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青少年处在青春发育时期,这是情绪发展和培养的重要时期,需要对青少年进行及时有效的教育和指导,否则会产生情绪障碍,影响人格的健康发展,情绪教育要提高认知水平,帮助他们正视和理解自己的情绪,培养自我情绪认知能力,指导他们恰当地表达自己的情绪,培养识别他人情绪和移情能力,增强他们对快乐的情绪体验,培养情绪自我激励能力,教会他们处理情绪困扰,培养调控自我情绪的能力。  相似文献   

青少年是人生发展的特殊时期,其情绪和心理发展都有他们的特殊性。自20世纪90年代,学业情绪已被教育、心理领域所关注,相关研究表明,学业情绪是影响青少年心理健康发展的重要因素之一,采用适当的情绪调节方法维持积极情绪,改变预防消极情绪能促进青少年心理的健康发展。  相似文献   

青少年是人生发展的特殊时期,其情绪和心理发展都有他们的特殊性.自20世纪90年代,学业情绪已被教育、心理领域所关注,相关研究表明,学业情绪是影响青少年心理健康发展的重要因素之一,采用适当的情绪调节方法维持积极情绪,改变预防消极情绪能促进青少年心理的健康发展.  相似文献   

青少年时期是情绪丰富多变的时期,因为情绪问题处理不好,会引发学生心理上的问题,有时候学生认为情绪是其遭遇的事件造成的,但很多时候,情绪这是源于对经历事件的看法。本文结合相关理论和事例,阐述了情绪的来源,说明了情绪改变的方法,引导学生正确面对和改变自己的情绪。  相似文献   

青少年容易情绪冲动首先有其生理上的原因。青少年时期是人的一生中生长最为迅速的时期,过快的成长本身就会带来许多适应性问题。少年期性成熟过程急剧进行,内分泌腺迅速成熟,神经系统容易出现兴奋与抑制的迅速增强或减弱的过程,从而导致情绪表现上的强烈和动荡的特征。由于生理因素和心理发展上的矛盾,少男少女们很容易产生情绪紧张,这在少女身上表现得尤其明显,例如她们的情绪不稳定经常与月经周期有着密切的关系。有心理学家发现,少年时期是在人际交往中产生抗拒性反应的高峰年龄。这有点类似于种子发芽的情形,巨大的变化常常伴…  相似文献   

青少年思维方式对应对方式的影响研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
青少年时期是人生的关键时期,未来工作的成就、对事物的认识、思想品质的塑造乃至生活的幸福与否,都取决于此时的发展。青少年时期是生理和心理发育的关键时期,也是心理冲突和情绪行为问题的高发阶段,其面临的压力和挑战往往不亚于成人。因此关于青少年应对压力问题的研究成了很多学者关注的对象。  相似文献   

青少年时期是学业任务较为繁重的阶段,情绪对学业的影响是尤其重要的。青少年的情绪情感呈现出阶段性的特征,因此其学业情绪也有自身的特点。本文将在分析了以往有关青少年学业情绪问题研究的基础上,从青少年学业情绪的概念、结构、特征三个维度进行具体的阐述.并在此基础上进一步分析青少年学业情绪发展性特点及学业情绪的经典理论模型。通过对青少年学业情绪的研究做一个概括性分析.希望对青少年学业情绪今后的探析具有一定现实意义。  相似文献   

青少年时期是一个人成长的关键时期,这个时期的个体处于一个矛盾激化的状态,个体对自身强烈的认同感和外界对其的束缚感使得很多青少年在这个阶段容易出现各种问题,例如酗酒,吸烟,早恋,成绩下滑等现象。那么,如何培养和提高青少年的自控力就显得格外重要。青少年容易产生很多情绪问题如自卑、焦虑、孤独、抑郁,提高青少年的自控力可以有效缓解这些情绪问题,更好地引领青少年朝着正确的方向前进。  相似文献   

青春期压力真的 青少年的情绪调控能力虽与儿童时期相比有很大提升,但情绪会经历更大的挑战,影响青少年情绪健康的原因主要包括生理压力、学业压力、人际交往压力、自我认知压力等,几乎每10个孩子中就有1个青春期经历焦虑、恐怖、抑郁等情绪障碍.  相似文献   

青少年处在青春发育时期,这是情绪发展和培养的重要时期,需要对青少年进行及时有效的教育和指导,否则会产生情绪障碍,影响人格的健康发展。情绪教育要提高认知水平,帮助他们正视和理解自己的情绪,培养自我情绪认知能力;指导他们恰当地表达自己的情绪,培养识别他人情绪和移情能力;增强他们对快乐的情绪体验,培养情绪自我激励能力;教会他们处理情绪困扰,培养调控自我情绪的能力。  相似文献   

Teachers experience a range of situations in the primary school context where students talk about, share ideas and use words and actions that might be described as non-heteronormative in character. This article reports on teachers’ experiences of the ways in which they respond to actions and events they see as non-heteronormative. It identifies six different ways in which teachers conceptualise their pedagogical responses to the situations they encounter: (1) being nonchalant, (2) avoiding a response, (3) being uncertain, (4) maintaining home and school boundaries, (5) protecting students’ well-being and (6) embracing non-heteronormative sexualities. Teachers’ responses to these events are important in that their actions may affect how students interpret and understand the world. Primary school teachers will benefit from support in knowing how to respond appropriately when faced with a scenario or situation that is non-heteronormative in character.  相似文献   

