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The European Union’s increasing attention to social and cultural matters has been expressed through the notions of European citizenship and identity which are to be developed among children, adolescents and adults. Whether, and if so, how, children perceive a European identity to coexist with national identities is a challenging and relatively under‐studied question. This paper presents part of the findings of a study conducted in December 2000 which explored the ways in which 140 10‐year‐old Greek‐Cypriot pupils constructed their national and European identities. Results indicated that, despite positive attitudes towards Europe, pupils attributed little significance to the European identity, whereas national identities were extremely important. The discourse developed revealed essentialist and a‐historical representations of national identity, and an instrumentalist approach to Europe. Social psychological insights from self‐categorization theory are employed to explore whether the two identities were construed as in the same or different typical levels of abstraction. These findings are discussed within the broader socio‐political context of Cyprus and European integration.  相似文献   

In this study, the psychometric properties of the scenario‐based Achievement Guilt and Shame Scale (AGSS) were established. The AGSS and scales assessing interpersonal guilt and shame, high standards, overgeneralization, self‐criticism, self‐esteem, academic self‐concept, fear of failure, and tendency to respond in a socially desirable manner were completed by 322 undergraduate students. A confirmatory factor analysis indicated that a 12‐scenario model had an acceptable fit to the data, with guilt and shame items forming separate, weakly correlated subscales. Each of the guilt and shame subscales of the AGSS demonstrated good internal and test–retest reliability. Good construct validity was also evident, with each subscale uniquely correlating with constructs in ways that were consistent with predictions. Acceptable discriminant validity was also evident. These outcomes provide support for the utility of the AGSS in assessing guilt and shame reactions in achievement situations.  相似文献   

There is a dearth of research on the work–life balance experiences of academics who undertake short-term international teaching assignments. Academics who teach offshore are also accountable for onshore activities including lecturing, research, supervision of higher degree students, mentoring, publishing and administrative obligations inter alia. These responsibilities pose further challenges to work and life. Within the context of a qualitative design, 11 academics were interviewed in depth regarding their short-term international teaching experiences. Specific issues relating to family separation, excessive work hours, poor assignment planning and lack of organisational recognition were identified. Findings have important implications for academics, and university policy and practice.  相似文献   

This paper begins with the observation that in education today, partnership is ubiquitous, in that partnership is mentioned in virtually all policy documents emanating from the Department of Education and Science, Ireland. However the lack of a clear understanding of partnership may mean that its usage in educational debate may obscure more than it illuminates. For this reason, a definition of partnership is offered and explained in the first part of this paper. The second part of this paper begins by highlighting the increasing importance of parent–teacher meetings and school reports on children's progress in current education. These two strategies are then examined in the context of partnership. In both cases, the argument is presented that while both strategies can be implemented according to the partnership model, it is possible for schools to conduct parent–teacher meetings and issue school reports that do not conform to partnership. The challenge then for schools is to assess to what extent their parent–teacher meetings and their school reports adhere to the principles of partnership.  相似文献   

This investigation examined criticisms of the Bem Sex‐Role Inventory, a measure of gender orientation, and further examined its reliability and validity. Study 1 produced a two factor solution which was similar to other analyses. Study 2 demonstrated what adjectives best described males and females in American society. From the two studies, a revision of the Bem Sex‐Role Inventory was proposed with 10 items each measuring masculinity and femininity.  相似文献   

Test‐taking strategies are important cognitive skills that strongly affect students’ performance in tests. Using appropriate test‐taking strategies improves students’ achievement and grades, improves students’ attitudes toward tests and reduces test anxiety. This results in improving test accuracy and validity. This study aimed at developing a scale to assess students’ test‐taking strategies at university level. The scale developed was passed through several validation procedures that included content, construct and criterion‐related validity. Similarly, scale reliability (internal reliability and stability over time) was assessed through several procedures. Four samples of students (50, 828, 553 and 235) participated by responding to different versions of the scale. The scale developed consists of 31 items distributed into four sub‐scales: Before‐test, Time management, During‐test and After‐test. To the researcher’s knowledge, this is the first comprehensive scale developed to assess test‐taking strategies used by university students.  相似文献   

Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability - With the passage of the Every Student Succeeds Act, states have increased latitude over school improvement and accountability policies. At...  相似文献   

In globalization, global competence (GC) is a crucial competence for graduate students to possess; thus, graduate education should prepare students with GC to compete globally. However, no instrument has been designed to measure graduate students' GC, and the theoretical structure of GC has not been empirically examined. To fill these gaps, first, we developed the Global Competence Scale for graduate students (GCSG) based on a three-dimensional theoretical framework (knowledge, skills, and attitudes). Second, we administered the GCSG to Chinese graduate students sampled from five universities in Beijing. Third, we examined the theoretical framework, and examined the reliability and validity of the scale. Finally, we described the Chinese graduate student sample’s GC by using the instrument. The results supported the theoretical model and provided evidence for the reliability and validity of the instrument. We also found that the sample showed higher ratings in knowledge and attitudes but lower ratings in communication skills.  相似文献   

