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This article gives a brief overview of the place of religious observance (RO) within Scotland’s non-denominational state school sector, and the background to recent changes in educational thinking and government policy which led to new guidelines being introduced in 2005. The article reports on a study conducted in 2008 into the reception of the new RO guidelines and their implementation within three primary schools and one secondary school in a local authority area, together with empirical data from each of the four case studies and interview extracts from head teachers, RO practitioners and pupils. The article then highlights some problems arising from the new guidelines and suggests some areas for future empirical research.  相似文献   

Through an examination of selected documents, this article explores the role which the Irish state attributed to education in promoting the Christian, specifically Catholic, identity of its young citizens. The essay also examines the evidence of a desire to distance the state from a direct role in reinforcing the religious dimensions of cultural identity and of an endeavour to reconcile respect for the nation's Christian heritage with respect for other versions of human self-understanding.  相似文献   

《Support for Learning》2004,19(3):119-124
In this article Jane Webster enquires into the status of religious education (RE) in the curriculum of children with learning difficulties. She maintains that if RE is to be taught well its essence as a subject must be grasped by those responsible for its teaching, and that this involves establishing a viable conceptual framework for the subject. In this article a possible framework is constructed which, in respecting the cognitive and affective dimensions of human personality, enables all children to develop an understanding of the meaning of religion and a sense of their own spirituality. Jane Webster suggests that religious stories are one medium through which this kind of learning may be achieved, and describes the way in which a class of children with severe and complex learning difficulties explored the biblical story of creation in their RE lessons.  相似文献   

University counseling center therapists (N = 220) completed an Internet survey about religion/spirituality in therapy, with 200 of these therapists describing therapy with a recent client whose issues involved religion/spirituality. Common client religion/spirituality issues were questioning one's childhood religion, exploring religion/spirituality beliefs, and using religion/spirituality as a source of strength. Similarity of therapist and client religion/spirituality values was not related to the strength of the therapeutic relationship. Therapists with higher levels of religious commitment tended to rate religion/spirituality goals as more important and use religion/spirituality interventions more frequently than therapists with lower levels of religious commitment. Finally, therapists with more religion/spirituality training had higher self-efficacy for working with religion/spirituality issues. Implications for practice, research, and training are discussed.  相似文献   

宗教安全与经济安全是间接的相互影响、相互作用的关系,维护宗教安全有利于保障经济安全。  相似文献   

Despite a professionally recognized need for training in religion/spirituality, literature indicates that religious and spirituality issues continue to be inconsistently addressed in counselor education. Ten experts were asked to identify potential barriers to integrating religion and spirituality into counselor education and indicate strategies for overcoming these obstacles. Barriers included a lack of information and a lack of personal interest or relevance, and strategies included continuing education, heightened awareness of self and others, and curriculum‐specific recommendations. Implications for counselor training and recommendations for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

腊尔山苗族巴岱原始宗教信仰是以血缘地缘为基础形成的,因而具有极强的民族性、地域性、分散性和狭隘性等特点。这些特点使得容易形成一种文化趋同心理,又易被社会某些不法势力所诱导,给地方社会带来不安定因素。因而我们要科学理性地看待巴岱原始宗教,探寻适合民族地区原始宗教健康发展的有效途径。,  相似文献   

犹太民族有着自己悠久的文化传统,共同的宗教信仰和生活方式使他们拥有强烈的宗教和民族认同感。哈尔滨犹太族群曾组建过远东地区规模最大的犹太宗教公会,尽管哈尔滨犹太人来自不同国家,但在相同的宗教信仰影响下形成了共同的、富有特色的社团文化生活。  相似文献   

马克思主义认为经济利益是一切社会现象的本质,也是宗教现象的本质。人类对神灵的祈祷无非是为求得自身利益的保佑,宗教压迫的实质是阶级利益的对抗,宗教斗争背后隐藏的是现实世界利益冲突,宗教改革反映了社会经济关系的变化。人类只有在自然与社会中获得完全自由才能从宗教束缚中解放出来。  相似文献   

所谓宗教文献学,顾名思义,就是整理研究有关宗教的文献所形成的学科,对象为记录宗教知识与宗教信息的一切载体。它是人文学科中一门属于基础性的交叉学科,而对宗教文献的研究和比较,可以寻觅古今人们的心路历程,可以晓知一种信仰意识形态是如何在社会环境影响下演变发展的,可以了解关于人的诸多重大问题上的智慧结晶。  相似文献   

