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南通大学是2004年经教育部批准,由原来的南通医学院、南通工学院和南通师范学院合并而成的一所省属综合性大学。南通大学现占地2700余亩,有4个校区。校园绿树成荫,环境幽雅。  相似文献   

美国密歇根大学在第11任校长杜德斯达的倡导下,于2001年成立了千年计划研究中心,该中心是密歇根大学为迎接21世纪挑战,制定新千年发展战略的跨学科研究和咨询机构。全球化研究是密歇根大学"千年计划"的重要组成部分。为顺应全球化潮流,建立世界性的大学,密歇根大学在诸多方面都取得了显著的成果,如对传统优势的继承与超越、校园的多样性与学术的卓越性、人才培养的危机意识与全球视野、社会服务的本土情怀与人类问责。  相似文献   

本研究以Web of Science数据库中两个子库(SCI-E,SSCI)收录的2007-2016年有关校园欺凌研究的文献为数据来源,借助CiteSpace Ⅲ、HistCite和Excel软件,采用引文分析和科学知识图谱可视化分析技术,对国外校园欺凌研究文献的时间分布、研究机构和作者的地区分布、载文期刊名称与核心文献等方面进行了梳理.研究发现,校园欺凌研究以美国为主,欧美国家占据研究的主导地位;校园欺凌领域的研究者主要分布在美国和荷兰的大学,分别形成了以伊利诺伊大学等3所大学为中心的凝聚子群;研究热点主要集中于校园欺凌的本质及形式、校园欺凌的发生率及危害、成因、对策等方面.  相似文献   

通大宣 《江苏高教》2007,(6):158-158
南通大学是经国家教育部批准,于2004年5月由南通医学院、南通工学院和南通师范学院合并组建的综合性大学.她处于长江三角洲最具活力的城市--被誉为中国近代第一城的南通.  相似文献   

大学制度文化无不凝结着大学校长的智慧与理念。塔潘就任密歇根大学改组后的第一任校长以来,根据社会时代和大学发展的需要,以德国大学模式为样本对密歇根大学的课程、师资建设、学生管理、教学设施的完善等内部组织机制进行了锐意改革与创新,确立了新的管理模式,为随后密歇根大学迅速崛起奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

简介南通大学2004年由南通医学院、南通工学院、南通师范学院合并而成,是江苏省一所规模合理、学科齐全教学质量及效益明显的综合性大学。1912年由清末状元张謇先生创立了南通大学医科,经过近百年的建设和发展,南通大学临床技能训练中心现已成为一个现代化的临床实践教学基地。实验用房使用面积约4615m2,实验仪器设备1190台(件),设备完好率98%。目前临床技能中心面向14个专业,开展了38门课程448个临  相似文献   

亚利桑那州立大学校长迈克尔·克劳正在创建一所“新美国研究型大学”,该校寻求在更多校区和学科中,培养更多类型的学生.新美国研究型大学的独特之处在于:通过本科生培养规模的扩张,积极拓展科学研究,促进大学的区域参与和经济发展贡献.本研究将对亚利桑那州立大学、宾夕法尼亚州立大学、密歇根大学三所大学的科研机构的组织策略差异展开比较研究.亚利桑那州立大学将院系重组为跨学科组织,有效地减少将学生置于某些特定学科中训练的培养模式,并投资创建了独立的生命设计研究所.宾夕法尼亚州立大学在保留传统学科院系作为教学科研基本组织的基础上,设立了多所跨学科的科研机构,开展更为聚焦和有效的学术研究.密歇根大学正如其前校长詹姆士·杜德施塔特所阐释的,提出了成为全国性大学、甚至世界性大学的发展蓝图.该校的科研活动主要在隶属于学科院系的研究中心或科研院所中推进.通过比较不同科研组织模式,可为探究研究型大学的学术核心、尤其是思考传统学科院系和科研机构之间的关系提供重要启示.  相似文献   

李鸿琳 《大学生》2013,(22):76-77
正在美国地图上搜索阿贡国家实验室和西北大学等5所大学,发现除了密歇根大学位于密歇根州外,其他的都位于伊利诺伊州。伊利诺伊州和密歇根州处于美国中西部,这里是美国传统的工业基地,汽车城底特律离密歇根大学不远。国家实验室+研究型大学+与汽车相关的知名企业,看来,电池、能源储存的颠覆性革命有可能将在美国中西部爆发。  相似文献   

通过对湖南文理学院学生进行问卷调查,采用文献资料法等,较全面分析了他们的体育消费现状及水平.发现我院大学生对体育消费已有明确动机,消费结构合理等,但家庭经济、物价和消费环境等主要因素还影响和制约着我院大学体育消费的水平.  相似文献   

