of this research, however, has focused on the social adjustment of pupils to the change of school, rather than the impact of the school change on academic performance. What evidence there is on the latter issue suggests that around 40% of pupils experience a hiatus in progress during school transfer. This has been mainly attributed to a lack of curriculum continuity between the primary and secondary stages of schooling. Recent work suggests that even more important may be the variations in teaching approach and the consequent failure of pupils to take account of these differences in their efforts at learning to become “professional pupils.”  相似文献   

The emotional and behavioural problems experienced by pupils continue to be a key concern for educationalists. In this article, Peter Lloyd Bennett, an educational psychologist, reports on his research into the views of staff about this important area of work. Questionnaires on meeting the needs of pupils with emotional and behavioural difficulties were circulated among professionals in one local authority as part of the development of the authority's behaviour support plan. Respondents were asked to identify the practices and forms of additional support which, in their view, resulted in successful and less successful outcomes for pupils. Peter Lloyd Bennett analysed these responses and presents here ideas about staffing, strategies, training, multi-agency work, provision and the role of parents. Interestingly, staff working with primary-aged pupils frequently referred to whole-school behaviour policies as contributing to successful outcomes. Professionals involved with both primary- and secondary-aged pupils suggested that the constraints of the National Curriculum can contribute to pupils' emotional and behavioural difficulties. The results of this survey were used to inform developments in Peter Lloyd Bennett's local authority and will be directly relevant to colleagues grappling with similar issues in other contexts.  相似文献   

《周易·蒙》教育思想演论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<周易>虽是一部古代占卜的书,它却涉及了包括教育在内的众多领域,深奥而玄妙.<周易>的教育思想集中体现在<蒙>卦上,无论卦序、卦形、卦象还是卦辞与爻辞,无不蕴含着后人一直沿袭而且还将继续传承的一系列诸如教学为先、启发教育、尊师敬教、德才兼备、以身作则、身教重于言传、有教无类等教育思想.在我国实施科教兴国战略的今天,进一步挖掘、整理和运用这些教育思想无疑具有重大的现实指导意义.  相似文献   

Recent work in reading and writing theory, research and pedagogy has raised questions about relationships between Fluent reading processes and holistic scoring of essays (e.g., Huot 1993). In holistic scoring settings, are the raters behaving as normal Fluent readers (i.e., readers interacting critically and personally with the text) or, are they somehow disconnected From their normal reader responses because they are using reliable scoring guides? Related questions concern the behavior of such holistic raters when they are teachers (e.g., Barritt, Stock, & Clark, 1986), and when those teachers respond to student writing (Connors & Lunsford, 1993). How are teachers/raters behaving, and what are they responding to in judging the writing? Previous research has suggested a role for personality type in the study of the process of writing evaluation (Jensen & DiTiberio, 1984, 1989).Thus, it seems reasonable to ask what role personality types play in the holistic evaluation of writing.This empirical study addressed the general question: What role, if any, do personality types of writers and of raters play in the holistic rating of writing? Moreover, is there a relationship between writers' personalities and raters' personalities?Writers were native English-speaking university freshman composition students; raters were native English-speaking university freshman composition instructors.Results indicate that the personality types of writers affect the ratings their essays receive, and the personality types of raters affect the ratings they give to essays. However, there is no significant relationship between writers' styles and raters' styles. Implications for future research, as well as classroom implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

孔子诗论是儒家诗论的核心内容,在价值观上体现出的政治伦理特征,不仅贯穿于诗歌的认识价值之中,而且贯穿于诗歌的审美价值之中,形成了其诗论鲜明的政治伦理的价值取向。  相似文献   

选取五所高职院校500名学生作为调查对象,实施政治认知、政治认同、政治宽容、政治立场、政治关注和政治参与六个维度调查问卷,调查结果高职院校大学生政治价值观总体上是积极、健康、向上的,但部分高职大学生政治价值观存在政治认识片面化、政治信仰模糊化,参与渠道狭窄化、价值取向功利化等问题。在教育中需积极应对高职院校大学生政治价值观的状况,将高职大学生政治价值引向正向变化。  相似文献   

解读艳词是晚清词家审视词体体性的突出焦点.晚清词家接受艳词的态度分歧较大,褒者视之为词体正宗、贬者抑之为本非词格、折中者又恍惚其辞.不过,他们围绕"艳"字,共同探索了艳词的情深语艳、雅艳相资及绮怨顽艳等艺术性.进而又以"风骚"诠释艳词体性,在探询二者的异质同构中,从"风骚"精神整合了艳词的文化品位.  相似文献   

Students have conceptions about the relationship between instructional interventions and learning or, in other words, students have instructional metacognitive knowledge. In this study, the efficiency of instructional interventions has been investigated as a specific object of students' instructional metacognitive knowledge. By means of a survey, conceptions about the efficiency of various instructional interventions of 488 freshmen in educational sciences and psychology have been investigated. Two research questions directed this exploratory study: (1) How do students assess the efficiency of instructional interventions; and (2) Do differences in gender, educational background, and/or subject of study affect evaluations of the efficiency of instructional interventions. Results show that respondents regard regular instructional interventions at the university directed toward, or supporting, surface-level processing and reproduction to be highly efficient. The use of technology is conceived as inefficient by these students. The limited number of differences between groups of students also suggests students' conceptions to be both consistent and robust.The study illustrates the need to investigate instructional metacognitive knowledge as distinct from other forms of metacognitive knowledge, and raises questions about the major components and structure of instructional metacognitive knowledge and individual differences in it. The findings suggest the need for the elaboration of a framework to describe instructional interventions.  相似文献   

唐人议论而好称引经典,<诗>是常用者之一.考察唐代士人的议论引<诗>情形,可以看到,随着经学的统一与复兴,他们继续着汉人所建立的言说传统,以<诗>为发言立论的政治依据.不同的是,唐代经学因为与科举考试结合而出现的经学教育平民化,既使儒家经学获得前所未有的普及性教育,而重经文、轻义理,读经者多、研经者少的经学状况同时又潜藏着经学衰落的危机与变革的契机.通观唐人议论引<诗>的情形,可以见出<诗>在唐代随同政治的盛衰而有起落,而这一起落反映的是儒家经学在唐代的盛衰转变.  相似文献   

杭州市部分学校利用地域特色、师生自下而上开发、学校优势项目、学科拓展和学校目标取向等五种类型进行校本课程开发,取得明显效果。但发展不平衡,在开发过程中,还存在着教师缺乏开发意识和专业化程度不高、以学校和教师为本位、把校本课程开发理解为编教材和开发过程封闭等问题。今后校本课程开发应关注教师专业发展、外在评价机制的建立、拓展社会资源的利用空间和形成推进校本课程的保障机制。  相似文献   

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