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一、一字一句皆成语文——从揭题开篇说起 贾老师的语文课,没有热身,没有“预备起”,从课堂上和学生说的第一句话开始,语文也就开始了。贾老师告诉学生:“3600多个常用汉字当中,有一个字是最容易写的,但要做好它是最不容易的。”贾老师一边说着,一边端端正正地板书“人”字。  相似文献   

“题壁”是古人“发表”作品最常见的形式之一。那时的酒楼、驿站、寺院等人流之地,大多有一粉刷得很好的墙壁,专供文人墨客们题咏留名。《水浒传》中的宋江,在浔阳酒楼题“反诗”时,便“见粉壁上多有先人题咏”。陆游诗“驿壁流尘暗旧题”,则讲驿站墙上所题的诗已被灰尘所蒙。寺院等名胜处,更是古代骚人最见爱的挥笔场所。唐诗  相似文献   

1.阅读下面的唐诗,然后回答问题。塞下曲卢纶林暗草惊风,将军夜引弓。平明寻白羽,没在石棱中。(1)简析“林暗草惊风”一句,说说它在诗中起的作用。答:(2)前人评论此诗说:“此借用李广事,见边帅之风范。”诗中突出了“边帅”的哪些“风范”呢?试结合具体诗句简析之。答:2.阅读下面的唐诗,然后回答问题。菊郑谷王孙莫把比蓬蒿,九日枝枝近鬓毛。露湿秋香满池岸,由来不羡瓦松高。(1)这首诗要吟的对象是“菊”,诗人为什么提到“蓬蒿”“瓦松”和“露”?答:(2)这首诗托物言志,借“菊”的形象的塑造,表达了诗人怎样的人生态度?答:3.阅读下面的散曲,…  相似文献   

刘超 《中学教研》2009,(1):48-48,F0003,F0004
大衍求一术是解一次同余式组的一种方法.关于它的产生要从“孙子问题”说起.“孙子问题”是指我国古代《孙子算经》中下卷的第26题“物不知数”,历代都有人研究,名称很多.例如:宋代周密《志雅堂杂钞》卷下的“鬼谷算”、“隔墙算”,宋代杨辉《续古摘奇算法》中的“秦王暗点兵”,明代程大位《算法统宗》中(1593年)的“物不知数”、  相似文献   

对于“开篇语”,一些老师提出,“一忌长篇大论”“二忌索然寡昧”“三忌喧宾夺主”,同时认为“一段成功的高效的完美的开篇语就必须做到‘三位一体’,即融简略性、情趣性、语文性于一体”。^[1]笔者看到不少名师的“开篇语”案例,的确佩服名师的教学经验和技巧。比如,于永正老师通过说歇后语来开篇,  相似文献   

尊题,是唐诗中的炼句之法。诗人为了强化自己的个性色彩,追求情感抒写之真挚感人的艺术魅力,往往会别具匠心地营造一组具有映衬关系的诗句,并以大大贬抑某事物的方式,达到极力褒扬主体事物的目的,这种“弱彼以强此”的句法,即诗家所说的“尊题”。尊题手法,属于一种特殊的夸张。其特殊性,表现为它是以对生活真实作变形夸大处理的技巧来获得艺术真实的。因此,我们在阅读鉴赏时,切不可将诗歌的艺术真实机械地对应为作者的生活真实;否则,将会闹出缘木求鱼反失其旨的笑话。譬如,李白的《将进酒》中有这样两句诗:“古来圣贤皆寂寞…  相似文献   

尊题,是唐诗中的炼句之法。诗人为了强化自己的个性色彩,追求情感抒写之真挚感人的艺术勉力,往往会别具匠心地营造一组具有映衬关系的诗句,并以大大贬抑某事物的方式,达到极力褒扬主体事物的目的,这种“弱彼以强此”的句法,即诗家所说的‘等题”。尊题手法,属于一种特殊的夸张。其特殊性,表现为它是以对生活真实作变形夸大处理的技巧来获得艺术真实的。因此,我们在阅读鉴赏时,切不可将诗歌的艺术真实机械地对应为作者的生活真实;否则,将会闹出缘木求鱼反失其旨的笑话。譬如,李白的《将进酒》中有这样两句诗:“古来圣贤皆寂寞…  相似文献   

纵观《齐物论》,庄子开篇用“吾丧我”引出对物我对待的反思;而后通过“彼是方生”,说明物我其实为一;最后将“彼是方生”推衍开来,与“齐物论”这一标题遥相呼应,“齐物论”指的是物与论之齐一不二。整个《齐物论》中,探讨的都是物我对待这一问题,而最后物我对待的解决之道,依然落脚到开篇的“吾丧我”之上。  相似文献   