数学师资的来源 与世界上许多其它国家一样,土耳其目前所有的中小学、幼儿园师资都由大学培养。大学一般由一些学院(如文学院、理学院、教育学院、工学院等)组成,其中只有一部分大学能够培养师资。中学师资可由教育学院培养,合格者授予教师资格证书,也可由文学院或理学院培养,文理学院的毕业学生被授予学士学位。但持有学士学位证书  相似文献   

This report presents the principal findings of a study conducted for the University of Wisconsin Television Laboratory, of which Raymond J. Stanley is director, and the Wisconsin School of the Air, with the assistance of a grant- in- aid from the Educational Television and Radio Center, Ann Arbor, Michigan.  相似文献   


Despite the substantive body of research on African American Language (AAL), designating it a meaningful, rule-governed language system and the first language of many African Americans, schools in the US have systematically failed to integrate a language policy related to African American English learners (AAELs). In this article, we employ a critical discourse and policy analysis to examine two major policies related to AAL and AAELs – the Martin Luther King Junior Elementary School Children et al. v. Ann Arbor School District, a federal district case in Michigan known as the Ann Arbor Decision, and the Ebonics Resolution adopted by the Oakland California Board of the Oakland Unified School District (OUSD). Our analysis reveals three themes across these texts – they affirm AAL as a ‘home and community language’ in its own right, mandate teachers to take ‘appropriate action’ in teaching AAL speakers, and dispel notions that AAL stems from cultural, social, and economic deprivation.  相似文献   

Reviews: 7     
Norris, Donald et al (2003) Transforming e-knowledge Society for College and University Planning (Ann Arbor MI) ISBN 1-930708-34-3 270 pp £58.50 boards
http://www.transformingeknowledge.info  相似文献   

Joan Freeman 《Roeper Review》2013,35(4):248-249
Dissertation titles and abstract information contained herein are published with permission of University Microfilms International, and may not be reproduced without their prior permission. Complete copies of the dissertations may be obtained by addressing requests specifying Order Number to University Microfilms International, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106, or by telephoning 800–521–3042.  相似文献   

数据中心就是在“数字化校园”建设过程中,以相应的设备向校园各用户提供专业化和标准化的数据存放业务和相关服务的统一支持环境。数据中心的建立目的是为了消除“信息孤岛”。保障数据的权威性、唯一性、完整性和准确性,为学校全面管理提供数据信息,实现各业务系统间的数据共享和为学校的决策支持提供数据支撑。  相似文献   

This article highlights the philosophies of adult education and total quality and shows how they are combined to create a powerful educational tool. The article scans the literature, shares a case study at a community college, and offers examples and strategies for making learning a more collaborative, adult, high quality process.Laura L. Bierema obtained a Bachelor's degree in Liberal Arts from Michigan State University, a Master's degree in Labor & Industrial Relations from Michigan State University, and an Ed.D. in Adult Education from the University of Georgia. Dr. Bierema is currently a faculty member at Washtenaw Community College in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Her interests include teaching effectiveness, women's development, organizational learning, qualitative research, and total quality management.  相似文献   

从促进校园文化建设的终极目标出发,归纳出目前北京工业大学教育技术中心在校园文化建设中的优势,进而提出信息技术在高校校园文化建设的具体实施方法。  相似文献   

This article examines the implications of a cognitive model of learning for the design of educational broadcast television. Specifically examined are research studies with instructional implications for such functions as pacing, cueing, modeling, and transformation of the television presentation. Robert B. Kozma is Associate Professor at School of Education, Associate Research Scientist at the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching, and Project Director, National Center for Research to Improve Post Secondary Teaching and Learning, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, 1984. Appreciation is expressed to Barbara Beath, Edward Saunders, anonymous reviewers, and students in the author’s seminar on educational television for their helpful comments.  相似文献   

Although the need for personal counseling services is on the rise across college campuses in the United States, many community colleges do not offer personal counseling services on campus. Instead, community college counseling services focus primarily on academic and career advising. The purpose of this study was to survey community college students in North Carolina to determine their interest in and need for a personal counseling center on campus. Participants were 134 men and 202 women, 18–68 years of age. Of the participants, 70% indicated that having a personal counseling center on campus would be “very helpful” or “helpful.” Results are discussed, and recommendations are made for college counselors working in community college settings.  相似文献   

Doulas, women who primarily provide social support during childbirth, have been associated with a number of positive health outcomes. Because the primary model of practice for doulas is a fee-for-service model in which families privately hire a doula, many expectant women who could benefit from doula support are unable to access the service. The Doulas Care program, located in Ann Arbor, Michigan, represents one model in which doulas provide services without charge. As a result of their extended role in the community, doulas who work with the Doulas Care program have unique educational needs. Through the use of focus groups with the program's volunteer doulas, educational needs related to overcoming barriers to being a doula working in the community were identified. Recommendations for education and training are made to improve the support doulas offer as community health outreach workers.  相似文献   

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