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The aim of this paper is to explore the collaboration of female inventors, how it affects their innovation production and whether it influences their innovation impact. Empirical knowledge of how inventors collaborate in co-patenting collaborations holds an important key to innovation development. In this article, we report on an analysis of international inventors and patents granted by the European Patent Office (EPO) between 1978 and 2019. We investigate the structure of inventors’ networks—particularly those of female inventors—over time using social network analysis and address the gender patterns of collaboration. It can be observed that while female inventors’ overall involvement in patenting activity is not that high, the share of female inventors increases over the time period in question from 1.2% to 8.9%. We also estimate panel data regressions on the number of patents and the citation rates of the patents at an individual level. Our results show that although all inventors benefit from a more central network position within the co-patenting network in terms of their innovation output, the positive influence is greater for male inventors than female inventors. In addition, when inventors collaborate with inventors from more diversified countries and regions they contribute to more patents and their patents are more cited.  相似文献   

社会网络分析方法在专利分析中的应用研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
从专利引用、专利合作和专利技术主题关联三个角度出发,对社会网络分析方法在专利分析中的应用研究进展进行梳理,侧重对新概念、新思路、新指标、新算法等进行分析与总结,并对其功能与应用前景进行讨论。考察的主要网络节点包括专利文献本身、发明人、专利权人、主题词、专利分类号等,连接关系包括合作、引用、共现或同现等。  相似文献   

探讨将生存分析应用至专利维持研究的适用性和有效性。运用生存分析中的生存函数和cox分层回归模型,针对中国1985-2009年间信息技术领域发明专利数据,确定领域专利维持时间分布、比较不同国别申请人维持状况,并量化影响专利维持的风险因素。研究发现:信息技术领域专利的中位生存期约为10.5年,仅有接近1%的专利维持到届满;美国申请人专利维持情况最好,中国申请人的维持时长总体偏低,但有部分专利始终能够得到市场的认可;申请授权时间、发明人数量、申请人数量、申请书页数对专利维持的影响依次降低。  相似文献   

专利分析及其在情报研究中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在介绍专利文献的基础上,探讨专利分析方法,即专利分析可以分为定性分析和定量分析,定量分析是对专利相关指标的计算与统计;定性分析是对专利信息的一种技术分析,具有很强的专业性。并从情报研究的实践出发,以储氢领域为例,从专利数量随时间的变化趋势、专利技术布局、申请人、发明人等角度进行分析。  相似文献   

Collaboration networks have primarily been studied in developed economies. In this paper, we present a comprehensive analysis of co-inventor networks in a small but thriving OECD economy in Latin America: Chile. Using a dataset for patents granted in the country between 1989 and 2018, we study a variety of statistical properties for five different co-inventor networks. We show that these networks exhibit power-law, small-world, and preferential attachment properties, all of which have been used to describe networks in more advanced economies. We also highlight some apparent differences in collaboration patterns between networks (and inventors) and we reveal the precarious nature of the network of local inventors by confirming the community structure property. Evidence for strong positive autocorrelation between highly and lowly productive inventors is presented via methods used in spatial econometrics. Our results show that the inventor system in Chile is highly fragmented, which emphasizes the need for strong government intervention in steering research funding, and for more collaboration between inventors, especially local ones.  相似文献   

This study investigates the trend of global concentration in scientific research and technological innovation around the world. It accepts papers and patents as appropriate data for revealing the development and status of science and technology respectively. The performance of these outputs in production and citation impact is taken into consideration in the analysis. The findings suggest that both papers and patents are geographically concentrated on a small number of countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, and France. China has made great progress in paper production and citation impact, and Taiwan and Korea have experienced a rapid growth in patents over the past years. The degree of concentration dramatically decreases when the data from the United States are excluded, indicating the effects of the U.S.’s participation on the concentration. Patents show a higher degree of concentration than papers. With time-varying aspects taken into consideration, the study indicates that the degree of concentration of papers and patents has gradually decreased over time. The concentration of patents has declined more slowly than that of papers. This decrease of the concentration is mainly due to the reduction of the predominant role of the U.S. in world R&D output.  相似文献   

立足于结构分析思想,基于社会网络的视角,以豆瓣网用户为例分析网络用户协同信息行为的内在逻辑关联特征,以用户关系为核心构建用户与用户、用户与信息的协同信息行为和信息交互模型,进而揭示网络环境下用户信息行为特征和信息服务发展的新趋势,以期为图书馆个性化信息服务提供一个新的研究视角。  相似文献   

