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基于国外学者对中小学灾害教育观点的分析发现,当前国外中小学灾害教育目标取向从知识与技能转向向灾害自救和互助意识培养和灾害文化的培育;课程内容强调与学生生活世界、学校课程的融合和学生发展;实施途径注重与社区教育和地域文化的融合;国外中小学灾害教育的发展趋势启示我们,学校灾害教育应以灾害文化的培育为路径,创学新教育方式,注重"学习共同体"的构建以及与地域文化、家庭和社区的融合。  相似文献   

祝丽娜 《辅导员》2013,(15):36-37
学校与家庭是每个学生成长过程中两支必不可少、相辅相成的重要力量。随着时代的发展,教育的理念不断革新,教育者的思想和做法不断改进和创新,而学校教育、家庭教育的互助作用就显得更为重要。在工作中,我深深体会到,老师老师和家长相互沟通,携起手来,能更有效地促进学生健康成长。那  相似文献   

针对目前高职院校学生心理发展的新特点,对大学生心理互助模式进行思考,提出"线下线上双轨融合"模式。线下建立心理互助组织体系、开展心理互助活动、锻炼心理互助技能;线上构建心理互助网络阵地、心理固定服务平台、心理互助网络意见领导体系等。  相似文献   

祝丽娜 《辅导员》2013,(10):36-37
<正>学校与家庭是每个学生成长过程中两支必不可少、相辅相成的重要力量。随着时代的发展,教育的理念不断革新,教育者的思想和做法不断改进和创新,而学校教育、家庭教育的互助作用就显得更为重要。在工作中,我深深体会到,老师老师和家长相互沟通,携起手来,能更有效地促进学生健康成长。那  相似文献   

<正>张家港市港区小学是一所富有浓郁现代化气息的农村学校。学校以"开放、包容、融合"的姿态,接纳来自21个省市的"流动花朵",形成了多元地域文化相互融合的独特背景。多年来,学校坚持"为孩子未来奠基,为学生发展服务"的办学理念,秉承"求真、向善、尚美、务实"的校训,追求真教育,培育真儿童,努力实现"让天底下所有孩子享受同样的教育公平,让校园里全部儿童得到共同的幸福成长"的教育目标。  相似文献   

正教育须坚定地秉持"立天下之大本,知天地之化育"。大连经济技术开发区第十高级中学(以下简称"十中")将文化建设作为学校的发展之源和办学之本,经过多年的探索,最终确立将心育文化融合课堂教学、融合学生德育、融合校园文化建设的文化兴校之路,在积淀学校文化底蕴的过程中,十中人独创性的将"校园文化石"作为德育和智育的显性载体,来韬养学校的灵性。十中将园林景观学和教育心理学相互渗透,设计出了一门富有生态性和主体性的教育  相似文献   

<正>姜红江苏省苏州中学园区校校长她倡导"生活教育",用"寄宿书院制"和"湿地文化"打造"地球学习村",融合现代与传统,东方与西方文化,培育学生的国际视野、世界眼光。她主张"怀天下,为正行,会生活",致力于培养"阳光少年"和"学习能手"。关于学习,她倡导科学、自主、互助,高效、能力、素养。她通过为学生提供完整的生活教育,开启了学校教育的"全人模式",将学校的湿地文化、国  相似文献   

创造适合学生的教育"作为一种现代教育观念,其内涵可概括为相互联系、相互融合、有机统一的"四性教育",即开发性教育、发展性教育、层次性教育和主体性教育。   现代教育本质论认为,教育应同时具有两种功能,满足社会和个人发展的两种需要,并且这两种功能是有机统一的。"创造适合学生的教育"即以此作为理论基础。首先,作为学校教育,本身具有社会功能;其次,强调教育在发挥其社会功能的同时要注重个人发展,重视提高学生的素质,以发挥教育的促进个人发展的功能。   创造适合学生的教育,符合马克思主义辩证法内因和外因统一的哲…  相似文献   

康复训练对于培智学校学生的发展起到至关重要的作用。为了满足培智学校学生教育与康复的双重需求,培智学校可将学科教学与康复训练相融合,通过学科教学目标与康复目标的融合、学科教学内容与康复训练内容的融合等路径,有效落实"教康结合"理念,促进培智学校学生的功能康复和补偿。  相似文献   

