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一般现在时表示经常性或习惯性的动作或存在的状态。或表示说话者的能力,或普遍真理。例如:  相似文献   

I am a fish. When I was born, I was very small, and my father andmother both loved me very much. My home was in a river, and I had alot of friends.They were all beautiful and healthy fish. We often playedgames together happily. We found that our home——the river was very cleanand beautiful.We all loved her.  相似文献   

日Why Does He Like Raining?@佚名 @张立明$我们的工作室~~  相似文献   

这道考题比较贴近考生的实际生活,要求考生讲的无非是他们的一些心里话,因而不管是新生也好,老生也好,考试时面对这道问题“卡壳”的现象并不多。然而,就回答的质量而言,却还有不少地方有待于提高:相对于基本信息的表达而言,他们对于非基本信息,如情感等的表达,还显得颇有欠缺。绝大多数的考生在考试中显得较为拘谨,其对于节奏、语调、  相似文献   

A mathematical model for collective learning by several autonomous agents is described. This is a stochastic recursion that arises in several disparate fields like statistics, engineering and economics  相似文献   

1.Tom’smothergoestoEngland.ShewillstudyEnglishforaboutayear.2.Tom’sfatherisabusiness-man(商人).Heisverybusyeverydayandhas___1___timetodohousework.3.Tomandhisfatherdon’tsweepthefloorandwashtheplatesaf-ter___2___.Theydon’tcleanthetable___3___twoweeks.Thereismuchdust(灰尘)onthetable.4.OneFridayafternoon,Tomcleansthetableandotherfurniture(家具)___4___becausehisfriendswillcometohishome.Hewantsthemto___5___agoodtime.5.Whenhisfath…  相似文献   

MrsHarrislivesinasmallvillage.Herhusbandisdead,butshehasoneson.Heistwenty-oneandhisnameisGeoff.Heworkedintheshopinthevil-lageandlivedwithhismother,butthenhegotworkinatownandwentantlivedthere.ItsnamewasGreensea.Itwasquitealongwayfromhismother's  相似文献   

一个寒冷的冬日,一只狐狸告诉熊妈妈他能教她怎样钓鱼。熊妈妈想学,狐狸就把她带到一个冰窟窿旁,告诉她把尾巴放进水里。  相似文献   

阅读下列材料, 以“Why is fantasy literature so popular with young people?”为 题写一篇短文。 词数: 100 左右。 现 状 原 因 建 议 许 多 年 轻 人 喜 欢 科 幻 文 学 , 他 们 阅 读 科 幻 文 学 时 往 往忘记吃饭、睡觉。 科幻文学情节曲折, 能够吸引年轻人。 适 量 阅 读 科 幻 文 学 , 但 不 要 沉 溺 其 中 , 以 免 不 适 应 现实生活。 科幻文学生动有趣, 富于教育意 义, 容易感动年轻人。 科幻文学往往描绘年轻人在现实 生活中无法实现的事情, 对年轻人理 想的实现是一个弥补。Why is fantasy literature so popular with you…  相似文献   

【新课程要求】1.本单元要求从听、说、读三方面认识一些常见的动物,简单区分食肉性动物与食草性动物。2.学会用形容词来正确地描述动物,表  相似文献   

Islam is a way of life, we try to do what the Prophet did. (Muslim teacher)

The small‐scale study focuses on a number of Muslim parents and practitioners who have rejected local primary community schools in favour of Muslim faith schooling. The rejection of the type of schools that we support and that we train our student teachers to prepare for prompts considerable concern. This concern has led us to question in what ways Muslim schools represent a challenge to our own educational beliefs and values. This study is an attempt to identify the source of that challenge and what it means to our understanding of ourselves as white educators and researchers and the work we do with trainee teachers. It leads us to question our perspective on a range of issues including diversity, inclusion, parental rights and ultimately the aims of education.  相似文献   

秋天树叶变红是因为花青素的作用,但你知道英国科学家日前发现,植物叶片变红也是为避害虫吗?  相似文献   

Arunn Narasimhan 《Resonance》2008,13(7):638-647
In this essay we shall try to answer the question in the title with some geometry and heat transfer thrown in for effect. For doing so, as the joke goes, allow me to assume the elephant as a sphere. The reason will be apparent soon. Arunn Narasimhan is a faculty at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras. His research interests include transport in porous media, phase change materials and heat transfer in biological systems.  相似文献   

In my opinion,the standard of success is being as"stupid"as Forrest Gump(阿甘).I am sure that many peoplesurely think that I must be crazy sinceGump's IQ is only 75. But here,"stupid"I mentioned is akind of attitude towards life,being optimistic and ticking on aims.If Gump  相似文献   

“Why do...?”与“Why not do...?”都是常用句式。下面略作分析。“Why do...?”是个肯定形式的疑问句,表示“做某事没有必要或无意义”,常用来表示责难或不同意,意为“为什么要……?”。例如:  相似文献   

The dominant market logic in contemporary education produces social inequalities in education, through new mechanisms. To create markets in education, services and resources have to be rationed, so inequality is built in. To motivate parents to buy privatised services, losers have to be created and publicised – this is the function of NAPLAN testing and the MySchool website. In neo-liberal rhetoric, the actual pattern of social inequality is misrepresented, e.g. the idea of ‘pockets of poverty’, while institutional restructuring embeds the new mechanisms. Neoliberalism seeks to close down arenas for debate and create a monopoly for the market perspective; it is important to sustain other agendas.  相似文献   


This exploratory study was designed to evaluate the interplay of students’ rate and comprehension in independent silent reading of accessible text, within the frameworks of the Simple View of Reading and the RAND Reading Study Group. In the first phase, 61 sixth graders were given a reading test (GRADE), a motivation questionnaire, and an on-screen measure of comprehension-based silent reading rate (SRF-O, adapted from aimswebPlus SRF) with on-grade and below-grade text. Two-thirds of students had perfect or near-perfect SRF-O comprehension, but the other one-third had moderate to poor comprehension. These weaker SRF-O comprehenders had relatively low GRADE scores, but others with comparable GRADE scores comprehended well on SRF-O. The poorest SRF-O comprehenders read with increasing rate and decreasing comprehension across the SRF-O texts. In the second phase, the 21 students with weaker SRF-O comprehension took an oral reading fluency (ORF) test and a paper form of the silent reading rate measure (SRF-P) in a one-on-one setting. All students comprehended well on SRF-P and their SRF-P rates correlated highly with GRADE and ORF. Results support the view that poor comprehension in independent silent reading of accessible text may be due to factors other than reading ability (such as assessment context) and that, when students read with comprehension, their rate is a good indicator of their reading ability.


Abundanttraditionalfestivalsaretheindispensablecompo鄄nentofaculture.Everyfestivalhasitshistoricalorigin,beautifullegend,uniqueflavorandprofoundmultitudefoundation.Reflect鄄inganation’straditionalhabit,moralprincipleandreligiousfaith,everyfestivalsymbolizesthewholenation’sdreamandbecomesthemostexultantpageanttransmittedfromgenerationtogenera鄄tion.Becauseofthedifferencesinhistory,literature,religionandtradition,everycountryhasitsspecialwaytocelebratetheirfesti鄄vals,amongwhich,NewYear’sDay…  相似文献   

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