付鑫金  李伟  许海云  方曙 《情报工程》2016,2(3):069-079
产学研合作专利研发能够实现学术界与产业界的互利共赢,提高专利成果的转化率,加快实现技术创新。以山西省产学研合作专利为对象,对其进行态势分析,旨在帮助相关科技与管理人员把握产学研合作专利现状,寻找潜在合作对象,促进合作创新。利用专利计量和社会网络分析方法,对样本专利的年度、类别、法律状态、热点技术领域进行分析,以及对申请人及其合作网络进行社会网络分析、典型分析和可视化。通过分析发现:①产学研合作申请专利总量偏低;②本地高校参与产学研合作较少;③技术领域偏窄;④合作相对保守。据此,提出相应对策:政府加大扶持力度,做好保障服务;提高创新主体的合作意识;科学制定专利战略布局。  相似文献   

论述信息安全的定义、当代全球信息安全的新环境,包括网络空间战、互联网社交新媒体、信息安全跨界震荡、黑客和个人极端主义等的威胁;分析中国国家信息安全的新特点,包括互联网的迅速发展、社交新媒体得失并现、信息安全泛化形态并面临全球挑战、信息安全韬略有待细化等;提出中国信息安全的协同、疏导、中庸、人本、诚信五大文化战略。  相似文献   

The dramatic increase in the use of the global network is examined through statistics and examples of the involvement of many countries. Despite the explosive growth of Internet use and contrary to the increasingly frequent characterization of the Internet as global, gaps are identified in the international coverage of the network. Evidence of the participation of librarians in the global network is sought through an analysis of subscriber lists for selected library-related listservs. Findings show that representation of librarians from a few countries is very high, while representation of librarians from most countries is low or non-existent. The value of the Internet and the potential role librarians can plan in this evolving environment are discussed.  相似文献   

随着科技的发展,专利篇幅和专利保护权项数量呈现逐渐增多的趋势。但是,这两个专利长度指标与专利质量之间的必然关系却没有得到充分研究。通过对这两个专利长度指标的整体态势、时间趋势、国家分布、机构合作和引证等的分析与对比,发现专利篇幅虽然呈逐渐增加的趋势,但目前最受关注的仍是短篇幅的专利;而专利保护权项数量与专利引证次数之间存在着线性增长相关。因此,认为专利保护权项数量可以作为专利质量评价的有效指标之一。  相似文献   


The dramatic increase in the use of the global network is examined through statistics and examples of the involvement of many countries. Despite the explosive growth of Internet use and contrary to the increasingly frequent characterization of the Internet as global, gaps are identified in the international coverage of the network. Evidence of the participation of librarians in the global network is sought through an analysis of subscriber lists for selected library-related listservs. Findings show that representation of librarians from a few countries is very high, while representation of librarians from most countries is low or non-existent. The value of the Internet and the potential role librarians can plan in this evolving environment are discussed.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 两个国家间的创新合作机会有些是显性直接的,有些是潜在间接的。在此试图构建一种计量和分析专利引用关系的方法,用于发现两国间潜在的间接创新合作机会。[方法/过程] 全球价值链上不同环节专利之间的引用关系中,蕴含着相互衔接、配套的间接合作关系,而不同环节的专利通常具有不同的功能,即IPC存在一定跨越度。因此,设计"专利引用跨越度"指标及算法,用于计量和筛选专利引用网络中"引用跨越度"达到预设阈值的专利引用关系,作为发现间接创新合作机会的基础数据。以新加坡在中国获得授权的发明专利为样本,基于专利引用跨越度计量并配合人工解读和识别,发现中新两国间一系列的间接创新合作机会。[结果/结论] 基于专利引用跨越度计量的两国间间接创新合作机会发现的方法,被实验检验为有效。  相似文献   

Despite general agreement on the importance of social capital in individual knowledge creation, little is known concerning the role of dyadic social capital in collaborative knowledge creation. This study proposes a classification of dyadic social capital using two-dimensional matrix and investigates their roles in enhancing collaborative knowledge creation. It is found that the dyads who have strong dyadic tie strength while taking advantage of their dyadic bridging social capitals both in the ego network and global network come up with more high-impact knowledge. This study also challenges the statement that an inverted U-shaped relationship between dyadic tie strength and knowledge creation found in previous literatures, and indicates dyadic structure hole serving as effective moderating effect makes the quadratic effect disappear and catalyzes the strength of strong tie.  相似文献   