清代大家恽寿平说:“有笔有墨谓之面”。此语,意在强调研究笔法、墨法技巧于中国画之重要。“汇笔成阵,聚力为势”,是指从笔墨起,并将笔墨为点,组织为线,聚线成力,由力生场,一幅成功的中国画作品.一定有着成功的力场设计。本文结合本人的中国画创作经验,就笔势的运用、力场的设计究理求源,进行简要的总结。  相似文献   

李璐琳 《作文与考试》2023,(Z3):126-128
<正>文题阅读下面的文字,根据要求作文。生活中,人们往往因为有所恃而失之于大意,反不如无所恃更有益。对此,你怎么看?请写一篇不少于800字的文章,谈谈你的思考。刘轶轩的文章中,“恃才放旷”“恃强凌弱”在开篇就奠定了理解的基础。此外,作者从多个维度进行分析:内涵分析——什么会成为“恃”;意义分析——“恃”会如何;  相似文献   

二战后,德国经过深刻反思,得到了欧洲各国谅解,实现了国家的重新统一,而日本却拒不悔罪,一意孤行。其主要原因在于,与德国相比,日本在二战中的失败,是1868年以来唯一一次失败,故不甘心;加之美国的支持,日本战后政府与前政权的承继性,以自我为中心的文化,对天皇的盲从及右翼势力的强大等。到21世纪初,由于日本仍拒不反省,右翼势力不断坐大,对亚洲各国的侵害变本加厉,同时也使日本日益孤立。  相似文献   

An implication of the current research on self-regulation is to implement the promotion of self-regulated learning in schools. Teachers can promote self-regulated learning either directly by teaching learning strategies or indirectly by arranging a learning environment that enables students to practise self-regulation. This study investigates teachers’ direct and indirect promotion of self-regulated learning and its relation to the development of students’ performance. Twenty German mathematics teachers with their overall 538 students (grade 9) were videotaped for a three-lesson unit on the Pythagorean Theorem. Students’ mathematics performance was tested several times before and after the observed lessons. A low-inferent coding system was applied to assess the teachers’ implicit or explicit instruction of cognitive strategies (e.g., organisation), metacognitive strategies (e.g., planning), and motivational strategies (e.g., resource management). High-inferent ratings were used to assess features of the learning environment that foster self-regulation. Results reveal that a great amount of strategy teaching takes place in an implicit way, whereas explicit strategy teaching and supportive learning environment are rare. The instruction of organisation strategies and some features of the learning environment (constructivism, transfer) relate positively to students’ performance development. In contrast to implicit strategy instruction, explicit strategy instruction was associated with a gain in performance. These results reveal a discrepancy between the usefulness of explicit strategy instruction and its rare occurrence in classrooms.  相似文献   

隐性教育及其内涵探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
隐性教育是与显性教育直接对应的现代性德育概念,已成为当代德育研究中持续升温的热点。然而,学界对此概念及内涵的理解尚未形成共识,常与其它近似概念相混用。所以,如何科学界定隐性教育,把握其特征与规律,显著区别于其它概念,既是德育科学化发展的必然,也有助于指导新时期德育工作,进一步拓展德育实践维度。  相似文献   

本研究通过阈下干预前后IAT效应的对比,验证评价性条件反射技术结合阈下劝说技术对于被试内隐智力观改变的有效性,并得出结论:内隐智力观可以通过阈下评价性条件反射技术加以改变,且改变效果显著。  相似文献   

The present studies examined the effectiveness of explicit and implicit Forget cues for enhancing memory of to-be-remembered items within a directed forgetting paradigm. Such a paradigm may be viewed as a laboratory analogue to a classroom testing situation where students read through an examination before beginning in order to cue themselves as to which information is important to remember. Subjects were third- and seventh-grade children. Evidence was provided that directed forgetting processes were operative at the time of recall so that memory enhancement did not merely reflect differential rehearsal of the to-be-remembered items during study. When easy partitioning of items into Remember and Forget sets was possible, subjects as young as third graders could benefit from postpresentation Forget cues. The data suggest that postpresentation Forget cues permit a selective search during recall and a consequent reduction in interference from to-be-forgotten items. Applications of these findings to a classroom testing situation were discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated: (a) the associations of implicit theories and epistemological beliefs and their effects on the academic motivation and achievement of students in Grade 6 science and (b) the mean differences of implicit theories, epistemological beliefs, and academic motivation and achievement as a function of gender and race/ethnicity (N = 508). Path analysis revealed that an incremental view of ability had direct and indirect effects on adaptive motivational factors, whereas fixed entity views had direct and indirect effects on maladaptive factors. Epistemological beliefs mediated the influence of implicit theories of ability on achievement goal orientations, self-efficacy, and science achievement. Results are discussed in relation to Dweck and Leggett’s (1988) social-cognitive theory with a focus on middle school science.  相似文献   