中国式家庭教育的偏颇比比皆是,过分强调孩子的名次、阻止孩子玩耍、指责孩子的失败等都会直接影响孩子的学习质量和思想健康.因此,疏导交流通道,搭建沟通平台,保障家庭、学校的信息沟通和行为互助,对于实现学生的健康发展和全面进步至关重要.做好家庭、学校联动互助,能够营造出更为健康和谐的教育成长环境. 为了畅通家校沟通互助渠道,我校建立了"家校恳谈会"制度,"家校恳谈会"不同于家长会,其核心是沟通,最终目的是深入了解学生的学习生活环境,从而与家长们协力对学生实施科学合理的人性化教育."家校恳谈会"一般来说都选择素质高的家长参加,但也有必要考虑不同层次的家长.一味地追求学历高、素质高的家长,反而容易导致信息的片面化,缺乏整体的关照.只要是关心教育、支持学校工作的家长,都可以作为代表出席恳谈会."家校恳谈会"实现家庭和学校的有效互助沟通可通过以下"三方面"来实现.  相似文献   

The main objective of this article is to explore and compare research data on pull-out and push-out phenomena within inclusive school systems, discussing if and how they represent a risk for inclusion. The terms pull-out and push-out refer to situations in which some groups of students in regular schools learn in settings apart from their peers. Typically, the terms push out and pull out refer to students with disabilities or other special-education needs, but the phenomenon does not refer to these groups exclusively. Italy and Norway are among the European countries that first established inclusive school systems through laws that explicitly refer to what later was to become global inclusive education ideas. Both countries have a reputation for inclusive education and a history of addressing segregation of students with disabilities. However, in both countries, recent data have shown an increase in the removal of students with disabilities and other SEN from regular classrooms. Our aim is to describe and analyse these phenomena through national statistics and data from different independent research projects. Results indicate that, contrary to intentions, special-education-school-type solutions persist along with flexible adaptations within whole-class and group settings for all children.  相似文献   

Achieving equality remains a major challenge in schools globally. In Hong Kong, the current education policy has a core value that all students have the right to learn. Policy-makers and school personnel are struggling to find ways of catering for diverse learning needs in schools. Early in 2006, a self-initiated inclusive educational project has linked one mainstream school and a special school. Their project can be seen as a pioneer in the field of education, for it provides concrete recommendations to other education practitioners on initiating whole-school participation and joint-school partnerships, integrating such collaborations into the culture of the school, and encouraging teachers committed to student voice and engagement. This article records the qualitative case study comprising the teachers' self reports to demonstrate how teachers re-shaped their perceptions, beliefs and behaviours as they developed and implemented a school-based inclusion project. It is expected that the findings of this study will assist educators to further understand present challenges in the school system regarding managing diversity and attaining inclusive education goals. In particular, local schools are now facing the challenge to implement inclusive education.  相似文献   

采用自编问卷对新疆地区8218名小学三年级至大学四年级普通学生融合教育态度进行调查与分析。结果发现:普通学生对融合教育持比较积极态度,其中情感和行为意向最积极,但对残疾学生的认识有待进一步提高。总体上,普通学生对融合教育态度从小学到初中、高中呈上升趋势,步入大学后稳中有降。性别、是否独生子女、年级、区域、居住地、是否听过残疾人事例、学校是否有残疾人、班级是否有残疾人、是否接触过残疾人是影响学生融合教育态度的重要因素。基于以上结果,从加强对低年段学生融合教育态度的正向引导与干预;推动高等融合教育发展,改善大学生对融合教育的态度;加强农村地区融合教育支持保障体系建设;增进普通学生与残疾学生的接触,提高对残疾学生的正确认识四方面提出对策。  相似文献   

