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A similarity comparison is made between 120 journals from five allied Web of Science disciplines (Communication, Computer Science-Information Systems, Education & Educational Research, Information Science & Library Science, Management) and a more distant discipline (Geology) across three time periods using a novel method called citing discipline analysis that relies on the frequency distribution of Web of Science Research Areas for citing articles. Similarities among journals are evaluated using multidimensional scaling with hierarchical cluster analysis and Principal Component Analysis. The resulting visualizations and groupings reveal clusters that align with the discipline assignments for the journals for four of the six disciplines, but also greater overlaps among some journals for two of the disciplines or categorizations that do not necessarily align with their assigned disciplines. Some journals categorized into a single given discipline were found to be more closely aligned with other disciplines and some journals assigned to multiple disciplines more closely aligned with only one of the assigned disciplines. The proposed method offers a complementary way to more traditional methods such as journal co-citation analysis to compare journal similarity using data that are readily available through Web of Science.  相似文献   

The transition from traditional, paper‐based publishing to electronic publishing presents many challenges for publishers and their constituents. Among the most significant are those that concern linking to articles that are available online and citing of articles that are now published online prior to (or even in lieu of) the final pagination and binding of paper issues. The solutions to these problems will have a great impact on the usability of the scholarly electronic corpus for the research community. In particular, the solutions must be easy to use, persistent, and scalable. Here we examine some pragmatic solutions (in use now) that satisfy these criteria and contrast them with other proposed solutions. The examples are drawn mainly from the experiences of the American Physical Society, but the lessons gleaned will have wide applicability.  相似文献   

《中国药理学报》国际合作办刊的经验与体会   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
吴民淑  刘谦  周有林  肖宏 《编辑学报》2006,18(2):148-150
简析我国学术期刊面临的机遇和挑战,并结合<中国药理学报>与Blackwell出版公司国际合作办刊的经验,探讨国际合作的利弊及注意事项.  相似文献   

This study examined the development of English-language journals indexed by the database of Journal Citation Reports (JCR) and owned by six non-English-speaking countries (China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Italy, and Spain) and four countries where English is an official national language (Australia, Canada, India, and Singapore) over a 21-year period. Four types of journals were identified based on changes in journal impact factor (JIF) and rank percentage per year. The results suggest that “growth” journals with trends of increasing JIF and rank percentage outnumbered other types of journals for each country and were not concentrated in particular subject categories. Over half of the growth journals in eight countries were positioned at Q3 and Q4 levels. No significant differences in the average age of growth journals were identified between countries. Although China possessed the highest percentage of growth journals, its journals with the highest growth were at the Q4 level. This study concluded that China and South Korea should monitor their development of JCR journals due to their faster improvement in the average annual rank percentage per growth journal. One limitation is that a considerable proportion of junior English journals were not analyzed in this study.  相似文献   

赵文义 《编辑学报》2015,27(5):416-418
学术期刊出版体制的市场化改革,需要进一步解放思想,实事求是,凝聚共识.解构学术期刊出版体制背后的权力结构因素,可以全面和深入地认识学术期刊出版体制存在的问题和改革的关键点.通过对学术期刊出版的行政权力结构、学术权力结构、经济权力结构、话语权力结构的解读,试图为学术期刊出版改革实践提供新的思路.  相似文献   

美国化学会及其期刊的编辑出版   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
朱晓文  夏文正 《编辑学报》2006,18(3):233-236
简要介绍美国化学会及其出版机构的宗旨、服务、发展规划,以及编辑出版规章制度.详细分析美国化学会出版期刊的情况.主要从创刊时间、办刊宗旨、刊期、SCI影响因子、期刊出版总页码等方面分析其各种期刊在国际上的影响力.从期刊的单价、捆绑售价以及网络本售价对期刊进行价格方面的分析.以<美国化学会会志>为例,详细分析期刊稿件的来源情况、稿件的处理情况、编辑人员情况、审稿过程和编辑加工过程,以及编辑出版自动化等.  相似文献   

Recent developments in Web technology can be used for semantic enhancement of scholarly journal articles, by aiding publication of data and metadata and providing ‘lively’ interactive access to content. Such semantic enhancements are already being undertaken by leading STM publishers, and automated text processing will help these enhancements become affordable and routine. Publisher, editor, and author all have primary roles in that process; an incremental approach is needed. Publication of data and metadata to the Web make possible added‐value ‘ecosystem services‘; semantic publishing will bring substantial benefits to scholarly communication.  相似文献   

Learned societies and other non‐profit organizations in New Zealand publish scholarly journals in a number of disciplines, many of them subjects in which New Zealand has a particular economic interest. Although most of the journals are small, a surprising number of them have paid, rather than voluntary academic, editors. Some have launched electronic versions, but only one has experimented with open access (OA). In a number of cases this lack of interest in OA is because the society cannot see a business model that would render the society as a whole economically viable. Some of the smallest journals, published only annually, may have the most assured future because their operation is entirely voluntary.  相似文献   

王明华  沙勤  郑晓南 《编辑学报》2014,26(3):272-274
微信公众平台的出现为期刊的采编、经营等工作提供了一个不可多得的利用机会。探讨微信公众平台在期刊运营中的开发背景、如何简单构建期刊采编与广告微信公众平台以及运营期刊微信公众平台所要面临的困难,并提出解决问题的办法。  相似文献   

This study examines the extent of concentration in the journal publishing industry. A number of aspects are considered: publishers, journal impacts, countries, and languages. For journals indexed in JCR from 1997 to 2009, just 0.2% of publishers produce 50% of journals and articles, and 0.3% of publishers account for the top 50% of citations, impact factors and immediacy indices. More than a half of publishers in JCR are from four countries: USA, UK, Germany and Japan. In addition, more than a half of journals come from the USA and UK. Examining the publishers' interactions in terms of buying and selling journals shows the extent of change by acquisition, and the acquisition links between publishers. The findings confirm that the international market of journal publishing is essentially dominated by a few publishers.  相似文献   

There has been much debate recently about whether publishers' prices are too high, and what publishing a journal article really costs. Publication of the article in a journal is only one part of the cost of research communication; first of all there are the costs of research and writing, then the costs of peer review, editing and publication, and finally the costs of acquisition by the library, management, storage, reading by the end user and long‐term preservation. Several studies have been conducted of these different costs; the results are summarized and the potential impact, both on costs and on sources of funds, of moving to an alternative, ‘author‐funded’ open access model is considered.  相似文献   

科技学术期刊的数字化媒体化转型是必然的发展方向。学术期刊数字出版的发展途径有2种:原生数字期刊和传统期刊的数字化媒体化转型。我们认为后者更能发挥传统期刊内容的优势,将成为学术期刊数字出版的主力军。分析了学术期刊数字化媒体化转型的特征和必然性,并以中国知网数字出版为例,介绍优先数字出版、独家出版等数字化、媒体化转型的途径与方法。  相似文献   

景勇  郭雨梅 《编辑学报》2015,27(2):125-126
数字出版已成为全球出版行业的一种发展趋势,对学术论文的生产加工、出版发行以及网络传播等环节产生了深远的影响;但目前国内数字出版产业链还不够成熟,仍有许多环节需要不断完善,数字出版前景光明却任重道远.  相似文献   

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