As science is becoming more interdisciplinary and potentially more data driven over time, it is important to investigate the changing specialty structures and the emerging intellectual patterns of research fields and domains. By employing a clustering-based network approach, we map the contours of a novel interdisciplinary domain – research using social media data – and analyze how the specialty structures and intellectual contributions are organized and evolve. We construct and validate a large-scale (N = 12,732) dataset of research papers using social media data from the Web of Science (WoS) database, complementing it with citation relationships from the Microsoft Academic Graph (MAG) database. We conduct cluster analyses in three types of citation-based empirical networks and compare the observed features with those generated by null network models. Overall, we find three core thematic research subfields – interdisciplinary socio-cultural sciences, health sciences, and geo-informatics – that designate the main epicenter of research interests recognized by this domain itself. Nevertheless, at the global topological level of all networks, we observe an increasingly interdisciplinary trend over the years, fueled by publications not only from core fields such as communication and computer science, but also from a wide variety of fields in the social sciences, natural sciences, and technology. Our results characterize the specialty structures of this domain at a time of growing emphasis on big social data, and we discuss the implications for indicating interdisciplinarity.  相似文献   

Extant studies suggest that the proximity between the researchers and their structural positioning in the collaboration network may influence productivity and performance in collaboration research. In this paper, we analyze the co-authorship networks of the three countries, viz. the USA, China, and India, constructed in consecutive non-overlapping 5-year long time windows from bibliometric data of research papers published in the past decade in the rapidly evolving area of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI&ML). Our analysis relies on the observations ensued from a comparison of the statistical properties of the evolving networks. We consider macro-level network properties which describe the global characteristics, such as degree distribution, assortativity, and large-scale cohesion etc., as well as micro-level properties associated with the actors who have assumed central positions, defining a core in the network assembly with respect to closeness centrality measure. For the analysis of the core actors, who are well connected with a large number of other actors, we consider share of their affiliations with domestic institutes. We find dominant representation of domestic affiliations of the core actors for high productivity cases, such as China in the second time window and the USA in the first and second both. Our study, therefore, suggests that the domestic affiliation of the core actors, who could access network resources more efficiently than other actors, influences and catalyzes the collaborative research.  相似文献   

文章介绍了Innography专利分析软件的核心专利挖掘功能,运用该软件对南开大学的专利高产出学科领域进行挖掘,并进一步对高产出学科领域的核心专利在世界范围内进行挖掘,分析了核心专利输出国、专利权人及专利技术,最后提出Innography在运用过程中存在的问题。  相似文献   

For a number of years scholars have theorized about a change of paradigm in the collaborative practices between governments and citizens as a result of the newly emerged many-to-many forms of connectivity. A vibrant agenda on open government has flourished since, with critical advances on the conceptual front, but much less empirical testing of its propositions. This article makes use of a recognized typology of co-production initiatives in order to implement a Cox hazards survival analysis of 465 open government platforms from a global sample in 87 countries. Its main findings suggest that government-initiated collaborations have the lowest risk of termination and that citizen-to-government initiatives the highest. They also show that while internationally-exerted pressure for openness favors the genesis of open government platforms, it does not affect their survival chances.  相似文献   

This study uses bibliographic coupling to identify missing relevant patent links, in order to construct a comprehensive citation network. Missing citation links can be added by taking the missing relevant patent links into account. The Pareto principle is used to determine the threshold of bibliographic coupling strength, in order to identify the missing relevant patent links. Comparisons between the original patent citation network and the comprehensive patent citation network with the missing relevant patent links are illustrated at both the patent and assignee levels. Light emitting diode (LED) illuminating technology is chosen as the case study. The relationships between the patents and the assignees are obviously enhanced after adding the missing relevant patent links. The results show that the growth rates on both the total number and the average number of links have apparently improved at the patent level. At the assignee level, the number of linked assignees and the average number of links between two assignees are increased. The differences between the two citation networks are further examined by means of the Freeman vertex betweenness centrality and Johnson's hierarchical clustering. The patents with more new links to other patents have distinct results in terms of the Freeman vertex betweenness centrality. The enhancement of links among patents also results in different clustering.  相似文献   

Within the perimeter of patent collaboration networks, the average distance of collaborations and the number of countries involved per each collaboration have been shown to have increased steadily in time. Less attention, though, has been devoted to assessing whether this growth of cross-country collaborations is stable in time. To address this scientific question we focus on the identification of long-term correlations (i.e. temporal persistence). Our data set consists of time series of yearly average collaboration radii and of cross-border links in the Euro-American subsystem of the global collaboration network for the period 1978–2014. To investigate the fundamental persistence properties of these time series, we use Detrended Fluctuation Analysis, a method that allows us to measure long-term correlations in detrended signals. Also, we devise a general and original procedure to assess the statistical significance of results for short time series. Our results, showing that long-term correlations do exist in the majority of our signals, reinforce the hypothesis of a diminishing role of geographical distance in technological collaborations. Results at national level show that a significant degree of heterogeneity in persistence parameters can be detected within Europe, irrespectively of the efforts towards the set-up of an integrated European Research Area.  相似文献   

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