Implementing curriculum that is inclusive of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ) people has the potential to create an equitable learning environment. In order to learn more about students’ experiences of LGBTQ-inclusive curriculum, 26 high school students with diverse racial/ethnic, sexual, and gender identities were recruited from the Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) Network in California. Students participated in focus groups conducted by telephone by GSA staff, sharing their experiences of LGBTQ-inclusive curriculum in school. Qualitative coding methods, including grounded theory, were used to identify themes and interpret students’ responses. Data revealed that LGBTQ-inclusive curriculum was most often taught in social sciences and humanities courses as stand-alone lessons. LGBTQ-inclusive curriculum rarely met standards of social justice education, though opportunities for critical conversations about systemic oppression regularly emerged. For instance, teachers often failed to intervene in LGBTQ bullying and missed teachable moments conducive to inclusive curriculum. Some students learned positive LGBTQ lessons and highlighted the ways such curriculum reflected their identities and created a supportive school climate. Implications for equitable education are discussed.  相似文献   

全纳教育的提出,给传统教育带来了挑战,也要求普通学校的教师具有相应的素质,教师教育的改革势在必行。通过考察加拿大新不伦瑞克省三所学校的全纳教育师资培养的实践,我国教师教育应该借鉴加拿大的经验:转变意识,开设全纳教育课程;灵活设置,提供多层次、多种类全纳教育课程;提供保障,完善教师资格证书制度。  相似文献   

It is of great importance to maximize access to general education for all students with disabilities. This article focuses on how leaders create inclusive schools for all students—inclusive school reform. Inclusive school reform can result in all students with disabilities being placed into general education settings (including students with significant disabilities, students with mild disabilities, students with emotional disabilities, students with autismall students) and providing inclusive services to meet their needs while eliminating pullout or self-contained special education programs. In this article, we outline a 7-part process, as well as a set of tools for schools to use to create authentically inclusive schools.  相似文献   

This study assessed the needs of urban school leaders for special education preparation in a large public school district in the USA in order to assist the school administrators with improving their knowledge and skills for providing appropriate services to students with disabilities and their families to support inclusive education. The needs survey was created based on the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC 2009) standards for school administrators in the USA and the literature in special education. The validity and reliability of the instrument were verified. The needs assessment measures 10 aspects regarding special education knowledge and skills as indicated by 10 factors in the exploratory factor analysis. Quantitative data analyses on a sample of 289 participants revealed that there were significant differences in the needs of training in special education knowledge based on the school administrators’ backgrounds. The current research supports the call for the professional development and inclusive education for school leaders. The findings of the current study indicated that school leaders wanted the knowledge to make them more successful in serving students with disabilities to answer the call for inclusive education.  相似文献   

本文从社会学的视角,分析了社会分层与社会流动给农村人口带来的巨大压力,以及我国城乡二元结构体系对农村学前教育所产生的负面影响。并由此提出了相应的解决策略。  相似文献   

As school systems strive to support students with special education needs in inclusive schools, there has been a persistent lack of scholarly literature that addresses the ways in which school principals are engaged in this process. This article is a response to this gap and aims to examine the question: What types of experiences do school principals identify as formational in their support of students with special education needs and fostering inclusive schools? Based on the analysis of data collected from 285 school principals from six provinces in Canada, four key themes are identified including: relationships, modelling behaviours, communication and principal isolation and lack of preparation. These themes are examined with consideration for how to support principals’ professional leadership in fostering inclusive schools. As a result, this article’s significance is in its examination of the experiences of principals and how these influence their leadership practice for supporting students with special education needs and fostering inclusive schools.  相似文献   

Inclusive education is a worldwide reform strategy intended to include students with different abilities in mainstream regular schools. Evidence from previous research shows that success in implementing effective inclusive teaching practices in the school is contingent on teachers' positive attitudes towards inclusive education. This study was conducted in the context of primary education in Bangladesh aiming to examine variables influencing teachers' attitudes towards inclusion of students with disabilities in regular classrooms. Data for the study was collected from 738 teachers working in 293 government primary schools in Bangladesh. The results indicated that perceived school support for inclusive teaching practices and a range of demographic variables including previous success in teaching students with disabilities and contact with a student with a disability were associated with more positive attitudes of the teachers towards the inclusive education. The results are discussed with possible implications for educators, policy‐makers and international organisations working on the implementation of inclusive education.  相似文献   

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