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本文全面阐述了党的十三届四中全会以来,西藏农牧业和农牧区经济发展所取得的重大历史性成就,总结了13年来农牧业和农牧区工作的基本经验,深刻地阐明了在中国共产党的领导下,西藏农牧业和农牧区发生的翻天覆地的巨大变化。.  相似文献   

覃主明 《青海科技》2004,11(6):8-11
本文总结了近10年来我省农牧业科技工作的主要成绩及存在的不足,提出了2005年及“十一五”期间我省农牧业科技工作的发展思路,即树立一个指导思想,确立两个目标,整合三项资源,调整四个方向,构建五个体系,实施六个行动,落实七项措施。  相似文献   

2012年1月15日全区农村工作会议在拉萨召开。会议传达学习中央农村工作会议精神,全面总结2011年全区农牧业农村工作,深入分析当前农牧业农村形势,安排部署2012年农牧业农村工作。2011年,各地各有关部门按照区党委、政府的安排部署,农牧业农村工作坚持抓早、抓细、抓实,抓出了成效,农牧业综合生产能力稳步提高,经济实力明显增强;安居工程建  相似文献   

近年来,全区科技部门始终坚持以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,全面贯彻落实科学发展观,坚持面向“三农”的工作方针,紧紧围绕农牧业结构调整和发展特色经济这条主线,以增加农牧民收入为重点,积极推进建设农牧业科技成果转化基地,大力引进、推广先进实用技术,加大良种引进、繁育和品种改良力度;大力实施特色资源的研究开发,为发展特色经济服务;突出重点、突出特色,推进特色农牧业发展。同时积极实施星火科技专项行动,创办农牧区星火学校,启动了“十万农牧民科技培训工程”,充分发挥星火科技工作的示范和引领作用,取得了显著成效,为我区农牧业结构调整、农牧业增效和农牧民增收做出了积极贡献。  相似文献   

中国科学院科技企业进一步发展的对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
报告总结了“八五”期间中国科学院科技企业工作的成绩,根据1996年院工作会议制订的科技企业“九五”发展目标和面临的形势与环境,对应采取的对策作了全面阐述。  相似文献   

农牧业科技作为全省科技工作的重要组成部分,在推动全省农牧业科技进步,调整农牧业产业结构,提高农牧业综合生产能力,促进农村经济发展和农民增收等方面发挥了重要支撑作用。认真总结“十五”以来我省农牧业科技所取得的成绩,深入分析新时期农牧业科技发展存在的困难和问题,对于进一步提高我省农牧业科技整体水平,促进农牧业发展,推动社会主义新农村建设具有重要意义。  相似文献   

同志们:这次全区科技工作会议,是深入贯彻全区经济工作会议、全国科技工作会议精神,推动我区科技工作再上新台阶的一次重要会议。刚才多吉次仁同志作了很好的工作报告。全面总结了2003年全区科技工作,明确了今年科技工作的目标和重点,对做好今年的工作提出了具体要求。我完全同意。  相似文献   

锡林郭勒盟全面实施科教兴盟战略 ,积极探索适应社会主义市场经济体制要求的农村牧区科技管理运行机制 ,通过推行以紧密风险型技术承包 ,引导科技人员深入农牧业生产第一线承包项目 ,实现了科学技术与农牧业生产的有效结合 ,走出了一条以科技人员为主体 ,以农牧业科技项目为载体 ,以促进科技服务商品化为内容 ,促进农牧民脱贫致富、科技人员增收的新路子。锡林郭勒盟推行农牧业技术承包工作经历了一个反复曲折、“由点到面”的历程。早在 1 991年盟行政公署就曾下发过《锡林郭勒盟农牧业技术承包暂行规定》,全盟组织开展过大规模的农牧业技…  相似文献   

在我区发展农牧业生产,促进农牧民增产增收,加快推进跨越式发展、全面建设小康社会,首先做好西藏稳定工作,稳定成为“三农”的坚强后盾,只有局势稳定才能发展农牧业,实现农牧业增长要增收。  相似文献   

文章分析了鄂尔多斯市农牧业发展现状,根据对鄂尔多斯市发展现代农牧业示范基地的实地调查情况,总结了该市建设农牧业科技服务体系的做法,提出了进一步完善现代农牧业示范基及科技服务体系的对策和措施。  相似文献   

The most remarkable aspect of Einstein's 1946 address at Lincoln University is that it has vanished from Einstein's recorded history. Its disappearance into a historical black hole symbolizes what seems to happen in the creation of a cultural icon. It is but one of many political statements by Einstein to have met such a fate, though his civil rights activism is most glaringly missing. One explanation for this historical amnesia is that those who shape our official memories felt that Einstein's "controversial" friends like Paul Robeson and activities like co-chairing the anti-lynching crusade might tarnish Einstein as an icon. That icon, sanctified by Time magazine when it dubbed Einstein "Person of the Century" at the end of 1999, is a myth, albeit a marvelous one. Yet it is not so much the motive for the omission but the consequence of it that should concern us. Americans and the millions of Einstein fans around the world are left unaware that he was an outspoken, passionate, committed antiracist.  相似文献   

I argue for two theses. First, many arguments against violent gaming rely on what I call the contamination thesis, drawing their conclusions by claiming that violent gaming contaminates real world interactions. I argue that this thesis is empirically and philosophically problematic. Second, I argue that rejecting the contamination thesis does not entail that all video games are morally unobjectionable. The violence within a game can be evaluated in terms of the values the game cultivates, reinforces, denigrates, or disrespects. Games which present violence in ways that disrespect objects of values are more objectionable than violent games that reinforce or cultivate those values. The resulting analysis evaluates games on a case-by-case basis and pays particular attention to the representational context of the violence.  相似文献   

In 1929 and 1934-1935, the physical anthropologist Harry L. Shapiro voyaged in the South Seas on the Mahina-l-Te-Pua and the Zaca, measuring mixed-race islanders, including the descendants of the Bounty mutineers on Pitcairn Island. His research in Polynesian hybridity reflects the growing cultural and scientific investment of the United States in the Pacific during this period. Shapiro's oceanic adventures and intimate encounters prompted him to discount typological speculation and emphasize instead the liberal Boasian program in physical anthropology, giving him the confidence to refigure his evaluations of racial difference. The seaborne investigatory enterprise came to influence U.S. racial thought, adding impetus to the condemnation of racism in science. On his return from the South Seas, Shapiro tried to get his fellow physical anthropologists to issue a manifesto opposing the harnessing of their science to racial discrimination and prejudice.  相似文献   

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