The goal of this research was to address 2 questions regarding children's use of syntactic information in acquiring verbs: First, what are children's biases for actions in the absence of syntactic information; and second, how specific is the meaning derived for verbs when syntactic information is present? In 3 experiments we presented nonsense verbs either in syntactic isolation (e.g., "Look! Sebbing!") or embedded within a transitive syntactic frame (e.g., "The frog is sebbing the duck"). These actions were then separated, and the children (mean age = 2 years, 3 months) were asked to select the action which was the referent of the verb. In Experiment 1, Causative actions (in which 1 character forces another to move in some way) were paired with Synchronous actions (in which both characters move simultaneously). In Experiment 2, the same Synchronous actions were now paired with Contact actions (in which 1 character merely touches the other). In Experiment 3, the Contact actions were paired with Causative ones. 2 results emerged: (1) Children have identifiable action biases in the absence of syntactic information and (2) these biases can be shifted by the addition of a transitive syntactic frame. We conclude that the meaning derived from the transitive frame is not specifically Causative or Contact but, more generally, a sense that 1 character is affecting another.  相似文献   

形容词的语义特征在进入状位后会产生由恒定性到临时性、静态到动态、连续性到离散性的变化,而在由状位易位到定位后会产生相反的变化。这些变化的诱因在于形容词进入状位后修饰动词,动词是施事的行为,具有时间性,谓语动作的时间性赋予状位形容词某些时间的特征。  相似文献   

To examine whether children (mean age 34 months) can fast map and extend novel action labels to actions for which they do not already have names, the comprehension of familiar and novel verbs was tested using colored drawings of Sesame Street characters performing both familiar and unfamiliar actions. Children were asked to point to the character "verbing," from among sets of 4 drawings. With familiar words and actions, children made correct choices 97% of the time. With novel action words, children performed at levels mostly significantly above chance, selecting a previously unlabeled action or another token of a just-names action. In a second, control experiment children were asked to select an action from among the same sets of 4 drawings, but they were not given a novel action name. Here children mainly demonstrated performance at levels not significantly different from chance, showing that the results from the main experiment were attributable to the presence of a word in the request. Results of these studies are interpreted as support for the availability of principles to ease verb acquisition.  相似文献   

The ability to integrate information that is separated within a text, such as connecting a character’s action to a goal stated earlier in the text, is a critical factor in narrative comprehension. In the present study, we analyze the ability of 9- and 11-year olds to integrate such information. In addition, we examined the effect of illustrations on integration process by using on-line comprehension measures. Participants read narratives that conveyed a character’s goal early in the text, and an action was described later on that was either consistent or inconsistent with the goal. Narratives were presented either with an illustration that mirrored the situation described in the goal, or without an illustration. The results show that 11-year-olds spent more time on the inconsistent actions than on the consistent actions; in addition, 9-year-olds detected the inconsistency when illustrations were provided. An additional finding was that working memory moderated children’s ability to connect actions and goals. These results suggest that children as young as 9 years form connections between characters’ actions and their goals during text processing, although they need an illustration to keep the goal information activated to detect the inconsistency. Illustrations’ effectiveness was interpreted in terms of extra processing of the characters’ goal.  相似文献   

教师的教育理念决定着教师的教学行为表现和职业素质,也折射出时代和社会对教师的要求。重构教师的教育理念,即教师的学生观、教学观、知识观、学习观和研究观,是时代的要求,也是推进素质教育的前提和保证。  相似文献   

论品德结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一个人的品德形成于他的长期的伦理行为;他的伦理行为形成于他的道德意志;他的道德意志形成于他的道德认识和道德感情;他的道德感情形成于他的道德认识:个人道德认识是伦理行为的心理指导、必要条件,是品德的指导因素、首要环节;个人道德情感是伦理行为的心理动因、必要条件,是品德的动力因素、决定性因素,是品德的基本环节;个人道德意志是伦理行为的心理过程、充分且必要条件,是品德的过程因素、最终环节。  相似文献   

<月出>是一部内容紧凑的戏剧.在有限的时间里,演员想表达自己的个性和思想变化,仅仅靠语言表达是远远不够的.相信很多读者都会有这样的疑问,到底为什么原本要追捕流浪歌手的中士选择了帮助他.在戏剧里,我们可以看到很多的动作,它们蕴涵着大量微妙的含义,用一种无声的方式告诉我们戏剧里主人公心理的变化.通过对主人公警官和流浪歌手动...  相似文献   

中国传统节日经过长期的积淀,已经成为意蕴丰富的人文符号。当这些符号被中国古典通俗小说家娴熟地运用在小说人物的生日中时,就使人物形象变得更加丰满。具体说来,节日可以成为小说人物独特命名的一个依据,可以揭示人物的性格和表达作者对人物的褒贬爱憎态度,可以预示小说中人物的生活遭遇、命运。  相似文献   

当今世界各国的竞争已到了空前激烈的时代,而竞争的焦点归根到底是人才的竞争,即人的素质的竞争。因此,中国要实现现代化,必须大力提高人口素质,实现人的现代化,而人的现代化核心就是人的主体意识的形成、主体精神的培养,承担此重任是时代赋予学校教育新的历史使命,作为学校教育重要组成部分的学校体育在完成这一历史使命中,有其独特的作用。  相似文献   

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