This article reports on a research project that explored the potential to integrate autobiographical work emphasising personal experiences of exclusion and marginalisation into the Greek Literature curriculum followed in Greek-Cypriot schools. Given the difficulties encountered in Cyprus in promoting changes in attitudes towards diversity, we discuss the autobiographical poems of the disabled Turkish-Cypriot poet Orkun Bozkurt with the aim of strengthening efforts to foster citizenship education in Cyprus. One aspect of the study involved the analysis and comparison of Bozkurt's poems with those traditionally employed in the Greek Literature curriculum. By taking this analysis as a baseline, we designed and implemented an intervention programme that aimed at changing the attitudes of adult students towards the ‘Other’. Our findings suggest that changes in attitudes are possible, provided that traditional teaching methods and materials are enriched with alternative materials that represent typically underrepresented groups of people, and also that the teaching methods adopted encourage active involvement and critical thinking among students.  相似文献   


The ways in which examination standards are conceptualised and operationalised differently across nations has not been given sufficient attention. The international literature on standard-setting has been dominated by the psychometrics tradition. Broader conceptualisations of examination standards have been discussed in the literature in England, which has curriculum-related examinations at the end of schooling. There has, however, been little analysis of conceptualisations of examination standards in Scotland. Different education systems and examinations operate in Scotland and England, and the stated value positions and processes relating to examination standards differ markedly. This paper critically examines policy positions on assessment standards in Scotland and England through the lens of recent theories of standard-setting. By analysing public statements on standards, the paper illuminates similarities and differences in conceptual bases and operational approaches, and examines the effects of these on outcomes for candidates. We conclude that both systems are operationalising attainment-referencing, but with different processes in Scotland and England and these practices do not fit within previous examination standards classifications. As such, the paper moves examination standards theory forward by concluding that there is at least one superordinate definitional category that draws upon more than one definitional stance.  相似文献   

ObjectiveStudies have consistently demonstrated a lack of agreement between youth and parent reports regarding youth-witnessed violence. However, little is known about whether disagreement is associated with poorer outcomes and less utilization of mental health services. The purpose of the current study was to examine disagreement among youth and parents about youth witnessed violence, and determine whether concordance predicted trauma symptoms and recognition of need and receipt of counseling services.MethodsConcordance about youth-witnessed violence was examined in 766 dyads from the Longitudinal Studies of Child Abuse and Neglect (LONGSCAN). Youth participants self-reported trauma symptoms, caregivers indicated youth need for and receipt of services. Both youth and parents provided information about youth-witnessed violence exposure in the last year.ResultsResults showed youth and caregivers differed significantly about youth-witnessed violence. Specifically, 42% of youth reported youth-witnessed violence, compared to only 15% of parents. For those parents who reported youth-witnessed violence, only 29% reported an identified need for services and only 17% reported the youth had received any mental health services. Concordance between parent–youth dyads was associated with greater identified need for services but was not associated with the use of counseling services or trauma symptoms.ConclusionsYouth who reported witnessing violence reported more frequent trauma symptoms regardless of concordance. Parents from dyads in which both informants reported youth-witnessed violence were more likely to endorse need for, but not receipt of counseling services. Given this association between youth-witnessed violence and mental health problems, more work is needed to identify barriers to concordance as well as service utilization.  相似文献   

This article is aimed at understanding some mechanisms implied in the construction of educational sciences as a disciplinary field in interaction with other social fields. Its object is the Genevan “Institut des sciences de l'éducation” from 1912 to 1948. This institution is analyzed from two main points of view: the foundation and development of the Institute; the publication activity of its members. In order to understand the reasons that led to the foundation of the Institute, the programmatic text of Claparède (1912) is submitted to a thorough analysis that allows also an understanding of the choices made concerning institutional forms. The history of the Institute is then briefly presented showing that one can distinguish two phases with a transition period from 1929 to 1932. At this moment an important shift takes place from an institution heavily engaged in promoting New Education towards a university institute in which, through specialization and differentiation, one discipline – psychology – progressively emerges. The publication activity of the Institute members is first analyzed through the communication media they create or they are responsible for. The media create a local – and internationally linked – communication space. This space exhibits as much continuity with regard to certain media as an important change: the bulletin designed for linking disciplinary and social fields disappears in favor of media publishing research contributions for researchers. In what concerns the domains and themes treated in the publications one observes an important continuity of the proportion in the different fields, but a certain shift in the themes: New Education is much less prominent in the second phase in which at the same time one finds more strictly scientific and more practical contributions. The intermediate field weakens. The construction of educational sciences appears as a complex, not linear process whereby even a discipline emerges, psychology, in which education seems to be more and more excluded. The analyses show that the Institute of educational sciences in Geneva, like many others, is an essential institution in the construction process of a disciplinary field in the domain of education.  相似文献   