贾华 《民族教育研究》2010,21(3):100-104
每个民族都有自己特有的文化、性格和独特的语言表达方式,含蓄委婉的语言表达方式是日语区别于其他语言的一大特征,它渗透在日语的各个方面,并成为对蒙古族学生日语教学的难点,与蒙古游牧民族直率的表达方式形成鲜明的对照。本文论述了日语含蓄表达方式的社会思想渊源,择取了不同的场合,通过日语中的省略现象和否定表现形式,对日语含蓄表达方式和民族特性的密切关系与蒙古族语言表达特征进行了比较研究。  相似文献   

Early interactive processes of development in reading, spelling and implicit and explicit phonological awareness were assessed in a group of children at four time-points as they progressed through their first three years in school. Exploratory causal path analyses were used to investigate the contribution of each ability to the subsequent growth of skill in reading, spelling and phonological awareness. The resultant structural models demonstrate a role of spelling in the early stages of reading acquisition, as well as differential contributions of implicit and explicit phonological awareness to both reading and spelling. They also suggest a developmental cascade from implicit to explicit phonemic awareness in the normal acquisition of phonological knowledge and associated skills. In the early formulative stages of reading implicit phonemic awareness and reading act reciprocally to build skill in each other. But, as ability in word recognition improves, implicit phonemic awareness plays a diminished role in reading. This pattern of initial reciprocal influence and later dissociation is repeated in the relationship between implicit phoneme awareness and spelling. Explicit phonemic awareness is an important factor in the first stages of spelling development but only emerges later as a significant contributor to reading. The early influence of explicit phoneme awareness on spelling, in conjunction with the major contribution of spelling to beginning reading, indicates that experience in spelling promotes the use of a phonological strategy in reading. Within a developmental context, explicit phoneme awareness initially appears to grow out of an implicit appreciation of the overall sound properties of words. Thereafter, ability to identify and segment phonemes develops independently of implicit phonemic awareness and plays an increasingly important role in the further growth of reading and spelling.  相似文献   

Recent research has acknowledged the importance of the relationships of school principals with beginning teachers. However, little is known about how emotions inform these relationships from the beginning teacher's side. Applying the concept of emotional geographies, this paper explores the kinds of storied emotional distances that appear in the relationships between beginning teachers and their principals. Based on interviews with beginning Japanese teachers, the results indicate that such relationships may be: (1) very direct and personal; (2) acted out indirectly by the principal as personal facilitator ‘behind the scenes’ or as public gatekeeper; or (3) mediated by the teacher community. The analysis reveals beginning teachers’ personal experiences of these relationships, as well as how such relationships are influenced by organisational and cultural context. Although principals are described as distant figures within the school organisation, they are seen to play an important role in facilitating beginning teachers’ work by connecting with them at a personal level and providing good working conditions by influencing the emotional atmosphere of the teacher community or by sheltering them from parental pressure.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider whether teachers' explicit and implicit prejudiced attitudes underlie the ethnic achievement gap. To date, most research on teacher expectation effects has relied on explicit expectation measures that are prone to social desirability biases. In contrast, we examine the effects of teachers' (a) explicit ethnicity-based expectations for academic achievement and (b) implicit prejudiced attitudes about academic achievement on students' actual academic success over time. A total of 38 teachers completed both a traditional teacher expectation measure and a modified Implicit Association Task designed to assess ethnic stereotypes associated with academic achievement and failure. A multi-level analytic framework showed that students in classrooms of teachers with high expectations performed better in reading at the end of the year and that these effects were found across all ethnic groups. In contrast, whereas students' mathematics achievement scores were largely unrelated to teachers' explicit expectations, teachers' implicit prejudiced attitudes predicted student performance. Specifically, students benefited most academically when their teachers' implicit biases favored the ethnic group to which the student belonged. Findings are discussed in relation to differences in the salience of teachers' expectations and implicit prejudiced attitude in the classroom, and the ethnic achievement gap.  相似文献   

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