This article is a case study that aimed at understanding the dynamics of two complementary communities involved in a distance education graduate program: one community of practice formed by the instructors and instructional developers, who designed and developed the program, and another created by the students and instructor in one of the online courses. The relationship between both communities and the evolution that occurred within the online course are analyzed. Emergent themes are discussed and recommendations are made for similar contexts and communities.  相似文献   

冷战之后,宗教恐怖主义成为国际社会面临的主要威胁。宗教之所以与恐怖主义密切相关,乃是因为二者有着天然的联系。每一种宗教中都包含暴力冲突的隐喻。暴力通过"正义战争"的概念得以合法化。宗教恐怖主义形成的根源在于全球秩序变革引发的认同危机,在非西方社会这种危机还与殖民主义有着不可分割的联系。这种背景对恐怖分子的心理产生了深刻影响,同时也提示我们对于恐怖主义的理解要具备一定的移情能力。  相似文献   

由于自然与历史的原因,梅山文化具有鲜明的地域性色彩,表现在它的宗教信仰上,显示出了普遍的巫觋崇信心理、在神灵谱系构建上的世俗化解构、信仰驱动上鲜明的功利目的性等民俗特征。  相似文献   

希伯来神话与希伯来民族的宗教信仰密不可分.本文在宗教文化视角的观照下,先是对每则希伯来神活的宗教内涵逐一解读,然后对整个希伯来神话的整体的宗教意义作了阐释,并进一步探讨了希伯来神话的宗教特征。  相似文献   

作为当代著名的社会学家,贝拉的思想主要围绕着现代性议题中宗教的意义和功能而展开。从其宗教社会学大致可分为求学阶段的学术积累、哈佛大学时期的悲观的乐观主义、20世纪60年代中后期的乐观的悲观主义和70年代后的后新教徒问题四个时期,他分别对宗教的本质、宗教研究的路径、宗教与现代化、宗教进化、美国公民宗教和美国道德生态重建等具体议题进行了分析。但我国学界对贝拉的介绍和研究多具碎片化。贝拉宗教社会学的基石是其宗教观,而这种宗教观又主要扎根于西方特别是美国社会之中。为此,我们对贝拉理论的接受和批判都必须以此为逻辑起点;同时,我们更不应仅拘囿于他的某个论说,而应对其学说有着整体的把握。  相似文献   

主要从自白诗代表人物罗伯特.洛厄尔早期宗教信仰及其宗教诗歌两个方面探索诗人的人文性及其诗歌的人文性。洛厄尔在天主教信仰中调整自己的精神状态,从非人文性的世界观转变为人文性的世界观,并付诸诗歌实践。洛厄尔早期的诗歌具有浓郁的宗教气氛,借助宗教阐述诗人的人文观尤其是反战观。  相似文献   

作为中国现代文学史上一位著名作家,徐訏在20世纪“文化综合”的四十年代,就已经开始了以文学想象的方式超越生命的困境,加入到了时代文学的主题之中。50年代居留香港后,他并没有因时代政治的变迁而中止对生命哲学的思考和对神性的追寻,这时期的小说在对基督教的颠覆、佛教和道教的融和中,实现了永恒超越现实的宗教圆融。  相似文献   

本首先论述宗教社会作用的二重性,在此基础上进一步探讨宗教与社会主义相适应问题。  相似文献   

宗教关系的和谐发展是社会主义和谐社会建设的重要组成部分,是构建社会主义和谐社会重大战略任务,是新世纪新阶段正确对待、处理我国宗教问题重要指导方针.促进和谐宗教的发展.创立新时期宗教工作的新境界.宗教在构建和谐社会中的意义与作用重大.  相似文献   

Spirituality is of acknowledged and profound importance to children from mainstream school populations, but has been overlooked in respect of children with special needs. This article explores the issues related to spirituality and disabilities, and the relationship between spirituality and education for students with special needs. The following aspects are considered: (a) holistic perspectives on education for students with disabilities; (b) spirituality as an integral element of special education and interventions; and (c) implications for educational programmes for students with disabilities. This article concludes that work in addressing issues related to spirituality and the implications for working with students with disabilities need to be given serious consideration.  相似文献   

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