This paper is about people's relationship to laws, rules and regulations in a Greek town. The aim is to describe specific traffic policies, point out the underlying pedagogical assumptions and assess their potential effect in relation to the goals of a democratic education. The study springs from the author's experience as a non-native inhabitant of Greece. It is the result of daily, 15-year-long participant observation. Faced with drivers who disregard most rules of the Highway Code, especially concerning parking, the authorities in a Greek town have screwed traffic devices to the ground. Functioning like obstacles, such devices are designed to make violations materially impossible. I argue that this policy eventually teaches people not to respect traffic regulations and rules in general, thus being in conflict with the goals of a democratic education.  相似文献   

Across Europe there are growing concerns about Islamophobia and far-right and anti-democratic movements. Until Anders Behring Breivik’s July 2011 attacks in which 77 died, Norway’s vulnerability was not perceived as great as that of other jurisdictions. Breivik declared his abhorrence of multiculturalism but also drew the world’s attention to intolerance and xenophobia in Europe, increasingly directed towards Muslims. In response, Prime Minister Stoltenberg spoke widely of ‘the new Norwegian we’, cautioning against exclusionary discourses and underlining that minorities are an equal part of Norwegian society. This paper examines education policy in the context both of extreme right political activity and national and international debates about nationalism and cosmopolitanism, considering ways in which policy supports an inclusive notion of nationhood, and ways in which it promotes an exclusive model of national identity. Drawing on framing questions from the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement’s 1995 International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (1995). National case studies final guidelines. Amsterdam: IEA. [Google Scholar] civic education study, relating to national identity and social cohesion, it examines how programmes address social cohesion, human rights, cultural diversity, and conceptualise minorities. It assesses the effectiveness of cross-curricular approaches to contribute to justice and equality and challenge racism in a multicultural society, proposing an inclusive model of education for cosmopolitan citizenship, which incorporates diversity.  相似文献   

Research in Science Education - This study examines the effect of history-based instruction on the topic of the atom on students’ academic achievement and their interest in the history of...  相似文献   

Tristan Bunnell 《Compare》2008,38(4):415-426
International education involves a dichotomy of study between the largely theoretical discipline of comparative education, and the still relatively under‐researched body of international schools. The last 40 years has seen the rapid growth both in scale and diversity of this type of school, plus the emergence of a discrete industry. This dimension of international education now seems to be entering a ‘second phase’, characterized in the main by a desire to exert more influence. This seems to hinge on the bringing of order and greater structure to the growing industry, and the creating of a deeper and more meaningful educational experience. This paper offers an introductory framework for conceptualizing the complex nature and ambition of this ‘second phase’, and offers an introductory platform for the future assessing of its overall effectiveness.  相似文献   

Research pertaining to science museum exhibit design tends to be articulated at a level of generality that makes it difficult to apply in practice. To address this issue, the present study used a design‐based research approach to understand the educational potential of a biology exhibit. The exhibit was considered an educational environment which embodied a certain body of biological knowledge (Biological Organisation) in a certain exhibit type (Museographic Organisation) with the intention of creating certain learning outcomes among visitors. The notion of praxeology was used to model intended and observed visitor outcomes, and the pattern of relationship between the two praxeologies was examined to pinpoint where and how divergences emerged. The implications of these divergences are discussed at the three levels of exhibit enactment, design, and conjecture, and theoretically based suggestions for a design iteration are given. The potential of the design‐based research approach for educational exhibit design is argued.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate how the ‘historical argument’, namely references to the educational policies and practices of other historical periods, was used by Greek politicians in the framework of the 1985 and 1997–1998 educational reforms. Employing the method of quantitative and qualitative content analysis, the authors attempt, on the basis of original sources (parliamentary debates/minutes) both to count and interpret the historical references.  相似文献   


This article focuses on the role the Dutch school for children with “learning and behavioural problems” (LOM) has played in knowledge production about learning disabilities and in the development of academic study of special education between 1949 and 1985. LOM-schooling grew rapidly during these years and attracted relatively many experts. In the selection and admission of LOM-children they had to be distinguished from normal, mentally deficient, and “very difficult” children. Around 1970 experts shifted their focus from the distinction between LOM-children and the latter to the difference between LOM- and mildly mentally retarded children, which turned out to be too small in the end to justify a separate school. The LOM-school’s culture of knowledge production has stimulated both testing and the study of learning problems and their treatment. It functioned as a laboratory for the development of therapeutic treatment for learning disabilities. In particular, the systematic reflection on the practice of remedial teaching was relevant in the development of child science.  相似文献   

This paper examines two Anglo teachers' understanding of their praxis as they attempted to present a culturally‐relevant physical education programme to a class of African‐American 6th‐grade students. In this case, the content was ‘stepping’, a branch of the African‐American vernacular dance tree. Five specific themes emerged: teacher apprehension; concerns about teacher legitimacy; resolution of apprehension and concerns; the unique nature of the content; and continual ethical uneasiness. The teachers expanded their understanding of praxis beyond thinking, acting, and reflecting to consider the political and social aspects that impact curriculum, pedagogy, and students.  相似文献   

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